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Latest revision as of 02:39, 30 March 2022

Friday in the Diner.
Date of Scene: 11 February 2022
Location: Mel's Diner - Breakstone
Synopsis: Another day in the diner. In comes Tony, and later Tim Drake.
Cast of Characters: Sarah Connor, Iron Man

Sarah Connor has posed:
Today was an unusual day. Usually the diner was full the whole day. This time it wasn't. It was so dead that the lunch break was more like a post-lunch dead time; with the post-afternoon dead time was barren..

It was so dead that even Sarah was looking for something to do and her time seemed to stretch onward, and onward.. and onward. She had filled up the condiments; wiped the seats down; filled the containers with napkins.. and now she had nothing to do.

Sarah sighed and poured herself a coffee.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony Stark is everywhere, in person and in magazines, on billboards. He's the face of the Avengers, or rather, one of them, he's the face of Stark-Fujikawa, but for brevity's sake, Stark Industries. He's been written up in articles from rags like the Daily Mail in the UK to Wallstreet Journal, and many, many others in between for various things that he has done, may have done, and rumored to have done but never proven. Only his discrete Personal Assistant knows for sure.


So, when he enters the little, so stereotypical that it's not, diner, there are is a distinct lack of patrons. Tony, for his part, doesn't seem to notice. Not initially anyway.

The man isn't a hulking 6' something; he's dressed cleanly, sharply, his beard carefully sculpted, short dark hair a touch wind-blown for the weather beyond. He wears a lightweight zipped jacket with casual wear beneath it. Shirt, sweater over top, jeans and high-top sneakers. Behind him is a man, a little heavier than he, a little shorter, and the pair are in light, easy banter.

"No, if I wanted that, I would have brought Pepper along. I want.."

Tony skips a beat, and looks for a likely looking person to whom he can next direct his comment / order. "Excuse me. I would like the greasiest burger ever. Cheese, bacon. I'm talking artery clogging." Behind him, the other man is shaking his head, though it may not be immediately ascertained if he's going with the 'no, don't give it to him' or the more defeated, 'I can't believe this is happening'.

Score one for the 'I can't believe this is happening,' when Tony twists around to his companion, and puts a finger in his chest, "Look. Do you have any idea how long I've wanted this? If I see another green thing," and without skipping a beat, he turns back around to the likely looking Sarah, "No green, no tomato. Nothing that would even remotely look like food for the burger," before he continues, "I will explode."

Taking a breath, he lets it out in a small burst and finds a spot at the bar. (Of course he does!) "Thank you."

Sarah Connor has posed:
Sarah stares at the man - not because he is Mr. Stark, no that doesn't earn him a stare - but because of what he ordered against the advice of the other man, who she could only think of was his, to put it politely, his keeper.

She knew many CEO's were great at businesses, and lousy at keeping themselves alive.

"One of our greasiest burgers. Hold the lettuce, the tomatoes, anything that can be grown in the ground, except for fries. Check." And she waited for the other guy, before she ordered. "Coffee while you wait?"

Iron Man has posed:
"I want the grease to actually run down my arm when I pick it up. Just this side of mooing." Thus, the comment regarding fodder for the former cow. Tony smiles after, one of those charismatic, disarming, charming smiles, that actually does reach dark eyes, which actually //can// be seen. No sunglasses for the man today. "Coffee is great." Leaning in his chair, it looks as if Tony is doing a quick search beyond, behind the bar, adding in a theatrical whisper, "And if you have anything to put in there, I'd even settle for Jim Beam."

If there was a way to turn and look at his companion while not seeming to do so, Tony's got it in spades. "C'mon, Happy. Have I taught you nothing?" He sounds in good spirits. "You don't go to a restaurant in Maine and ask for steak. You certainly don't to to Aspen and ask for fish. You come here, and feel it out. First step in told me that they must have great burgers."

Tony turns his attention back to Sarah, and there's that smile. The sort that leaves some people feeling like they're the only person in the room that he's paying attention to. "Right?" He does add in a sotto voice, playful humor obvious in place, "Back me on this..." there's a pause as eyes drop to read the nametag, and commits it to memory, "Sarah."

Sarah Connor has posed:
"Well, we can certainly cook it to the federally approved guidelines." Whether the means mooing, and dripping with fat remains to be known.

Too bad that Sarah isn't taken in by charm. In fact she trusts noonee except her son, and maybe, just maybe, Derrick. Everyone else? Taken with a dash of salt. Still she smiles - after all, she was a very good liar. Very good indeed.

"I could recommend a vegan burger. We could stick on the cleanest part of the grill?"

Iron Man has posed:
Cue groan, and one grinning Happy off to the side, who is only now gaining his seat at the bar to join his friend, and charge. After all, he's security detail! Plus, he promised someone that he'd keep Tony out of trouble. To the best of his ability, anyway.

Tony takes off his jacket, sets it next to him on an empty stool, and leans on the bar. He's not upset, not concerned, nothing appears that would seem to make his mood any less upbeat. "You have to actually //add// grease to that in order to keep it from sticking to the grill. Besides, I am morally opposed to 'fake meat'." Tony looks to Happy again, brows rising, "Sounds right up your ally, though." He reaches out to point to a spot on the other man's tie, underscoring his words, "Would cut back on your dry cleaning bills."

"So, Sarah. That coffee for me and my suddenly health conscious even though he's never met a meal he didn't like friend? Join us, and you can tell me why a place like this is quiet today. It's not my fault. I don't have an advance team clearing out places before I show up."

Sarah Connor has posed:
For Happy she orders the vegan burger. And their orders are taken in by the cook.

"Well, yes," Sarah fills up two mugs and passes them down. "You do have to put a thin film of oil to prevent sticking. A *thin* film." She put the creamers for them. "As for what is happening?" She can't explain it. "Maybe the February blahs? Could be. It happens occasionally."

She shrugs, even though she isn't comfortable with the quiet.

"So what brings you here? Surely you can get a burger the way you want it without bothering with the diner?" Oh yes, she knows how much money he is worth.