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Latest revision as of 12:10, 30 May 2022

Introducing The Flying Grayson!
Date of Scene: 29 May 2022
Location: Melville, Haven
Synopsis: The Marceau sisters get to see Dick Grayson perform as an aerialist.
Cast of Characters: Nightwing, Double Dare

Nightwing has posed:
    It took some convincing.
    Not a lot, to be fair. But some. It is hard to deny the pair when they invoke widened eyes and the cuteness of the accent to urge one to embark on a course of action one might not consider the wisest of things. Oh Officer Dick Grayson had an iron will for the most part. Incorruptible. Uninfluenceable by even the most hardened criminal boss or mastermind.
    But when it's something that isn't /really/ that much of an ask. And they invoke all of the required tricks...
    Well it was enough to make history for one night. So far at least.
    For in the Gymnase Regale of one Margot Marceau the converted warehouse was high enough, open enough, to accommodate three stories of height. Almost forty feet from the rafters on high. And from those heights the trapeze was ready. Rarely used save for special events or charitable times since most of the classes she taught were for gymnastics. Aerialism, however? Not quite as much of a sell.
    Yet it was there. To perhaps remind her of her roots, of her past, and what had been lost. But to maintain that connection of love. And now up on the top platform with the trapeze bar in one hand and shaking his head...
    Was the last of the Flying Graysons.
    Who was taking a deep breath and looking down... down down to those who had convinced him. He even had dug out a costume that would work. Though he and his family didn't really used costumes. More they just used red leggings, or a skirt for his mother. While their tops mostly muscle shirts with bare arms and a deep loop for the chest, the slightest hint of the risque as it showed the physique of an aerialist and Dick Grayson...
    He filled it out well.
    "You're sure about this?" He calls down, knowing full well the answer, but perhaps needing that urging to commit.

Double Dare has posed:

The word came out in stereo from the duo sitting on the bleachers. The seating had been pulled out of the wall for the show. Margot and Aliki Marceau, the sisters best known for their time spent as aeralists on the circus together, were looking up at him with the brightest of smiles.

Margot was the older by a little bit. She wore her red hair short and had a slightly more muscular build, though still utterly feminine in form, while being a couple of inches taller than her baby sister. Tonight she was wearing a pair of black yoga pants along with a white tank top and an oversized yellow t-shirt over that, which hung off one shoulder. Aliki was slighter though still muscular as such was needed for their careers on the trapeze. Her hair was kept in a long braid. She was dressed in blue shorts which were entirely short for polite society but at least she was covered. A black t-shirt with the Circus Sensational on her upper body.

"Do not disappoint us!" Aliki called out to him with her thick French accent.

"We have been waiting all week! Zhis would be cruel!" Margot added, accent just as thick but that cajoling sound to it as she was on the edge of begging. Aliki had seen him fly. Margot had not yet and she was looking forward to it. Interestingly, they were talking just loud enough for him to hear them. The knew how much they had to raise their voices to be heard at that distance, without screaming at the top of their lungs like those inexperienced might do. It was just a familiarity with the distance and how the sound would carry, from their entire lives.

Nightwing has posed:
    A chuffing scoff was given, too quiet to carry but they could see it in the way he exhaled and shook his head. There was a faint hum and then the auto-motors engaged on the trapeze lines causing the distant bar to start swinging out and back in that steady rhythmic way aided by the advances of technology so only one was needed to practice. In the past he would have needed his mother or father swinging the line out to him or swinging out with that bar to catch or swing with him.
    But this should allow the focus to be on him, which has him still shaking his head slightly. "Alright!" He yells back, then adds, "But wait til the end of the performance before you go all Statler and Waldorf!"
    Perhaps they knew who the muppet critics were, but chances are they might well not. Still, it was what he said before suddenly...
    He was swinging out, smoothly leaping from his perch and holding onto the trapeze. He flowed forward cleanly, legs arching up to point his toes, then easing back as he drifts back toward the platform.
    Another rush forward and he continued to get the feeling, though this time scissoring his legs to twist a full 360 before swinging back. Just getting the feel of the line, the timing, the distance.
    It was on the third time out that he leapt, releasing his grip on the trapeze and flipping in the air once, catching the bar smoothly. His form was clean, but tight. It was clear he hasn't loosened up yet. Surprising though considering what he does in the late of nights. Perhaps it was the audience.
    But then as the trapeze continued to swing he reversed his grip, spun around, the long line of his gymnast's form outlined against the lights above. He bent his knees once, shifting the momentum slightly as he wants to beat the other swing out there...
    Which lets him swing faster, and then suddenly he brings his legs up and lets go, flipping cleanly in the air two-three-four times before his chalked hands /slap/ upon the bar. The timing was perfect, as if he hadn't missed a day of the circus as he swung back and forth again.

Double Dare has posed:
There was no reaction to the joke. Though whether that is they were not Muppets aficiandos or just because he started his performance was impossible to tell. There was the sound of brief applause as they gave their support before falling silent to watch his movements in the air. Which got the sisters talking, very low so they wouldn't be heard high above.

"He has great form," Margot commented as she watched his movements, the perfectly pointed toes that just made the most beautiful lines.

"Moves well. Great technique to get used to the apparatus," Aliki added. Though she was the more - pun not intended - flighty of the pair, she took the peformance and safety seriously. When it wasn't her up there. When it was her not as much.

Margot nodded a she finished the 360 of his testing then when he took flight, the two sisters applauded again at his first leap. Though she murmured. "He's a bit tense."

"Give him a moment." Since Aliki knew how good he actually was. Margot did too. She just didn't realize it. Since neither sister knew the man flying above was Nightwing.

When he went back, performing that quad, he was rewarded with applause and screams of approval from below. Followed by an extremely loud whistle as Aliki put her two fingers in her mouth and let out an ear piercing sound likely able to be heard blocks away if this place wasn't insulated!

Nightwing has posed:
    The next swing was clean and drifting back and forth, though no acrobatics from it. Just him laughing a little and shaking his head. He does touch a hand to his lips and 'blows' a kiss down to them before he turns around to line up once again.
    There's the soft whir of the motors as they keep the other line moving in that steady rhythm while his when it feels his weight disengages that motor. It provides that lovely smoothness needed to practice such movements even as he goes through another swing with his legs joined together and pointing forward, then slicing back.
    The next time out he gathers at the back arc, pushing his legs back so he can link them and /thrust/ forward to build up a burst of speed leading with his legs only this time flipping around with his body fully extended, not closing into a ball to whirl through several quick rolls, but instead one /big/ and slowly rotating twist of his body that seems to have him in the air forever...
    Until he finally makes that one full rotation and just /barely/ catches the bar. Which has him flowing through with the arc of the swing, bending his knees as he twists with a gymnast's smoothness of motion to hook them upon the bar.
    Normally a position to catch another aerialist, instead he uses it to swing back again then continue with the movement to climb atop the bar, standing tall now with his hands on the lines that support the bar. His arms clench, muscles swelling as he pushes back with his feet... then forward to get a rush of movement...
    Enough that he launches himself into the air on the next swing a full second before the other swing comes back. And for a time it's like he's a top spinning atop a table, though there is a curl of his shoulder forward lending downward momentum that has him turning like a gyro as he maintains the height of that unconventional twisting flip...
    The trapeze comes out just in that moment as he's still tucked into the roll, then starts to swing back...
    Only for one hand to slap out and catch it, letting him arrest what had started to be a fall and sending him hurtling back to the platform...
    A platform where he alights and climbs upon it, laughing a little and shaking his head as he rubs at his shoulder. Perhaps that last trick had been pushing it, but it was worth it.

Double Dare has posed:
There were nets. Not because they doubted his abilities. Aliki had already assured Margot he was quite skilled and there was no need. But Margot was running a business here. And she had insurance premiums. If something unthinkable happened, she needed to cover her ass. Thus, there was that big net slung across the building, one that could be extended and withdrawn mechanically to allow a single person to set up/break down. Otherwise it got far more complicated.

As he prepared for his next forward swing, the ladies were on the edge of their seats. When he opted for that slow roating twist, Margot gasped sharply because she had the fear he wasn't going to make the transition to the next swing. It just seemed to take forever and she knew that is was difficult. In some ways, the smaller, tighter movements were easier because they allowed more opportunity for recovery as the roll was completed. This did not.

Then it was Aliki's turn to let out a little gasp of air as she saw him work his way up until he was standing on the trapeze. Using his strong form to propel it, giving himself more speed, more height, more momentum. "He did not do zhis when I saw him before," she said softly as her eyes were locked on him.

Margot almost glanced at her sister but it didn't happen. She couldn't take her eyes off of him as he prepared to take flight. "He is out of practice, oui?" she asked her sister. But she didn't wait for an answer because now she was a little concerned. For perhaps the first time. "Mon Dieu."

Because he had taken flight. And the timing seemed...off. By the tiniest bit. Or was she imagining that? His movement was not something they would normally do, very different and extremely impressive. But that other swing was starting back toward the platform.

Suddenly his hand came out of now where and he managed to make the catch, swinging him back up to the platform.

Both sisters were on their feet. Clapping, cheering loudly. Aliki was even stomping her feet on the bleachers to create more noise. Both of them were smiling brightly up at him.


"Stupefiant!" added Margot as she continued to applaud. But then she did add as the noise died a little. "Your shoulder?"

Nightwing has posed:
    Still holding with one arm he continued the swing back and forth twice, his other arm out and open as if playing to the crowd and taking a bow without taking a bow. But then he laughed and twisted his hips to bring the swinging trapeze back to the platform where he planted a foot and hopped on over, rolling to his feet and then finally having a chance to take a real bow now with the walk under his feet.
    Then he casually stepped off over the side and /felllllll/ into the net with a whumpf, bouncing a few times as it saved him from hitting the ground. He crawled along across it, grasping the edge with both hands and doing a somersault off the net and onto the ground in front of them.
    Thank you, thank you. I've never been called Stupefiant before." But then he rubbed his shoulder and laughed, "A little sore, should have stretched out more."

Double Dare has posed:
That was one of the most enjoyable parts of the performance honestly. From the point of view as a performer. Taking that moment of falling into that net, knowing that one would be safe but it was a thrill nonetheless. The sisters jumped to their feet, heading toward the side of the net he moved to.

"You have not? Zhis is why you should have French women in your life before zhis point," Aliki said sagely as she nodded a bit. A moment later she threw herself into his arms and gave him a quick kiss before escaping from the hug like a kid. The hug was fine, just couldn't last too long or it felt restricting.

Margot had to laugh at the comment. "Or at least two French women," she corrected. Once Aliki stepped back, she moved in closer to try to claim a quick kiss before stepping back a little to see his face better. "I have cream you can use on your shouldahr. It will help the ache. But. You ...what is the world? Play Down? Your skills in the air. You have a gift."

Nightwing has posed:
    "I had a gift," Officer Grayson says with a small smile, "I doubt I could do that for..." He shakes his head and looks back up at the trapeze, then down toward Aliki and Margot. "Any extended length of time." He returns the kisses with small 'pecks' to return that gentleness, almost as if saying hi even as he walks with them. Though his shoulder does seem to be favored a little.
    "But I was always best at timing," He looked again up at the trapeze that's slowing now, still swinging a little but slowly. "My dad had the best power. My mother had the best technique." He grabs the towel off the bleachers and uses it to rub at his brow and then toss over his shoulder. "I was just the kiddo of the scene."
    Though, to be fair, he still had the physique, the years had been kind to him.

Double Dare has posed:
Margot touched his hand, gave it a little squeeze. Then the touch was gone. Just a moment of empathy when he mentioned his parents. Only to leave him to getting that towel and wiping the sweat off a bit before he continued.

"You seem to have continued though. Improved your technique. That was the performance of a man, not a child," Margot said as she glanced up toward the trapeze which had slowed now. Soon to go still. There was a momentary wistfulness to her expession as she did so.

"Oui. If you try to claim you have done nothing for years, we know you are a liahr." With that extra lilt at the end of liar that was so very them. Aliki was eyeing him critically. "You also were showing off." And then that bright smile. "I approve."

A comment that brought Margot's gaze back to him as she laughed softly. "You were. Those were some advanced tricks for someone who just ...dabbles?" Making sure she got the word right.

Nightwing has posed:
    Laughing, Dick turns around and smiles to them both, one to the other. "To be fair I've indulged at times. No more than..." His eyes distance as he considers the number of times he's been back home to Haley's circus, then those blue eyes return to their's. "Once a year at most? Though there was one time for the Bludhaven PD talent show."
    Which has been fun, for charity of course. Didn't go over well. Still.
    Then he stepped over to touch his lips to Margot's cheek and murmurs, "Come on, let's go get some food before Aliki has to run off. Alright?" And with that ever so subtle change of topic... he does so.