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Latest revision as of 16:17, 23 October 2017

Getting To Know You...
Date of Scene: 26 April 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed.
Cast of Characters: Cyberdragon, Pepper Potts

Cyberdragon has posed:
IT has been about a week, A week more or less since John has been joined with the Entity known as Cyber. Forming a suit of Armor. The apperance is that of a Biomechanical dragon, based on John Coltan's memories. The Pair form Cyberdragon, the armored Superhero out of his memories. Still For the most part John has been enjoying the Penthouse, and having been given Stark's blessings he's been able to come and go freely with his new companion Cyber. John of course has been more or less content to take care of himself, even cooking for himself. Of course more than once perhaps the smell of his cooking has filled the penthouse, as John keeps mostly the cooking shows on. Learning to refine his passion for being a Chef.

Cyber his companion, has been spending every free moment possible learning everything he can about history in the last 500 years since he was last activated. Cyber has also taken to the chance of occationally playing a prank on John the last thing he did was get some of those street containers of slime and filled one of John's shoe toes with it... Cyber is not just a static object. He's got personality.... The Bio-suit has also been altering his form to that of a Large dog. A tabitian mastiff, getting a unique look so that he can walk with John in public without giving his appearance away.

So right now there is a massive dog in the penthouse as he ios just watching the various monitors for historical data.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Having been finally given the low down on what happened, Pepper has been curious to meet their new 'companion'. Teenage border. Runaway? She really wasn't certain what to call him, but she needed to meet the boy to help figure out just what to DO with him. Of course, it's not a huge surprise she's not encountered him yet, Pepper doesn't live at the penthouse herself. Only the nights she works super late and needs to crash without going home. Otherwise, her and Tony's relationship is purely professional. Surely.

However, after JARVIS informed her that yes, their new border was in residence, she's decided to come up and visit after the work day, before heading back to her own private little condo. The door opens to emit the tall, thin woman into the room. Curious green eyes flicker around the place, "John? Ah...my name is Pepper... are you home? Tony told me about you. I... thought I'd introduce myself..." She calls to the room, stepping in further and just BLINKING at the dog. The very. Massive. Dog. "...Well, hello, my canine friend. Ah... Tony... did NOT tell me about YOU." God she hopes he's friendly.

Cyberdragon has posed:
As Cyber turns his head looking at the new arrival. Of all things he was watching historical documentaries, and then offers a bark. It sounds a touch metallic as John also turns from making himself some lunch, it smells absolutely wonderful. Cheeseburgers. The Bark Gets a look from john. "You need to adjust the bark, still has a metallic Ring to it. As The dog does bark a few times occationally getting the metallic ring out, before he turns to walk over to the area John is in. Walking past a post the Dog is on oneside qas what looks like a Bio-mechanical dragon starts to walk out the other. WTF? Using the Post as a view break shifting his form. //"Well if you thought I was really a dog, that's a good thing."// the dragon says.

Looking from Cyber to Pepper he says. "Don't mind him, I'm still trying to figure him out. Last night he put toy slime in one of my shoes."

Pepper Potts has posed:
The strawberry blond just stares, finally catching sight of the young man she had been looking for, then looking at the massive dog with the strange, indeed slightly metallic sounding bark. Pepper just blinks a few times, trying to get her mind to catch up with the weirdness of what is her life. And then she forces a smile, all business, across her carefully glossed lips as she looks the young man over. "Yes, well... I just wasn't expecting a dog. A very... *large* dog. Live and learn, yes?" She offers with the perky professionalism that Pepper Potts is known for almost world wide.

She then double times it over in the young man's direction and offers her hand neatly. She's still all business and sky high Prada heels, even in Tony's apartment, "I'm Virginia Potts, but you are welcome to call me Pepper. I'm Tony's executive assistant."

Cyberdragon has posed:
John of course has to Flip his Burger as he shakes her hand and smiles. "Jonathan Q. Coltan. Pleasure is mine Pepper. If you are interested in lunch I can throw in a second Burger. he even has Fries ready to go into a deep fryer. The smell of Garlic liquid hickory, and of course. Tony has actual REAL Truffle oil, not the flavored stuff.

//"Well Preserving a secret Identity with john is one of the best ways I can protect him yet always be there if he needs me."// Cyber says and John mentions

"He hates being treated like a object."

Pepper Potts has posed:
The redhead looks between the two, trying to figure out exactly how this is working, but her brain doesn't quite grok it yet. "...Alright. So... you two...are separate people but... can be one person. Is that how this works? Forgive me, John. Tony wasn't all too clear when he mentioned how this whole thing happened. But... yes. a secret identity is generally good. Unless your Iron Man, then you apparently only keep it until you feel like giving your whole press team and company a heart attack." Pepper sighs at the memory of that. Nope, she's not still bitter. NOT AT ALL.

The scent of the burgers and the fries is defintely enough to make Pepper's stomach growl, hungrily, as her thin frame craves such empty carbs. But she gives him a little sigh, "...As good as it smells, I've got a salad downstairs. Get to my age and fries are something you pay for for a week." Pepper only half teases. She's definitely one of *those* women, the women who flutter at every extra pound. She's too stiffly elegant, too perfect right now, beneath her bespoke suit and prim hair.

Cyberdragon has posed:
"It works similar to the Iron man Suits. but we are Symbiotically linked. Cyber's his own entity, but when merged I am in control predominatly. And he functions similar to how Jarvis does with Tony." John explains as he will start slicing Onions, Tomatos, Lettus, Pickes, and mustard.

//"I can only assume control when John himself is other wise incapible of doing so. I have to admit I am throughly surprised with how fast humanity progressed in the late twentyth century. You have come along way since the 15th century."//

"Well then I will have to plan some Low carb low calory food," John says, "Something that doesn't taste like cardboard. I am sure I can come up with something. But Tony has been kind enough to let me crash here while he confirms Cyber isn't some sort of Alien doomsday weapong ready to go off."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Yes, yes... and don't worry. I've got protein shakes and everything I need at the office." Pepper reassures the young man, "No need to cook for me, I don't live here or anything. I'm just checking in on business." Pepper explains, trying to make it quite clear that she and Tony are SIMPLY boss and secretary. Of course. As ever.

"He explained he invited you to stay here. That... that is fine, but there are some concerns. Like... how old are you? Do you have legal guardians? If we need to do the paperwork to become your legal guardians, we will, but you still need to go to... School, you know? And then we need to think about college. A man your age, well... I just... I want to be clear that this isn't some fun science sleep away camp. We all have responsibilities. I don't think that Tony thought that through too much." Pepper tries to explain in her best soccer coach mom voice. She's trying to be nice, not a party pooper, but she's ever the responsible one and she seems quite firm about these points.

Cyberdragon has posed:
Of course the talk of the cooking is fine. But the mention of Stark becoming his guardian? He was about to moce soming hot and the distraction is enough to make him miss his proper hand hold and put his hand right on the hot cast iron skillet. Pulling back in pain as he bites his lips. as he rushes over to push his hand under ice cold water as he grimices in pain.

The shot of Pain is enough to make Cyber stand up accutely aware of how it hurt john. Thankfully the contact was breif as he pulls his hand out of the water. "I think I burn mah fingers!" and he shakes it off before going back to the skillet.

John of course does note Cyber's concern. But Cyber doesn't interfere. "Guardian ship. I barely escaped foster care once my mother died. I spent three months convinsing a judge I was compenet enough to take care of my self." he says and gets things taken care of. John is still confused as to why Stark would want to adopt him, though to keep an Eye on Cyber is obvious.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Of course, it wasn't Stark's idea at all, but the over planning, over protective Pepper. The woman gives a bit of a yelp, "Carefu-!" It's too late, the kid is already burnt. She swears beneath her voice and immediately breaks into action, grabbing at a cloth from one of the drawers and heading to the freezer so she can pull out a few cubes of ice. She wraps them in the cloth and then uses the little fountain on the front of the fridge to dampen the cloth, so it's not actual ice on the kid's skin, but cool cloth. As he finishes with the sink, she offers it to him, "here, hold this on for a bit, then I'll take a look at it once the burning has gone down. Maybe we caught it fast enough to not blister."

Pepper's voice is all motherly protection and worry, having kicked into over drive the moment he seemed threatened. She studies his face, trying to see just how bad the pain is. But he clearly has it under control. She just worries too much. "...And... are you properly emancipated then? Tony simply didn't think through any of this when he asked you here, is all. I don't want to do anything illegal and I don't want you feeling like you're lost with no choice. If...if you want to have protection, we'll offer you protection. If you want to be your own man, well... if the courts allowed it, there's nothing I can say otherwise."

Cyberdragon has posed:
//"Actually John is still in the probational area of this but it's almost complete, he still has one more hearing to go to more or less."// Cyber says making John look to Cyber. Cyber as if reading his mind Cyber says. //"I am practical John, Stark has valid concerns. I am a marvel of Techno organic engineering. For all I know I could turn dangerous to you and everyone around us. I don't know if that is true Ms. Potts. But right now my primary concern is John's well being if I did become a danger to john, then at this point, I would prefer to be neutrilized without him being harmed. Stark Might be able to do so. John I have no problem with his tests and examinations, providing he does not actually attempt something without just cause. I have no problem being here and examined. Frankly I am courious about myself as you are."//

It's not the first time John has burned himself in the kitchen, won't be the last as John Shakes his head and Cyber seems to know him very well. "He knows me better then my self, and I am not sure to be scared, amazed, or just weirded out Pepper."

//"You'll go with all three."// Cyber teases.

Pepper Potts has posed:
The woman listens quietly, still holding the cool compress out. She nods once more to it and his hand, "Come on, use it. Ask Tony, I don't take no for an answer. Especially when it comes to however you boys idiotically hurt yourself under this roof." Yes, Pepper is referring to Tony as a boy there. He really is most days.

She then sighs and leans to the side, her hip against the counter and arms folding across her chest once her hands are free once more. "Whatever tests you and Tony conduct, that is up to you. I trust you all to figure out what needs done. I'm more worried about you as a PERSON, John. 16... it's not... You're just not an adult yet. You should finish high school. There are great STEM schools in the city. Hell, we could cover your tuition for somewhere private. But you... you shouldn't be out there alone. I get that the foster care system sucks. I've seen it. Well... maybe take a chance with a real family, for once? We're not traditional, and god knows we aren't family... but... I could handle the paperwork. Tony or I could be your guardian. There would be rules. Curfew. You'd have to go to school. But we're not tyrants... and you'd be safe here."

Cyberdragon has posed:
as John listens to Pepper and he swallows. "Thanks." and he will finally take the Compress once he is abled to get the burger finished. he keeps it on his hand and smiles. "thank you. But it's not the first time I been burned. And won't be the last." John says, "occupational hazard." And oif course Cyber goes to get some Burn Cream from the first aid offering it to John who accept is. "It would certianly be better than mom's cousin Thomas. He's got a gambling habit and he has tried to convince the judge to let him take care of me. All he wants is the money in my accunt for college so that he can use it to gamble with." John says putting some cream on his hand. "I'll think about it alright. I won't deny it would be nice. Never knew my father." he says.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"...Well, we certainly don't need money. But we also cannot keep you here illegally. If there are people from your mother's family trying to get their hands on you and you HAVEN'T been emancipated yet, John, that leaves Tony open to kidnapping lawsuits. Do you realize that? Just crashing here is... It's far more complicated than either of you realize." Pepper states in that stern, business first because she's protecting all of you voice. She hates being the dark cloud of practicality over everyone's fun, but sometimes someone HAS to be. "...Do you have a lawyer? If so, I'd like to talk to him. Or her. If you'd be willing to sign a form saying I can see the proceedings, I'll look it all over and let you know how best we should go forward. I'm not trying to trap you here, but I have to protect Tony. You understand?"

Cyberdragon has posed:
as John thinks and he pulls out his PDA and says, "yeah I have a Lawyer." and he will begin to call up the information and he realizes the information as Cyber starts talking to John.

//"John It's just you and me in that large house north of new york. You know as well as I do eventually you'll have to sell it and move into a flat. Prices in New york are abominable. the best you could hope for would be some bug infest apartment. And you know your mother Sarah has always wanted the best for you."// Looking toMs. Potts. //"I wouldn't worry about Thomas he's got a criminal record and not exactly what you call STAR guardianship, he himself is on probation. While the worst John did was set off Bottle bombs in the back woods of Piqua Ohio."// Cyber is looking out for John as John will consent as he looks to Cyber then Potts.

"Alright, besides if Thomas finds out about Cyber, and he would eventually out there. When the judge finds out, I don't want to be religated to a science institute. The Judge is well known for not liking mutants. Considering his Track records it to assume mutant orphans to various insitiutes when ever legally possible. Thomas actually threaten me with that claiming to the judge I was a mutant. He just didn't expect me have a recording. Of course the judge ordered DNA tests."

Pepper Potts has posed:
The expression on Pepper's face isn't being convinced. She stares flatly between the two, but mainly she's focused on John because he is the one that would take the stand in court of something happened. "Just because the man doesn't have claim on you now, doesn't mean he can't get a sympathetic judge, pretend to clean himself up, and accuse Tony Stark of kidnapping his family. Tony isn't exactly always beloved of the media or the courts, it depends on the day and which way the wind is blowing. I've kept him out of trouble so far, but that's been a lot of work and discussions behind the scenes, which I'd rather not elaborate on. I just want to cut off any issues before we hit them, John... and us getting legal paperwork to adopt you would make all of this binding, safe, and ensure your uncle never gets lucky with a judge. That's my biggest concern. We are... supportive here. Of science. Of mutants. Of what you'd want to do with your life... As long as you are willing to follow rules. Sensible rules ANY teenager in ANY healthy household would have."

Cyberdragon has posed:
Lifting his hand sup he says, "alright alright. You've convinced me, You have made a lot of points. And I can't argue with them. Besides Cyber would undermind any arguement I could make." There is a Mock sneer at the dragon who smiles smugly. "Let's go through the process of being a legal charge of Stark." he says and he does sound honest and will of course go through the paperwork she has, and will set up an appt with his lawyer to have him Pepper and his lawyer speak together."

"So no staying up late after hours, parties, drinking, drugs, no getting in trouble with the law. Right." he says.

//"Besides we already had a telepath Scan your mind. How much she got, I don't k now, but she at least knows something of John and me. Here is a description of her and rendering best I could draw. I already let Stark know through Jarvis. whether or not he's taken time to read it."//

Pepper Potts has posed:
The woman blinks, used to someone fighting her far more about this. "..We... we'll have to talk to Tony, make certain he's WILLING to be your legal guardian. If not, I will be willing. Either way, you'll stay here, of course, and have access to everything you need. And yes. All those other rules." Pepper smiles, a rather brilliant smile, actually. She's quite lovely when she's not nagging or worried about someone.

"A...telepath. Are you worried about her? Why did she scan your mind? And yes, I'll start handling all the legal arrangements in the morning. Just send everything to my email." Pepper reaches into her pocket, drawing out her personal business cards and handing them smoothly over to the young man.

Cyberdragon has posed:
//John is concerned, I am worried. She pushed into john's mind and anchored him when we were in the forest preserve of Huntsinger, Culver. When I realized she was telepathic. She had already senses our duel nature, and knew John's name. After a moment of the force held she relented on John withdrawing.// Cyber sighs and he lays down. //Psychic attacks are something I can't defend against. Yet. Maybe in time I will evolve that ability but for now. No."//

"She was there with a younger girl, I think on some sort of trip. But they had litterally appeared out of the shadows. Other wise I coudl have sensed them before their approach when talking to that goth Girl. I was worried she might be contemplating suicide. Thank you Pepper. I just wasn't expecting my life to take a turn for the wierd." he says. "You know three years ago, Tony did save my life. Young Stupid, and obsessed with Super Heroes so when an attack came by a super villian, I did what all kids stupidly do, I went to get a closer look." he says with a smile.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Alright, we... can put a face watch out for her. But if she's not threatened you yet, or outright, there isn't much more we can do there. So... that's a secondary worry. Getting all this legal paperwork sorted is my primary concern. You email me tomrrow, alright?" Pepper states with a firm, motherly sort of smile. "And.. Tony is good like that. He's a good man. Just doesn't think things through a lot. But... he cares. You're in good hands." Pepper then picks herself up into standing straight again, "I'll let you get back to your dinner. I should get back to the office. But it has been good to meet you."

Cyberdragon has posed:
As he starts to get his fries finished he says. "I'll need to get home soon. Make sure my cousin doesn't break in and try and steal my dragon statues." Of course John had a couple hidden cameras set up, so that he could record the place. "Oh that reminds me." and he begins to turn on his Phone and goes through the files checking out the area as he turns on the camera and he uinstantly turns pissed as hell. "THAT SON OF A!" And he bites his lips as he starts to turn back the time and he says, "He fucking robbed me!" and he shows Pepper the video of his cousin having broken into his place and was now putting his statues, the ones you get from mail order in boxes and such. "I put up a hidden camera in that area, just incase." It even has voice as he says

"Let's see how long you can last once everything of value is gone. I'm sure the judge will see my side of the story..." and he starts to pack up the statues to carry them out...