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Latest revision as of 18:25, 23 October 2017

In a flash
Date of Scene: 28 April 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Flash, 208

Flash has posed:
The afternoon is cool in New York, but not old enough that being outdoors is uncomfortable. Central park is bustling with people as it is this time of day with the joggers out running, people having a picnic, or someone skating along one of the many pathways

Barry is there, grabbing a couple of hot dogs from one of the street vendors for himself, balancing 4 of the dogs in one hand as he tries to put mustard on a 5th with the other.

Iris West (208) has posed:
There's the sound of high heels on concrete that might give away someone coming up behind Barry. "I wish I had your metabolism." comes a familiar voice from behind Barry. Iris had been passing through on her way to an interview when they cancelled on her. That's life. "Need help with those?" the woman asks with a smile. She's dressed against the coolness and looks perfectly happy to be out of the office for the day.

Flash has posed:
Casting a glance behind him, Barry give the photojournalist a smile. "Oh, hey Iris! Yeah, a hand would be great. I'd hate to get my shirt all mustardy." He maneuvers as best he can, trying to pass off some of the dogs while not slopping gloop on his clothes.

"What can I say, I'm a growing boy and burn a lot of calories. I am sure that sometime it will catch up to me and I'll get nice and fat. What brings you down this way?"

Iris West (208) has posed:
Iris gives him a beaming smile, "Hi Barry." she states with a bit of a twinkle in her eye. She shoulders her messenger bag and then steps forward to help him out with the hot dogs, taking two of them from him. "Yeah, no reason to ruin a nice shirt like that." she chuckles.

Then there's a smile to him, "You're twenty seven, your growth spurts stopped a bit ago." she tells him teasingly. Then she gives a laugh, "I don't think it's going to catch up to you, Barry." she admits. "I was on my way to interview someone for a story, but they cancelled. Then I saw you with the dilemma." she grins.

Flash has posed:
"Oh, I don't know. I'm sure eventually I will end up fat." Barry says with a chuckle. He sets the one hot dog down after he takes a bite, and starts to slap condiments onto the next in line. "If you want one of those, feel free. I mean, I don't need to eat all of them."

Finishing putting mustard on the second, he shakes his head just a bit. "Why would anyone cancel on you? I mean, you are not known for digging your heals in an being a pitbull when it comes to trying to get your story."

"Oh, wait. You are."

Iris West (208) has posed:
Iris just gives a laugh, "We'll see about that in the future." she tells him as she looks to him heaping on condiments. Seriously, who eats that much?! When he tells her she can have one there's a smile, "Thanks, Bar." she tells him. There's a bite taken of one of the hotdogs as she listens to him.

Then there's a quirk of her eyebrow at him as he talks on her interview cancelling on her. "I'm only a pitbull when it comes to trying to get a date with a certain someone or trying to get one of these guys in a costume to give me a story on why they are doing what they are doing." she points out.

"Oh wait, I am a pitbull." she smirks.

Flash has posed:
Gives Iris a sidelong glance, and laughs. "Well, I bought you a hot dog...does that count as a date?"

The fastest man alive grins, giving the reporter a wink as he takes another bite of his hot dog, "If you play your cards right, I may even take you for a ride on the carousel."

Iris West (208) has posed:
Iris tries to keep a straight face and can't help but laugh a little, "Well, it wasn't a planned date. And who said you were that certain someone?" she winks at him. "Are you working today?" she asks him.

There's a bit of a chuckle, "Oooo, the carousel, I'm going to be extra good for that, Mister Allen." she tells him as she takes another bite of the claimed hot dog.

Flash has posed:
Biting into the next hot dog, Barry chews and swallows, "I'm not? Well, then who has the great Iris West been omitted with now if it isn't her old friend Barry?" he says in a teasing tone and a sly wink of his eye. "Oh..I know. Must be Batman. He gets all the ladies."

He continues to wander towards the carousel, "So who was the interview with? Anyone interesting?"

Iris West (208) has posed:
Iris gives Barry a bit of a look as she walks with him, "Batman, really?" she muses. "Black rubber, totally not my thing, Barry." she teases him. "And you might be that certain someone." she offers with a smile. Then she shakes her head as they walk, "No one interesting. Just someone that said they could get me an interview with someone, didn't pan out." she shrugs a little.

Flash has posed:
Flash grins as they reach the carousel as Barry finishes the last of the hot dogs he carried with him. "Not all into the tall, dark and brooding? Ok then, well what about Aquaman? He's a king, you know." He enjoys teasing her back, it's obvious. "Or is Wonder Woman more your style. I mean, I don't judge!"

Laughing, he tosses the wrappers for the hot dogs away in the trash. "Who are you trying to get an interview with??

Iris West (208) has posed:
Iris deposits the wrapper from her hot dog into the trash can and there's a look to Barry, "Oh I don't mind tall, dark and brooding really. That seems to be all super heros." she muses. "Don't think it would work out with Aquaman." she shakes her head. Then she reaches out and gives him a playful swat, "You're horrible, Barry Allen." she chides him.

When he asks who she is trying to get an interview with there's a look up to him, "The same guy I'm always trying to get an interview with, The Flash." she tells him. "The other one is Captain America." she chuckles.

Flash has posed:
Flash laughs again as he is swatted. "What? You never know."

He side eyes her again, "The Flash? Why are you always so hung ho about that guy? It's because he plays hard to get, isn't it."

Barry grins to himself, finding a seat on a bench to watch the people wander by for a moment, "I can check with people on the force, see if I can't find anyone with a connection. Who was it you were trying to see here?"

Iris West (208) has posed:
"Mhm." Iris states when he states that you never know. She then gives a look to him when he side eyes her again, "Red leather?" she points out. "I'm kidding." she chuckles. "He just...I don't know, I'd like to figure out his story." she admits.

When he has a seat she remains standing for the moment, "You don't have to do that just for me. Unless you'd like me to focus more on someone else." she teases him. Then there's a small frown, "They didn't give a name. Just a screen name and a time to meet here in the park. Guess they chickened out when I didn't back out." she admits.

Flash has posed:
Flash says, "It's not trouble. I know that there have been people that have had run ins with The Flash at the CCPD. Maybe if I ask real nice, they can see if he would be amicable to a meeting."

The forensic scientist smiles, scooting over to make sure there is enough room for Iris, "It's no problem, Iris. Seriously. If you really want an interview with him, I can see what I can do about getting you an exclusive. It is what friends do, isn't it?"

He looks around the park, Iris' story giving him a little bit of a moment where his hair stands on end. "So, your telling me you came to Central Park, alone, to meet with some stranger you got a email from? Not exactly safe, Iris. You're lucky the guy didn't show up and end up being a kidnapper, or something.""

Iris West (208) has posed:
Iris looks to Barry before she takes a seat next to him, one knee crossing over the other as she smoothes out her skirt. She does give him a warm smile, "I wouldn't want it to put you in an awkward situation is all. 'Hey guys, this girl wants to meet The Flash...anyone wanna help?' kinda deal." she admits. "And sure, if I could get you an interview with Wonder Woman or something I'd totally do that." she nods.

Then his words make her look a little worried, "You know...I didn't even think of that when I was talking with them. Seemed like it was a safe set up. Busy place in the middle of the day." she admits. "But...you're right, I should have been more careful." she tells him quietly.

Flash has posed:
Glancing around again, "Hell, for all we know he may have been there watching you, waiting for an opportunity. Possibly it was lucky coincidence that I happened to be here in New York today, I might have been all that saved you from dire peril."

He says it jokingly, but there is a hint of seriousness to his voice.

"But really, it's no problem. I can ask, and I will give you a call if I can nail anything down with the guy. I hear he is pretty hard to nail down, so I make no promises."

Iris West (208) has posed:
Iris does give a curious look over to Barry when he's done talking, "What are you doing in Central Park today, Mister Allen?" she asks him with a quirk of an eyebrow. Then she shivers a little, "Yeah, it was dumb. I'll have to be careful, especially here in New York." she tells him.

Then there's a smile to him, "If you can, then that's great, but don't spend too much time on it. I might eventually nail him down. Who knows." she tells him with a chuckle. "Thank you, Barry." she adds.

Flash has posed:
"Umm." Think fast Barry. "I am on vacation." He chews his lip ever so slightly, "I mean, why not come see the sights of New York. It's quite a different view than in Central City. Besides, I knew you moved here and figured I would look up and old friend for dinner."


Iris West (208) has posed:
Iris turns a little in her seat to watch Barry as he talks. The look on her face screams she doesn't believe him. "So you just...took vacation, flew to New York and didn't tell me? Wanted to surprise me?" she asks him as she looks to him. Yeah...

"So how is Central City doing? I try to keep up on things. Just not sure if I've missed anything that's not been in the news or papers." she states with a look to him.

Flash has posed:
Barry shrugs a shoulder and puts a sheepish grin on his face, "Yeah....surprise?"

"Ok..ok, no. I was in town for the game tonight. The Central City Bolts are playing the Yankees. I figured you were working, and I didn't think I would be around long enough to get together."

He sighs, "It's the same as it always is. Flat and boring most of the time. I bet things here in NYC have to be more exciting for someone like you."

Iris West (208) has posed:
Iris shakes her head when she hears why he's in New York, "That sounds more likely." she chuckles to him. "And I would have made time to have went to the game with you. You're more important than a story, Barry." she points out to him.

Then she's done with trying to make him feel bad. "I miss home sometimes, gets a bit lonely here, but the job possibilities are good." she admits. "Plus with the way things are there's always a story, but situations get a bit scary sometimes." she tells him.

Flash has posed:
"Well, I can likely get another ticket. I mean, I can only afford the nosebleed seats on my salary, and those rarely sell out." Barry says with a smile. "If you want to go, I would enjoy the company.'

"Yeah, I can see that...but at least it isn't Gotham. That place makes New York look like Metropolis. Still, I bet it can be lonely, moving away from everyone back in CC."

Iris West (208) has posed:
Iris gives a look to Barry and there's a half smile, "Well, if you want me to go, I will. If you just want it to be a bachelors sorta night, then I can stay home and work on some edits. I won't be upset either way." she tells him.

"You forget that I've worked in Gotham before. I'm totally okay with not going back to that craziness." she chuckles. "And yeah, it's lonely. But I'll either get used to it or I'll move back home." she smiles. "And how are you doing, Barry? Work and things going alright?" she asks him.

Flash has posed:
Flash nods. "Things are fine. I mean, nothing other than the normal anyway. Same old, Same old."

"Yeah, I know. That is where we met, remember? Has it really been that long? But then again, not that long ago either." He shrugs, "That settles it, we are both not going to go be alone tonight. Lets go get you a ticket. I'll throw in some more hot dogs."

Iris West (208) has posed:
Iris gives a nod to that, "It's good that it's being normal." she tells him. Then she gives him a smile, "How could I forget?" she asks him. It was a fond memory. "Alright. Lets go get a ticket and see about ruining our diets." she teases him as she stands up. "Just promise you won't get a call and run out on me mid game?" she asks him as she looks to him. "Unless you really need to." she adds.

Flash has posed:
"I promise, to the best of my ability, to not run out during the game unless it is a dire necessity." says Barry as he draws an X with his finger over his chest. "And I don't think you have to worry about your diet, Iris. You look just fine to me."

Iris West (208) has posed:
Iris gives Barry a soft smile, "Then we'll call it a date." she tells him with a nod of her head. Then she gives a bit of a blush, "You're so sweet, Barry." she tells him as she gives his shoulder a little bump. "So off to find a ticket and then see the home team hopefully win? I don't have time to change, so hopefully they won't look at me funny." she grins.