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Latest revision as of 12:49, 11 April 2022

Times change.
Date of Scene: 08 April 2022
Location: Avalon Heights, Avalon
Synopsis: Officer Grayson stumbles upon an old adversary as he's looking for walkathon pledges and finds out that the neighborhood has been invaded by the French.
Cast of Characters: Double Dare, Nightwing

Double Dare has posed:
It wasn't the nicest of neighborhoods. A few square blocks in Bludhaven where crime was high. It almost had a more industrial feel to this area. The buildings were mostly converted warehouses or metallic prefab throw up quickly. A few strip malls with everything from convenience stores to bail bonds. One of those converted warehouses was older, having seen better days. But there were hints that the owner was trying to get it to a better state. Windows that used to be boarded up were now replaced. Doors were new with new locks. A few security cameras pointed to the parking lot from the corners and likely there were more inisde. The parking lot was still cracked and had a few holes but there was only so much money. And most of that had gone to the interior. Well, and the sign outside. It just announced 'Gymnastics' and nothing else but that got the idea across.

Upon entering, one would walk into a reception area. A good sized area with several seats. A little sliding window that allowed one access to the receptionist, a young woman who was looking at a magazine. There were several doors leading off the reception area and a series of large windows that allowed one to see the main floor of the building.

That area was filled with everything a gymnast might ever want. From a vault to mats covering most of the floors. Heavy pads when training for more dangerous stunts. Uneven bars. Balance beam. Rings. Parallel bars. The equipment looked new, certainly of high quality.

Nightwing has posed:
    There are only so many hours in the day.
    And for Dick Grayson they seem to be getting shorter and shorter. It has to do with trying to work shifts now and again for the Bludhaven Police Department, keep his hand in, get those 24 hours enough to be on hand and in the rotation. Yet even during that time he tends to fill those days with extra activities that send him far and beyond. Usually in Bludhaven, sometimes in Gotham. Which, in turn, leaves him with precious little time for, say... sleeping. And eating. And training. Though he manages two of the three sometimes, usually at the cost of the third. Which often is sleep.
    So it says something that he takes some of his little time off to do something not usually on his schedule... it must mean something to him.
    Which is why he's walking along the streets of Avalon Heights. Usually he views this place from either the rooftops or the seat of a squad car. Only now he was walking along in his blue jeans and a black overshirt with some white sneakers. Over his shoulder he has a backpack where he keeps his uniform tucked away, the round police hat hanging from one of the clasps on the side of the backpack, offering at least some insight into the young man who carries it.
    Though today he also has a clipboard whose metal clip is holding some pamphlets in place as well as a signup sheet for the charity that the Third Precinct are hoofing it for. And this year it's for the American Humane Society. Usually O'Shaughnessy does the rounds, but since he took up the reins last year when the O'Shaughnessy was down with the flu, donations went up a staggering one hundred and forty five percent.
    So this year he was doing it as well.
    The door to the gym opened with a jangle as he stepped in, lightly rapping knuckles on the wood next to the door, not immediately seeing anyone in the reception area.
    "Hello?" Then espying the receptionist. "Oh hey, I was wondering if I could speak to the... manager? Owner?"

Double Dare has posed:
The gal behind the counter looks to be in her late teens. She's petite but has that musculature that shows she is certainly a client as well as an employee. She looks over the man outside the window. Which has her giving him a brighter smile and leaning forward a bit to rest her arms atop her desk. Until he makes his request and she looks a little disappointed. She motions to the window. "She's out by the floor work out area." An extended finger pointing toward a corner where there are mats laid out, a group of girls and women there. "Gray sweats, yellow tank top. You can't miss her. She's manager and owner. Name is Margot."

And with that he will hear the sound of a buzz from the nearby door, indicating the receptionist was disengaging the locking mechanism to allow him to go out into the main workout area. "Just don't walk on the mats with your shoes on. She'll kick your ass."

Once he was through the door, the buzz would end. Leaving him out in the main area to work his way toward the mats. That is where Margot was working with a group of younger girls and one boy.

"You've all done so well today. Keep working on those cartwheels." Her accent was obviously French. "I will see you again next week." She waved to them as they dashed off to a glassed off area to the far side of the warehouse. It was there that the parents were able to sit and watch while their children trained. They weren't allowed on the floor itself.

Nightwing has posed:
    "Margot," The raven-haired young man smiles with those baby blues twinkling as he gives a nod. "Thanks, I appreciate it." He nods and then starts to walk over toward the door while it's buzzing, stepping a little faster with a token half-jog reaching the door and pushing it open. Which leads him away from the receptionist and into the gymnasium proper.
    And what a place. It's a miracle what they've done with the place considering he remembered this building being a burnt out husk of a warehouse only what was it... two years ago? Less? And now...
    She was letting free the small herd of wild childrens, sending them back into the arms of their parents while they laugh and run. Which has the young man with the clipboard slipping to the side, turning his hips to avoid the small mass of hurtling children screaming happily as they see their parents.
    Which is the first time she'll see him. Laughing and bending awkwardly to prevent being knocked over by her last class. Young, dark hair, handsome, with a movie star's features though tinged with a boy next door nature. It's there in the eyes when she sees them looking back at her.
    And then his voice.
    "Margot? I'm Dick Grayson. Officer Dick Grayson."

Double Dare has posed:
There was true affection in her expression as she watched the children scatter. Following their path toward their parents. Which is when she saw the stranger. It wasn't uncommon for Candi at reception to send people through. She wasn't very big on sales so generally just sent everyone in to Margot. To say she wasn't a great receptionist was an understatement. But she was a good instructor so Margot kept her around.

The woman looked at Dick curiously, a smile lightening her expression. She ran her hand through her short blonde locks then moved toward him.

He was gorgeous. Like should be a model gorgeous. The eyes were stunning with the dark hair. And he was built like a gymnast to her eyes. What she could tell at least. For a moment she could hear Aliki in her head calling dibs. Her smile broadened. "I saw him first, dear sister." It was whispered to herself so he shouldn't have been able to hear it.

Then she finished closing that distance and offered her right hand. There was a bit of pause from her when he mentioned his title. Officer. It wasn't something that would stand out but to him it could be picked up on. "A pleasure to meet you, Officer Grayson. How may I be of assistance?"

Nightwing has posed:
    "Please, no cause for concern. I'm..." He looks to the side after the parents and the children all getting together and heading toward the door and the cubby holes as they gather their belongings. He looks back and then answers her, "Every year the local precinct likes to hold a small walkathon."
    Bright blue eyes meet hers and for a brief moment she might catch him glancing down then up, perhaps when she shifts her stance slightly as they discuss. He does have the build, can see it in the way those tendons in his neck lead gracefully to his shoulders hidden under the over-shirt he's wearing. And he has a broad chest, though his waist is small, lending him a hint of a lithe silhouette despite his athletic form.
    "We choose a charity, this year it's the Humane Society. Then we get some of the schools involved, and for prizes we check in with local businesses to see if they have any endorsement programs or arrangements. Doesn't have to be a lot, something small like perhaps..." He looks around and then back to her with a smile, "A free introductory class or a coupon or something? Just something to get the kids excited."
    Yet as he's speaking those last few words trail off as he holds her eyes and then says with a faint smile. Perhaps even a touch wistful, "I'm sorry, I can't help but feel like we've met before."

Double Dare has posed:
When he assured her that this was not about something negative, she relaxed a bit. It wasn't an uncommon reaction likely. For people having a police officer showing up randomly. Although most people it is because they are afraid the officer is about to tell them something bad happened. Not all of them would have her history though and thus be nervous it was her past coming back to haunt her.

"Non, I would have remembered," Margot said with a hint of purr to her tone as she looked him over again. Her eyes sparkled as she took her time with that glance. Lips curved up in a cheshire type smile. "Though I would like to get to know you more, Officer."

She motioned to the side. "But back to business. If you would like to come to my office, I will be glad to give something for the charity. I have a variety of options. Perhaps a three month membership? That should cover if they are experienced or new."

Nightwing has posed:
    She draws that smile from him, and a slight hint of color to those cheeks that widen with the same smile. Shaking his head he pushes past that slight hint of flirtation even as she offers that curve of lips that's weakened the knees of so many in the past.
    He clears his throat, chuckling softly, then meeting her gaze as he starts to walk after her, following as she moves toward that office. "Three months, that would be very generous. Right now our biggest draw is..." He holds up the clipboard and looks at the information he's recovered, then lifts his eyes to hers. "Two free cheese pizzas from Dominic's down the way."
    And to be fair, Dominic's has okay pizza. But just okay.
    "Though I know a lot of children would be excited." He walks with her toward the office, the clipboard settling at his side again. And when she looks over again she'll likely see him looking at the gym she's done so much to repair, eyes a little wide as he looks upwards, then around.
    Eventually he says, "You've done such a good job with this place, I barely recognize it."

Double Dare has posed:
Her office isn't extravagent. It's on the small side. A few filing cabinets to the side. A solid wood desk with paperwork in a couple of baskets. There were a couple of chairs on the opposite side. One on rollers behind it. On the walls were a few things. A couple of certificates showing she was allowed to teach officially by the state of New Jersey and another for the state of New York. On one wall was a poster for a circus. Opposite wall was another and that poster showed a pair of female trapeze artists. One was obviously Margot. The other was her sister Aliki. There were windows that showed a view of the warehouse floor, not the exterior, though there were blinds which could be lowered if privacy was needed in the office.

"I don't know. It is hard to compete with two free cheese pizzas." She couldn't help giggling a little bit as she moved to lean on the front of the desk. Though she was more half leaning, half sitting on the edge as she faced him.

She glanced out toward that floor, a bit of pride in her look. "Thank you. I worked hard on it. It took some time but was a...what is the saying? Labor of love?" She glanced at him, to be sure she was using it right.

She leaned over to open a drawer on her desk, drawing out four tickets as well. They were brightly colored and depicted various circus acts. "I can offer these too. Four tickets. Open dates. Just attend anytime they would like, though RSVP is best to be sure there is enough seating."

Nightwing has posed:
    She's seen it before when she's met people, introduced them, gave them insight into her background and the past. It was likely how she charmed the bank officer who looked into her business loan. How she would impress the parents of some of the children when they'd ask about her training. For it's that poster on the wall with her some years ago. Her and her sister against the backdrop of the big top.
    Because the aerial combo of Double Dare were impressive only how long ago was it? Two years, three?
    But as they entered she'd see his smile broaden, reaching his eyes as he walked to the wall and looked up at that poster. "You were in the circus?" He asks. "That's wonderful. So was I..."
    But the words trail off as he blinks a little, brow furrowed and a hand comes up to lightly almost touch the poster. As memories come to the fore, hints of the past. And things start to click together slowly.
    And suddenly this meeting becomes an equation for him. Though she likely can't tell. But a new objective has entered the moment. No longer purely seeking help with a charity. But answers.
    "I was... well. My family. We were the Flying Graysons."
    Which might well be a name she would recall. Was it ten years ago? No. Thirteen. Perhaps before her time. But the world of performers is a small world. He turns to look at her, a hint of something in his eyes though he doesn't let it distract him.

Double Dare has posed:
When he mentioned he had been with the circus, there is a momentary look from Margot that is clearly doubtful. There are a variety of those types of entertainment but it is a small percentage of humanity. As such, they often have met or know of each other at least. She would have remembered such a man, she had no doubt of it. Because she and Aliki would've been fighting for a chance to share time with him. Or shared. It depended on the week with them.

The name has an immediate change of her expression. From doubt to surprise to sympathy. Empathy perhaps being the better word. Being in that small circle, they all had suffered losses. Even things from decades ago were still whispered. The tragedy of the Flying Graysons was one such event which would be spoken of for ages. It was a cautionary tale told to aerialists even today.

"I am so sorry for your loss." Even though it was when he was a kid. "That is why you left it behind, oui?" She didn't want to leave him with dwelling on something like that so she sort of shifted the conversation a little. To give him an opening if he wanted it. "I only left a couple of years back. Training accident. Blew out my knee. My sister still performs, with a new partner." She looked over at the poster, at the younger woman with the long blonde braid. The sadness of loss there then she looked back to the officer.

Nightwing has posed:
    "It's a taxing job," Dick says as he looks at the poster again, then turns away fully to walk back toward her. Shaking his head a little he smiles sadly to her with a touch of sympathy. "Oh man, that's got to be hard." She blew out her knee. Which might explain...
    "Though, to be fair, I still get out to Haly's now and again. They're still my family, though we only see each other about twice a year. When they make the stop over at Gotham." Not in Bludhaven for this city isn't one as... strong in entertainment.
    He touches a hand to the chair opposite her where she's leaning and he quirks an eyebrow as he asks the silent question of if he may take that seat. If given permission he will settle into it, letting his backpack rest on the ground next to his foot, the clipboard across his lap.
    "I've seen you perform." He offers with a smile, "A few years ago, across the river." In Gotham proper, though perhaps not under the big top. "You and your sister were amazing. They way you would move together. It was perfect. Poetic." Even though at the time they had been trying to beat the tar out of him and escape with a priceless diamond.
    "It's amazing the paths that we come across in life."

Double Dare has posed:
At the look, Margot gave a nod to give him permission to sit. She pushed back to sit on the edge of the desk, scootching back comfortably.. Not trying to loom, just seemed more personable than having desk in between them while they talked. It was more casual.

"Like you, we were born into the life. Our parents gave us the opportunity to take our own path but what child wouldn't choose the circus?" Margot had to smile, giving a little shrug. "Though we tried a few things. You should've seen Aliki in her magician stage. She was awful at it." A soft laugh as she remembered the past. "Eventually we moved on to the trapeze. I was happy stronger, taller. Turned out I was a perfect anchor. Aliki was better as the flier."

A soft sigh. "Knees are the worst. Had a few surgeries but can't handle the hard landings anymore. Or spending extended time straining it by hanging my weight and hers on it. So when the doctors told me there was nothing else they could do, I had to make choices. Choices that involved this place."

She waved a hand at the room beyond them. "It was a way to use my knowledge. Pass it on to others. And people seem to like having a former circus acrobat training them or their kids." She looked at him curiously. "Do you still dabble in it? Or did you move on when taken in as a ward?" Becuse that was part of the story. The loss of the Flying Graysons but their son being taken in by the wealthy philanthropist.

Nightwing has posed:
    Listening to her he comes along with her for the tale, nodding at small points and smiling when she mentions the magician stage. And she mentions being the taller and stronger sister she can see it's enough to spur his gaze to drift over her form again, taking small note that she does seem to have the good posture and the build for an anchor. Particularly for someone as small as Aliki.
    But when the tale moves on to her knee his lip curves up a little, that rueful sadness of understanding in his deep blue eyes. "So that's why you left the scene." There had been no news about it. But he also knew that during their height, after they had made some big scores... they stopped running gambits. And no longer did he see them across the rooftops.
    "Well you've done a good job here. I used to patrol this area when I was a rookie. And this place was a mess. So you're doing good here. I'm glad." As if his opinion would matter to her, but it's only a moment given.
    A moment given before he smiles and looks away, "I still dabble." He says as he looks back to her, "I know when to swing and let go."
    Though perhaps oblivious to the double entendre of what he just said.
    "A few years back I filled in for Maurice LeMarchan in Haly's Circus. It was amazing being back there. Seeing everything from on high." He pauses and looks at the clipboard, then back to her. "It's amazing that this Walkathon has had us meet like this. Very cool."

Double Dare has posed:
The rooftop scene had been and on-and-off thing for the sisters. For as long as she could remember. It had been about the thrill after all. Not really the reward of what they stole. They had been in a down time when she had gotten injured. An injury that she had railed against. It had been the end of her life. The worst day of her entire life. And Aliki didn't seem to understand which just made it worse. They had a parting of ways.

Though time had helped with all of it. Giving her a chance to accept. To try and determine what to do with her life. After about a year, she had even mended her relationship with Aliki. Or started too. It had taken time as well. And in the last year, she had bought this place. She'd had help from friends in the life at the circus in addition to the bank loan.

"Maurice? He iz very good. Not as good as Aliki and me," she added with a wink. "Though Byron Holmes is partnering with her now." He was good. Not great. But he just had to serve his purpose for the most part, letting Aliki be the star.

"If you ever wish to fly, let me know. I dabble a little, though not as much as I would like. But I still have access to ze training area. Can get you in. Professional equipment. Aliki or I could join you. Or both of us." She grinned, unapologetic. "She would like you. Though I will be sure she knows I have dibs this time."

Which might ring a bell with him because that very discussion had happened on the rooftops when he'd faced off with Double Dare. Only, Margot has no idea it is yet another memory they share.

"Or you are welcome to come here. As you can see, I have most everything you might need. Outside a trapeze. The insurance would not cover it," she added as a joke. Cause she hadn't actually asked.

"It iz a small world, Officahr. Perhaps fate brings us together, oui?"

Nightwing has posed:
    "That's possible, Margot." That fate had brought them together. He smiled at the sentiment, the possibility of indulging in use of the equipment. To be fair Bruce has access to quite a spread of gear, but it had always been set up precisely by the book as they had arrived. None of the small idiosyncratic ways that circus folk know from so much labored use how to modify them. Tiny things like the way some knots are tied for the anchor lines. Using a particular clasp that comes from another vendor. And, of course, the most important step of all. Kissing your hands twice before taking hold of the trapeze. Very important.
    "I usually don't believe in fate, but this is a nice coincidence." Then he sits up a little looking away, then meeting her eyes. "Would you perhaps like to get a drink? After your last class, of course."
    It's casually asked, but then he adds with a smile. "I mean, purely business. Something I do for those who have the best donations for the Walkathon."

Double Dare has posed:
"Oh I see..."

Margot had been about to ask him out once they got further in the conversation. The fact he asked her out was already making her smile. Until he added the little caveat. "So I have competition. Dominic iz quite zee catch. I did not take you for being drawn to zee hairy back thing but who am I to judge. Plus so much free pizza!"

Margot hops off the desk and he might notice she lands on her left foot, so it will take the impact. Then she puts the right foot on the ground. It isn't necessary. The leg would support her just fine if she had landed on it that lightly. It was more a habit she had likely developed when dealing with the injury and recovery.

"I do not believe in coincidence." And she really didn't. Thus her choice of fate. Although she wasn't sure that she believed in that either.

"I would love to have a drink with you. Perhaps dinner after?" She dropped her gaze a moment then looked back at him, that coy glance through her lashes. "Maybe breakfast?"

Nightwing has posed:
    A small laugh comes from him as she reveals the incentive behind his secret affair with Dominic. So he nods slowly, "Indeed, he is a little furry, but the pizza. Mwah." He says as he brings a hand to his lips and mimes the Italian rhetorical gesture for delicious. But then he's rising as well, mindful of her gaining her feet and giving a little more room.
    She agrees to the sharing of a drink, and then more which has him smiling all the more as he murmurs, "One thing at a time, Miss Marceau."
    He steps back and takes up his backpack once again, swinging it over one shoulder as he backs away, smiling as he meets her eyes. "I'll be back later, think of someplace nice." Another step back, then he rests a hand on the doorknob of her office. "Until then."
    And with that he turns to depart, leaving for now until later on. Though as he leaves she'll likely be amused to see him glance back once again. Then smile.