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Latest revision as of 12:49, 11 April 2022

Meetcute at Club Eden
Date of Scene: 08 April 2022
Location: Club Eden, Gotham City
Synopsis: Jason and Thea meet. Uh oh.
Cast of Characters: Speedy (Queen), Red Hood

Speedy (Queen) has posed:
     It might be late in Gotham on a Friday night, but the streets were not quiet. At least not on this one. Downtown Gotham had a new club opening this evening and the line to get in was wrapped around the block. From the street you could hear the mix of music and the buzz of conversation.
     Lucky for Thea Queen, she was just that... a Queen. A black leather jacket was covering a tightly fitted black dress that came to mid-thigh. Black stilletos heels increased her high by four inches at least, they were tapping against the pavement of the street as she walked around the long line and right up to the red rope of the entrance. "Thea Queen." The bouncer working the door didnt even to check his list. The big burly man dressed in all back and a earpiece in his ear stepped back and lifted the rope to let her in. A quick glance at him and the red stained lip offer a flash of a smile "Thanks." and then steps into club.
     There was a coat check and she slipped off her leather jacket, retrieving a small clutch purse from the pocket before handing it over. Short hair curled, the hair bobs as she looks around the room to take in all who was present. A lot of socialites, the rich, the political leaders, cops... and of course the members of the mob. Green eyes squint just a little as she looks around, all the while keeping a small smile on her lips. It appeared she was looking for someone, but then she steps further inside and heads to the bar.

Red Hood has posed:
    Dexterous hands twirl bottles and pour shots and mix cocktails. Jason is a skilled bartender, even if it's just a mix of his own drinking problems, and his well-trained hands. He tosses a bottle up and catches it behind his back, before pouring it into a glass and sliding it towards the mayor's wife, who laughs and pushes some cash into the tip jar. He flashes her a smile, but his gaze flicks to the side. Bright blue eyes (A classic BatTrait) land on Vincenzo Bianchi, one of the underbosses of the family. He's chatting happily with a few cops in fine suits, and sharing old stories about something that is likely inappropriate to talk about in mixed company.
    Jason blends in pretty well with the other bartenders, except for the fact that his tightly muscled body stands out a liiiiittle under that tuxedo shirt, making him stand apart a bit. His dark hair is smoothed back, the single streak of white accenting his fair skin. He's all fake smiles and winks as he takes more orders. As Thea approaches, though, he finds himself briefly distracted from his real job.
    "Long way from Starling City, Ms. Queen. What can I get you?" His voice is pleasantly deep, with a faint growl to the edges of his words.

Speedy (Queen) has posed:
     On the way to the bar, Thea had noticed Vincenzo Bianchi and made it point walk past the man, lift a hand and wiggle her fingers at him, flashing him a flirtatious smile just to make sure he noticed her. Which, he did. Stopping his conversation for a few seconds to look over the woman and then nod to her. As she walked past him, he turned his head to watch to see where she was off to.
     Attempting to find an open seat at the bar, she passes the mayors wife, "Good to see you." lightly touching the woman's forearm to take her attention from the attractive bartender who was putting on a show for her. But she doesnt stop to chat, instead she walks four seats over and finds an empty stool. Slipping onto the round stool, crossing her leg, one of the the other causing that dress to raise an inch or so up further up her thighs. Her eyes were cast toward Bianchi again when Jason came over to her. Instantly her gaze was on the bartender, "I'm always at the disadvantage." Thea smiles at him, people always seemed to know who she is for various reasons, "People seem to call me by name and then I have to pretend that I know who they are." But she nods, "Though I think I'd remember you." Glancing around her again, "A new club opening to Gothem? It was worth the trip." Looking past him to the bottles of liquor on the shelves behind him, "Dirty Gin Martini with two olives."

Red Hood has posed:
    "Well, I'll make it easy on you." His tone is playful as he tapes the nametag on the front of his tuxedo shirt. Like the other bartenders, the man is wearing black dress slacks, a white tuxedo shirt and a black bowtie. The nametag reads 'Grant'. "Though, I have a feeling you're the kind of girl who is barely ever -really- at a disadvantage. Dirty gin martini, coming up." His tone is practiced, and his words smooth with a 'well educated' flow to them all. It's all an act, of course. The accent, the smile, the nametag. His eyes having a hard time moving from Thea, though? That's not fake.
    The man turns to snag the things for the requested drink, and he mixes it skillfully. Soon it is set in front of her, the two olves on a little plastic sword being added last. "I'd make a playful comment about a dirty martini, but I don't want to lose my job." He winks, and then briefly glances to the mob underboss. His attention on Thea has been briefly stolen by Johnny Vitti, a short, skinny man with unkempt hair in an ill-fitting suit. One of the families most dangerous killers. They are having a hushed conversation now.

Speedy (Queen) has posed:
     "Ah." Thea remarks at the tap of his name tag, "Funny, you dont strike me as a Grant." perhaps her trained heightened scenes picking up on the accent he was trying to act with. The distinct small slips of words that most wouldnt notice when he was talking. When he turns away to fix her drink, she uses the mirror behind the bar to keep a spying eye on the mob men in the room. Taking note of who they were talking, the reactions of both parties.
     The drink is set down before her, "Thank you." she flicks her gaze back to meeting 'Grants', picking up the olive sword and swirling it around the cloudy liquid in her glass. A soft laugh come out, "I doubt you'd lose your job, and its probably one I've heard before." Winking at him. The flirtation came naturally to Thea Queen, it suited her well and came in handy most of the time.

Red Hood has posed:
    "Oh, yeah? And what do I strike you as?," he asks with a lopsided grin. He turns to briefly serve another customer, but he's back in front of Thea pretty quickly. Another quick glances towards the underboss and his killer to make sure they are still in sight before he returns his bright eyes to the woman. "And yeah, that's probably true. Never really been known as creative. How's Starling? I spent a few weeks up there a year ago for some personal stuff."

Speedy (Queen) has posed:
     Thea looks him over again, "A Tyler, Jason, Jaxon, maybe a Noah." There is a shrug. Did she actually know who the bartender was? If she did, she wasn't letting it on. At least not yet. Picking up her drink by the stem, she takes a small sip, barely needed to tilt the glass to take the first drink considering how full it was. There is a soft 'mmmmm' sound that comes from the woman, but it not be heard due to the noise level in the club. "Very good." saying so as she sets the glass back down on the bartop.
     "Starling seems to be fine from what I can tell. Still the same ole place that it was a year ago. Maybe a few more clubs. Less crime now that there seems to be a team of vigilantes about." More then see it, Thea could feel the presence of Bianchi approaching from behind her. The hand on the glass in front of her stills and tightens just a smidge. concentration, considering, before she twists in her stool and welcome the man with a dazing smile. "You do me the honor and coming all the way over here for me?"

Red Hood has posed:
    "How could I resist? We don't get your kinda royalty down this way very often," the man offers with a bit of a grin. He's twice her age, easily, but fit. His dark hair is streaked with grey, and he's clean-shaven. His dark suit does a decent job of hiding how obsessively he works out. Thea and Jason both know, though. They've done their homework like good little obsessives. 'Grant' turns to the man and smiles warmly, too.

"Her usual, Mr. Bianchi?" After a distracted nod, Jason turns away to mix the Old Fashioned. He stays within earshot, doinfg a pretty decent job of pretending as if he isn't paying attention. The well-trained Thea, however, can likely tell. But he's certainly not clumsy about it, that's for sure.

Speedy (Queen) has posed:
"All flattery, arent you Mr. Bianchi?" Thea laughs softly, offering her hand to him palm down, if he was going to call her royalty, she might as well play the part. She did it so well after all. "Your club seems to be starting off with quiet the bang. I heard about it all the way in Starling City, everyone is talking about it. Tell me, is there a VIP room? Or is the club the VIP?" her smile ever present as she asks, "You know, I'd just love to be on /that/ list."
     Yes, Thea can feel Jasons eyes on her and Bianchi while he fixed the drink. Though, she doesnt break in her act and keeps her eyes soley on the mob underboss.

Red Hood has posed:
    The older man takes her hand and leans down to kiss her knuckle. "Oh, sweetie, the VIP list has a VIP list. But I think I can put in word with the owner." He winks before he turns to take the drink from 'Grant'. The bartender, meanwhile, seems briefly forgotten, and he's fine with that. "Excuse me, it's time for my break." He steps back and wipes his hands with his towel before he turns and heads through the employee door behind the bar. The young man makes his way quickly through the back rooms of the club until he comes to one of the walk-in fridges. He slips inside and reaches up under one of the shelves. He removes the things taped there, out of sight. A large handgun, a brutal looking combat knife, and a little canvas kit. He shrugs on the tuxedo jacket waiting for him (Brrr, cold!) and slips the kit and the gun away. The knife is tucked carefully into a sheath he hides at his lower back. He slips out and makes a bee-line for the management office. The omain staff are all distracted at the moment, so it's the time he needs for -his- job.
    "So, you got a place here in Gotham? Or staying at one of our fine hotels?"

Speedy (Queen) has posed:
     Thea listens to Jason make his excuses, there was something about the way he was leaving, she knew it wasnt fully that it just his break. Her mind wandered in thought as to what he could be up to. But she had to keep on track for her own plan, lifting her hand away from his just the kiss across her knuckles. "You'd do that for me? I'm truly flattered." Casting her eyes around, "Is the owner here tonight? I would imagine he is, since it's opening night. Perhaps I should introduce myself?"
     Thea of course would never come somewhere undercover with protection herself. A knife was strapped to the inside of her thigh to be undetected by the tightness of her dress. "No, I've not committed to actually having a place here in Gotham yet, so the hotel's are my home away from home here."

Red Hood has posed:
    "Well, if you decide on gettin' a nice place out here, let me know. I'd be happy to talk to my real estate guy." The man considers her question about the owner for a moment, and he shifts his weight from one foot to the other. "Well, I'm the manager. That count? Let's get outta here. A bit loud, isn't it?" He downs his drink and sets it on the counter. "We can talk all about it in my office." His leer is suggestive, of course. No class, this guy. No class.
    Meanwhile, unaware of the soon to be approaching pair, Jason is kneeling behind the desk in the management office. He hums softly to himself as he carefully plants the fourth bug he's setup in the club tonight. He smirks a bit to himself as he then turns, drawing out his lockpicks to open the various drawers. He begins looking through them, stuffing a few wads of found cash into his pockets. He's an opportunist. Meanwhile, Mr. Bianchi is trying to lure Thea upstairs to his office.

Speedy (Queen) has posed:
     Thea watches the man shift and avoid her question, considering her options of pushing him on the topic... she decides that its best to let it go and ear more trust before asking again. "Certainly, it counts." Turning half way away from her, she glances around the bar again before picking up her martini, slipping off the stool and making an intentional press against him as she leaves the stool, "Oh, excuse me." putting on a blushing show that includes a giggle that she'd 'bumped' into him. "Please, lead the way?"
     From there she will allow him to lead her away from the bar and towards the office, if her Brother saw her now, he'd be having a fit. Good thing Ollie wasn't here, hm? As they approach the door of the office, the door is opened and he steps back to let her enter the office first. It's then that she see's the shadow of someone behind the desk and the distinct sound of lockpicking, "Um," again thinking quickly on what she should do at this point? Report it? Leave it? Distract him? Swirling she decides on distracting the man she is with, "On second thought, Are you sure I should be in here?" The way she twirls, she almost...almost... spills her drink. purposeful? It splashes and some gin slips over the edge and lands on her exposed cleavage. "Oh, woops." Distraction.

Red Hood has posed:
    Well, that distraction works, for sure. The man's gaze dips and he laughs softly. "Oh, of course. I'm sure. I'm the manager, remember?" Meanwhile, Jason hears the door and the conversation, and he doesn't freeze. No, he's trained and he acts quickly. The lockpicks are slid away, and he moves quickly to the window. The angle is such that Thea can see 'Grant', but Bianchi cannot. The man arches an eyebrow at her and offers a lopsided grin before he slips out onto the roof of the building, sliding the window closed behind him.
    Suddenly Bianchi's cellphone rings and he fishes it out, glancing at it. He sighs and holds up a finger in a very jerkish way to 'quiet' Thea. He answers the phone and turns away. "What? You fuckin' serious? NOW? Yeah. Fine. I'll be right there." He slides the phone away and turns back. "Ms. Queen...business calls. But please, stop by anytime. My secretary can give you my private number..." With that he leans in and tries to kiss the woman on the cheek before he closes the office door and relocks it. He then turns and makes his way off for, you know, mob stuff.

Speedy (Queen) has posed:
     Then Bianchi is distracted at looking at her breasts, Thea flicks her eyes subtly to the window to see 'Grant' and see's that lopsided grin. Her eyes narrow briefly at him, then in an instant she is smiling and catching Bianchi's attention again before she notice her gaze had ever left him. She was just about to respond to him when his phone rings and she's commanded to be quiet. A flicker of something flashes in Thea's eyes at being told to be quiet in such a way, but she just nods and waits.
     "When you're an important man like yourself, I'm sure you can't help it when business calls." Flattery will get her everywhere. Turning her head to accept the kiss on her cheek she again takes on glirlish blush that men like him seem to like so much. "I'll do that." Get is private number that is. Following him out and letting him close the door behind them, "Don't worry about me. I'll find my way back."
     At that, Thea is left alone at the closed locked door. She doesnt leave though, waiting for him to be be out of sight before digging into her cleavage and taking out her own lockpicking set. Re-opening the door in no time, slipping inside and closing the door softly behind her. Remembering to relock the door behind her, before scurrying to the window that she'd seen 'Grant' escape from. Slipping through the window, she climbs easily up to the roof.

Red Hood has posed:
    The man hadn't gone far. The window opened onto a section of flat rooftop with steaming vents in...well, an incredibly Gotham fashion. The gothic looking city spread out from the view, with the sound of the nightlife muffled. 'Grant' is leaning over the side of the building, peering down at the street a few streets below. He's puffing on a Marlboro. He plucks the cigarette from between his lips and reaches into his pocket, withdrawing the battered pack of cigarettes and holding it out to the dangerous beauty. If she takes one he turns to light her cigarette with a scuffed Zippo that looks twenty years old. If not, he tucks the pack away.
    "Well, I gotta say this part is not something I saw in the plans tonight." His voice is a bit deeper now with more of a growl to it. It's one of those 'dangerous' voices that make certain people tingle, and makes others worried. His accent is different now, too. Pure Gotham street.

Speedy (Queen) has posed:
     Thea was able to get onto the roof in stiletto heels, now that was impressive. Not even out of breath from the fearless short climb to the roof's flat surface. Pausing near Jason, she shakes her head at the offer of the cigarette, letting him put them away. Remaining silent and letting him start the conversation first, waiting to see what he will say. The accent has changed and her eyebrow raises, "So... 'Grant'." The name is said in the way that she believes thats not his real name. "Care to tell me who you really are? Or why I just had to save your ass in the office just a moment ago?"
     The tone of his voice did nothing to offput her, she'd heard that Gotham street talk before, every city had one that was close to it. Even in her tracking in Starling. Her own voice had slipped into her normal commanding voice rather than the sweet and playful one she had put on downstairs.

Red Hood has posed:
    "Jason. My name's Jason," he replies. He tucks the pack away and takes another pull on his own cigarette. "Now, you're not here to hit up a club opening, and I'm not here to sling drinks. Seems like we're puttin' on a bit of a show." He turns towards her and smirks softly. He reaches up to toussel his neat hair, letting himself feel a bit more natural. "You can call me a concerned and well-armed citizen, I guess. I've been leavin' the Gallo family alone since they'd just done petty shit, but I heard through the grapevine that they were looking to undercut the Russians and get involved in human trafficking. So..."
    He shrugs and flicks his smouldering cigarette butt off the roof and watches it plummet. "Normally, I'd kick in a door and start shootin', but I'm....tryin' to be better." Even saying those words gives him a foul taste in his mouth, and it's better. He looks into her eyes, then. "I meant the compliments, though. That wasn't an act. So...what about -you-, hmm?"

Speedy (Queen) has posed:
     "You know who I am. You called me by name when I walked up to the bar." Thea says dodging the question of who she really is. Licking her lips she keeps her eyes on the man before her as he disheveled himself by tossing her hair to a more natural look for himself. Letting him tell her why he was here and what he was doing, well, he'd mentioned exactly what he had been doing in the office. But she could make some guesses.
     "I've been tracking the human trafficking from Metropolis." Thea tells him, "I heard that there was a local pimp picking up girls there and moving them to someone else. There was a whisper of it being the Gallo Family, thought I'd come see if I could get close enough they'd reveal something about it."

Red Hood has posed:
    "They're playin' it close. Closer then usual. This is the kinda thing that gets dealth with by the local vigilantes a lot rougher then the usual shit. Well, it does if I have any say..." He chuckles and turns to fully focus his attention on the woman. "So, Thea Queen is snoopin'. You linked up with Bianchi with a lot of skill. Regular femme fatale shit. I'm impressed. Not that my opinion means anythin' to you."
    He glances back towards the closed window. "I was bugging his phone. I set out a few bugs in the club so I could keep a tab on things. See how the info pans out. I figured while I was in there I should do a bit more lookin' around. Speakin' of which..." He pulls a thick wad of cash from his suit pocket. It's a few grand, probably. Maybe a bit more.
    "Big Belly Burger on me? We can make a date out of it? Eat fatty burgers and compare James Bond methodology?"

Speedy (Queen) has posed:
     "You're right, your opinion means nothing." Thea plays out with a smile and a tilt of her head. The word 'vigilantes' gets a look, calculating a moment longer. ITs when he tells her what he did, bugging the phone and the club, watching as he pulls out cash from his suite pocket. "Have you heard of the Red Hooded Vigilante in Starling?" It's been reported in papers and its fairly clear he would have at least heard of it. Then she makes a showy display of making a curtsy, as if introducing herself as the one and only.
     When she stands back up straight again, she considers the question of the date, "Fine. But I'm getting a double and a milkshake since you stole that. Might I point out, stealing is bad?" Then turns away from him and looks down the side of the building that is less crowded and leads down into a dark alley. "See you down there." Then she disappears down the side of the wall to climbs down.

Red Hood has posed:
    "Hey, I just stole it -back-. This is ill-gotten gains, so I just ill...got it...again." he shrugs a muscled shoulder and tucks the cash away with a lopsided grin. That's such a dangerous grin. Handsome, mischevious, troublesome. "Oh, I did, yeah. Runs around with Green Arrow, I think? Or...similar? Aren't they like the Green Arrow's Robin or somethin'? OH. You. Wow."
    His gaze dips slowly, taking her in again. There's admiration there as well as curiosity. "Well, Red Hooded Vigilante...let's just say you and I have some similar fashion tastes."
    He watches her drop down the side of the wall and he grins a bit to himself and shakes his head. "Shit. Okay, Jason. Be cool. She's just some girl. Yeah, she's hot as hell -and- a bad ass, but...be cool. Don't be a fuckin' dork. You're not Tim." He then drops over the side of the wall and carefully parkours down, landing beside her. He turns to lead the beauty down a few blocks until they arrive at a parked '68 black Mustang hardtop. His car.

Speedy (Queen) has posed:
     In the walk towards his car, Thea looks around them to make sure that none of the bouncers or 'family' members see her leaving with the bartender. But coming out of the dark alley, most of the attention was forward facing to get into the club, they were fine. "The Green Arrow's Robin?" there is a smirk, then a pause... "Aw, shit, I left my jacket in the club." she murmurs, but shakes her head, "Nevermind, I'll just buy another one." The thoughts of a rich girl.
     Continuing to walk with him, "I guess you could say that? But my outfit is a lot better than his." When they reach the car, she looks it over, "The '67 is better, but nice choice." Not waiting for him to open her door, the girly girl part of the evening was over it seemed. Opening the door she lets herself into his car and waits for him to join her.

Red Hood has posed:
    The interior seems vintage and very nice. A keen eye notices a few hidden switches, though. He smirks at her comment on the car and slides into the driver's seat. "'67 is a nice one, for sure. But...I got a '68. Restored it from junk. Didn't have a '67 to restore." He undoes his bowtie and slips it off, undoing a few buttons. He is very chiseled under that, and it's obvious. "I always liked red more then green, so...I feel you, there."
    He starts the car, and it comes to life with a rumble. While it looks classic, it's clearly modded to hell and back. "Fuck, I could really use a burger right now. I'm hungry. So, we eatin' there, or should we pick it up and head to my hideout? Kinda a bachelor pad, but we can at least talk openly there." He drives from the alleyway, taking to the Gotham streets.

Speedy (Queen) has posed:
     Thea takes in the changes of the vintage car, her eyes tell you that she's appreciating it despite her comment about liking the '67 better. The car rumbles to life and she becomes impressed. A smile slips onto her lips and she runs her hand over dashboard, "I have to say, this is nice." The only compliment he is going to get on his car or the work he did on it.
     There is another moment of consideration about which she'd prefer to do, "Hideout is fine. I have a room at Wayne Hotel, but I think the Family might already know that and track me and see you enter with me." Putting them both under suspicion if they are seen together.

Red Hood has posed:
    "Sounds too fancy for me. I'd be a bit out of place. RedCave it is." He cruises through the streets of the city until he pulls into the drive-thru of a Big Belly Burger. He leans back so she can lean over him and place her order, before he places his own. He gets the same. He pulls off a hundred and pays with it, waiting to get the change before driving off again. He's heading into a rundown seeming part of the city.
    "And thanks. She's a good car. Gotten me through some shit."

Speedy (Queen) has posed:
     Thea does in fact lean over him and give her own order, going with what she'd said she wanted, a double cheeseburger with extra cheese and everything on it. A strawberry shake was added to that, she'd have asked if he wanted to split some fries with her, before adding those to the order anyway, cause she wanted them. Taking the bag and drinks from him when they get the order, so that he can drive and the items wont spill everywhere. Not because she was concerned about the car, but more concerned that she'd lose her food if that happen.
     Looking out the window, she saw the city change from the up and up to the down and down, it didnt seem to bother her though. She was't THAT spoiled, besides... she knew she could take care of herself. "I lean more towards motorcycles myself."

Red Hood has posed:
    He agrees to share some fries with her, and he gets a chocolate shake instead of vanilla. "I have one of those, too. Didn't seem like the right thing for tonight, though. Not that'd I'd complain about sharing a motorcycle seat with you." He takes another turn and ends up driving into a tunnel where the old subway tracks emerge, this area long abandoned and left to rot. He flicks the headlights on as he drives down the old subway tunnel.
    "So, a bow, huh? I'm a fan. More of a gun guy, myself, but a bow takes some real skill. Plus you guys use all those sick trick arrows, right? Or that just a rumor?

Speedy (Queen) has posed:
     Thea didnt comment on the fact he didnt share the same flavor of shake choice, but there was a face a judgement there for just a moment. It vanished quickly enough though. There is a small smile at his flirtation of sharing a motorcycle seat with her, "Where would be put the food?" the real question. There is another look around when they emerge into the old subway tunnel.
     "I never would have guessed." Thea says about him being a gun guy, though she laughs with that comment. "I-We-" she didnt really know how to say that, "Have many different types of arrows that serve many purposes. Usually, they arent meant to kill unless we really need them too."