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When Cap Comes Crashing In...
Date of Scene: 26 April 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: At the tail end of a fight, Cap crashes through a wall and into a car, a Vision ghosts in, and Darcy cusses. Cap gives her the Language Look.
Cast of Characters: Darcy Lewis, Captain America, Vision

Darcy Lewis has posed:
THe Bronx. Midafternoon. Darcy took the afternoon off from work. She couldn't do it too often, but some times errands had to be run. Like emergency payments to the city so utilities don't get shut off. Stupid student loans!

Rushed from that, Darcy makes her way down the street in her work attire: black pencil skirt into which she's tucked a white tank blouse that allows her to not button her black blazer. An over-large purse hangs from her shoulder as she walks in very not practical shoes with very practical grace.

Captain America has posed:
     A normal day in deed, as a lone figure dressed completely in thick modern blue armor, with a white A on his forhead comes flying out from a building and landing right through the hood of a car.

     Captain America, dressed in his ultra-modern uniform, with a heater style shield in one hand slowly pushes himself up from the crumpled hood of the car. Rubbing his side he blinks a couple of times. "Note to self: Don't make her angry."

     Broken glass falling to either side he hops down from what had been a 4 door sedan and starts running right back towards the building. As he's right by the door he skids to a stop holding a single hand up to his ear.

     "Hell of a right hook, but I'm fine." He says into the open air dusting a bit of glass off of himself. The Shield had taken the brunt of the fall from the looks. "Well good work, I'll be back up in a bit, just need to catch my breath, not every day you survive a fall like that." A confident laugh as he just puts an arm up against the wall of the building shaking his head from one side to the other.

Vision has posed:
    That is when Vision 'phases' through the side of the building, and freaking some people out before he solidifies. "Excuse me, Captain." Vision says as he remains floating about an inch off the ground. "My scanners showed you were thrown violently out of the building." Of course, this could also freak out Darcy Lewis, depending upon her experience with the Avengers.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Nothing seemed strange and then Man met Car. Right in front of her. This brought Darcy up quickly, green eyes blinking behind her glasses.

She had thought to check on him. Already Darcy took a step forward. But then his uniform resolves itself and the parting of her lips to prepare to ask him if he's okay turns into her mouth hanging open a bit and more when he pushes himself up, talks into his communit.

Darcy shakes her head quickly before stepping toward Captain America as he leans on the building, eyes glancing up at the window he flew out of (got punched out of!?) briefly.

Once more, her inhale to speak is cut short. This time, turning into a faint squeak as Vision phases out of the damn building right next to her.

"Holy shit fuck balls man!"

In her defense, that wasn't what she was PLANNING on saying. She's going to blame Vision, whom she's looking over at. The wheels in her head are visibly turning before she looks back over at Steve, ignores the slight freak out she just had, and levels a fairly serious expression on him.

"Everything alright, Captain... and... Walk-Through-Walls-Man...?" Darcy /really/ needs to study SHIELD field files more, doesn't she?

Captain America has posed:
     "Tends to happen when someone punches you through it buddy." Cap offers with a bit of a light-hearted laugh. "Just glad to know they're still working right." A smile comes across his face as he rests his back up against the wall of the building, his shield collapsing back down into a single baton, before being placed right into his belt.

     "Hey, watch the language, might be children within earshot." Cap comments, his first words to Darcy, as he points a whole hand her direction. "Don't need to go teaching any of them words like that." It's a bit of a stern explanation but not quite an angry one as he straightens out his stance reclaiming his own composure.

     "We've got everything under control by the looks, just managed to take a shot on the chin." A quick moment to just rub the base of his chin from where the hook had slammed into him knocking him through multiple walls a window, and a car. "Nothing to worry about."

Vision has posed:
    "I guess that is what humans call 'a lucky shot'?" VIsion says to Captain America before looking towards Darcy and her profanity. "that was....profanity, I assume." Vision's head tilts a bit. "but my name is Vision, or that's the name the Wasp gifted me when she saw me. You are......" and he pauses for a moment....."Darcy Lewis....of Shield....correct?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Captain America just 'Languaged' her. Darcy has the good grace to blush faintly, and even glance about for kids. (of course there are kids!). Her lower lip is bit for a moment before she's nodding at the good Captain, green eyes sliding toward Vision.

"Yeah. I was just passing by when... Cap, wall, car, smash." She pauses and looks back at Steve, smiling faintly.

"I'm glad everything's taken care of. Do you have a clean up crew?" she asks then. Because she's Administrative more than anything else.

Captain America has posed:
     "It's called getting careless" Cap corrects Vision a short bit after he says the words lucky shot. "Something that can cost lives in combat, I'm just lucky to be built from tougher stuff." A light nod of his head. "Keep in mind that no matter how weak or beaten back the enemy is there's always that chance they've got a trick up their sleeve."

     He of course gives a small wave to the kids who are even at the moment snapping pictures and filming with their smart-phones. It's the modern age and Steve seems to have adapted pretty well.

     "Thankfully the rest of the crew is working on cleanup already." A quick explanation given through his smile right before he turns back to the other two. "Were just in the process of putting the suspect into the transit when she clocked me one."

Vision has posed:
    "Then...do not get careless." Vision says simply. Seems like a simple enough answer, doesn't it? But it's then Vision looks towards Darcy. "Are your descriptions always so....eloquent?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Hearing that the Avengers (because Cap. Avengers. She's read THAT much) are on clean up, Darcy nods lightly, relaxing back to what seems more or less normal for her. Her hand comes up to adjust hte strap of her purse, eyes flicking a glance at the kids and their smart phones.

A part of her images shaking a fist at them like a gramma would. YOU DAMN KIDS! GET OF MAH LAWN!!

"Sometimes. I think this one fell a little flat. I'm blaming you for that. No takie-backsies. You scared the fu-" Her eyes travel to Steve quickly and she very obviously changes what she was going to say. "-n out of me." She pauses here, like she's thinking over what just came out of her mouth.

Yeah... No. Darcy shakes her head lightly.

"You always ghost through walls like that?" she counters now, hand on a hip, head tilted.

Captain America has posed:
     Rolling out his shoulder, cap places back over the flap on his utility belt to store away his shield proper. "Just keep that in mind, every time you go into a situation, don't let your guard down completely." A firm nod given towards Vision.

     When Darcy starts to curse even those first two letters Cap looks right at her, the expression saying more then words could about how he feels on the whole language thing "Well if he didn't he'd crash through them like I did, and we'd have to pay to replace a lot more walls."

Vision has posed:
    "It was faster and I was concerned for Captain America, even though he is usually fine after those sorts of falls, I still check. He's not the Hulk. The hulk has been hit by a car and he's only gotten angrier. Captain America only has his shield and his own human body. With great respect to Captai America, as I've said, he is not the hulk. So I worry about his well being, especially when he's punched through a wall and window from a few stories up."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Oh that look! Darcy has to clear her throat and square her shoulders under the assault of Captain America's LANGUAGE Look. Licking her lips, she looks between American Icon and... Golden Cape Guy, who monologues, just monologues, and Darcy ends up blinking faintly.

"Riiiiight.... I guess the same's true of Sparkler-butt," she ends up blurting out, shoulders rolling into a shrug.

"As long as you're alright?" she asks now of Cap, just to check in, make sure he's really okay.

Captain America has posed:
     "If I was the hulk I'd have to be captain Ireland." Cap jokes with a bit of a smile, as he takes a few steps out to take a look back up towards the cap sized hole in the wall. He murmurs to himself about the property damage.

     "Takes a bit more then a hit to the chin, and small fall to hurt me," A bright smile as he speaks as much for Darcy's benefit as he does for the small group of kids still filming cap and the group. "now a howitzer? That might have done the job."

     About this time in the background a balding man in a lime green suit runs out from one of the many buildings and over to the crushed car simply falling to his knees as he tries to dig through the broken bits and bobs, but no one really pays him much mind.

Vision has posed:
    "If you were Captain Ireland.......Wait..." Vision gets a sly smirk. "if you were Captain ireland, you'd have to be 'stone-blind' drunk all the time, and your shield would either have a tankard on the front of it, or it would BE a tankard...of ale."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy grins, already thinking of things for Steve to be as Captain Ireland, but Vision asks her to wait, so she very politely does... and laughs at it.

"And he'd sing driking songs," she adds, pleased by Vision's sense of humor.

Captain America has posed:
     Cap smirks and shakes his head from one side to the other. He stifles a bit of a chuckle. "That was terrible." Pause for a beat. "When we get back to base I'm going to make you set in the corner." A bit of a light hearted jab. "Though I'll admit I'm a bit green with envy of Captain Ireland."

     Placing a single hand back to the side of his head caps expression hardens for just a moment. "I'll be right there..." Looking back to Darcy and Vision he adds. "Hold down the fort I've got to deal with a situation on the other side of town."

Vision has posed:
    "What is the problem, Captain? Do you require assistance?" Vision pointedly asks.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy nods to the captain when asked to hold down the fort. "Yeah. sure. No problem." Pause. "Everything alright?"

Captain America has posed:
     "I've just got some personal business to attend to," Ever the vague answer as Cap heads into a dash vaulting over the broken wreck of a car and its owner, before landing square on his bike. A quick pause sends his helmet right back on top of his mask for safety a quick adjustment of the strap. "Don't wait up for me, might be a bit of a late night."

Vision has posed:
    "All right Captain. If you're sure you'll be all right, I shall respect it." Vision then nods to Darcy. "I suppose I could head back inside as well."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy watches Captain American bolt off, giving Vision a faint nod, even as a mischevious smirk graces her face. "Dude's totally after a booty, I swear to Jesus," she quips, half to herself, half to Vision if he waited. If he didn't, it was to herself. The idea of Captain fucking America bailing on his team after a fight while there's clean up just gives Darcy all the impure thoughts for reasons. Blame the vagueness. When someone is vague, Darcy will fill in the blanks the way she likes.

Because Darcy.

Left alone on the sidewalk, the SHIELD agent looks up at the broken building and the broken car and pulls out her phone. Might as well call this in. Better safe than sorry.

Plus, dude over there looks very sad about his ride getting totalled by falling Super Soldier Buttocks.