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One time, in the Watchtower
Date of Scene: 30 April 2022
Location: Monitor Room, Watchtower
Synopsis: Diana and Willow share Watchtower Monitoring duties, philosophical perspectives, and cookies!
Cast of Characters: Wonder Woman, Willow Rosenberg

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince had been away for other duties for some time. Between her role as Ambassador at the Themysciran Embassy and her obligations to the Amazons at home on the Isle itself, she was often busy. Add in missions and emergencies to assist with through the Justice League, it let her little time to visit the Watchtower. Past few days were a luxury of sorts, being able to remain on the Watchtower.

Today she was taking her rotation on monitoring duty. Seated at the primary console, her attentive gaze was watching the news tickers scrolling across several screens as well as the specific JLA reports that show up using its own proprietary monitoring code to alert for any issue that may arise.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Often when Willow had her turn she was alone when she had Watchtower duty. Which didn't bother her - most of the time. But this time she had had Friday night, which was not her usual day. Something to do with switching someone. Yada, yada.

So here she was, with her laptop, and homework, and a lunch for later, tucked inside her satchel.

She was going to her favourite seat, when she noticed she wasn't alone. "Uh, it's Friday night, right?" She swore she had written it down.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince did not immediately look up when Willow arrived. She was focused on the primary alert ticker. A serveral explosions had been detected on the outskirts of Istandbul. The algorithm had not yet concluded if they fell under random or suspicous, and whether local emergency services would be able to handle them or if routing a League member to assist would be advisable.

"It would depend upon which part of the Date Line one is on, I suppose.." she offered with a casual smile.

Looking to Willow the smile grew, "But, for Watch Duty purposes, yes it is Friday night, Willow. Hello."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"I could have sworn that I switched my usual day.." And then Willow stopped.

One to blush at /who/ she was talking to. And she might have mixed up her Fridays. Ooops?

"You're Wonder Woman, aren't you?" She gushes. "I can't think of you needing me to watch! Except.." Quickly she checked her daytimer, and yes, she had a big red circle of stars to remind her to go on Friday, instead of her usual Saturday. "I'm Willow, by the way."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince smiles, "I am Diana, yes. The world has seen fit to title me Wonder Woman. It is recognizable so there has been no need to refute it" she says with a shrug. "It is always good to have a second set of eyes. And it is nice to meet you Willow." She gestures to one of the empty chairs beside her.

"Have you been on monitoring duty before then?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Still blushing, she corrects herself.

"I'm so sorry. You must be tired of people talking about you as though you don't have a real life beyond your superhero identity. Diana. I'll remember."

"And yes, I've been around for.." Willow had to figure out how long she was up here in the Watchtower. "It's been two years? Give or take. Mostly I get the downtime. Which is okay with me. I've got two other jobs, and schooling."

"Which may be how I muffed up. See, Giles went back to Egland, meaning I've taken on extra shifts at the Magic Box. And.." Willow sighed. "My friend, Buffy, is going through a rough time right now." Really rough time, like has amnesia for the past three and a half years. "And I have to tell the boys to find another place. And.. it's the fourth and final year of my University degree.. And.."

She stopped. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't told you my problems. Can I make it better by sharing some cookies with you. I usually stick them into the meeting room so that there there when they have meetings."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince smiles and shakes her head, "It does not bother me at all Willow. You are welcome to address me as either. I do not mind either of them. They are still both me."

A nod, "I had thought so. It is nice to get a rotation to share with you after all this time." She falls silent as Willow begins to explain many things to her. She does listen to it all, though she turns her gaze to the monitors as that is the reason they are both present.

"I am honored you feel comfortable enough to open up about them, Willow. I do not know how much assistance I might provide with those things, perhaps. But I do not mind listening if you need someone to talk to about them."

Her eyes do light up, "I do like cookies."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"They are chocolate chips. It's the one I do best. Though I can finally do oatmeal and raisins. Did you know that baking is a lot like potions? All this time I flubbed on them. Of course I wasn't very good at potions either!"

Willow set her satchel down, and removed the tupperware container with cookies. "Help yourself!"

Nibbling on one, she explains, "I haven't had anyone, really, to confess everything to. I've been going around in circles, trying to fix everything. I don't think I can though. You know? My main job is really neat. But I'm the only non-mutant in the place."

"I can't make up my mind about grad school. The best are on the west coast. But Buffy can't even remember her drifting away.. And how can I leave her when she isn't better? And Pietro.. ugh. Things were okay, until they weren't. You know, that is almost a reason by itself to head out west."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince listens and offers a nod. "Yes. Baking truly is akin to magic. If one portion is wrong, the whole recipe suffers for it" she agrees.

Taking one of the cookies Diana smiles, "Thank you. They smell delicous" she observes before taking a bite.

As she nibbles and watches the monitors she listens to Willow recounting thigs that are worrying her. With the exception of graduate school the details are all lost to her but she can at least read between the lines to get a sense of worry over friends; perhaps also a closer relationship not going as well?

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Sometimes I think about what it would be like to be a normal human. I mean, I'm just Willow. If I went out west, and slipped through the cracks, no one would be any wiser."

Willow picks out her chocolate chips and eats them carefully. "Do you have any dreams like that?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince listens and smiles. "I believe everyone experiences moments where they wonder what life would be like if things were different. If their responsibilities were gone." She glances over to Willow warmly, "But the reality is? There are always responsibilities. Even those who live what we consider to be normal lives have bills to pay, families to care for or friends they worry about. It is simply a part of being alive. And it is not wrong to imagine. For, without imagination, new ideas cannot come into being. It is no more wrong to wonder what life would be like if circumstances were different. But there is the saying: The grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence."

Looking back to the monitors briefly, she adds, "But: sometimes it is. And it is our individual challenge to try and make the best decisions we can with the information we have available to us at that time."

A light shrug, "That is what I have come to believe. I also believe that you make very good cookies. I enjoyed it. Thank you Willow."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Thank you! I can remember to put a few in just for you next time!"

As Diana speaks, she touches upon most of the thought Willow already had churned around her brain. "I know. I know. With great power comes great responsibility. I mean I could get away from all that I can do, but to what end? Not many people are able to do what I can do."

"If I ran away from what I can do, think of who else could run away. It's what I said back when Superman was taken prisoner - everybody looks up to him. He represents hope for everyone. Without him, the world would be a poorer place to live in. Like that." Only with Willow.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince smiles and nods a welcome.

"It would seem, to me, that you have come to you own realization. For my part, I do think that you are correct. If you do not feel so certain yourself, perhaps take a little more time to think it over before you make a final decision."