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Latest revision as of 19:13, 23 October 2017

A Visit
Date of Scene: 30 April 2017
Location: Central Park, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 203, 34

Erin Beaumont (203) has posed:
A small coffee shop lines one of the streets across from Central Park. Outdoor seating is available to customers, and one of them stands out. Her long, platinum blonde hair is a little bit frazzled, as if she hasn't brushed it today, and her posture is slouched and tired...which has an awkward side-effect of squishing her massive bosom against the table, straining the buttons on her top. She lazily sips at a cup of coffee before returning her gaze to staring straight ahead.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jonothon isn't really paying much attention to the coffee shop. When 'essentials' like eating and drinking are no longer essential, one tends to forget about them. Though he is keeping aware of his surroundings. So he does notice the frazzled-looking woman, and pauses as he's walking.

He's kind of distinctive himself, though not for just him. His brown hair and eyes are pretty nondescript. Even the fact that he's dressed all in black isn't that much to write home about. But the way his face is wrapped up from under his nose is a little weird.

Oh, but it's not just that, either. The telepathic equivalent of the sensation of getting a very bright light shined in Erin's direction might just happen here! But when one's body is literally a chamber for psychokinetic energy, maybe that's not too surprising.

Jono takes his phone out and types something in. Still maintaining a respectful distance from the frazzled-looking woman, he looks up at her as he presses a button on his phone. And the phone speaks, in a male voice, <<Are you OK?>>

Erin Beaumont (203) has posed:
Being sensitive to psychic energy, Erin grunts grumpily and squeezes her eyes shut at the bright psychic energy, then looks up at the synthetic voice. "...Yeah, fine. Was that you? Not the voice, but the...bright light?" Her voice is smoothband warm, but still sluggish and tired.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono blinks at the question. But a hand reaches up to readjust his face-wrappings, as if he's afraid they've fallen. Once he does, he types something else on his phone. <<Bright light?>> He looks around, trying to spot the source. It's daytime, sure, but would the sun be bothering her that much? Maybe if she's as tired as she looks.

Erin Beaumont (203) has posed:
Erin Beaumont rolls her eyes, then mentally speaks out to Jonothon. <It was some kind of psychic energy.> She stares Jonothon down as she "speaks", and even sips from her coffee.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono actually jumps as he hears the voice in his mind. Though... something in his countenance relaxes immediately afterwards. And then he answers her back. Mentally. {{...Well. S'pose there's no need ter keep usin' this thing, then,}} he notes, slipping the phone back into his pocket.

Then he begins to approach, and yes, the sensation gets closer. {{Probably was me, yeah. I've been told I light up like a Christmas tree, psionically speakin'.}} His mental voice actually has a British accent.

Erin Beaumont (203) has posed:
Erin Beaumont smiles weakly. <Something like that. You a mutant, too?> She raises an eyebrow at the question. <Oh, can I get you a coffee? This place is pretty good. Please, sit.> She gestures toward the chair across from her, then sips again at her coffee. She's still slouching, breast squishing against the table.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono accepts the invitation to sit, with a nod of thanks. Though he shakes his head at the invitation. {{Thank yer. But the reason I need ter talk like this is I don't 'ave the necessary equipment for drinkin' coffee anymore.}} He's not quite so shy about revealing this, since Erin's words seemed to indicate she was a mutant as well. Also the whole 'talking in his head' is kind of a giveaway.

Though there is THAT question, the one of whether he's a mutant or not. It's pretty obvious, he figures, so he nods. {{Yeah,}} he admits.

Erin Beaumont (203) has posed:
Erin Beaumont nods slowly. <No mouth? Hm, I see. I could always give you a caffeine patch.> She smirks, then continues. <Anyway, to answer your question, yes, I'm fine. Just a...long night.> She sighs and slouches further, buttons on her top straining further, threatening to pop off... <The Joker popped up to cause mayhem a few blocks from here. So...yeah, it's been tiring.>

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono blinks a little, thinking about that. {{Never thought 'a that,}} he notes, to the mention of the caffiene patch. There have definitely been mornings he could use a boost of caffiene. Being a soda-drinking kid and having to go cold-turkey off caffiene has been rough.

Though he visibly winces at the mention of the Joker. {{Ouch. Yer sure you're all right, then?}} He didn't know much about him, but he did know the Joker wasn't someone one wanted to mess with.

Erin Beaumont (203) has posed:
Erin Beaumont sighs, dropping her head onto the table--or, rather, her breasts. <No, I'm not. I thought he was gonna blow us all up, but...it was just filled with cream filling.> She scoffs. <God, I'm just exhausted...>

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono frowns at this... well, as much as he can without a mouth. He leans forward a bit, but then leans back in his chair normally. {{I just bet,}} he agrees. {{At least yer got the chamber that was unloaded this time.}} His eyes have a sympathetic look.

And yes, he's a trooper about keeping his eyes above her neck!

Erin Beaumont (203) has posed:
Erin Beaumont sighs. "Yeah," she says audibly. <Erin Beaumont. Pleasure to meet you. And, yes, I'm a mutant.> She nods. <So. Anything you'd like to ask?> She shrugs, then finishes off her coffee and flags down a waitress. "Another white mocha frap. And, ah, you have caffeine patches here, right? Two of those."

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
The offering of her name gets the same from Jono. {{Jonothon Starsmore,}} he offers in return. {{Pleased ter meet'cha.}}

He 'quiets' as the waitress comes over, though. His telepathy's broadcast, like a radio, so anybody in 'speaking' range can hear him. And he doesn't want the waitress freaking out. Though he does raise an eyebrow at the order. He wasn't aware they sold them here. But then again, he hasn't really checked out any restaurants since coming to the States, so he doesn't know what they sell.

Erin Beaumont (203) has posed:
Erin Beaumont "speaks" again once the waitress leaves. <So, you're psychic, too? I noticed you're not using my channel.> She smirks. <It's not often I meet other psychics. Or other mutants at all.>

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
{{'Channel'?}} Jono asks, also once the waitress leaves. {{It's all a bit new ter me. This whole... 'thing' just 'appened ter me.}} Oh, so that would explain it. He may not realize that he's not on the same 'frequency'.

As for not meeting other mutants? That gets... well, it would be a smirk if Jono still had a mouth. As it is, the smirk is 'audible' in his mental 'voice'. {{When society as a whole wants ter 'ang all us up by our guts and flog us? I wouldn' say that's a surprise, yeah?}}

Erin Beaumont (203) has posed:
<Heh, I suppose. And, ah, well, once I talk to someon le through my telepathy, I can leave a sort of channel open that lets them talk back, telepathically.> She cants her heas for a moment. <The best way I can describe it is like a weaker computer--them--piggybacking off a stronger computer--me--to run a program it would normally be too weak to run.> She follows up with an audible "Does that make sense?"

The waitress, a young, bored looking teen, returns with Erin's cup as well as two caffeine patches. "Don't hesitate to call us if you need something," she mumbles unenthusiastically before shuffling back inside.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono tilts his head a bit. Though yes, he waits until the waitress leaves again before he answers. {{Huh. Yeah, that makes sense. Mine's... well, it feels like 'ow yer talk, just... with this instead.}} He taps his temple. {{Dunno know much more about it than that.}}

Erin might notice that, in fact; the words go out, but there's no return trace or anything. It's like he's just throwing it out there, like a radio on 'send-only'.

Erin Beaumont (203) has posed:
<Well, your telepathy -does- feel pretty different. More like a megaphone than a walkie-talkie.> She smirks. <Anyway, here's those patches. Use them whenever you feel like, alright?> She takes her new cup of coffee and starts blowing on it.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono shakes his head ruefully. {{And 'ere I am shoutin' me 'ead off. No finesse,}} he jokes. Though it does kind of make sense. Particularly if his 'accident' was recent.

The mention of the caffiene patches gets a nod, and he picks them up. {{Thank yer. I appreciate it,}} he says, and slips the patches into a pocket. Those will come in handy to get him started the next time he has a groggy morning.

Erin Beaumont (203) has posed:
Erin Beaumont chuckles a bit. <It takes me a lot of effort to talk to multiple people at once. And I can only have one channel open at a time.> She sighs and sips at her coffee. <So, anything else you wanted to talk about?>

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
{{Finesse over strength, that's not a bad thing,}} Jono notes, an encouraging tone in his voice. {{Bein' able ter talk only ter certain people, that'd be bloody useful.}}

As for anything else to talk about? Jono sort of looks... well, a little lost. {{I was concerned, since it looked like yer was about ter fall over. Will yer be all right? Able ter get some rest?}}

Erin Beaumont (203) has posed:
Erin Beaumont chuckles lightly. <I'll be fine. Just need to get some rest tonight. Barely slept yesterday.> She sighs, then covers her mouth with a hand. "Erf..." Back to telepathy. <Have you ever done any...superheroics? Feel free to lie if you'd rather that stuff stay quiet.> She snickers.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono nods, seeming to be satisfied with that answer. As for super-heroics? The wry tone enters his mental voice again with his answer. {{Some. Badly. I'm not cut out ter be a hero. Better as the bogeyman ter scare kids outta places they ought not be.}}

Erin Beaumont (203) has posed:
Erin Beaumont snickers. <Me, neither. I certainly -tried- to help against the Joker, but these other two did the bulk of the work, heh.> She sighs and sips at her coffee again. <What did you do, if I may ask? Your...heroics.> She smirks sleepily from behind her coffee.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
{{...Know that feelin'...}} Could he 'sound' any more depressed? Probably. But a mental voice is difficult to hide emotions in, since emotions come from the mind. And Jono himself hasn't learned the finger points of telepathic communication yet.

The question gets a tilt of his head. {{Group 'a young toughs decided because they got their 'ands on some shiny new technology, that they was entitled ter several people's wallets. Took some work, but we all managed ter convince 'em otherwise.}}

Erin Beaumont (203) has posed:
Erin Beaumont shrugs. <Fair enough I'm not too upset about it, though. Nobody died, to my knowledge.> She sighs. <A bunch of hooligans rushed into the store and started smashing up the electronics department. Grabbed those new Lex phones. One of them's on a skateboard, and he takes off his mask...> She scowls. <And it's Gotham's own comedian. Starts saying he's got a two megaton nuke hidden underground, and even shows us this massive bomb. But...as I said, it was just...fucking cream filling.> She grunts and slouches again.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono listens, and does that wince again when she slouches. {{That's the worst thing. Blowin' 'imself up? Not completely outta the question, if what I 'eard was even close ter true.}}

Still, the capacity for optimism isn't completely beyond Jono, even though it's rare. And he shows that rare bit of optimism when he notes, {{At least nobody died.}}

Erin Beaumont (203) has posed:
Erin Beaumont sighs again, then leans back in her chair, no longer threatening her top buttons. <Yeah...> She exhales sharply and glances around. <What next, then? My brain's just...fried. What do you want to talk about?>

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono tilts his head, crossing his arms over his chest. {{Not sure. Been told I don't 'people' well,}} he admits. Then he offers, {{Though if yer wanna go home so yer can rest, I don't mind walkin' with yer.}}