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Latest revision as of 18:41, 23 October 2017

Crack O'Clock
Date of Scene: 29 April 2017
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Jono's up at the butt-crack of dawn thanks to nightmares. Havok needs to let off some steam. A brief conversation ensues.
Cast of Characters: 34, Havok

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
It really is stupid early in the morning, only really qualifying for 'morning' because it happens to be after midnight. Why would anybody be up at this hour? Well, in Jono's case, it's because he had another nightmare. So he's hanging out in the foyer, with the earbuds from an MP3 player in his ears. The music's not too loud, though.

To anyone passing through, it might almost be a normal scene -- one of the kids sitting in a chair, brown hair with a case of bedhead, wearing a black tank top and loose pants, barefoot. Though the 'not normal' comes in when one notices that he's wrapped up from just under his nose to his waist, the wrappings disappearing under the tank top. Those wrappings are black too.

Havok has posed:
Wearing his super suit of black that looks more like combat boots, pants, and an unstable molecule long sleeved top, Alex Summers emerges from the balcony and descends the stairs as if he's walking with strong intent. He wears no mask and his blue eyes scan the stairs as he descends them with vigor. Over his left shoulder he carries a black backpack whose weight may discern that he has clothing, not books, and perhaps a tablet within. His mind is filled with goals of danger room training and he feels an urgency of lateness. Black must be in this season.

    When reaching the mid landing, he will spot Jono below and start going through his mind just who the kid is. It's a quick resolution of identity when he hits the name Jono in his head and hasn't had the pleasure of meeting him. He audibally calls out, "Sup Jono?" as a greeting while continuing down the stairs. He doesn't identify himself just yet and is used to dealing with telepaths (as seen in a file on the student at an earlier date).

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Looking up at the call of his name, Jono fixes the gaze of confused brown eyes on Alex. He doesn't seem to know who Alex is, from the looks of that confused expression. And there's the appearance of him tensing up a little and his brows drawing down slightly, as if he's suddenly nervous.

But he just offers in greeting, {{Hullo.}} It's mental, of course, not audible. Jono's file would also have noted that his telepathy is a sort of broadcast-only thing, like a radio. So he won't be able to read Alex's mind or pick up surface thoughts.

Havok has posed:
Striking the foyer floor with his rubber soled boot, Alex will cross the short distance to Jono to offer the glad hand of greeting. If accepted, the handshake is strong and preternaturally warm. In fact, if Jono can feel heat, there's quite a bit coming off Alex's body.

Alex will introduce himself, "Alex Summers. It's good to finally meet you." His blue eyes are observant, considerate, and will look into Jono's with confidence. They do not drift down to Jono's lower face mask or the other potentially deviant fashion options.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Suddenly this all sounds very formal. And though he's not exactly dressed for a formal meeting, it does seem a litle rude to stay seated when someone's approaching with at least the appearance of being formal. So as Alex approaches, Jono stands up from his chair and pulls the MP3 player's ear buds from his ear. He quickly stuffs the MP3 player in a pocket, and returns the handshake. Jono's handshake is a loosely-gripping gesture, one that doesn't cling for too long. Fact it seems like he wants to let go prety quickly. He does notice the heat, though, and looks at Alex's hand in surprise.

Though when Alex starts to speak, Jono looks back up at his eyes... for a moment. He quickly seems to find something at about the level of Alex's collar fascinating, for whatever reason. This one doesn't like to make eye contact, it doesn't look like. {{...Good ter meet'cha,}} he returns, his mental 'voice' sounding a little less then confident. And British. Oh so very British. {{...Was yer lookin' for me?}} he almost seems to hedge, as if he's not sure if he did something he shouldn't have...

Havok has posed:
There's a subtle smile and a shake of his head as Alex responds, "Oh no. Just saying hi. I teach <insert subject>." Alex did notice the glance with the touch. He mentions nothing about it. Best to leave those things for future topics. His left hand remains on the strap of the backpack and he glances toward the depths of the mansion for a second.

Looking back to Jono, Alex notes, "That's so cool how your telepathy is accented. Guess I never noticed it with Betsy... or..." and he gives pause to the rest of that sentence. Only to replace it with, "I'll leave you to your music. I need to go train."

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono doesn't seem eager to bring up the oddness with Alex's handshake either. But then there's the air of what might be called a guilty conscience to him too, how his shoulders are slouched a little and he seems to be trying to draw his head down. If he was a turtle, that head would be retracted into his shell! In this case, the shell isn't literal, but is still there nonetheless.

He blinks a little as the mention of his telepathy being accented is made. {{Is it? Never noticed.}} Not surprising. He also doesn't know a 'Betsy', so he doesn't bring it up. Especially not when Alex trails off; Jono gets the feeling he wasn't supposed to mention her name. Instead he notes, {{'Least me sign language ain't got 'n accent.}}

He... miiiiiiiight be trying to joke there. Maybe. And he does seem to have relaxed a little, now that the OTHER Mr. Summers isn't seeking him out for disciplinary reasons.

Havok has posed:
Alex will turn his right boot toward the rear of the foyer. Glance in that direction and it may become clear that there's some anxiety or eagerness in his posture. He looks back to Jono and gives a nod. "We'll catch up later. Gotta hit the training."

With that, Alex will begin to walk toward the rear of the foyer and the alcove where the hidden lift is hidden. He's departing the conversation with a clear walk of intent as he had descending the stairs. An urgency to resolve something. Or he's just excited to train.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono nods, now recognizing the eagerness to get away. Of course, being the depressed little black hole of misery that he is, somehow Jono manages to ascribe this to being his fault. But he's a trooper, if nothing else. So he just offers a mock salute. His eyes narrow slightly, in a way that might indicate a bit of a smile. {{Take care. Proper safety equipment 'n all.}} Because he doesn't realize Alex has more than just a gym workout planned.

Once Alex leaves, Jono looks at the place he'd been sitting. Looks at the stairs. And finally decides to go back to his room. And on the way up, he's also reminded that he needs to ask for a room somewhere he's not likely to kill anybody if he happens to explode...