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Latest revision as of 16:53, 23 October 2017

Moving Day
Date of Scene: 27 April 2017
Location: Bludhaven
Synopsis: Summary needed.
Cast of Characters: 170, Batwoman

Eva (170) has posed:
Its a nice evening in Bludhaven. A young woman is moving into a small house. Nothing major of course. It's just another person in a sea of faces showing up in the more collegate part of town. No one would pay the person arriving any mind. For as much work as the girl moving in is doing, she doesn't seem to be getting really tired from it.

Perhaps the most unusual part of the move is the garage. At no point does she move anything into the garage despite the space inside. Then there is the baby carrage. The girl has no baby yet she's been pushing a baby carrage in and out of the house without really thinking about it. What the heck is she doing?

Batwoman has posed:
Katherine is shaking her head, hands buried into her pockets as she walks through the Bludhaven street. She scowling for now, her expression a deep frown while she studies throad in front of her. "That went terribly," the redheaded woman muses to herself in a sourt one. She kicks a pebble along he toad as she walks, one heavy black boot in front of the other.

"Maybe if I had just-" That thought is interrupted when Kate's blue eyes note the baby carriage coming back out ofthe house, empty. When she turns it around the young woman actually stops for a moment and watches fairly discretely from her place at the road.

Eva (170) has posed:
The young woman keeps going. In and out with that baby carriage. Every trip she stops behind the truck, bringing the carriage out of view. Then it's back inside. It is clearly much heavier as it is moved into the house. She seems content, like she's not doing a thing wrong. Of course, for someone like her... This really isn't anything wrong.

Occasionally She moves with a bag of salt on her shoulder. A big ol bag of salt. She takes it in and grabs another. Holy crap! Is she expecting a severe winter storm? She's got more salt than anyone should have. Then there is the big give away. The evening sun glints off something in the back of her pants. A silver .45."

Batwoman has posed:
Kate observes the woman for a long time from her palce at the road. There's really only a telephone pole keeping her from being seen right now but she maeks it work, manging to stand partially in the shadow and partially obscurred so most people would miss her entirely.

Eventually the tall, slender redhead starts toward the house with long, purposeful strides. She adjsuts her leather jacket slightly as she walks, tilting her head. "Hey. I noticed you were moving a bunch of things inside. Would you like some help?" The woman is flashed a bright, even friendly smile as Kate is coming close. Tall, intensely gazed Kate with her short, red hair and confident smile. "It would probably be a lot faster..."

Eva (170) has posed:
The young woman smiles to Kate, "Oh umm. Hello. Its alright. I've got it. I just have a lot of really fragile stuff ya know?" She smiles. Dammit. Moving stuff like this isn't easy. She knows full well what will happen if people actually pick up on what she is moving. It's not that she is some mass murderer. Its the tools of her old trade.

Quietly she wheels the baby carriage to the truck and loads it up again. This time Kate can get a much better view. Guns. Lots of guns. Machete's too. Knives. Swords. There are a lot of crazy items too. Home made flame throwers in there, Stuff to make her own ammunition. And then there is the ammo. There is some really weird stuff going on there. Then there are books. Countless Books. They are old and they are about strange topics. Topics like supernatural creatures, cryptidology, Hoodoo and Voodoo, Witchcraft and much much more.

Batwoman has posed:
Kate tilts her head slowly, an eyebrow lofting as the truck is being opened up. He is still standing, smiling politely, when it opens enough for her to take a peek. Now the redhead looks vaguely nonplussed as Eva moves back toward her. "Look, you're cute," she states, shaking her head. "But you can't haul this much monster hunting gear in in broad daylight not expect someone to notice you." She takes a deep breath, slowly. "I don't think I've ever seen this much in one ... place..." She tilts her head. "Right. You're sure everything is okay? No sudden end of the world infestation or - something..."

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva laughs. She hops down from the back of the truck and takes a seat on the back bumper. "No, no world ending anything. I'm trying to do the impossible, get out of the Hunting game. Its near impossible. So, I am looking to start a small business. I am wanting to become a Supernatural Consultant. Basically I want to help people out but I really don't want to keep actually hunting. I have all this stuff, especially the weapons because things have a habit of pulling you back in."

She sighs and rubs her head. "This stuff is going into a quiet place where people can't just break in and steal it all. Honestly though? I am more afraid of the prospects some of the things I've dealt with. If I were to get demon posessed ther could be some serious danger to the world in general. It's also why I keep so much salt on hand."

Batwoman has posed:
"Salt," Kate repeats back in a tone that isn't quitel ike outright rejection. A calculated and rather critical examination of the facts, perhaps. "Are you surey ou don't want me to help bring in some of this? I know a bit about moving weapons around," Kate offers then, her smile brightening slightly as shedoes. Blue eyes go to the van and then back to Eva's face, studying the shorter woman thoughtfully. Closer up Kate smells of strawberries and good, clean sweat. Someone's been running today, but they've also had a show. "And if something possesses you I can help chase it away," she notes in a teasing tone.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva laughs, "If something possesses me, call the Flash. Beyond that you will have more than a little trouble keeping up." She snickers and winks playfully." She smiles a little and looks around. "Sure if you want to help. I don't mind." She blushes, "Just be careful with some of the books. Some are really old and some aren't exactly normal leather."

She quickly begins moving around getting more stuff. She is moving much faster then a person should be able to. Still, She isn't running. No lightning arcing or anything. "Sorry. JUst trying to get stuff in."

Batwoman has posed:
"Well, it's a good thing I don't intend on having to chase you," Kate replis with a nod, her eyes twinkling faintly with mirth. he moves o the vehicle and gathers up a box for herself. Kate may not move at the same speed as Eva but she comfortably handles a box much larger than she should probably be able to. Not a superhuman but she obviously works out a bit.

Kate's smile is nearly incandescent as she watches Eva work, following the other woman's lead in how she sets the boxes and where. Kate also examines everything as she passes it. "You got me. I'm not a superhero. If you're possessed I might be in trouble. But I'l take my chances. So, did you just move out here...? I am only really in town visiting a relative personally. Trying to figure out the area."

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva snickers to the woman, "I am just moving here from Independence, MO. I'm not really used to the big city. SO Bludhaven is a bit nicer of a place for me. By the way, My name is Evangeline Wilde, Supernatural Consultant." She snickers. "That is so weird to say."

In no time at all the truck is empty. All of the firearms and books which comprised most of the things in the truck. "Well umm Thank you! Would you like some pizza?" She smiles as she grabs her phone." While she dials the phone she grabs some salt and begins lining the window sills with it.

Batwoman has posed:
"Kate. Katherine Kane. I mostly just travel lately. Supernatural Consultant has a nice ring to it, though. A little bit odd, but... It's nice." She shrugs.

Once the truck i empty Kate takes a deep breath and nods slowly, watching as Eva goes for her phone. "Sure, I'd love some pizza. Whatever you like is fine..." She moves to follow suiit, scooping up a handful of salt. "And it's no problem, really. I had some free time tonight anyway. It's nice to meet you."

"Any other major preparations to go or is this the last of it?" Katherine asks as she finishes antoher window sill. She follows Eva's lead precisely while she works.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva smiles, "Just gotta tear up my carpet for a few moments." She smiles as she finishes up placing the order for a pizza. She orders the budhist special. She literally said, Make me one with everything to the pizzaria. From there she finishes up the windows and begins pulling up some carpet.

Idly she grabs a can of paint. "THis part I've gotta do myself. There isn't really a margin for error." She starts by painting a Pentacle on the floor. Then she begins putting several sigels inside it. Once done she steps away and puts a fan on it to get it drying.

Batwoman has posed:
"Don't worry, I wouldn' dream of drawing your mystical pentagrams for you," Kate responds drily. She watches thoughtfully as all of this is drawn out in fornt of her, arms crossed. She seemsto be comfortable observing, reclined against a wall with a sill of salt beside her. "Tearing up a carpet too tonight? You really are busy. And you order pizza like I do. Should I go grab us some beers...?"

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva snickers, "I'm a little underage to legally drink. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for some Diet Soder though." She smiles as she puts the finishing touches on the emblem on the floor. "This is a Devil's trap. If ever a possessed person or a demon walks in here and steps in this circle, They won't be going anywhere." she smiles softly over that. "Anyhoo, the pizza should be here then. "Your call if you want to grab drinks." She smiles.

Batwoman has posed:
"Underage here maybe," Kate responds but there's a laugh at this and she nods her head once. "I understand. That's what I was thinking, be back with drinks in time for dinner. Diet soda for you then. Okay, I'll run and go get us something," Kate agrees. She heads for the door of the house and it isn't long before she is stepping away. "I'll be back soon. Don't let anything crazy pop out and attack you while i'm gone, okay?" Smiling her most radiant smile Kate turns away from Eva and then heads out toe street to go find her car. It wont' take her long to return as Kate wastes no time in shopping.