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Latest revision as of 13:01, 6 May 2022

Spring has sprung
Date of Scene: 05 May 2022
Location: Swimming Pool - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Just a bit of R&R at the pool
Cast of Characters: Beast, Rogue

Beast has posed:
It isn't often that the weather is nice enough in May to park oneself by the poolside. Where it might be warm enough in the sunshine, generally the shade has enough bite to it that it warns that pool temperatures are liable to be a little on the bracing side. Nevertheless, sometimes? Sometimes, the weather wins out.

Beast is currently swimming laps and by the looks of it may have been doing so for a while. His laptop is open but has idled out to a black screen on the sun lounger and his towel is neatly folded beneath it. There's a few papers open and a couple of copious and dilligent note piles, but they all look untouched. Clearly, the water was a greater lure. It might be a pain in the backside when it comes to drying off though.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue usually takes advantage of nice days but earlier hours to hit the pool when staff and students might still be in class. Or maybe it's a holiday. Or maybe school isn't in session right now. Who knows. So she's come to the pool wearing a black bathing suit, her hair pulled back into a pony tail, and sunglasses. Carrying a small bag which holds her towel, sunscreen, an emergency body suit, and a couple of books she spies the laptop and notes with meticulous placing before glancing to the water to see Hank making laps.

Not wanting to disturb the doctor, she sets up on the lounger next to his own. Towel down to keep her from being too hot on the chair, she sits on the edge and begins to later herself with sunscreen. The intent - for the moment - is to lounge in the sun and read a book. With the scent of chlorine filling her nose.

Beast has posed:
Such a sweet aroma, isn't it? Chlorine on a warm day, huzzah! A few more laps of the front crawl and then five of the butterfly as Rogue sets herself up and finally, with a 'touchpoint' at the deep end, Hank hooks an arm over the side and rubs his hand down his face to remove excess water and ...ah... plaster the fur down helpfully. It's then that he sniffs, turns his head a little with a slight twitch of the ear and espies Rogue where she's set to soak in the sunshine. "Cinco de Maio," he offers, with a grin. "Not official, but gosh it clears the halls out."

Pushing up and onto the side, he sits there, dripping helpfully. "Tell me the halls are empty. They are, right? I might give outdoor detention today if I saw anyone cooped up when they should be enjoying the day." A grin offered after, as the seriousness or lack therefore of that statement, required toothiness.

Rogue has posed:
"Happy Cinco de Mayo." Rogue offers Beast with a smile as the man approaches her chair. "It does clear the halls out. I don't think I noticed anyone cooped up inside, except maybe the few who are a bit more anti-social." She offers this much while shifting to lie down in order to bask in the sun. Course, this is likely the most of her skin that Beast has ever been privy to see. The bathing suit also does little in hiding the bounty of her chest. As he sits, she glances over to him and smiles a bit more. "Looks like you're enjoying yourself. Is the pool on more of the cool side or warm side? Water temperature wise..."

Beast has posed:
"Overall, on the chillier end of the scale. But I like that, it means I can work up the body heat more. It is occasionally vastly annoying to have to dress appropriate to having a fur coat on all the time," And now, the process begins of 'wiping' off most of the water before towel drying and casting appropriate glances... and the occasional inappropriate ones, toward the southern sun worshipper. "How have you been, by the by?"

Rogue has posed:
"I might have to take my own dip into the waters then. At least while I still can and not a lot of people realize we still have a pool." Rogue jokes and then watches as Beast begins the process of wiping and drying himself off. "We should put in like an industrial dryer. You'd probably benefit a lot more from than than trying to drip or towel dry." Then she smiles. "I've been good. Just hangin' out, tryin' to stay outta trouble. How about you?"

Beast has posed:
"I considered it, but have you ever seen me doing a blow dry? I discovered that I become the envy of most pampered pooch salons afterwards. And there's nothing quite so deterring as having to use anti-floof product on your entire body." A wink is hinted at though, with a flicker of one lid. "It's the solitude, along with the temperature that drew me out. I'd been up to my eyeballs in marking and I'm frankly done with it, for now. I needed to unclutter my mind." He looks over again, lingeringly for a while. "Out of trouble is heartening to hear, though."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue seems to consider this for a moment, and the thought of an overly floofed Beast causes her to chuckle. "That would just give someone who cares about you enough cause to run a brush through all that fur. Tame it down some." Her own wink is offered then before she listens to him further and gives a nod. "Unclutterin' the mind sounds like a good thing, and nothin' like just comin' out and enjoyin' the sun and water for a bit." Another thought hits her then. "We should go to the beach sometime...." An off handed comment while she notices his lingering looks. "Hopefully I can catch a tan before I have to hide from crowds."

Beast has posed:
"I think that sounds rather fantastic, you know. And it's not as if there's not a plethora of public /and/ private or semi-private beaches around the continental land mass. Maybe some remote stretch in California would be ideal, given it's considerably less humid. Kind souls with brushes would be hard pressed to get their hands untangled when it gets humid. By the by, I ordered pizza. It will be here in about half an hour," Hank grins, settling down once he's palm dried, in order to set aside the work he brought with himself...

....and soak up the sun-dried vibe with quiet company.