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Speed Learning
Date of Scene: 25 April 2017
Location: Queensland Park
Synopsis: Eva gets a visit from someone who moves faster then she does. She gets a few lessons in using her speed from The Flash himself and then Breakfast!
Cast of Characters: 170, Flash

Eva (170) has posed:
Its been a long night. Way longer then any other that Eva had ever experienced. As a few passing storms went by, she got to witness raindrops in a whole new way. Not peppering her with water but actually watching the drops slowly move to the ground. It was kinda cool if not a little awkward. Somewhere along the line she had gotten a ball and a mit. Sitting in Queensland park, throwing a ball against a wall. She's throwing softly but still there is a small cone forming at the end, she's not really trying to move that fast though. Unknown to her, she's is drawing on the Speed Force. She doesn't know what that is, let alone that she's doing it.

Flash has posed:
This isn't Barry's usual stomping ground, but when you are The Flash and can be anywhere on Earth in under a minute there isn't many places you can't end up. Just so happens that Barry had tickets to the game tonight, and was just on his way back to Central City when he notices something familiar. The slight drain to the Speed Force that he generates draws his attention and in the blink of an eye and a rush of wind, the Scarlet Speedster is stating behind Eva with his arms folded over his chest. "You're new."

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva blinks a few times! Someone's actually able to talk to her?? Like this?! Whoa!!! She quickly stands up and gives a completely elated smile. "Oh thank gods someone else in this situation." She frowns. "I guess so. I can explain. The whole thing is really weird and I really wouldn't believe it if I wasn't in the middle of it."

Flash has posed:
Flash cocks his head to the side slightly as he gives Eva a once over, "You really are new. I'm the Flash, you may have head of me?" The Flash lowers his arms from across his chest and approaches the new speedster cautiously, "I've been where you are. Don't know what is going on, everything seems to be moving at a snails pace or slower, and you have no idea how to get things back to 'normal'? Do you need some help?"

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva nods slowly as she looks over the Flash. "I was in Chile. I was hunting a Ccoa. I found it. It hit me with lightning. I survived. I killed it and we both got hit by lightning. Next thing I know I'm in Bludhaven and 6 months had passed!" She frowns.

Flash has posed:
Offering over a soft smile, the Flash slowly offers Eva his hand, "I have no idea what a Ccoa is, but sounds pretty nasty if it is tossing lightning around. Tell you what, lets see if we can't slow you down some, then we can get a cup of coffee and you can tell me all about it, hrm? Take my hand."

Eva (170) has posed:
Feline like Lightning Monster from South America. It killed my parents. I was hunting it because... well vengence." She shrugs and nods. "Okay." She does take the Flash's hand and gets ready to go for coffee.

Flash has posed:
Another soft smile from the Flash to Eva, "I'm sorry to hear that. I lost my mom to tragedy." Once Eva takes his hand, Barry starts to siphon off the Speed Force from her slowly to help her regain a normal speed. "Don't worry, it'll be alright. I promise."

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva blinks a few times, "Wha.. What are you doing? Everything is starting to move faster." She watches feeling a little nervous. "Ummm It happened a few years ago. I became a hunter because of it and I'm sorta hoping my hunting days are over. I'm scared though. I have nightmares already from it."

Flash has posed:
"I'm slowly draining the Speed Force from you, to get you back running on normal time." says Barry in a soothing voice, "Once we get you back to normal, I can start to show you how to tap into it and not get stuck." He gives her hand a little reassuring squeeze, "Hunter? Well, sounds like it is a personal choice, so if you want it to be over couldn't you just stop?"

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva nods slowly understanding. She gives a frown and shakes her head. "This life I got into... its not something a person can easily get out of. There are two things you won't ever see, A Retired Hunter and an Old Hunter. Once you live this life, its very hard to leave. Most of us die before we reach an old age." SHe frowns over that.

Flash has posed:
"That doesn't sound like a very good job to have, but then again I end up fighting aliens and world ending situations...who am I to talk about 'safe jobs'." The Flash finally siphons off enough energy to get thing back to a normal speed, "There we go. Back to normal." He lets go of Eva's hand, "What's your name?"

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva nods slowly, "I know." She sighs, "Sorry bout that. Evangeline Wilde. Most just call me Eva." She looks and lets out a sigh of relief. "Things are normal again. Thank you so much! This feels great! Now I just need to find out where I was!" She frowns. Then she returns to the other topic. "Hunters track down and hunt superernatural entities. The things that go bump in the night. Vampires, Ghosts, Demons, Monsters, You name it."

Flash has posed:
"Eva" the Flash repeats, "Pretty name." The Scarlet Speedster gives her a grin, "You're welcome. Glad I was around to help. I didn't have any help when I went through this, but I have had lots of practice since. You seemed to be stuck tapping into the Speed Force, all be it not much of it. The world wasn't moving slower, you were moving faster...it was just your perception of the world that was slowed." He folds his arms over his chest again, taking a step back. "Monster hunter? There's all sort of crazy out there, isn't there. Never hurts to have more people on the side of the angels."

Eva (170) has posed:
"Thank you." SHe gives a little smile. "Yeah, about that. A few times I wound up moving a lot faster then what you seen. Also... lightning. Like red and yellow lightning." She blushes and shrugs. "Don't tie me in with the angels. I was in it for all the wrong reasons. Vengence. I also had to learn to do things that were unorthidox. Like hustle pool and scam credit card companies. Hunting monsters doesn't pay the bills at all. Most people think you're nuts if you say you're hunting monsters."

Flash has posed:
Flash nods, as he taps into the Speed Force enough for the lighting to crackle around his body, "Like this? Yeah, it's a side effect. Practice enough, you might be able to a point to project it." As Barry slows himself, the lighting fades once again, "Well, might I suggest a day job that doesn't have to resort to petty theft and fraud? That is only a path that is going to lead you behind bars, eventually." The Flash frowns slightly, "Even I have a day job, and I am on the Justice League."

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva laughs, "Honestly, I want to be done with that life in the worst way. I hate that I got into it in the first place but. The ends justified the means. I gotta keep telling myself that. Now I just wanna know what happened, first off, how the devil did I survive a direct lightning bolt not once but twice. I mean the first one knocked me on my butt. I mean..." She pulls up her shirt and... not a sign of it. Whatever happened, she's had time to heal. She looks down. "I could feel where it hit me! Right in my stomach. It hurt to breathe! It took everything I had to finish that monster off!"

Flash has posed:
Flash says, "I'm afraid I don't have all the answers," the Flash says with a shrug of his shoulder, "But it seems you were 'chosen' by the Speed Force, much like I was. Perhaps if you return to where it happened, yoou might be able to trace your path back here. As for your wound, one of the benefits of being a speedster is accelerated healing. You will come to find all the handy benefits in time, and unlike me, you will have someone to teach you the ropes should you wish.""

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva nods slowly, "Its okay. I'll figure it out. I would welcome any help in learning to do this. I mean... All that speed was crazy. I've never felt like I have since that happened." She frowns. "If that is what you think though, I guess I gotta go back to Chile. Would be nice to get a few things from the rental I was using... assuming it's still there."

Flash has posed:
A small, sly, smile forms on Barry's lips before it turns into a grin. "We can start small. So you want to go back to Chile? We can be there in a minute. Just think about how fast you want to be, and let the Speed Force flow through you. Just don't go too fast, or the wake you leave behind can do some damage." Lighting starts to race over Barry's body as he accesses the Speed Force himself, "YOu can let loose a bit over the water, though. Just make sure you go fast enough not to sink."

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva blinks and nods. "Okay umm, Flash." She closes her eyes and begins focusing. She imagines a jet moving at near sonic speed. Her body begins vibrating and the lightning starts arcing over her own body. "Whoa. I umm... I think I can do this!" She smiles. Her focus goes to the sky for all of a second. "Okay. This way!" She points and then... She's off!

Flash has posed:
Flash grins and gives her a bit of a head start before he takes off after her, and easily catches up. "Race you....but you will have to take over when we hit Santiago."

Eva (170) has posed:
"Okay Here we go!" Eva states as she gets ready. "Okay.. going to race with the Flash. How is this a bad idea again?" She mutters to herself. Then She's off. Her body launching at high speed but managing to not destroy anything. She goes tearing through Metropolis. She doesn't know about running on buildings or anything so she simply sticks to the road and jumping over cars. She isn't expecting to win but she isn't going to hold back either.

Flash has posed:
For his part, Barry is holding back. He knows that he has the advantage over the new speedster and isn't going to press his advantage. "He quickly catches up and matches pace with her, "Ok, let's see what you got, but not on the city streets. Lets get you somewhere flat so you can really let go."

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva smiles and nods. She steps up her speed. A mach cone just starts to show signs of forming as she gets moving. They are just entering Ohio now so things are starting to flatten out thankfully. "Is here good, Flash?"

Flash has posed:
Easily keeping pace, the Flash nods. "Here is great, a long stretch of land and flat to boot. Lets see what you got, Eva. Don't worry about loosing me, I'll keep up." As if to prove a point, The Flash zips ahead a bit, breaking the sound barrier with a boom.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva bites her bottom lip. "Lets do it." She closes her eyes and focuses for a moment. and for that moment, she lets go. *BOOM!* She punches it blowing past the sound barrier. She's definitely got some speed. She's not as fast as the Flash is. Then again, this is her first time really opening up and going!

Flash has posed:
Flash watches as Eva zips past, then matches to catch up with her. "Not bad, you are going at just over Mach 1. Impressive for your first time out. Can you push it any further, or is this what you find comfortable?" The Scarlet Speedster sprints ahead just a bit to see if she can catch up to him.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva smiles feeling herself moving so fast. "I umm... I think I can faster." Her eyes narrow a little and then she accelerates. Another boom goes off as she keeps going. She keeps going but something is holding her back. "This is... This is weird. I can fel it... I can feel the umm... The Speed Force was it? But something is scaring me..." She states and she is showing that she looks nervous.

Flash has posed:
Flash nods to himself, "Alright, take it back down and lets slow down. YOu could be pushing the limits and we don't want you getting stuck in the Speed Force. Slow it down bit by bit until you stop."

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva does as she is told. She starts slowing down. Her body coming to a stop in incriments until she stops. Where did they manage to stop? Right in front of the Gulf of Mexico. She looks at Flash and smiles, "Woah. Umm... We just crossed the country... I've heard of running cross country but This was crazy!"

Flash has posed:
Flash chuckles, coming to a sudden stop where she does. "Today it is crossing the country. Maybe tomorrow will be the ocean." Barry makes his way down to the waters edge, and trail his fingers through the lapping waves at the shore, "Run fast enough, you can run over the surface. You have to put your foot down just right to keep the surface tension." He looks over to Eva, "So, looks like your top speed is somewhere around Mach 2. I wouldn't press past that unless absolutely necessary."

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva nods slowly. She moves and takes a seat on a log. She looks out across the gulf. There is something bothering her. "I think... I think I know what happened to me over the last 6 months." She frowns and rubs her head. "While I was running it sorta hit me. When I got hit by lightning the seocnd time, everything went red and yellow. I was hurting really bad from the first hit and I think I passed out. I dunno how long I was out. When I woke up, it felt like... I dunno. Its like I could feel everything rushing around me but it wasn't. I can't explain it."

Flash has posed:
Flash turns his head to look over at Eva, listening as she talks. "Sounds like you might have been taken into the Speed Force, but usually once inside it is very difficult to get out. But that explains why you were still 'speed up'." He rubs at his chin, "What do you remember when you awoke?"

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva frowns, "It felt like, Have you ever been stuck in a tight area? Thats how it felt. Like I was stuck in this box but, I wasn't I could move and I was able to get around but... no matter where I went I still felt like the walls were closing in on me. I dunno how long I was there. It felt like a long time. I started walking. Then jogging and then I ran. I ran. I took off running, then I blacked out. I woke up in Bludhaven."

Flash has posed:
Flash hrms to himself. "Claustrophobia? Interesting. I can't say I have ever experienced anything like that before...but the running? That I know. When I had my first burst of speed, I was running to catch a cab. A cab I promptly run past. Then later I felt like the world had stopped when I saw a waitress drop some things. It was like they were hanging in mid air."

Eva (170) has posed:
"Thats how it was when I came back! People looked like they were frozen. I thought people were doing that mannaquin challenge that was big a while back. Then I realized that it was more then just them. That everything looked like it had stopped." She sighs and rubs the back of her head. "I think I could have gone facter. I was just scared. Scared of that place. I don't want to go back there. I don't know how or why I got stuck there to begin with but I was and now..." Eva frowns. She picks up a flat rock off the ground. Lightning arcs around her as she whips the rock across the water. With a very audible buzz the thing skips potentially for up to a mile before it finally sinks. "You know Flash, I have encountered a lot of things that haunt my dreams. Ghosts, Vamps, Werewolves, Hell I even had a run in with this shapeshifter that would leave piles of skin laying around when it would change shapes. It was freaking gross! I don't think any of it could scare me more then being in that place again."

Flash has posed:
Flash nods, sitting down by the waters edge. "Yeah, you will get used to that. The time slowing down is just your brain moving at super speed. You perceptions heightening so you can make decisions quicker. After all, when running at over 500 miles an hour, your reflexes have to be a little better than normal human speed." Barry chuckles, "There are times I go so fast, I feel like I can see the future, see every possible outcome of how events will unfold and pick the likely course of action."

He shrugs a shoulder, "The Speed Force is what gives us the ability to move like we do, but it also can be a prison to some. You can also use it to travel through time." He pauses for a moment and looks at Eva, "I wonder if that is your lost timeframe. Maybe you ran so fast you zipped ahead six months. It would explain your blackout and not having memories of the events. It's a thought, anyway."

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva shrugs, "It could. It really could have. To me, two days ago I was fighting a monster in chile, October 22, 2024. About 9PM Local time for Chile. It's not just the blackouts. Its that feeling like I was there that short of time ago." She sighs and juse shakes her head. "I think... my fear was keeping me from really letting go with my speed. I think I can go faster. Though it might be a good idea to gradually increase my speed. The last thing I want to do is to wind up in the speed force again or jump time if that's what I did."

Flash has posed:
"Yeah, I would advise taking it easy." says the Flash, nodding his head in agreement. "An accidental time jump is not easy to get back from, but even worse is going back in time. YOu have to be very, very careful with that. Change one thing, and it can have ramifications that are totally unexpected."

Barry stands, "Don't push yourself past your comfort levels unless you see no other choice. It isn't worth the risk." He jogs in place for a little bit, limbering up and having sat still for to long, "So, what do you think you are going to do with your new found power?"

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva nods, "You're right. I have no doubt that I will get faster over time as I grow more confident. For now I need to really get used to it. Moving like that is flat out crazy to me. I mean. I should be so exhausted I can barely move after that run. I feel like I can go again. THough honestly I'm really feeling hungry." She blushes a little.

Then there is the million dollar question. "Honestly? The only thing I know is hunting at the moment. Even though my goal was to vengence, I wanted to help people. If I just wanted vengence I could have tracked that Ccoa down before and dealt with it. But I trained myself and prepared for it. I was helping people, saving lives. Now sure I could start hunting again. A hunter moving this fast though? Things could get really bad like that. Imagine if a demon found a way to poessess me. I'd be a nightmare to deal with, Flash. So yeah. I need to push that life behind me. I still want to help people though."

Flash has posed:
Flash says, "Well far be it for me to discourage helping people. I know a group of people that would agree with me." the Flash says, "I help the people of Central City, and then when the League calls I help them with large things. My advice, though, is start locally and work with the police. If you are from Bludhaven, I know they could use all the help they can get." He chuckles, "And yeah, get used to having massive food bills. Once of the perks of having a high metabolism is that you need more energy to keep that up. All you can eat buffets are your friend, at least until they kick you out." Barry chuckles, stretching, "Come on...I'll buy you breakfast. Crepes in Paris? Waffles in Belgium? What would you like?""

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva looks at the Flash with a bit of a smirk, "I could really go for... I dunno a little of everything right now." She blushes over that. "I feel like I've not eaten in like 6 months." She laughs a little. "I think I'm going to have to find an actual job."

She pauses. "Wait... As I said before, getting out of the hunting life is near impossible. What if I worked as a consultant? Maybe help people with their problems?" She smiles. "I think that could work but, getting started will be tricky. Not like I have much money."

Flash has posed:
"I know a great all you can eat place in Central City. I have a discount card." Barry chuckles, the lightning starting to crackle around him as he starts to draw power from the Speed Force. "As for working as a hunter, or a consultant...I can't speak to that. Maybe I can get you a small loan to start up...I'll see if the League has any sort of scholarship or grant program. If we don't, we probably should." He shrugs a shoulder, "Anyway, let's go eat. Follow me." And with that, he becomes a blur of red and yellow, speeding off toward Central City.

Eva (170) has posed:
"I have so got to get used to this." Eva smirks and, seeing as there are no structures around or anything... She takes off at high speed sending a shockwave from a sonic boom through the area shaking trees and disturbing a few animals. Time to solve the breakfast problem.