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Latest revision as of 19:16, 23 October 2017

Heavy Baggage
Date of Scene: 30 April 2017
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 110, 34

Mars (110) has posed:
Mars begins packing up after her last class of the day. Science. Whew, was an in-depth lesson too. As a student Mars is rather advanced - she's exceptionally bright for a 16 year old. When one is surrounded by the best personal tutors in the world that isn't that much of a surprise.

Putting her books and notes aside, she packs her books neatly into her small backpack. Then the notes, then the mechanical pencils she uses. Everything goes into place neat and proper. Standing slowly, she hefts the small backpack across her shoulders with her metal walking stick attached to the back. "OOf." she comments as she pulls at the straps. Heavy.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
There's suddenly a voice. It's not verbal. What it is, is incredibly British. {{Yer need some 'elp?}}

And at the door to one of the classrooms is a student. Male, brown hair, brown eyes. Dressed all in black, with everything south of his nose and north of his waist wrapped up with some kind of black wrapping.

Mars (110) has posed:
Mars looks up "Professor? No...that's not him..." She realizes that it's a mental voice, but it isn't a familiar one. She looks to Jonothon "Was that you?" She smiles softly, pushing her hair on her right side behind her shoulder. The left side stays in front though. "Well..it's enticing, but I do not think my uncle would be pleased with taking outside help. He's a bit of a stickler for self empowerment." She slips off her backpack, and rests it on her arm as she draws towards the door offering a smile "But perhaps for once, what he doesn't know won't hurt him, hmm?"

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono nods to the question. {{That was me, yeah,}} he confirms. The mention of her uncle being displeased over her accepting outside help gets a bit of a frown though. {{Yer can't do ev'rythin' alone.}} He does offer to carry her bag for her, though. Jono tends to be a litlt emore relaxed in the school, since he's pretty sure most of the people here are just as weird as he is.

Mars (110) has posed:
Mars enjoys the fact she isn't well known at the school, because her life - a painful journey, has been published in every way imaginable in the last 5 years in the media. She offers the backpack over "Well..I usually have people teaching me, or watching over me. It's a strange balance of helping myself, but not accepting help but knowing it's there. It's odd perhaps. But everything around me seems that way." She reaches over to touch Jono's right sleeve and hang onto it. Something of a habit she's had - when blind she did it to know someone was there when she was talking with them. "Your speaking with me Telepathically...you can understand me alright then?"

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono accepts the offered backpack! It's true, though; he doesn't know her very well. He might have heard something about her being a known celebrity when she got to the school, though. Rumors like that are bound to circulate. That said, Jono's from the UK and only recently came to the States, so he probably doesn't know much about her anyway!

He seems to flinch a little when she takes hold of his sleeve, but it's probably more in surprise. {{I s'pose that's what we've all gotta figure out about now... 'ow ter keep the balance,}} he notes.

The question of hearing gets a nod. {{Yeah. I can 'ear yer jus' fine. It's the talkin' I got a problem with.}}

Mars (110) has posed:
Mars nods softly. "Must be a disability? I certainly can understad that. My eyes aren't natural. I suppose it's obvious, noone has energy halo's in thier eyes naturally. I was blind the last 5 years, having lost my eyes in the aftermath of a metabattle. It's nice to see again, but it's kind of alien as well. If there's anything I can do to make conversating more comfortable for you please let me know."

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
A disability? {{...Could say that, yeah.}} He winces a bit as she mentions her eyes, and how she lost them -- and regained them, apparently. As for the halos? {{Ev'rybody's got their weird 'ere,}} he notes. {{Like as not there's somebody else here what's just as weird as yer think that is.}}

He tilts his head, and looks at her. {{So, where yer headin'?}} he asks. {{Oh right. Call me Jono.}}

Mars (110) has posed:
Mars smiles "Well it's a pleasure to meet you Jono, I'm Mars." She hmmns. "Well..to think of it how about we stop by the kitchen for a snack? I think the home ec teacher isn't there to make us cook something..maybe we could snag something?" Pausing she shrugs her shoulders "Well I can pass for fairly normal I think, so am lucky in that kind of way. But when your blind..well, you gain a different viewpoint. You learn to love people for who they are, since you can't see them there really isn't not only racism, but there isn't any predujice at all. The only thing you really can tell is male and female."

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono nods. {{Can head that way, sure,}} he agrees, and starts for the kitchen. He lacks the parts to do that too, but others have to eat. The mention of her having been blind gets a considering silence from Jono. {{I'd imagine it'd give yer a whole new 'view' 'a the world, yeah.}}

Mars (110) has posed:
Mars walks beside Jono, hanging onto his sleeve as they walk. "Well..yes, in a way. My journey has been public. But it was nice to come here, and get away from the public. Here I can just be Mars, a girl. Instead of Mars, the girl with a sad story, and a beacon of hope for humanity."

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono raises a brow. A celebrity too? But he doesn't make a deal about it. {{Cameras are a right pain in the arse,}} he states. {{Ev'n under normal circumstances that kind 'a thing's a huge responsibility. 'Avin' cameras on yer all the time. An' almost no one's ready for it.}}

Mars (110) has posed:
Mars shrugs her shoulders gently "I suppose, when you can't see it's difficult to really have much of a say in it. Now however seeing the cameras pointed is a bit bewildering. I was at an event for my Uncle, he was unveiling a new operating system he had built. So many people and cameras. As his neice, more or less, I was there to show my support. But he sure shines in front of all that attention. I've gotten used to it, but I don't think I'll ever understand how people who thrive on all that attention naturally ever do it."