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Latest revision as of 18:23, 23 October 2017

Does He Ever Go Away
Date of Scene: 28 April 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 203, 187

Erin Beaumont (203) has posed:
Erin Beaumont is sitting at a picnic table, hunched forward slightly as she reads from a thick book. Judging from the spine, it's about the history of supercrimes, and if one were to be knowledgeable about the subject, they may recognize the author. Peter Rorich is an elderly man known for his neutrality toward mutants and metahumans, though he's also been attacked from both sides of the issue, as well.

Erin's slouching heavily, thoroughly engrossed in the tome. This has the side-effect of squishing her chest into the table, buttons on her shirt straining at the pressure...

Ford Benett (187) has posed:
    "Well, Grant, I'm hoping this new series will be a good send-up to the fans. Something of a love letter to all they've conjured up for my time as 'Morale'."

    The voice is a familiar to Erin. She met it yesterday, after being hit on relentlessly by the owner of it. With a couple cameramen backing up as they filmed him walking and talking with the evident host of whatever local news he was filming for. "After all, what's a star without an audience?" he asked, clasping his hands before the cameramen gave him an OK signal. Smiling, Ford shook the host's hand and the hands of a few of the crew following them while they disperse to make checks and prepare for another shot. That leaves Ford a precious little bit of time to himself.

    And how he chooses to spend it is already decided for him when he spies the familiar, voluptuous figure of Erin at the table nearby. Fearlessly approaching, Ford sat down on the other side and clasped his hands on the table. "And here I was worried I wouldn't get to chat with you again. What do you think? No disguise this time. The genuine article."

Erin Beaumont (203) has posed:
Erin Beaumont sighs without even looking up from her book. "Well, you haven't hit on me yet, so it's a step up." She shuts her book shut with a heavy thud and sets it in front of her (just barely blocking the view of her straining button). "Let's start over. Hi, I'm Erin."

Ford Benett (187) has posed:
    Ford nodded, demanding himself to keep his eyes up and on her face... and failing once or twice while the book gets put down. "I can't help it. When I see a lovely lady, I have to tell her. But I'm not without self control. Hi. I'm Ford." He held up a hand to offer her a greeting. As his eyes quickly trailed down to her chest again, they locked onto something else - the book! More specifically, the author! "Huh. You read Peter Rorich too?" he asked, looking back up. "I appreciate his neutrality on the issue. Nice to have someone look at things objectively for a change. Most folks are either one extreme or the other when it comes to superheroes."

Erin Beaumont (203) has posed:
Erin Beaumont exhales, posture relaxing a bit more. "Yeah, especially mutants. Which just makes the whole issue that much more volatile. But of course, when Rorich doesn't side one hundred percent with one side or the other, they make him out to be the bad guy." She pauses, then, after a brief pause, shoves the book aside slightly. Is she purposefully giving him an unobstructed view of her twins? Is it a trap? "Where was this man yesterday? Last night, all I remember seeing was a womanizing jackass." She smirks.

Ford Benett (187) has posed:
    Blinking as she pushed the book aside, Ford caught himself glancing down again before forcing himself back up to her eyes. Just stay focused... play your cards right, you can stare all you want. "I personally liked his essay on costumed vigilantes creating their supervillains. I forget the exact title, but I used that when I was doing the 'Revenge of The Crossbow' arc. I know you said you don't watch much TV, but the short version is, Morale, my character, was dealing with a villain called The Crossbow, who blamed Morale for his rise to supervillainy, and-" He paused, realizing he was babbling a bit and shaking his head. "Sorry, I'm sure that doesn't interest you."
    Her question about the man she met last time earned a smirk back. "Last night, I didn't know you read Rorich." He shrugged. "Hard to have a scintillating conversation when you have nothing that interests the other. So I opted for the direct approach. Which, clearly, failed."

Erin Beaumont (203) has posed:
Erin Beaumont leans forward further. The button strais even harder the gap between it and it's neighbors growing. At least there's a white t-shirt underneath it. "You're staring," she says. A thin smile stretches across her lips. "Macromastia. Hypertrophy of the breasts. Condition varies wildly. Does that answer your unspoken questions?" It's impossible to tell Erin's current emotions from her face.

Ford Benett (187) has posed:
    Ford leaned back towards her, forcing his eyes on her face. "Hard not to. Sorry. I may be an amazing guy... but I'm still a guy." He smirked, but quirked his brow a bit. "It's an actual condition? Huh... would never have thought that. But, nope. Not nearly all of my questions~" He tilted his head to one side, eyes half-lidding. "Though I imagine it wrecks havoc on your back. And makes clothes shopping a pain in the ass. So I suspect you're spine is aching a lot of the time... an issue I could fix, if you're interested~"

Erin Beaumont (203) has posed:
Erin Beaumont lets a breath out her nose and sits straight up, the gap between her buttons closing...mostly. The button lives another day. "Yes, it's an actual condition. Often, the breasts grow at vastly different paces, as well, causing them to be uneven. I'm talking one being twice the size of the other." She takes a deep breath and continues. "Yes, my back hurts, but back exercises help with that. Yes, clothes shopping is a pain in the ass, and most of it has to be custom made. I don't mind answering purely knowledge-driven questions about my condition, but I start taking offense when I'm treated like a pair of breasts with a woman attached. So." She leans over the table again. "How can you alleviate then pain?"

Ford Benett (187) has posed:
    Ford folded his arms over the table and tilted his head as she explained her condition. He would never have even thought of that being an actual condition. He just suspected she was incredibly well endowed. But her mention of taking offense made him frown. "...my sincerest apologies if that is what you thought I was getting at last time. No, I have far more class than that. There is entirely more to a lady than her chest... or her rear... her face. There is an untold map laid out on you and my intent for any potential partner is to explore it as thoroughly as possible~ ...and that's just the physical. I don't neglect the mental side either. The fascination, the drive, the fears, the wishes... no. Your bust may be a big part of you- physically, of course -but it is certainly not the only part... or even the most interesting."

    At her question about how he can help, he unfolded his hands and lifted them up, waggling his fingers. "I'm a lisenced masseuse. And I'm /veeeeeeery/ good at back rubs~ I was hoping to go into chiropractic work for a while, but then my TV show blew up and left me with a whole lot less time to pursue it."

Erin Beaumont (203) has posed:
Erin Beaumont smiles. It's a small, sincere smile that seems warmer, thanks to her red eyes. "I swear, you're an entirely different man than I met yesterday. Alright, I'll...humor the thought. How do you want to do this?"

Ford Benett (187) has posed:
    Ford smirked a bit wider. "I think we got off on the wrong foot. Hard to bring my proper game when I'm trying to dodge cameras and directors, after all." He leaned to one side of the table. "Well, for the full effect, we'd have to find some time at my place. I've got a palor there for that sort of thing. But if you're in the mood for something right now... just lean forward and droop your shoulders, and I'll take care of the rest."

Erin Beaumont (203) has posed:
"We can start with just something right now," Erin quickly replies. She turns around on the picnic table, giving Ford access to her back and shoulders...and a great view of her breasts, wider than her own torso. Backboob?

Erin, though, being the analytical type she is, only consented to test the man. Her back's in pretty good shape, having done back exercises daily since she was first diagnosed. There's a few knots here and there, but they're mostly from sitting at a desk all day.

Ford Benett (187) has posed:
    Ford smirked a bit wider and stood up, moving around to sit behind Erin and popping his knuckles. "Just relax. Breathe normally." Ford's fingers grasp firmly over her back and work through it in methodical precision. "Now, I typically have the shirt off, but given the location... not a good idea. So I might miss something here or there." Yet, even as he says that, his fingers have already found a knot and started to work it out.

    Moving along, Ford certainly seems to know what he's doing. His fingers work and stretch even through her shirt as he worked along her spine, pausing every so often to check for spinal corrections, but seemingly finding none. "Hard to tell if it's the shirt, or just the fact I can't find anything, but your spine seems in pretty damn good shape. You said you have back exercises? Well, you're sticking to 'em, it's clear. Worst I can find is a few knots, my guess is from sitting a lot. Desk job?"

Erin Beaumont (203) has posed:
Erin Beaumont nods slowly as Ford works his magic. "Secretary for a law firm. We deal with supercrimes, mostly. Frozen pedestrians, explosions, things of that nature." She takes another deep breath. "I've met other girls with the same condition that don't work out their backs. It's terrible, I can tell from their face." She lets out a small scoff. "That -does- feel good, though."

Ford Benett (187) has posed:
    "I don't make boasts I can't back up~" Ford replied, working a bit lower down her back... and taking the opportunity to get a good look at her chest without her noticing. Still a guy... though admittedly, part of him was a bit fascinated by the condition she talked about. "I imagine that's a good motivator to work your back."
    A secretary for a law firm that specialized in super crime... that was an interesting idea, actually! "That's actually pretty intriguing. So you represent the folks caught in the crossfire, huh? I can get behind that." ...was that a pun, or..? "Shame you're already spoken for, job-wise... and please don't break my heart and tell me you're spoken for in /that/ regard too. I'm pushing to get a new short series for my TV show on the web. Just a little shout-out to my fans. You wouldn't believe what they come up with. I'd like to put a few of those ideas into action and make a set of episodes featuring their work. Could use someone organized and smart... and the good looks don't hurt either~"

Erin Beaumont (203) has posed:
Erin Beaumont sighs again. "I'm single and, as of right now, not looking. And yes, we typically represent the victims of supercrimes, though there are times where we represent supers being falsely accused." She sighs. "There's still an awful lot of mutant hate I deal with onna daily basis." She rolls her neck. "How much would I be getting paid? Me and Buchland are on good terms, I may be able to work part-time for both of you if he can find someone else to pick up the slack." She pauses. "And if there was enough incentive for me to do so."

Ford Benett (187) has posed:
    Ford smirked. "Give me some time. I bet I could change that~" he replied, before nodding again. He made a mental note to keep the law firm in mind. "What's the name of the company? You know, just in case... I know the fear around mutants. I get the concern. Hard to not fear someone who could blink and blow up a car. Just means you have to give them space to get their powers under control." The irony that his job was what actually allowed him to practice his own powers on a regular basis was not lost on him.

    "Couldn't give you an exact figure, but it'd be a pretty penny, I know that. Would buy you pleeeeenty of custom clothes, I guarantee it." Ford finished his work and slid back on the table bench. "You got a card? Or even better, your number~?" He let that hang a moment before sobering a bit. Just a bit. "That way my producer can give you a call. He'd have more straight numbers... I'd just be making sure you had what you need to get things done."

Erin Beaumont (203) has posed:
Erin Beaumont rolls her eyes and pulls out a business card from a pocket. She hands it over her shoulder. "Buchland Law Firm. Address, phone number, everything you should need. I handle all his calls." She pivots back around to face Ford and leans against the table again, arms folded neatly in front of her bosom. "I owe Buchland a lot, so I'm not about to outright abandon him. But...I could juggle two jobs."

Ford Benett (187) has posed:
    Ford plucked the card from her hand and nodded, pocketing it as he rested an arm on the table, smirking at the "juggling two jobs" statement. Yes, he had about 100 innuendos lined up. "Excellent~ I'll be sure to give you a call... and then send my producer your way." He straightened up a bit more. "But let me be clear: if it comes to one or the other, I would hope you picked this Buchland fellow. I would rather you focus on standing up for the mutants who need good representation. My series will get done one way or another. Having you involved would certainly be a treat... but it ain't worth derailing lives for it."

    He looked down to check his watch before sighing. "Bah... looks like my next meeting is coming up. Let's get dinner some time, hm?" he asked casually, standing up.

Erin Beaumont (203) has posed:
Erin Beaumont nods. "I'll consider it. Have a good one, hm?" A small smile appears on her lips. Seems she may actually take the job! "Aren't things so much easier when you look at people as -people-?"

Ford Benett (187) has posed:
    Ford smiled and winked as he turned. "Oh, I always do. I think most folks just don't realize that's what I'm trying to do... anyways. You keep up those exercises. See you around, Ms. Erin~" he gave a two fingered slaute as he walked off.

Erin Beaumont (203) has posed:
Erin Beaumont bobs her head, then lifts her book back up and opens it to her last page.