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Latest revision as of 15:56, 23 October 2017

Whole Foods, Whole Trouble
Date of Scene: 25 April 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed.
Cast of Characters: Dragonfly (Arazello), 142

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    Whole Foods. The hangout for hipsters and yuppies both, all willing to pay that little 400% premium to spare ten minutes' work each day and a few dirty hands. Where else would a health-conscious professional like Nancy shop?
    Today finds her at the fresh pasta counter ordering her pastas for the week. An impressive, and growing, pile of different pastas is building to her right as the bemused clerk tries to keep up.
    "Right, and now the fusilli. Make it three parts regular, one part carrot, one part spinach."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Camembert. The bane of Adrien's existence. The only food that his kwami spirit will accept.

'You want to be a superhero? Smelling like cheese is the price you're going to pay!'

Plagg was a jerkface of a cat spirit. And Adrien wouldn't have it any other way.

Walking into the Whole Foods, the store introduced to him by a Mademoiselle Arazello, Adrien smiles politely to someone walking out, that perfect model's grin, toothless and seeming so warm and genuine. Admittedly, it's warmer than usual. No one's stopped him for an autograph in a week!

Turning his green eyes from the person leaving to the store and it's English signs, looking for the cheese department. AHA! There. Just past the pasta counter.

Putting his hands into the front pockets of his designer jeans, Adrien makes his way in that direction.

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "No no no! Fusilli bacarti, not the solid core stuff! The bacarti are so much better at keeping sauces. Fusilli rotini are what lazy people make."
    She seems to have quite the specific set of opinions on pasta. Almost as if she was brought up with it or something. Her keen eyes watch the long-suffering clerk like a hawk as he puts back the rotini and starts portioning out the bacarti instead. Satisfied that he's doing it right now, she looks around, planning her next purchase: breads. (Note the plural.) Her eyes fall on a somewhat familiar face; one that stands out.
    "Is that?..." she wonders to herself. Then, a bit louder, "...Adrien, is it?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
The sound of all the English and just the feel of being out on his own without a constant bodyguard was liberating. His steps were slow, unhurried, almost seeming without purpose when... was that his name?

Green eyes blink and Adrien looks about for the source, the voice, calling to him.

"....Mademoiselle Arazello," says the model, a bright smile finding its way to his face and he detours toward the pasta counter.

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    The fusilli gets placed on the pile which Nancy starts putting into her basket without looking. Her eyes seem elsewhere engaged.
    "It's nice to see you again. Was the camembert OK, then?"
    She smiles lop-sidedly, "I'm not really up on my French cheeses; I tend toward the Italian." Her eyes wander down to the basket three quarters filled with pasta. She blushes a little. "A bit of the old heritage, I'm afraid," she says wincing a little.
    She rallies. "So what brings you back here? More camembert or are you looking for something else?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
There's a faint, almost pained tilt to his grin. One he hides masterfully.

"It was perfect, actually. So, yes, I amm coming back here for some more. And... to see what else they have here to purchase," says Adrien as he stops a polite speaking distance from the italian-born woman, eyes falling to the contents of her basket. His smile warms again.

"Don't apologize for that. I think it's wonderful. Remembering where you're from..."

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "Well, I'm from Brooklyn, actually," Nancy says with a disarming wave. "Third generation. It was grandma who insisted I learn the right way to do things. Ruined me for New York faux-Italian for life, that woman did. For which I'm eternally grateful."
    She leans forward conspiratorily."Do you know there are people in this country who put barbeque chicken on PIZZA!? Or who think pesto goes on sandwiches?!" She shakes her head. "It's hard to believe!"
    She straightens out again. "Nope, I'm sticking to the tried and true ways. ... So ... Anything I can help you find? This place is practically my third hom..."

    "ALRIGHT EVERYBODY!" a harsh, male voice shouts. The one coming from the masked man who's just arrived on the scene with three other masked people, seemingly one woman two further males. "THIS IS A ROBBERY! IF YOU KEEP QUIET AND DO AS YOU'RE TOLD YOU PROBABLY WON'T GET HURT!"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Leaned toward, Adrien hesitantly but with the start of a mischevious little grin, leans forward as well. He chuckles at her scandalious reveal, straightening away when she does. He's just starting to nod, inhaling to reply when that harsh male voice sounds.


Adrien turns to face the source of hte sound, green eyes wide and darting about, looking for the security cameras. He takes one step, back and toward Nancy, putting himself between her and the robbers.

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    Nancy grabs Adrien and heads to ground. "This is America!" she hisses. "They have guns! You go down, you stay down, you don't even look up! Whatever you hear, whatever you think is going on, Adrien, you DON'T LOOK UP! They'll shoot witnesses!"
    Then, failing completely to follow her own advice, Nancy scuttles back and behind the pasta counter while the silent trio get distracted by a confused elderly man who doesn't follow instructions quickly enough for their tastes. CRACK! goes the butt of a shotgun to the man's temple. He falls like a poleaxed steer.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Yanked down, Adrien oofs faintly, green eyes widen on Nancy's face. He hears her words but there's not fear in his gaze. Well, not until she scuttles behind the counter, leaving him out in the open... where he can't DO anything.

This might be America, but he's still Paris' hero. And a hero saved people, no matter what.

Adrien looks up at the sound of that crack and determination steels over his gaze. Moving quickly and quietly, glancing up at the cameras, knowing their angles, Adrien scuttles back against the floor to hide himself between the pasta counter and the corner that urns to pasta sauces and produce to make sauces. Once more glance about to make sure he's clear of prying eyes, mirrors, and cameras, Adrien opens his overshirt for Plagg to zip out.

"Plagg. Claws out," he whispers as soft as he dares. The black cat spirit gets sucked into the silver ring on his finger as a ripple of destructive magic bursts away from his location.

Chat Noir grins from his feral little crouch, looking up at the shelves across the way. Oh yeah, he could make that leap. Get a few shelves down, turn the gunmen's attention away from Nancy, onto himself, and put himself in a place where one leap will put him behind them and near the doors so they can 'chase' him into the parking lot and clear of the people here.

Oh yes. This is going to be fun.

You know what they say? When the Bug's away...

Chat Noir leaps for the first shelving.

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    Another crack happens behind Adrien/Chat Noir, at approximately the same time as he turns into Chat. Paired with the crack is a bright flash, the smell of ozone, and the sound of tortured metal.
    "STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING NOW OR YOU'LL REGRET IT!" a woman's voice shouts behind him.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Chat Noir glances at the sound of the voice. She was loud, where he was moving as stealthfully as he could given that he was black against the bright lights of the store. Another super hero? Let's hope so!

Standing up straight on the top of a shelf, completely unconcerned by the heitght or whether or not a grocery shelf should be stood upon, Chat Noir extends his shelf to lean on, body at a jaunty angle.

"Methinks you should listen to the lady, you bandits. I've found, in my expurrience, doing so saves so much heartache and strife," he says boldy, brashly, without a care in the world that they could very well turn those guns on him and shoot at him... wearing little more than a skin tight black leather cat suit.

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    Wearing little else beyond a skin tight black bodysuit herself, the platinum-haired woman in heels stands in the open, away from customers, hair somehow blowing slightly in a non-existent breeze, eyes covered by wraparound sunglasses.
    She stares at Chat a moment, one silver eyebrow lifted in a "WTF!?" expression before shaking her head and turning her head toward the robbers.
    "Drop those weapons now!" she commands. The commanding tone is dead on. Almost as if rehearsed. It's undermined by what follows, however. "Look guys, I was here shopping and I just don't need this kind of aggravation. Drop the guns now and wait for the cops."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
She was shopping. Like himself. But to SAY that. Chat can't help but shake his head lightly, green eyes, slitted like a feline's, on teh men. He counts to ten. Or tries to. But his nerver fray and snap. Like a kitten having watched a feather toy dancing deliciously overheard, Chat Noir suddenly grins.

"Time's up!"

It's all the warning anyone gets before he, literally, pounces one of the guys. A nearly forty foot leap, made in a smooth motion. He lands on his target's chest while sweepnig his staff at the next closest, hoping to drop him as well as he just lets his momentum and weight drop guy number one.

"You're going down, right meow."

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    Guy number one drops like a concussed bee, not expecting a human-sized person to jump 40 feet on his chest. Guy number two gets a resounding crack from the staff, one leg swept out from under him, but circumstances had him in mid-step when it happened; the other foot was over the sweep of the tip, and while staggered, he isn't down.
    "DAMMIT!" Dragonfly's voice shouts from behind, but then she, too, has closed the gap. Astonishingly quickly. Taking out guy three. And chick one. And three shelving units as she piles them through dried goods, canned goods, and dairy.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Using Concussed Bee as a springboard, Chat Noir finishes the sweep with his staff with a flip kick at Staggered Boy.

"Cat-astrophic poor judgement, gentlemen. Mew should have listened to the lady, put the guns down," Chat is saying, chattering as he seeks to dispatch his second foe before his eyes dart about to look for any others.

"Though, if mew had, then we wouldn't be in this purrdicament, would we? Life is full of difficult decisions!"

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    Staggered Boy staggers further at the kick, then, stumbling as he turns, tries to flee. Running straight into Dragonfly's chest.
    "Is this one of yours?" she asks, holding the screaming and kicking (and ... possibly soiling himself?) thug aloft. "If you're not finished with him I can let you have him back."
    She smiles. It's actually a pleasant one, given the circumstances.
    "Dragonfly," she says, gesturing to her chest, hand moving down the stylized symbol. "I shop here."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
The symbol is noted, cheshire grin on the blond black cat's face. His green eyes brillant.

"Chat Noir," the black cat introduces himself with a flurish, a bow at the waist that comes complete with a wide sweep of arm... and a happy flick of what looks like a leather belt that is moving exactly as a cat's tail would. And he is NOT going to say that he shops here. No no. Bad idea.

His eyes go back to the thug, head tilting thoughtfully, the cat peering at a panicked little mouse. Chat's grin is broad, almost feral looking, sharp little canines visible.

"He is, thank you, Madam Dragonfly. Push him to the door? See if I can catch this mouse before he scurries away?"

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    Dragonfly's face turns toward Chat with a dubious look. "I'm not sure if we're meant to be playing with the criminals, Chat Noir?" she suggests. "I think maybe it's best if we just ... immobilize him and then leave him to the authorities. The ones coming as we chatter, in fact."
    She grabs a nearby stool and bends its metal legs around the ankles of the last standing thug. "There. He's not going anywhere. But we probably should.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"Awww.... What hace i been doing with my life?" Chat laments through thw pout that is more devious grin than pout. His green eyes watch Dragonflu truss up the baddie as he remains crouched like a feline sittong on its haunches, tip of tail twitching back and forth.

"Agreed. Therexs a lovely rooftop not far away. Come on. I purromise not to go too fast for you!" Chat Noir grins a devillish grin that could mean anything before he straihhtens up, gices the room a sweeping bow and then turns and bounda away, rihht over the incoming cop cars. because he can.

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "What took you?" Dragonfly asked as Chat arrives. A tight smile graces her face. One of those triumphant ones of someone who thinks they may have just scored a point but isn't quite sure.
    She's sitting cross-legged in the air, watching Chat's arrival, raising an eyebrow at his abilities, impressed by his athleticism at least if not his raw speed.
    "So what shall we talk about, Chat Noir?" she asks. She butchers the pronunciation slightly. Sort of like most Americans butcher the pronunciation of his real world name.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Whoa. She's already here? The moment of surpriase fades a heartbeat later, replaced by that snarky grin.

"Oh. Nothing," he retorts, letting her have the point with good grace.

"I dunno. what do you wanna talk about? First time heroing? You maybe shouldnt let the bad guys know where you shop, unless you shop in the oitfit, in which case brava to you! "

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "Oh..." Dragonfly pauses a moment. "Well, not my *first* time," she says defensively, but yes, I'm kind of new to this game." She furrows her brow. "How would them knowing I shop there help them? They have no idea what I look like out of Dragonfly," she asks. "I mean if I told them who I was that would be different, but thousands of people go ... went ... I think it's going to be closed a while ... into that Whole Foods every day."
    Her gaze wanders over to the direction of it. "I've got a ... well ... friend down there. Acquaintance really. I should probably make a showing before he gets suspicious. Could you hold on a few minutes? I'll get down there, make sure he's OK, make some vague excuse or another, then I'll meet you back up here afterwards? Is that alright?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Crouched, like a cat sitting on his haunchesn Chat Noir regards Dragonfly, tail curled about the steel toe of his boots. the tip is curled up towars his knees.

"Not all bad guys are morons," is all Chat retorts to why you shouldnt tell people where you shop while in uniform even if he is nodding to the store being closed. The thoughts makes him frown, his inner Plagg lamenting the loss of cheese already. He turns his gaze back to the store. Hearing that she had an aquaibyance down theren has his hesd tilting faintly, gaze returning to her. Maybe she means Nan... no she said -he-. oh crap. Nancy was down therr still. Chat frowns lightly.

cYeah. You do that. I'll check on.. something.. and.. meet you. yeah.." He was already moving for a place close enough to transform and slip into the group of people the police had evaccuated.

Chat bounds one direction, gets low and then sprints as fast as he can managr, geeling as if she'll get there long before he does. Must slink in, get betwren cars, power down, then near some police anatching a shock blanket in his way to wrap over his shoulders....

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    Nancy is being escorted from the premises as he arrives, paramedics briefly fussing over her until it's clear she's not injured, not particularly in shock, and indeed far better composed than you'd expect a yuppie to be in after a brutal attack and take-down at Whole Foods. She does look worried, however, as she scans the crowd. Relief floods her face as she spots Adrien.
    "Oh, thank God you're alright!" she exclaims, running up and impulsively hugging him. "I was so worried when we got separated like that."
    She gestures behind her. "The clerk at the pasta counter pulled me behind; I guess he forgave me being so fussy or something. When everything blew over you were gone."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Green eyes had been scanning for Nancy also, and an indentical look of relief flickers acrosa hia face before ita quickly schooled infavor of his usual warm model smile.

"Yeah. I'm fi-oof!" Adrien was not expecting the hug. Not even remotely, not even slightly. He blinks at the brief odd scent, but puts it out if his mind because he is bring hugged. Hugs are too rare a phenomenon to waste mental process wirrying about smells.

It takes Adrien a full ten seconds to sort out where arms should go, finally ending up when his hands on her shoulders lightly.

"Yeah. I.. kinda bolted... first chance I got. I... happened a lot... in Paris... Body guards..." What are English words even?!

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    Nancy releases Adrien from the impromptu hug with an embarrassed little grin. "Sorry," she says, then, by way of attempted explanation, "Italian blood. Very physical."
    She steps back to something more appropriate.
    "I was kind of scared too," she adds in a voice that's too calm by halves. "Anyway, good to see you're OK." Her eyes stray ruefully to the Whole Foods and the mess still visible through the front plate glass. And is that a guilty look? "I'm pretty sure this is going to be closed for a while." She messes around in her purse and pulls out a Lexcorp business card. "Give me a call if you're still looking for fancy cheeses. I'm pretty sure I can find some decent speciality delis that import the good stuff."
    She presses the card into his hand. "Listen, I've gotta run now. Previous engagement."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Clearing hisbthroat lihhtly, Adrien shakes hisbhead quickly.

"Nono. it isnokay. I didnt mind. i mean it was nice.. that is... Yeah, scared.," he finishes a bit lamely, stepping back, still feeling the warm of her on his clothong. He looks over, not at all ashamed of the mess, only to blink as a card is pressed into his hand. Adrien takes the cardn eyes settling on it.

"Hmm? Oh yeah. Me.. too. Photoshoot.." he mumbles, the lie too easy and too smooth, so practiced afyer these many years. Pocketing the card and turning back the way he came, Adrien drops the blanket onto a car hood and leaves thw area, finds an niche between buildings, powers back up, and returns to the rooftops.

He owes Plagg so much cheese!

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "Photoshoot?" Nancy wonders aloud. Then shrugs and rushes off out of sight herself. A flash of light, and she's zipping back to the rooftop, going barely subsonic to get there as quickly as possible and with as little chance of being tracked as possible.
    "I see you beat me this time," she says with a grin as she arrives to the rooftop. "I got rid of my acquaintance; made excuses and stuff. Wouldn't you know it. He had a photoshoot to go to anyway!"
    She laughs and sits cross-legged in the air again. "Isn't that just my lousy luck. It turns out the guy I was chatting up is an actual model ... and I had to make excuses."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Booyah! Beat her! Grinning like the cat with the goldfish, Chat Noir rolls the shoukder he doesnt have leaned against the small house the is this building's roof access. Arms folded over his chest, he tilts his head with a suggestive smirk.

"I wouldnt be uoset if you purrrfered a model to little ol' me," Chat Noir does in fact purr that word, tail tip swishing behind him. What are the odds? Another model! Heh.

"But, I mewst say it is a pleasure you'd like to stay a chat with the Chat." Get it? He snickers at himself.

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    Dragonfly puts on a pained look as the puns keep on trucking.
    "Well, I hardly know him," she says, trying to cut through the jokes. "I've met him twice now. He seems nice enough. Anyway, it's not like I have any time left in my life for socializing."
    She changes subject. "So, do you live in the neighbourhood, Mr. Noir, or were we just fortunate to have you in Whole Foods today?" She chuckles lightly. "Believe me, if you're in the neighbourhood you're welcomed. I'm new to this gig and I'm not even sure I want to be a part of it. Anything that reduces my workload is hunky dory."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Oh, that pained look! Chat knows it so well. It means the one making the face LOVES the puns and so they must commence apace. Chat grins his cheshire grin as Dragonfly tries to stay serious. The leather belt (really, it's just a belt that hangs behind him) curls itself up in feline amusement as the leather ears (Yes, triangle bits of leather that look like they might just be CLIPPED INTO HIS HAIR?!) flick about like real ears.

"Aaawww, but duchess, you sure always make time in this crazy like fur some mew time. Otherwise, mew'll go catty," Chat Noir retorts, but then follows the subject change in much the same fashion as a cat would chase a laser pointer.

"Don't live in the neighborhood, so yes, I was just pawsing by. But cats have a purrrtty big territory, so I'm sure you'll be seeing me around. If you're new, unless you don't mind unwanted attention or just don't care of people know who you are out of the suit, you probably shouldn't volunteer too much in the way of purrrsonal information. Vague can be aluring, if used purropurrrly," Chat Noir explains, that grin never leaving his face. if anything it grows with each little cat pun he wiggles into his words. In English too! GO HIM!

"You meant hunky kitty, right?"

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "Well, thank you, I guess, for helping out. The punks wouldn't have hurt me, but ... yeah ... I'm not really suited to tackling things in enclosed spaces like that. You cut the property damage in half." Dragonfly glances in the direction of the distant, concealed Whole Foods. "Insurance will get all that, though, I'm sure."
    "So I guess what I'm saying," she says, keeping a straight face, "is that your assistance today was the ..." She telegraphs the pun. Heroing isn't the only thing she's no good at. "... cat's meow."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Chat Noir's nodding, smiling broadly at Dragonfly as he leans there, arms folded so casually over his chest, tail tip twitching behind him lazily. An ear flicks to one side briefly as the smile turns into s lopsided smirk.

"Insurance is good at that. But only if they bought the super package," which is said as he unfolds and arm to flex. He's not a muscle bound oaf. Chat Noir is lean wiry in his nuscle build. But he IS well defined. (He fights crime at night with cat-like athletism... and he's a model, so... yeah. He knows how to pose it.)

The arm is lowered as she keeps her straight face. His ears twitch at the telegraph. His eyes brighten. His nose twitches. If he has whiskers they would have perked forward. He waits, breath held, for the pun to drop. When it does, Chat Noir loses it.

Falling to his back on the warm sunny roof, Chat holds his stomach with his clawed hands, feet kicking up, rolling a bit side to side, and laughing. He's laughing until he's breathless, until his ribs are hurting and his cat-like slitted green eyes are leaking tears into the corners of his black mask.

"AH! Madame Dragonfly! You SLAY me!!"

Chat Noir rolls about laughing more.

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "I'm ... not sure if you're deranged or if you're mocking me," Dragonfly says, gaping at the display of hilarity before her. She removes her sunglasses absently, pinching the bridge of her nose. "And to be honest I'm not sure which would bother me the most of the two." Her insect-compound eyes then stare at the rolling cat unblinkingly. Or so it seems since it's hard to see for certain what she's looking at.
    She sighs.
    "Still, this neighbourhood appreciates the help, deranged, mocking, or otherwise." She smiles. This is actually more unnerving than reassuring given her eyes. "Believe me, we need all the help we can get; we've got some problems brewing as the neighbourhood upgrades."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Laughing subding, Chat flips back to his feet, smile still broad, tail nearly a corkscrew behind him.

"My Lady would say derrrranged. I would never mock the use of such delicious puns, duchess. I am not a cruel and heartless tomcat, after all!" Chat Noir contends, a hand over his heart through a bow. There goes the tail, flicking side to side into and out of corkscrew after corkscrew.

"I am purrrfectly happy to have been of assistance, your grrrace," Chat Noir replies as he straightens back up to his full height. Six and a half feet tall.

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "You know, I'm pretty sure I'd have spotted you in Whole Foods even without the getup. So that means a transition. And if it's anything like mine you change from the opposite of what you are now. So, I'll start looking for short, clumsy, dumpy men with dour dispositions in the future."
    Again the unnerving smile. She really needs to put those glasses back on.
    "And you can look for a frumpy housewife. It will be fun!"
    She chuckles and steps down to the roof, still, despite her height AND her heels, having to look up a bit at Chat.
    "Once more for the record, Dragonfly," she says, extending her hand for a handshake. "Welcome to the neighbourhood Mr. Noir."
    She doesn't seem to understand enough French to recognize "Black Cat" as a code name.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Wow, those eyes are wild! He thought his own got freaky. Inwardly glad Ladybug's are the perfect bluebell hue and not crazy bug-eyed, Chat Noir smiles and reaches out to shake hands.

"Maybe I wasn't IN the store to begin with? Maybe I was just something the cat drug in at the last minute?" Chat retorts with a lopsided grin and mischief in his green cat eyes.

"Or I could just transform into the best possible furr-sion of myself? Each of us change dif-furr-ently in the mask, no?" he adds, head canting to the side, gaze locking to hers despite the oddity of her eyes. His smile broadens.

"And once more, for the record, duchess: It's Chat Noir. Or just Chat. Or you can translate it if you like. I'll answer if you call me Cat," he quips, turning her hand over mid shake so he can bow over her hand and lightly brush her knuckles against the fall of his blond hair by his forehead.

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "Chat it is, then," Dragonfly says. "And ... please don't say that. I hate thinking about the fact that this is what my subconscious considers the perfect female form. It makes me such a damned bimbo!"
    She slips the sunglasses back on.
    "It's been an interesting pleasure, Chat," Dragonfly says. "I'm afraid that I have to take off now, though. It's time to go to work."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"As the duchess commands," Chat Noir replies with a flourish and a bow, grinning nevertheless. When she says it's time for her to go, the cat leaps up, and back to land on the roof access building he had been leaning on. For a heartbeat it looks like he's going to miss, but it's like how a cat seems to levitate effortlessly onto a flat surface. Chat Noir settles lightly upon the tiny building's edge.

"Until next time, Dragonfly. I look fur-word to your next purrfect pun!" Chat Noir gives a wink then leaps forward, clearing this rooftop and landing neatly in the middle of the next before he takes off at a sprint to leap to the next one. Another leap and he's out of sight like he was never there.

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    Dragonfly takes off her sunglasses again and just stares in disbelief as Chat departs.
    "Unbelievable," she mutters. "And I thought Bjorn was odd..."
    She sighs and vanishes in a clap of air, blurring into the sky for work.