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Latest revision as of 16:12, 23 October 2017

Looking for Dragons
Date of Scene: 26 April 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed.
Cast of Characters: Cyberdragon, 149, 142

Cyberdragon has posed:
The Otherday John had had an encounter with a telepath. He wasn't sure what was her gig, but it had left him unsettled. Still Cyber recomended coming back out here, as it would be u n expected. Of course that has give some kids time to upload photos of The Dragon of Huntsinger Forest Preserve. So he had taken the Opertunity to get out before morning and escape crowds. But the pictures are clear enough to show the Red and black Draconic creature.

So Right now he is As dawn breaks zipping through the trees as Cyber teaches john how to fly fast and agile making sure that he can fly twisting and turning to avoid trees. Of co urse this doesn't always work as sometimes Cyber clips them or in this case fails to adjust his course enough as a large branch hits his wing making him tumble out of the air hitting the forest ground with a bit of a thud.

Shaking his head he just lays there to rest for a brief moment.

Takeshi Hongo (149) has posed:
    Naturally, news of a 'dragon' in the forest has attracted the attention of one Takeshi Hongo, investigating such suspicious behavior worldwide to prevent organizations like Shocker from rising to power again. Having ridden his custom motorcycle, the New Cyclone, to the forest preserve's edge, he abandoned it in favor of searching on foot, preferring the stealthy approach.

Thing is, the Huntsinger Dragon isn't being very stealthy himself, which makes tracking him down /very/ easy for the veteran hero. Hearing the armored creature of myth crashing through the trees, Hongo, dressed in a jacket and slacks in natural colors to help camoflage himself, ducks behind a tree to avoid being seen.

How strange, though. If this were one of Shocker's modified humans, they'd hardly be bumbling about like this...

Cyberdragon has posed:
Of course Cyberdragon shakes his head and stands up imposing as his tail slashes back and forth cutting through some of the brush without damaging it, and then he stops his back is right to the Vetern here. And he just holds still almost like a statue, and then he turns slowly presenting his side and then turning to face the direction of the Hero in question. Earth tones do nothing to hide the Bio-electrical field he has.

"I can sense your presense. You may as well come out and ask me your questions."

He's brushing of a couple of leaves and branches. Standing there ready to react if need be.

Takeshi Hongo (149) has posed:
    Hongo is somewhat shocked that he was so easily detected. Could this creature have a cyborg detection system like his!? Nevertheless, since no hostile actions have been taken, he slowly, carefully makes his way around the tree, keeping his hands at his sides, but his stance ready to leap away in case of an attack.

"I am investigating rumors of a dragon in these woods. It seems they held some truth to them, but... you are not what I expected." Hongo says, his eyes trailing down to that swishing tail before returning to Cyberdragon's face. "My name is Hongo. Takeshi Hongo. I mean you no harm, if you intend none in return."

Cyberdragon has posed:
as he finishes brushing himself off the Bio-mechanical dragon smirks showing he has sharp teeth and asks. "What were you expecting Puff? Smaug, Saphira?" He turns to look "Cyberdragon." he says and then rolles his neck some there is an uncanny flexibility, the creature is not a Cyborg in the purest sense. There is metal there, perhaps the ability to detect some organic, depending on the power of that scanner. "I see no reason to start a fight, so I won't throw the first punch." The Dragon's face is extremely well animated, well expressive is the right word almost like a mammal's face would be.

Takeshi Hongo (149) has posed:
    No, this is certainly not one of Shocker's altered humans, Hongo can tell that already. As high a priority target as he is, this conversation never even would have reached the greeting phase if such were the case. "The name seems fitting." he responds, relaxing his stance ever so slightly.

"No, I was expecting... well, something much more immediately threatening. You appear to be on your own, am I correct in this assumption? If you were affiliated with any organization, such as Shocker or Destron, you certainly would have received training with your powers long before being sent into the open like this."

Cyberdragon has posed:
As he listens to Hongo he says. "Ah yes Training is exactly what I am doing. I really do need to find someplace more isolated for this. And no, not entirely on my own, I do have allies. Shocker, Destron? Sorry you lost me there, they anything like HYRDA or AIM?" he asks.

John can hear Cyber in his ears and mind as Cyber is allowing john to work on this. Still he is curious. has John aask, "And I'm assuming correctly they make monsters for causing trouble right?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"And thats a wrap everyone. Good job!" the director's voice calls out to the applauds of the photoshoot crew.

Adrien smiled softly as he carefully picked his way from the awkward bit of branch he was perched on. The crew had already begun to dismantle the set, lights being unpulled from a portable generator as everyone starts talkinh now that they are allowed. The photographer was a hardnose, no words but his own. Stepping toward his 'trailer', really little more than a covered sided pavilion with a vanity, a camp chair, and a rack of clothes, Adrien notices something missing.

Plagg. The cst spirit kwami. his companion and the source of his transformation powers, Adrien feels a spike of panic as he calls softly to the creature, receiving silence in reply. The tin of cheese he had ledt foe the kwami was on the ground by the tentxs side, where the xwall' did not quite meet the forest floor. The lid was gone, rolled away. the cheese was gone, but by the anglen Adrien could guess that some of the spiritxs addiction had rolled away and the spirit went after it.

Withour a backwards glancen adrien pushed himself into the forest to find his kwami.

A half hour later, having finally found Plagg asleep in a patcj of sunlight, stuffed to the gills, Adrien had put the bad luck spirit into the pocket of the leather vest he was wearing. It was all the blond model was wearing for a top. The shoot was for the pantsn after all, and the body paint and make up was still on his skin as, slightly lost, Adrien stepped into the clearing with the meeting between dragon and ...other person, and the make-upped young man freezes, eyes widen, painted lips in a bit of an o shape.

Takeshi Hongo (149) has posed:
    Hongo nods, his hunch confirmed. "You're new to your powers, then. Learning how to control them. It's good that you aren't alone, but your training has alarmed some of the locals. I can help you find a place to train that won't cause trouble for anyone else, if you wish." he offers, then nods at the comparison to HYDRA and AIM. "Yes, something like those. Shocker has gone by many names in many nations, but all of them have one singular goal: Creating a world where modified humans stand at the top. I've been fighting them for years."

Suddenly, something from the corner of his eye catches Hongo's attention, and his head whips around to stare at Adrien, the strange newcomer wearing... body paint and makeup? "Stop!" he calls out to the newcomer, holding out a hand to emphasize the point. "I don't know who you are, but do not be alarmed. This creature is not a threat. What are you doing here?"

Cyberdragon has posed:
Of course Cyber actually turns his head to look in the direction of the new coming before he actually arrived so when Hongo sees the arrival. And anounces he is no threat, and he looks at the man of Japanese origin he turns to him and says to Hongo, "Speak for your self I can be plenty terrifying if I try."

And then he turns to the new arrival and says. "Boo!" And then the absurdity of it might dumb found some people as he can see the makeup and the costume. "I said Boo. that is where you run away screaming in abject terror." And then he sighs, "Seems I have a lot of work. Actually there i s a movie production near here. I was hoping some people might have considered me one of the actors out having some fun." He says to Hongo.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Coal-lined green eyes flit from the dragon to Takeshi for a half heartbeat only before rhey are bavk on thw dragon. With practice at controlling facial expression, Adrien closes his mouth and schools his face into something more neutral.

"I... was working. Got lost," Adrien replies, leaving out all the details with smooth practice. That the dragon said boo does have the model giving a faint start, bodu tensing before Adrien can remain his comoosure.

"Umm... hi?" he says, french accent apparent.

Takeshi Hongo (149) has posed:
    By the accent, Hongo can guess this man is not from around these parts. He is about to ask just what /sort/ of work Adrien was doing, but Cyber answers the question for him, and Hongo simply gives him a 'please don't scare the guy I'm trying to keep calm' sort of glare. "A movie production? I heard something about that, yes, but it was drowned in the rumors of the dragon. It seems your presence has overshadowed theirs, Cyberdragon."

Taking a deep breath and straightening up, the cyborg allows himself a little smile. "But we can use that to buy us time, if you do indeed wish to find a new place to practice." Approaching Adrien, he addresses the French model with a slight bow. "Good morning. I am Takeshi Hongo, I'm just here investigating some rumors. If you speak to any of the locals, will you please tell them the dragon is simply part of the movie shoot?"

Cyberdragon has posed:
as he listens to the advice the idea had occured to him to ask that but he was beaten to the punch as he says. "I would be particular grateful for that as well." As he listens and thinks about the idea of training with someone. Stark was more interested in the raw data. He was certian that stark was looking for a way to neutrilize Cyber. Which kinda put him off of training at Stark's location.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
The bow is familiar, rhough from a different region than Adrien studied. Nevertheless, the paintes model bows slightly in return. It has a distinctly Chinese flavor.

"Fashion photoshoot, actually. It was wrapping up and heading out soon, but... yeah... I could... say that." Adrien agrees unsteadily, green eyes flitting from Takeshi to the dragon frequently. A dragon that really doesnt seem all that frightening. Or destructive. Adrien's shoukders relax, a tentative smile coming to the fore.

"Uh.. yeah. sure of course. no problem," the model reiterates for the dragon's benefit, since thw creature said it would be grateful for the frenchman's discretion. He knows about sexret keeping. And then manners seems to kick him and Adrien turnz back to Takeshi.

"ah! Adrien. Adtien Agreste. Pleased ti meet you..." he turns to the dragon, mind skimming through all the animr and manga and cartoons and fantasy novels he could recall in order to figure out how to realy properly address a dragon... Smaug was terrifying, both on page and on screen.

Takeshi Hongo (149) has posed:
    Hongo doesn't really know anything about Cyber's relationship with Tony Stark, but that can come later anyway. Right now, he's focusing on keeping this situation defused, and thankfully, it seems like an understanding has been reached.

"Thank you very much." he says with a nod to Adrien, letting out a sigh of relief. "Hopefully, we will not have to keep up the ruse for long. I will see if I can find a new training ground for him, so that he can practice in peace... and give some peace of mind to the locals."

Cyberdragon has posed:
Cyberdragon could be if he wants very terrifing. The biomechanical nature of his form, combined with the fiercness of the dragon's form is a dangerous combination. His tail tipped witha foot long seratted blade, claws and talons look exceptionally sharp as well. Combined with the fance that the joints are more organic in design, with no wheel joint. He could be mistaken for some sort of movie monster.

"Pleasure is mine I assure you." The dragon says offering his own bow as his wing comes around to hold infront of him as if he was holding a cape. Infact when he stands up he begins to move his wings over his back, hooking on the thumbclaws as it now forms a cap over his back."World is much more populated and truely remote areas seem to be very rare. Then again it has been five hundred years since I last was awake." Cyber wants to give the illusion he is much more experianced than he appears, just reawaking and recoving his strength perhaps? But he might explain some legends of dragons. Though the Form of a dragon is nothing new to Cyber, his last form was of a suit of armor similar to platemail.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
And thats when a bright, almost childlike smile beams across the model's face in sharp contrast to the grown up look of low rise pants, leather vest with no shirt and body paint to accent the tone of muscles.

"Like the Riders of Berk! Nono. Chronique de drangonlance. I loved Dragons du Crepuscule d'automne," says the now brughtly excited, nerdy sounding model, his words flitting from english to french in a manner that makes the accent in his English words far more pronounced and audible. French is clearly the native language for this one.

"Can you breath fire? Cast magic? How much wrong is Dragon Ball Z, really? Cause that show... so many fladhbacks..."

Someone stop him please.

Takeshi Hongo (149) has posed:
    Hongo looks back at Cyber as he mentions having been asleep for five hundred years, noting the wingcape. Interesting function, that. He's definitely a little suspicious of the idea that the dragon is /just/ recovering, but he lets it slide for now. "Well, now that that's taken care of, I must be going. Farewell, you two, and hopefully this won't take very long." he says, giving both of them a bow and a salute before walking back in the direction of his bike.

Cyberdragon has posed:
Realizing that he is speaking french he replies in French. ((I must keep my secrets for now. But rest assured in time they will be answered. And know that Dragons for a time did exsist, and in a way always will.)) As he turns to Hongo he doesn't mention the look he wasy given and says. "I will meet you north of the main city. Don't worry I will find you easilly even if you are deep in the woods Hongo." and with that The dragon opens his wings and with a Flap heads off into the air through the trees moving back and forth between them with great ease more ease than before....

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
The fluid french from thw dragon was a surprise, but really not all that much. He is aold after all. So, as he is left alone, Adrien just smiles to himself. Because that was cool.... and not something he can ever talk about. Adriend sighs softly and turns to the forest from wwnce he came. He pokes the kwami in his pocket, rousing him enough to transform so hw can use hos supwr form's heightened senses to find hia way back.