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Latest revision as of 02:41, 30 March 2022

Sometimes, It Just Needs A Run
Date of Scene: 10 January 2022
Location: Gym - X-Men Base
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Phoenix, Storm

Phoenix has posed:
The gym is used by not only students, but also the adults of the mansion on the occasions where they feel like a workout, but not the full sort of workout that incorporates powers and needs the danger room for safety purposes. This is one of those days for Jean. She feels like a workout, but only a physical one. She doesn't feel the need to work out her powers at present. Thus, it's to the gym she's come this afternoon.

The afternoon is stretching toward evening, and the sun is starting to sink to touch the horizon. Jean is making use of the track today. She jogs along it. Her hair is pulled back into a loose tail. She wears a rich blue teeshirt with a pattern of snowflakes worked into the fabric, a pair of matching sweatpants, and a pair of jogging shoes which are white. She looks to have been at this for awhile, if the sweat beading upon her skin is any indication.

Storm has posed:
Exerting one's self -- sometimes physically and sometimes through the use of powers -- can sometimes be a therapeutic sort of thing. It can help with a variety of things, and not just because it releases endorphins into the body. It feels good to be in motion, to be moving. Ororo had been away from the mansion for a fair part of the previous day, and returned sometime in the middle of the night. She's been tired today, but that's not unexpected for the small amount of sleep that she allowed herself. Hoping to earn a bit of a pick-me-up from a workout, Ororo has made her way to the gym.

The weather witch wears a blue t-shirt with a grey cartoonish cloud printed on the back of it, and a pair of black yoga style pants, and a pair of running shoes carried by the laces in her left hand. Her white hair is caught in a braid, and a pair of slip on shoes completes her outfit. She takes a brief pause after stepping within the gym, looking across the open space of it and taking note of Jean's presence on the track before she steps further within. And it is towards the indoor track that she starts to make her way.

Phoenix has posed:
Sometimes, it's less about feeling good being in motion, and more about it being a good place to think about various things. Jean, of course, notes Ororo's presence before the weather witch ever reaches the track. She was likely aware of that presence before Ororo ever stepped foot into the gym. But, other than noting it, she does nothing about it. Instead, she concentrates on what she's doing. It would look really bad to trip over her own feet and fall face first to the surface of the track, afterall!

Around the track she goes. It's sort of like that old addage; around and around they go, where it'll stop, nobody knows.

Storm has posed:
Sometimes it can be a good place to try to keep certain things out of one's head, too. Though that's sometimes what Ororo uses working out for -- and meditating -- it's not her purpose for this particular visit. Once she's reached the sidelines of the track, Ororo nudges off her pull on shoes and then lowers her running shoes to the floor. It takes her a few minutes to get them on and tied up, and then she moves through a few easy stretches to warm herself up.

She doesn't do anything that would distract Jean from her stride or otherwise cause calamity, or so she hopes. Once she's finished with a number of different stretches, she gets to her feet and then makes her way onto the track itself. It isn't often that she uses the track, but it's still good for her. She walks for a few steps before starting to jog.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey keeps her pace around the track. In one corner of her mind, she knows what Ororo is doing. She can't help it. It's just how she is. Part of it is spacial awareness of the physical kind. The rest is her power of telepathy. Neither one of them ever really shuts off.

She keeps her pace until she gets around the track and catches up to Storm. Then she slows her pace to jog alongside the white haired woman. "Mind too full again?" The question is soft as it's asked. Immediately after, Jean is silent again, concentrating on running and breathing and listening.

Storm has posed:
That there had recently been some time spent in meditation is likely something that Jean can pick up on as well, given the steadiness of her emotions. This is an easier thing since if her emotions are too turbulent then her mutant power can get out of her control. Her thoughts, however, are nearly always a different matter and much more difficult to tame or to keep them that way. They often seem more unruly when she's tired.

Ororo settles into a jogging stride, and she glances aside towards Jean when the other woman comes alongside of her. "It is often a problem that I have, as you know," she says softly, a hint of a smile touching her lips. It's a fleeting sort of thing, that smile. She jogs for a few strides further before saying anything more, though. "Things will settle out within it, with running," she adds. 'I hope,' is the thought that follows, even though she didn't mean to think it. "I find myself thinking often of Egypt, lately." Since being in Kit's head and being there, after a fashion.