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Latest revision as of 13:39, 18 April 2022

Of Strays and Catwomen
Date of Scene: 11 April 2022
Location: a Backyard alley/a Catwoman hideout.
Synopsis: Two lovers of felines rescue a couple felines.
Cast of Characters: Ivory, Catwoman

Ivory has posed:
As if it's a rule of nature, cats seem to aggregate at places in town they like for reasons humans seem not to understand. Fish market? Ok, that humans understand, but why behind that restaurant on 30th street? It's clearly not because someone would feed them there, because the owner tries to get rid of the strays by beating and threatening them, when he spots them. But still, the always return...

Catwoman has posed:
     From above the restaurant, there are apartments, which means fire escapes. Selina has perched herself on the railing of one of those railing, looking down at all the cats that scurry about. The owner of the resaurant comes out and tries to clear the felines away and light flashes in Selinas eyes, narrowing her eyes at the owner as her next target. "If he raises that broom..." talking to herself as she watches on.
     Sure enough the broom is lifted and it looks like he's about to beat or push the cats away with the use of the broom. Selina jumps down from her perched position, black heeled boots and black gloved hands touch the dirty ground. Her head turns towards the owner, she was not in her catwoman costume, but she was dressed in black pants and a black shirt. "Excuse me." its obvious that she startled the owner, "I think you were just about to harm these animals. Did you know they are protected under the humane society code? If you should have a complaint, you should call. Or I will call the police on you and have you arrested."

Ivory has posed:
"These pests howl and disgust my customers! And they are dirty!" The restaurant owner replies somewhat enraged, waving the broom in hand a little, not at the cats but the suddenly appeared woman. "I don't even understand what they find at this alley, I just want them gone!"

While the restaurant owner complains, the other end of the little road hints at least some of why a few cats might like the spot, as someone whith white hair gets in there, kneeling down and ruffling a kitten's head, feeding a few slices of something from the palm to it before sharing a treat with another.

Catwoman has posed:
     "Touch them, and you will regret it." Selina tells the restaurant owner with pure evil in her tone. She would if she had to cause harm, but this was a warning. "I will get them out. "Pst!" she calls to the cats and most of them seem to pay attention to her, though there is one furry white hair that gets her attention. For protection purposes, her eyes narrow, but then they are petting a cat, so they cant be too harmful.
     Because of that, Selina looks back at the owner and hisses, "Get out of here, this place has no more purpose for you! I told you. I would handle it."

Ivory has posed:
"Whatever. But if they come back, I will have to call the catcher and then they get drowned in the harbor." The owner scoffs as he returns through the door of his restaurant, the heavy metal door slamming behind him and spooking a couple of the cats.

While Ivory only has a couple few feline friends hanging around them, their hands with the food do get their takers in exchange for a few headrubs and scratches. The slam raises the head of the whitehead a little, a raised eebrow sent back to the cats around Selina, before they lower again.

Catwoman has posed:
     Selina gasps and growls at the idea that the cats would be drown in the harbor, part of her wants to pounce the restaurant owner, but she's been trying to do better lately. Settling for a hiss at the sound of the metal door slamming.
     After all that, Selina picks up one of the cats, "Hello kitten. Do not worry, I wont let anything happen to you." Nuzzling against the fur, she looks past the fur to see Ivory. "Hello." she offers.

Ivory has posed:
Raising the head to answer the greeting with a nod and letting the kitten just pampered steak, Ivory stretche before they get up fully again. "I know your voice... Miss Kyle, right?" they ask, offering their hand. "Ivory Valentine, if you forgot."

Catwoman has posed:
     Selina smiles at Ivory, "You are right." She was Ms. Kyle, The kitty in her arms, is put down. "I've a home for you, kitten." these words are put towards the cat she put down. If she was embarrassed by the fact that she forgot Ivory's name, she doesnt show it, "Good to see you again, Ivory. I am a bit to surprised to see you here." motioning towards the cat crowd, "I thought I was the only that tracked cats."

Ivory has posed:
"You forget that my brand's logo is one, and I try to spy inspiration at times." Ivory remarks with a little shrug, grinning a little at the comment about home. "A home for the little girl, hm? Would be too bad if her best friend was missing. Just wondering where Pumpkin is... oh, over there!" Pointing to a corner, where a young black cat, almost as black as the night, steps out to paw at the head of the kitten Selina just put down, brushing the ear a little.

Catwoman has posed:
     Selina might have forgotten Ivory, but at the memory of the logo is brought up, she nods slowly, it was all coming back to her slowly. Looking towards the other cats that were pointed out, she smirks, "I would never let any of them go. I have a home for them all. For as long as they want it." explaining, "The apartment might be small, but its comfortable, full of love and food."

Ivory has posed:
"Sounds a lite like a crazy cat lady, hmmm?" Ivory teases, pulling something from the pocket to toss to Selina. "Maybe you can bribe the two to follow you home with a little Bonito flake or two."

Catwoman has posed:
     Catching whatever Ivory was tossing at her, Selina opens her hand and looks down at it. A smirk plays on her lips, "Thank you for the tip, but I usually dont have a problem having the kitties follow the... what did you call me? a crazy cat lady?" She doesnt look like she took offense by the name. It was more than likely true. "I have a thing for strays."

Ivory has posed:
"A thing for kittens in need." Ivory rewords it a little, nodding to the bag of simmered, smoked and fermented fish flakes, thinly sliced into almost translucent slips. "And bribery is the way to a kitten's heart. That, an of course headscratches." A little chucle follows as they gesture around. "So, need a few hands to evacuate them?"

Catwoman has posed:
     The treat in her hand shouldnt go to waste, Selina bends at the waist and offers it to the kittens. Which of course come running to her for more and more love and treats. "Is that an offer to help me move them to my apartment?" the question comes first, then the look comes second when she looks to Ivory.

Ivory has posed:
A shrug leads to a nod as Ivory reaches for a more elder cat, carefully cradling it on their arm, fingers playing with the old lady's ear. "Why not? You couldn't make this little ragtag family part, so we should strive to bring them all to safety, before the evil restaurantier calls the inhumane society."

Catwoman has posed:
     A cat like grin plays on Selina's lips, "My my, what a surprise to get offered help." watching as the elder cat is carefully brought into Ivory's arms. "I dont live too far from here. Any ideas on how to get them all in one?" Though that seems to be a big task, she knew it was hard to herd cats.

Ivory has posed:
"That's the tough part. Getting three, four in a turn? That works. The whole bunch? That's a miracle." Ivory remarks, keeping up the playing with the old cat's head. "I can't really talk to 'em, but maybe we can get them to just follow their leader, if we move her."

Catwoman has posed:
     Selina takes a few steps away from the cats, walking towards the exit of the area they were currently in. With that movement six of those cats start to follow her and she turns and stops. "Good kitties." she calls to them, moving her them across the first three fingers of her hand to make a whisping noise. They come to sniff and then rub against her hand. "Which leader might you be talking about?" Ivory might have meant the elder cat in her arms.

Ivory has posed:
Ivory following a couple yards behind, Ivory scoops up a smaller kitten on her other arm to give her a lift on the way while Selina gathers most of them in a silent way. "Well, seems like it's a black haired one." they teae, the old lady on their arm protesting the wind in the ally a moment before snuggling into the jacket to evade that. "So lead the way, Cat Queen."

Catwoman has posed:
     Selina bends at the waist and picks up a gray kitten, tucking her against her neck to nuzzle in. Looking back at Ivory, "I'll lead the way, if any start to stray, call out?" she says then starts to walk out of the alley. The cats follow the 'cat queen' as Ivory had called her, meowing along as they follow after the mother.
     True to her word, the the apartment is not far from the location they had all gathered at. A couple blocks at most, before she turns to open the door the apartment complex. A little whisper calls them with a flick of her head to get them into the complex. "Not much further."
     From there, they will go a little further to the door of her apartment, keys come out and she opens the door to her apartment. "Alright, everyone in!" she calls.

Ivory has posed:
Chuckling as they settle down their charges after the door, Ivory stretches a little shaking the head a moment later as if to loosen the hair. Indeed, the hair does shift, but not from lessening the grip of the hairband, but it's a pair of feline ears freeing itself. "Ahhhh, so, all cat night in your flat, Miss Kyle?" they tease a tad, winking to the woman.

"What does one toast with for a cat rescue?"

Catwoman has posed:
     Selina walks further into the apartment. From the looks of things around the rooms, no one had stayed here in some time, but the apartment had been kept up. The other cats from the home come out of the woodworks to greet the new ones that had followed Selina inside. "Hello, my pretties." she coos at them, reaching into a cabinet to grab some cat food from the cabinets.
     Looking back at Ivory, as the ears emerge from her hair, "Well, well, well..." she smiles, "That was indeed unexpected." Cat food gets poured into large bowls that they empty on the ground for group feedings, "If you'd like. Though, its always an all cat night for me." once the food it set out, she puts away the food and starts on getting fresh water for them all.
     "Milk, usually." her head turns and winks at Ivory.

Ivory has posed:
With a little giggle, Ivory settles the cat on their arm down as they follow, making sure the door is closed behind them. "Milk, hmmm? Sounds like someone wants to make the kittens jealous."

The ears swivel a few moments, as if to familiarize with the whole room, then a smile wanders over the cat-person's face. "Oh come on, you should know well enough that that's part of my talent set. I think we met like that in the Iceberg Loungue twice? You wore a black cat costume, I was the white counterpart kind of. Though I was Felicia's +1 that day."

"Well, then it doesn't change, still all cat night, right?" There's a wide smile on their face.

Catwoman has posed:
     The small apartment was nothing fancy. The living room, kitchen and dining room were all together on small room. The couch looked to be second or third owned with cat fur all over the gray fabric. The Small four chair table was covered in bowls for cat food. The kitchen was not a mess, but it didnt look like it had been used in some time. The entire apartment looked like it wasnt ever lived in, more a cat house. Walking over to the refrigerator, Selina pulls the door open and pulls out some milk, then she takes a bottle of wine out too. "I have wine if you'd prefer, I keep it to take the edge off really long nights." Setting it on the kitchen counter before pouring a little of the milk in a bowl, before setting it down on the ground for the cats.
     A pause in her cat-like movement, memory coming back to her as she looks back at Ivory, "Ahhh, so we have. Forgive my memory. I havent seen Felicia in some time."

Ivory has posed:
"Me neither... it's a pitty though. Anyway, a glass of milk for the rescued kittens, hm?" Ivory follows along, reaching to the bottle of wine to read the label, before putting it back onto it. "Only if you take a glass. It's bad to drink alone. Anyway... how's everything? I mean... on your end?" They lean against the counter, hands fiddling with the pants some moments, before a long and equally fluffy tail uncurls, matching the ears and completing the catty look. "Just don't want to mess up the cat night." they explain... or not.

Catwoman has posed:
     Selina picks up one of the rescues and leans her face against its neck to nuzzle it before setting it down near the milk dish. Stepping around the cats, she walks over to open a cabinet, reaching up on her toes to reach to wine glasses to pull them down. Moving closing to Ivory, she takes the bottle so that she can open it. "I think a glass of wine sounds wonderful about now."
     Going about opening it and then pour them each a glass, then handing one over to the Ivory, "You are not messing anything up." smiling, "I dont mind a glass of wine with a friend, that never messes anything up." Pulling her hair tie out of her hair to take down the ponytail that was holding her hair all together, shaking it out. "Everything has been... wonderful." A smile plays on her lips as memory of something or someone takes over her mind. "What about you?"

Ivory has posed:
Taking the glass, Ivory smells at the opening before following Selina a few steps. "Wonderful, hm? I can't complain myself. I mean, my company is ok, I sell a few clothes, but it is a little uneventful in the last time. That is, not today, but in general. Little happening for little cat me. That is, unless you count getting rescued from the rain by Supergirl."

Catwoman has posed:
     "Make yourself at home." Selina gestures to the room, she could sit pretty much anywhere she found a spot to. Selina herself wonders over to the dining room table and pulls out a chair, sitting herself down, toying with her hair and using her nails to comb through long strands of hair. "I would saying being rescued by Supergirl would be something exciting." Her hand pausing in her hair for only a moment, before asking, "How did that happen?"

Ivory has posed:
Ivory chuckles as they follow, pulling out a chair and turning it 180 degrees, so that the backrest is on the table side, before they settle down straddling the chair and leaning forward, misusing the backrest as chest rest while the tail swishes behind them, pushing the shirt up where it bends out under it but exposing nothing. "Well, it was a horrible night and I was out doing things. I missed the bus, and tried to get home without catching a cold, so I did my way on four paws. Supergirl came along, and picked me up and gave me a ride to a nice, cozy place where I could dry off and take a ride home the day after. I think she loves animals.

Catwoman has posed:
     "Another fellow cat lover." Selina purrs, "How lovely." The tip of her finger circles the rim of her wine glass. "I'm glad she was close by to offer you assistance and refuge for the night. Sounds like a right place at the right time sort of thing." smiling softly before picking up her glass of wine and drinking it slowly. One of the cats comes up and brushes agaisnt Selina leg, bending at the waist, she picks up the cat and sets it in her lap. Her free hand strokes the cats fur from head to mid-back, letting it get comfortable in her lap.

Ivory has posed:
"Oh, I bet she is. But I doubt she realized I was more than a cat." Ivory notes with a giggle before taking a sip from their glass. "That is, until I talked to her. I should have had a camera, because I doubt anyone has seen her surprised by anything so far."

As Selina reaches for a kitten to pull on her lap, Ivory chuckles a little. "I bet that is the prime place in this flat for the real felines."

Catwoman has posed:
     "The more time she spends around humans, Supergirl will realize that she needs to be less surprised about things that can happen around her." Selina had seen more than her fair share of a lot of things in her time, that nothing seemed to surprise the woman anymore.
     Looking down at the cat in her lap, the stroking continuing, "I have to take turns, or they all start to get a little jealous. I havent been spending as much time here as I use to, so they crave my attention when I do spend time here."

Ivory has posed:
"I don't think she has a grasp for magic. Or that there are magical cats. And that after being active in New York, the town best known for a musical about magical cats." Ivory snickers a little at the remark about spreading attention between the kittens, nodding a little as they reach over to a stray that needs a tiny bit of love, offering it a finger to smell at and welcome, before the hand moves on to play with the ears ever so gently.

"A new project? Or someone that takes time away from them?"

Catwoman has posed:
     Selina hesitates on how to respond to Ivory's question, "Someone." she finally says, the cat that had settled on her lap now had its eyes closed and was kneading at her black clad thigh. "Batman." Adding the name to go long with the someone. "He's been keeping me rather... occupied." nodding slowly, yes, yes, that was the right of it. Smiling a bitshe looks up to meet Ivory's gaze, then shrugs.

Ivory has posed:
"Occupied, huh?" Ivory chuckles as they tease and play with the kitten's ears, giving it a good time as the two humans talk. "That can be a lot. But I am not going to dig deeper. Your face tells me it's in an interesting way you enjoy."