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Of video games and job offers
Date of Scene: 06 April 2022
Location: Rec Room - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Rogue and Hank enjoy movie night.
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Beast

Rogue has posed:
Spring break means that there aren't many students at Xavier's school right now, which opens up the rec room for the mansion's more permanant residents to have a little fun. Course, all Rogue does in the moment since she's a recluse and by herself most the time is play video games. Currently, she's playing something on the Xbox, a game called Fable - and is fighting a bad beastie made entirely out of rock. "Ah! No! Don't do... ugh... shit. Health potion. I need to drink a health potion..."

Beast has posed:
Spring break for Hank often comes with a furious amount of marking. And reviewing and assessing projects handed into him at the end of the spring term. Some of this could better be described as a 'best effort' when it comes to a grade, when such things as 'Tomatos: vegetable or fruit?' come up and how to prove it and the inevitable student that wants to catalogue and study mychorrizoid networks. Aka: They want to see what happens when they leave pork and beans in a bowl for a month over break, to record the mold growth. In the end, it can get tiresome.

But the other thing that can come out of spring break, is that he can wander around in his rattiest T-shirt with the cookie monster and lots of random holes bred from years of love and the monster that is the washing machine. And sweat pants that also have holes. Fur tufts out in weird places, he has a bowl of cheetos in his grasp and a twelve pack of beer in the other as he enters, only to pause and stare at the screen for a moment or twenty... kind of leaning... with the action.

Rogue has posed:
This is the thing Rogue is very happy about. At least *she* doesn't have any classes to teach and therefore does not have to do anything regarding grading and assessing. She probably wouldn't be too good at it anyway. Nope, she just handles detention - which likely involves threatening to take away powers if people get too rowdy there also. Of course, if she knew there was a debate about a tomato being a fruit or vegetable, she'd be all over that.

Being who she is and how she works, Rogue has developed a keen sense of knowing when another is in the room with her. Though she only glances back once, spies the blue tufts, and then glances back to the television screen and finally beats the bad guy. "Ha! Come to me my precious ruby... worth quite a bit of gold and momma needs new threads." A beat. "Hey Hank. Whatcha up to?" She glances back again. "Is it movie night?"

Beast has posed:
"Erm," is the initial reply. He looks down at his bowl of cheetos, the beer in hand and at the seating arrangements in the rec room, picking the big comfy chair right next to Rogue in order to curl himself up in like a absurdly flexible teddy bear. "I think I was planning on channel surfing, so that my brain can recoagulate. It's currently somewhere beneath puddle and turned to ooze. I need inane mindlessness to just stare at, so that it can set. Like mousse. I hate marking."

The cheetos though, he sets on the side table between them, along with the beer. "Young minds. Great when you're making them brilliant with knowledge, less so when they are quite obviously unclear on the concept. This is... myth? No. Wait. Fable?"

Rogue has posed:
"Ah. Channel surfing. That can be fun too." She offers this before watching him get comfy in the big chair next to her and then sets cheetos and beer on the table. "Only time alcohol is allowed in here is when the kids are gone... but it still feels like we're breaking the rules somehow..." This is said with a chuckle and then glances to him. "Yeah. I don't blame you there. I hear grading papers can be a right pain in the ass..."

When he names the game, she beams a smile. "Yeah. Fable. I like it for the storyline, but I've beaten it in a few different ways. Been all evil, all good, and somewhere in between. Fun game tho. However... something more interesting has entered the room. How about we meet in the middle and watch a movie that doesn't take much effort to follow." A pause. "Might come with some Rogue cuddles."

Beast has posed:
"I rather enjoyed American McGee's Alice, although I ended up far too mind bent for my own good... had a similar reaction with Silent Hill and spent a while jumping at my own shadow, once I'd played it for too long." There's a soft little chucklesnort at the rebelliousness of beer in such forbidden places, which he follows with a "Moo-ha-ha-ha!" He ticks his chin up at the console though. "Save and we'll see what's on the streaming service? Worse case scenario, I'll splurge and pay for something on the gogglebox."

Uncurling again, he pads over to the couch and others might have to manoever this, but he simply picks it up in one large hand and brings it over, picks Rogue's chair (and her) up and rearranges the rec room a little bit, so that the couch is centerpiece. "I think there's a couple of throws in one of the sideboards, from when Bobby would crash out on the couch here to hide from people."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue saves her game and sets the controller down. Wireless as it is, she just needs to set it on the table. "I can't play Silent Hill. Gives me nightmares..." Offering this much in response to his admittance to playing such games. A light giggle offered to his whole Moo-ha-ha'ng about bringing beer into the rec room - cause it's just a funny thought. There's even a bar in the rec room but all it has is sodas.

Then, suddenly, her chair is being lifted with her in it and she hangs on playfully for dear life until set down again. Standing, she goes to grab a couple of throw blankets and brings them over so they can nestle up on the couch together as safely as possible. Hank comes up with the best ideas sometimes. "Oh. I might start workin' a part job at Club Evolution. For Sam."

Beast has posed:
"After having played it, I can say that it does the same for me. Note: I did not even attempt the sequel, but the completionist in me wouldn't let me not..." getting comfortable is an artform taken to new and exotic heights when it also involves making sure you don't touch bare skin. There? No, there. Here. and a bit there, lift aaaaand cover. They might be pieces of furniture themselves with how artfully they're draped. But it's cozy at least. -- Browsing of the pay per view commences, scrolling through the inanes to the sillies, comedies and animated movies seem to be the best bet.

"Hmm?" What, wait a sec. "What as? Barkeeper? Bouncer? Surely not a dancer, that would be far too distracting..."

Rogue has posed:
A twist, a turn, a juuuust hair further this way annnnnd...settled. Yes. This is nice. Yet also, she's settled and calm enough without her mind racing with thoughts. More importantly, with fears. Just existing there with Hank, browsing movie titles and wondering just what to watch. One cannot go wrong with an animated movie or a comedy. But she'll just watch movies scroll for a moment while having a conversation. "Mmn, and yet I bet if I was going to be a dancer, it'd get you out to the club in a heartbeat." Teasing him with a giggle and then shrugs. "Security. Probably a bouncer, but I think also more just makin' sure things in and out of the club go smoothly. I want to get out there an' do a little somethin'. I think it might help with my fears over all. Gettin' out into public more."

Beast has posed:
"Oh, highly likely, as quick as a capricious bolt from the blue, though I'm not sure if it would be to watch you avidly or watch other people watching you avidly. And my word, but the jury will forever be hung over that one..." So many titles to choose from, it may take some time, therefore whilst one leaps up and yells 'me, pick me!' he cracks a couple of beers via a cunning technique of knocking the caps on the edge of the table, handing her one. "It might at that though. Some of it is so well learned by now, social anxiety of a very different stripe. It ought to be good for you in that respect, after all is said and done."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue seems to think on this notion for a moment and then gives a chuckle. "A solid meet in the middle. You would watch people watch me avidly and sneak your own peeks yourself every so often." She offers this and then shakes her head. "I don't think I could ever. If I'm going to dance for someone, it'll be a private thing. Reserved for someone special." Watching the titles as they scroll on through, nothing really jumping out and catching her eye on the moment, but she does take the beer when offered by Hank. She's actually not wearing gloves - cause she was alone and not doing anything that could cause a fuss so why bother. But in this moment, her hand brushes against Hank's own for a brief second and...nothing. No tingle of warning, no powers lost, she doesn't turn blue and he doesn't go hairless. "I'm hoping so..."

Beast has posed:
SSSH! Be very quiet, no sudden moves! If you do, you might startle it and that would make it flee for cover! So all there is in that brush of contact is a look down that is perhaps exaggerated in how nonchalant it is, measured by how carefully there ISN'T a look of shock and how casual carrying on like nothing happened, is.

However, all of this aside, she's leaned up against him so can hear how his breath caught ever so briefly... and then nothing happened. "Or when you're in a parking lot and everyone else is dancing, too. But then that was still a private show..." Hank offers with his underbite showing in his grin. But only when the contact isn't happening any more. "Mindfulness seems to be having a positive effect on you too," he points gently toward her hand and then looks at his own with a chuckle.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue blinks and looks, and then tilts her head. No sudden thoughts, no sudden fears, because there is a touch or was a touch, and nothing happened. As he mentions her dancing in the parking lot, she does blush, and then gives a shake of her head. "Yes, that was still a private show because we were in the back." This much agreed upon and then she swaps to hold her beer in her other hand and touches his arm again. Still nothing. She smiles.

"Okay. Yes. I'm not freakin' out. I ain't worried about harmin' ya. Just touchin' ya...cause I want to..." Her fingers curl a bit and she smiles, taking a swallow of beer. "Don't wanna push my luck too much but this is...I like this." A glance to the television then. "Ooh... Willow maybe?"

Beast has posed:
"Willow? I could do Willow. Why not?" Hank selects the movie and scrolls through the various saved credt cards to his own, then enters his pin code and lo, doth the credits begin to roll! "No complicated storyline, just a fantastic movie for exactly what it is. And who doesn't like a bit of sorcery, swashbuckling and obvious badguys?" He settles the bowl of cheetos in reach and rests his arm around her. Very lightly and very fleetingly, there's a kiss atop of her hair, one that lasts many a second before it ends. "Not wanting to push my luck or yours, but yes. Maybe this would be even more successful if we were ridiculously stoned. That could be something to attempt."

Rogue has posed:
"Indeed. It really is just a good movie to enjoy..." Course, Rogue hides her eyes when he's putting in his pin number, and then smiles as she opens them again. "Oh of course. Just... I hope you don't mind me quoting bits here and there..." This offered with a chuckle and then her eyes flutter some when she feels that kiss to her head and that arm around her shoulder. She shifts a bit, to just nestle against him all relaxed and then hums. "Oh... that would be a thing to do. Get stoned together, watch a movie that's good to watch while stoned, and just hang out together."

Beast has posed:
"The big Lebowski. Or Pineapple Express. Or hell, even Spaceballs. Or the Princess bride. All of these excellent examples of modern cinematography and marvels of the potion micture." Yes, that was deliberate, but he said it with such finesse and nonchalance that it might even be ignorable. "Or even the Meaning of Life. I did that once. It was a truly transcendental experience that I have yet to fully wrap my thoughts around -- I very much sang along, too." Looking sidelong to her, there's a small, slightly goofy smile shared. And oversized arms making a secure nest of the two of them, complete with room enough to flick cheetos at his mouth to catch, which he does nine times out of ten.