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Which Sarah Will She Be This Time
Date of Scene: 30 June 2022
Location: Themysciran Embassy - Manhattan
Synopsis: Sarah pays the Themysciran Embassy a visit to see if Diana was really all that she says she is. Perhaps she was convinced!
Cast of Characters: Wonder Woman, Sarah Connor

Wonder Woman has posed:
The Themysciran Embassy is a welcoming place all things considered. Perhaps surprisingly, there are two Amazons near the front doors. While not there, exactly, as guards, their stature is enough to impress good behavior upon all who enter and see them. They are dressed in modern styles in smart business pant suits. Beyond them, the reception area is ready to receive any who have appointmensts for business with Diana and her staff. Also available is a tour that offers insights into the culture and history of Themyscira and even of Ancient Greece. It would seem that those two Amazons are present to conduct those tours and offer first hand knowledge of what they speak.

Diana had just returned to the embassy grounds. Walking in through the front doors, the Amabssador was equally dressed in modern fashion, however she is wearing a vibrant blue skirt suit and matching flats. She really has no need for extra height. Offering smiles and greetings to her sisters and the reception staff, the princess pauses to share a moment of warm conversation with them each.

Sarah Connor has posed:
Sarah decided to check out the Themysciran Embassy on her own. Dressing as close to her normal clothes - jeans; a tank top; a jean jacket; and well as putting up her hair in a ponytail; as well a handgun at her back (because) - she stood at the back of the group, watching over the tour group.

Everything was going okay.

Really she didn't care about the usual things that most of the tour wanted to see. The peek in the kitchen? Another in the dining room? Where Diana does her official business? Everything was too pat for the tour. Still she thought she might get an idea of who Diana was behind the mask. That was what she was looking for.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince stepped back from those she was speaking with, offering a warm smile and wave to the small group of guests taking the tour. If she notices a certain woman, she does not behave as though she does. Turning she makes her way toward her office as an aide falls in beside her with a tablet, starting to go over some updates.

The tour does begin as imagined. The kitchen, talking of the sorts of foods and meals the Amazons commonly eat (it's mostly vegetarian for the casual onlooker, but with some meats. Mostly venison and fish).

The offices are indeed dull and boring. But, perhaps, for the peek into Diana's office as she works with her staff. Along the spacious hallways, there are alcoves set every fifteen feet or so. Each with a unique work of Thmeysciran art or sculpture. Some have works from Ancient Greece.

Then it is on to the library where a myriad of ancient works from rest of the world and from Themyscira are maintained. There is a large sculpture in the center of the library, of Queen Hippolyta, queen of Themysciran Amazons, and Queen Antiope of the Bana-Mighdall Amazons. The story of how the two queens disagreed after they were freed from being enslaved by Hercules, and each left, with their sisters following the queen whose views they most identified with. Whether to seek peace and understanding, or to seek vengeance.

Sarah Connor has posed:
Up to the Library (with the possible seeing Diana work - thank god she was in the back!) everything was exactly what Sarah expected. The tour group took pictures here.. there.. everywhere.The only one who did not was Sarah.

But when they talked about the Queens.. suddenly it became interesting. Which way would she have gone? With vengeance? Or peace?

Sarah had no love within her for terminators, yet she was grateful - to a point - for Cameron.

But peace?

Sarah stood at the statue for a long while.

Wonder Woman has posed:
The statuesque tourguide lets the guests take their time moving around to examine the works of art and other artifacts in the room. They are allowed perhaps five minutes before the tour must move on.

The group is led down another hallway toward the ballroom. The alcoves in this direction all have paintings that depict battles from the ancient world and amongst the gods of Olympus.

In the ballroom, it is clear it has been turned from a dancing and entertaining sort of room, into a training space. There are practice dummies for hand to hand, for melee and for ranged attacks. ALong the walls are rows of ancient armor from Themyscia and even Greece. Spartan armor among them. They're not replicas. There are also racks of ancient weapons. Beside all of those are modern Themysciran armor designs and present weapons.

The tour explains the space is used by Diana and her sisters to practice while away from the Island.

Sarah Connor has posed:
The story of the Queens made Sarah think. In fact she didn't move from her position for the entire time. And when she was made to leave it was with reluctance.

However.. the 'ballroom' was nothing like she had expected. The entire thing - and it was huge - was a gym dedicated to one thing and thing only: keeping Diana in not only fit shape, but fighting shape.

Despite the tour guides trying to keep an eye on them, Sarah blotted most of the tour's nattering on with easy facts, and took extreme attention with the armour and the weapons, wandering away from the crowd.

Wonder Woman has posed:
"There was a time when Spartan armor was the most cutting edge in protection design."

The voice is familiar.

Diana stands there with a soft smile on her features. There are none of the other guests or the tour guide are present. At some point the group had moved on. And now it is just the woman whose name is still not Sarah as far as Diana knows. And Diana herself.

However, the skirt suit from earler has been replaced by Dian's iconic Wonder Woman armor. The composite laminate corsetted armor, and the skirt made of thick leather strips, and armored boots. On her right hip is her golden lasso. It indeed emits a soft golden glow.

Sarah Connor has posed:
At first, Sarah isn't looking at her - a lesson she will learn to regret. She was always on top of her surroundings. Always. ..Except this time.

"These are spectacular." Sure they didn't look like the movies, they were simple - all the pieces worked together. No more; no less. Thus the word spartan was formed. "I've never had any armour. I've always been trying to mix into the crowd. Not stick out anymore than I had to."

Saran knew who she was talking to, but when she turned around, she nodded to herself. "So it was true. You, I mean."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince stopped just a few steps behind and to the side of the woman as they both regard the armor. She smiles and nods. "They were recovered from the field of battle by some of my sisters. Taken as trophies after a victory." Well why the armor is hardly in pristine condition. It's taken blows but stood strong in its time, if dented.

A nod, "Mmm. You are very skilled at disappearing from sight when you want. It is impressive I must admit."

Looking to meet Sarah's gaze she tilts her head, "I did not lie to you, Sarah. All that I have spoken to you was true." She offers a warm smile.

Sarah Connor has posed:
"And yet you did not speak all the truth." Sarah shrugs. "I went and researched you after the other day at the U.N." Not that she expected it was going to be a lie. Just, it was easier to check Diana out by herself. "I'm curious, following the path of peace, as I presume you do, obviously you know how to wield the weapons - why though?"

A tiny bit of a smile meets Diana's observation. "I've got one goal. One. Keeping my head down serves me very well."

Her gaze runs down Diana's side, to the lasso. With a nod of her chin, Sarah asks, "For show right now, or..?" Clearly, she is familiar with lasso and its powers. Well, its most important power, which for her was a little disconcerting.

Wonder Woman has posed:
A brow arches. It is not often that anyone accuses Diana not speaking the truth even in part..

"What truth did I fail to fully speak, Sarah? That was the name on your ID, wasn't it?"

"There is a saying, I believe, that I have heard from those who believe in your right to carry arms. Or bear arms as I believe the Constitution words it? It is: Peace. Through superior firepower." She watches Sarah. "The Amazons have a saying that is not so different: Do not kill if you can wound. Do not wound if you can subdue. Do not subdue if you can pacify. And do not raise your hand at all until you have first extended it in friendship."

"We seek peace. But to not have the means to defend ourselves?" She leaves the question unanswered.

A glance down to the lasso, seeing Sarah's uneasy look and question. "It is a part of who I am. It goes where I go. Always." That would mean she had it at the U.N. At the coffee shop. And at the diner. Yet it was cleary not visible. "It is a symbol of my role. To speak of peace and to speak the truth. Peace is not weakness. And strength is not aggression." She studies the woman, "I must wonder. As furtive as you have been, do you go about your day without a means of protection? I get the sense that you are not the sort to trust in the aid of others." Is it an accusation? It could be taken that way yet the wording was more of a question and an observation.

Sarah Connor has posed:
"In truth?" Sarah lifts an eyebrow. "Let me tell you.. I tell lies. My future depends on them at times. But what I don't do is lie for the heck of it. Part of the reason I get away with it is I only use as much lie as I need."

Diana may tell that she's telling the flat out truth.. to a point. She still hasn't said much about her life. Not even her name!

"I should have known when I first met you. I brushed it off as something else to do with your primary position." Which is /also/ true. "And no, I'm not. In fact it's safer for you to not get closer."

For Diana, and Sarah as well.

Then she adds, quietly, "I've never killed a person."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince shakes her head, "I have never lied to you, Sarah. There were questions you might have asked and I would have answered truthfully. And we both know that there are questions I did ask that by your own word, you did not tell the truth. Or all of it. I do not judge you or your reasons. It is disappointing but I cannot expect anyone else to deal in truths as I must."

She tilts her head "I do not intend to get any closer to you." A glance back to her lasso. "It terrifies you so? That it can compell you to tell the truth when you might not wish to?" She shakes her head and takes a step back. "Having the power to extract the truth does not give me the reason or authority to abuse its abilities." A final nod, "I elieve you, Sarah. Nor have I. We are alike in that regard at the least."

Sarah Connor has posed:
Sarah shakes her head. "Not physically. I don't know how I would fare against you.."

All the while she stands with her body alert. Not because she's afraid, but because after 18 years, alertness is a way of life. "I was saying you don't want to get closer to me; to be my friend; to know what I know. Trust me, it's safer this way. For you and for me."

Instead she reaches back, to the small of her back and with one hand held high, gently pulls out a Glock. "It's not useful most of the time, but normally I can't carry what I need. Most of the time it stays back there."

Normally, she has other things too. But today, here, she only has the one.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince nods in understanding of the way Sarah meant her warning. "I think I shall be the judge of what is safe for myself. I have fought with gods and demi gods. Demons and mythical beasts." It isn't bragging as much as a statement of fact. That she is usually prepared to assume the risks.

As the weapon is revealed, Diana views it and then looks to Sarah's face. "You may put it away. I do not believe you will seek to use it to harm anyone here." Not that she'd get it free before Diana or one of the other Amazons in the embassy would seek to stop her. "But I thank you for your honesty." She offers a warm smile, the sort that might bring to mind the warm rays of sun on a chilly day. "Would you like to examine some of our weapons? Or perhaps go somewhere more comfortable to talk?"

Sarah Connor has posed:
A quick nod from Sarah, and then she's putting her gun back.

"It's not that simple, Diana. Trust me, it's not." What is she getting herself into? First Clint. Then, even more James. She shouldn't be talking to them at all. Now, Diana?Is she mad??

Looking around, she nods with her chin to carry on in here for a while. "I've never used most of these. A chair maybe. A fist. Whatever comes to hand at the moment. We can talk as we look. And I will try to answer as truthfully as I may."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince smiles gently and nods as she leads from the Spartan armor to the display of period weaopons. Spears and swords of several styles primarity. Though there is a bow whose wood looks as new as the day it must have been made only its style strongly suggests it is from well before the Common Era began.

"I will not force you to lie, Sarah. If you do not wish to answer something, please say so and we will not speak further of it." Her gaze is sincere.

"I would most like to know your name? Is it Sarah?"

Sarah Connor has posed:
Sarah nods her thanks. "Some things.." She gestures with her hands, how hard it would be to explain without giving too much information.

But her name? That she can do.

"It's like I said: only lie when you have to." She shrugs, with a grin. "It's Sarah." She managed to avoid that little tidbit for quite some time. "It makes it easier to remember what lies I have told you." After all, she has been on the run for almost 18 years.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince nods to the woman and smiles. "Then, Sarah. It is an honor to finally, properly, get to meet you." She looks to the weapons then back, "You have the heart of a warrior. I saw it in you even back at the diner. It is in how you move. How you account for your surroudings everywhere you go. Had you been born among us, I believe you would have been among our fiercest Amazon warriors." It is said with a kind sincerity and must be one of the highest compliments she could pay to any human.

Sarah Connor has posed:
For a moment, Sarah stopped, and then nodded.

"I'll take that as the compliment it is." Everyone considered the Amazon women the pinnacle of fighters. To be compared to them /was/ a high honour; to be compared by Wonder Woman was especially an honour. "Though, this wasn't the path I saw for myself a long time ago."

Walking around the gym, as it was, she continued. "I can't even think what my future goals were. And there were some days I wasn't quite certain I was going to get to the end of the day in one piece. It was hard."

She makes a noise in the back of her throat. "I went from the bars on Friday night, to fighting for my life. Like that."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince smiles as the compliment was accepted. She turns serious as Sarah begins to talk. Her eyes show compassion and acceptance. Most find talking to her, even about their most personal struggles, to be easy. There is no judgment, only the willingness to listen.

"This happened recently, Sarah?" Trying to understand how the information relates to the present.

Sarah Connor has posed:
"Me?" Sarah is already shaking her head. "Long time ago. When I was just a freshman at University."

"My whole life turned around in a minute. I've been on the road since then." Sarah doesn't explain more. She doesn't whine or complain. It is what it is.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince listens quietly. A nod.. "I cannot imagine." Her eyes are gently as she looks over. "I would listen if you need someone to speak with. It will not be divulged to any others what you tell me in confidence."

Sarah Connor has posed:
Sarah smiles faintly.

"You're very nice, Diana, but no. As it is, You probably have more information then I am comfortable with. I thought you deserved to know a little - after all, you paid me a high compliment."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince nods. "Then I will respect your privacy." She turns to face Sarah directly. "I did not compliment you in order to glean more information from you. It was a sincere considered observation." She smiles. But please know this. If you ever need assistance. Whatever it may be. Wherever it may be. You may contact me and I will do all that is in my power to aid you." It isn't a blank check but it's the closest the Princess of the Amazons can offer.

Sarah Connor has posed:
Turning to face Diana, Sarah nods. "I know you didn't compliment me to dig deeper into my past. You're a strong women, with a very high sense of integrity. If you had wanted to know, you would have asked. I offered that little bit."

"And, no. It was not meant to get you involved. Or curious. It is what it is. Like some people say the sky is blue."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince shakes her head, "I did not take it as a means to get me involved Sarah. I offered. Because I chose to. Because I want to. Because I can see it in your eyes that you do not often have someone you can consider to fall back upon in a time of need." She smiles. "And now? You do. Because I cannot revoke my offer of future aid. My word is not something I will break."

Sarah Connor has posed:
Something in Sarah's demeanour says she won't call on the help. At least if she was asked now 'would she?' - she would say no. But stranger things have happened..

Sarah nodded. "Same to you." And walked along.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince walked along with Sarah to the doors of the embassy leading outside. She smiles. "I hope that you know that you are welcome here at any time. To visit or for the reasons we have spoken of. I wish you well. May the gods ever smile upon your path."