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Ladies night at the Lady.
Date of Scene: 09 April 2022
Location: The Blue Lady, Fort Joseph
Synopsis: Thomas gives Yelena the tour of the Lady including the Apartment upstairs. They then spend the evening watching I love Lucy and playing Monopoly... She managed to get all the railroads on her first trip around the board. Obviously cheating.
Cast of Characters: Thomas Raith, Lois Lane, Black Widow (Belova)

Thomas Raith has posed:
It's a typical Friday night at the Blue Lady, the music can be heard well out into the street and people are lined up around the block waiting for their turn to enter one of the best Clubs in the city. At the door a young Hispanic man with a pair of modern tomahawks at his belt checks ID's, wands for weapons, and occasionally lets particularly attractive females skip the line entirely. This is the case for the brunette in the tight retro dress and the attractive athletic blonde in the black dress. He points to them in the line and beckons them close. "Jou. An' jou. Yah get in now. Yah tell de bartender Axe said treat yah good. T'ink bout me freezing out here while you having a good time, huh?" He offers with a toothy grin.

Lois Lane has posed:
The invitation inside early gets a slightly surprised look from Lois and a little laugh, "I'm not writing a story about the place, but I'll take the VIP treatment. I'll pass along the message." Lois tells the young man, giving him a little wink but then motioning for Yelena to head in before she does.

Lois is in a very mod outfit tonight, a 1960s swing-cut mini dress that covers just to the top of her thighs and is a screaming red color. White mod boots and a bumped up hair style finishes the look. She's apparently planning on drinking and dancing the night away as she confidently strides up to the bar, "Dirty gin martini and a snakebite shot to start the night."

Black Widow (Belova) has posed:
Yelena Belova doesn't mind skipping the line. She'd thought about doing it the old fashioned way and just breaking in up above and slipping down through the ceiling tiles and into the bathroom. She's gotten into quite a few 'exclusive' clubs that way. Even if they know she doesn't belong, they don't usually have a bouncer that can get her outside. But that usually gets blood on her shoes and she paid a lot of Pepper Potts' good money for these Louis Vittons.

This is much easier and won't get blood on her shoes.

She looks to Lois as the two are sent in, "I will not be thinking of him," she says in her very distinctly Russian accent. "He look like a man I knew in Moscow we called Smelly Bum Fart. He liked to try to hit on girls outside of ballet school. Very much creeper. When he tried to touch my ass, I broke his collarbone." She gives a thin smile to the bartender, "Vodka soda, twist of lime."

Thomas Raith has posed:
The bartender, who rather looks like Bruce Willis in the movie RED, only with an eye patch and what looks like talon scars around it, nods to the ladies when they order but is currently assisting other customers. Which is when a silken smooth voice calmly says "I've got it Yosa." The man in the white suit looks like he is part of the atmosphere. Stepping right out of a 1920's speak easy, and making it look good. He fixes Lois's drink first, then Yelena's and slides them across the bar to them. He then takes out a crystal liquer decanter and a highball glass. He fills the glass with ice then from the decanter and says, "And if you ladies would like to join me at my table, those will be on the house." Of course the only open table is the Owners booth.

Lois Lane has posed:
A brow climbs up Lois' forehead at the offer of the table. Of course, she recognized Thomas Raith. She's a hot shot reporter, it's her job to know the movers and shakers across the various cities, even if Raith was mainly in the gossip column. She looks him up and down, giving a little grunt of thought, "Grant was right, you *are* that pretty in person. Unfair. I drink heavy, just a warning, but if you keep'em comin', I'll stay all night." She flashes him a grin, then looks over towards Yelena. "Warning. I know I'm trouble and I suspect he is. So, depends what kind of night you are up for."

Black Widow (Belova) has posed:
Yelena Belova flicks her eyes over towards Thomas when prompted and lets out a little whistle. "Buying drinks for two ladies at one time is bold move. Impressive," she says. At Lois' question, the Black Widow can't help but laugh a little.

"I am very much trouble, too, rich American lady. Do not worry pretty head about me. I can take care of myself," she says, taking a sip of her drink as she makes her way over towards the stranger's table, "Yelena Belova," she says by way of introduction.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins wickedly. "Well to be fair, I was under the mistaken impression you were here together, so it seemed to make sense to buy drinks for you both. But if you are both looking for trouble, I am certain I can oblige." He takes up the decanter and his glass, leading the way to the empty table. On the way he stops one of the servers, telling her to keep drinks flowing towards his table, and lets the ladies settle in before setting down. "Well now, it's a pleasure to make your aquaintance Yelena." He says mildly amused, and then to both of them "My name is Thomas Raith, humble club owner and at your service, in all meanings of the word. But in here, most simply call me The Man in White." He nods to Lois, the only one yet to introduce herself.

Lois Lane has posed:
A deep crack of a laugh escapes Lois' lips as the Russian woman calls her rich. She shakes her head, slamming back that snakebite shot and then scooping up her martini so they can all move to a more comfortable aread, but she's still smirking. Amused. "Oh god, I'm not rich, I'm a reporter. Only reason I know his name. Our society column looooves Raith here. I guess I can see why. The club looks like a good time, at least."

She follows them both towards the table and slides in, kicking up her long, booted legs and getting entirely too comfortable for being a stranger. "I'm Lois. Lois Lane. Pleasure to meet you both. Raith the Pretty and Yelena the Ballerina."

Black Widow (Belova) has posed:
Yelena Belova shrugs, "Most Americans seem rich to me. Maybe because rich people back home all try to look and dress like Americans. Western decadence is status symbol, proves you have American dollars to back you up," she says.

She adjusts her slightly too short dress, keeping it covering her thighs. Her legs are shapely but also obviously muscled, her athletic prowess showing there and in the build of her shoulders. "You have nice club. Is real name? Sound like word for ghost. Are you ghost, Thomas Raith? Should I be spookied?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins wickedly, "Oh don't believe what they right about me in the gossip collums. I'm much better then the bad things they say.." He smirks a bit, "And much worse then the good." That second line delivered with an almost sinfully wicked tone designed to trill up the spine. "Lois Lane... I know that name.. didn't you win an award for sneaking into the Eifal Tower when those terrorists were threating to blow it up?" He asks mildly amused. Yelena's question though makes his face almost light up. "well as a matter of fact, the Blue Lady was in fact a ghost, though not here. My club is modeled after one that no longer exists down in New Orleans called the Old 88. Legend has it that the Club's owner murdered his Mistress, his Lounge singer, and bricked her body in the walls. She would haunt the club from that day foreward, always appearing as a Blue Lady, sometimes singing on the stage after hours. So when I bought out all the Old 88's furnature, stock, and memoribillia, I named this Club in her honor."

Lois Lane has posed:
A smile of clear pride is there on her features as Lois is recognized for one of her more wild stories, even if it wasn't the one that got her the Pulitzer. She's got the look of an adrenaline addict in her pale blue eyes and it gleams when he mentions her stunt. "Yes, that was me, among other highly dangerous, highly captivating stories. Forgive that I haven't been around your club before. It's generally Grant's territory, but I see I've been missing out on the fun." She raises her glass to him in a small toast and then knocks back a good sip of it. She'll be done with it shortly.

Then she looks back to Yelena, shaking her head again with a touch of sadness cast across her features, "Your poor people back home. No one should dress like us. We're ridiculous."

Black Widow (Belova) has posed:
Yelena Belova looks around for a long moment after Thomas' story, "So, this is, like, weird tombstone club. Got it," she says. "I have mixed feeling about ghost stories. Some dead people should stay dead - and some people would have a lot of dead people following them around," she says, taking a slow sip of her drink.

She regards Lois with a raised eyebrow, "I have heard of you, too, then, yes. I did not know name right away. I mostly watch television news. On internet. For free," she says.

"They mostly dress like people they see on TV. That is why RUssian mafia look like Sopranos characters."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins slightly, "And here I always assumed the Russian mob would have better taste then that." He says mildly amused as the waitress comes over to freshen up their drinks and smile widely at them before making her way away. "Well then, may I ask, is it business or "pleasure" that brings you to my humble establishment tonight?" That one single word again seeming to carry a weight of wickedness without ever changing in pitch or tone.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois' nose wrinkles at the thought of them looking like the Sopranos, but that does seem to make sense. She laughs gently, "Well, sorry for them and the Sopranos." She teases. THen she knocks back another drink of the martini, the glass near empty. She does make a casual wave towards the waiter for another one. Lois isn't going to waste a chance at free drinks.

"I'm here for pleasure. I heard good things about the club, had a night to myself, felt like drinking myself stupid and got an Uber here. And yourself, Yelena-Ballerina?" Lois seems one of those casual people who just like giving others nicknames. It helps her remember them.

Black Widow (Belova) has posed:
Yelena Belova doesn't mind the nickname at all. Her ballerina training was something she was proud of, even if it was a cover for her more lethal skills. "Oh, I am all about pleasure. I have had plenty of business lately. Not that is bad, I like work. I am...in security," she says. "Private clients. I like my current client. But is good to have time to myself, to be myself. To have...fun. I have not had a chance for as much fun as I would like. So is time to make up for that," she grins.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks a bit, "Where as I am all about making pleasure my business." He says with a grin, sipping his own amber colored drink and smileing slightly. "That's why I themed this club after a speak easy. It gives the people here the illusion that they are 'getting away with something.' It makes them feel like they are already being bad, so no harm in going a little further. Doing more then they know they should. If you are already sliding down the slippery slope, why not just tuck in and enjoy the ride, hmm?" he says raising his glass as if in toast.

Lois Lane has posed:
And that's when Lois' phone rings. She groans to herself, looking down and then glaring as she sees the name, "God dammit, Perry, I had myself free drinks all night. The WORST timing." She gives them both a little smile and an apologetic tilt of her head, "When the boss calls on a Friday night, the story is big. I gotta days. Yelena, you have drinks for me. Thomas, you're a gentleman and a scholar, don't let anyone tell you different." She winks to them both and knocks back the last of her martini before standing up. "Duty calls." And then she's stalking out of the club her heels and shortie dress. Apparently, she's going to work like this.

Black Widow (Belova) has posed:
Yelena Belova leans her head against her hand and watches as the reporter has to leave, "Is sad. Work seems to own the lives of so many people. I try not to let it own mine. It did for long time. Now I am free," she says. "Mostly. At least I can decide a lot of things I did not before," she says.

"Why do you care if people want to be bad? I met other club owner said he was the devil. Are you the devil, too?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smiles and shakes his head slightly, "Oh no, I'm not the devil." He says mildly amused, "I prefer to think of myself more as..." He stops to consider and then says "The mistake you can't quite get yourself to regret in the morning." he gives Yelena a wicked grin and tilts his head slightly, "Would you care to dance then Yelena? I'm not ballet, but I am a fairly good dancer."

Black Widow (Belova) has posed:
Yelena Belova purses her lips in consideration, "Regrets are waste of time. Even if I have had a few," she says. "Yes, I will dance with you, Thomas Raith. See if you can keep up," she says, pushing up and offering her hand, "Then you may give me another drink. Or three." She moves with alacrity and grace, her trained body giving her total control as she makes bold eye contact with this man she's just met.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins as he reaches out and "takes her hand in his. His hand is soft but at the same time powerful and strong. Many men, hell most me, can not kiss as well as Thomas Raith simply holds her hand. The music is slow and sensual and at the same time very very intimate. Bodies pressed close together in what is undoubtedly a "vertical expression of a horizonal desire."

Black Widow (Belova) has posed:
Yelena Belova finds herself drawn into the dance unexpectedly. She narrows her eyes as she definitely feels the grip of the man, but that suspicion is quickly smoothed away as she loses herself in the movement. Not many men can keep up with her physically, and she's impressed by how he matches her movements, how her flicks and twitches of her hips are mirroed by this stranger. "It must be very easy to keep in practice when you own the dance floor, da?" she teases.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins a little bit, his words wicked and as smooth as smoke over still water. "You might think so, but the challange is finding a partner who is up to my level. Practice with bad partners, they just bring you down to their level." He says with a wicked grin. "You seem to me to be a very good partner. Someone who could keep up with me." It could be a trick of the lighting of course, but the color of the man's eyes sem to have shifted from a dark saphire to something lighter. Like the ocean from far above.

Black Widow (Belova) has posed:
Yelena Belova grins a little fiercely, "Usually I do my best work solo for kind of same reason. Especially where men are concerned. Men want to lead, but cannot follow. And cannot keep up. But maybe you can. We shall see, da?" she says, spinning away from him for a moment and giving a short laugh.

Thomas Raith has posed:
As she spins away, he somehow manages to take off his jacket and toss it casually onto the stage, advancing as she...retreats? Baits him in? He smirks slowly and wets his lips. "Oh I can keep up, I can promise you that." he says wickedly, coming about 80% of the way to her, letting her come the last twenty back to him. "But I also know something most men never figure out. Sometimes it can be even more fun to let go of control and to let the woman have ...everything...she...wants..."

Black Widow (Belova) has posed:
Yelena does something of a ballerina twirl and ends in a high kick, her heeled foot going up in the air, showming amazing flexibility and dexterity, only to bring her calf down on Thomas' shoulder and use her leg to leverage him closer, pressing their chest together, her modesty only barely preserved by the lengths of her little black dress, "I am woman who wants many, many things. I have healthy appetite."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith "slides his hands up the length of her body, eyes alight with not to suppressed hunger as she says that. He glances around the club and then smirks at her slowly. "I keep an apartment, right upstairs. If you would like to show me just how...hungry you are." He offers in a voice that is both playful and challenging and almost too sexy to be natural. What did he describe himself as earlier? A mistake you would not regret in the morning?"

Black Widow (Belova) has posed:
Yelena Belova spins away again, withdrawing her leg and backflipping herself up and over to land on her heels, a rather impressive feat given that she doesn't even break one of the shoes when she does it. Even more impressive given how much vodka she's already intaken tonight.

"You can give me tour. And we will see if my appetite is tempted, da?"