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Latest revision as of 22:57, 23 October 2017

A Timely Rescue
Date of Scene: 03 May 2017
Location: Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Scott Summers comes across David Akenda needing assistance
Cast of Characters: 207, Cyclops

David Akenda (207) has posed:
As the streets are busy. With it being early afternoon the place is almost enjoyible the sun is shining and a light wind is blowing. It's not exactly a place where a lot of crime happens. Of course for those who are attentive can see something very unusual. A young man, maybe 15 if he's lucky walking down the sidewalk pushing past people trying to avoid being stoped as he occaitionally looks back behind him.

Behind him is a man, his face is passive as he is roughly 20 feet away from him slowly trying to catch up. His walk is like that of a predator. The Boy then as traffic starts to get heavy, suddenly makes a Bolt for it across the street, trying to get away from this man, who also cuts across the traffic befor it gets impossible for him to keep up with the kid.

The Teen is clearly insome sort of distress, holding his chest like he was hurt, infact there is a trace of blood coming from his chest as he holds something on his chest. And the pair break into a dead run as the teen finally has to turn down an alley and the man holds something from his coat as the flash of metal can bee seen before turning down the alley.

Cyclops has posed:
Scott Summers is walking on the other side of the street, coming from the opposite direction. He is on his way to a nearby shop to pick up some parts he had ordered. The bike they are for is parked a little down the street at the closest open space he could find. As always, he is paying attention to his surroundings though not expecting to find anything unusual here. He's been here dozens of times. It's always quiet and peacful.

A flash of movement catches his attention, drawing his gaze across the street. Hhe sees the boy obviously avoiding someone. His first thought is that the boy is being pursued by the law. A second glance at the follower and that is tossed out the window. Frowning, Scott watches the dash across traffic and cut right past him into the alley. It's not in his nature to ignore it. He peeks into the alley first before ducking down it, rushing after the two.

David Akenda (207) has posed:
Scott can see the alley and when he does the man has lunged at the boy who barely reacts in time to draw a sword. The sound of clashing metal is head as the man delivers a devistating flip kick to the boy's chest sending him back as blood now comes fromt he would. Something in Japanese is spoken by the man, and a fast reply, and then the boy unleashes his hand. Scoot can see what appears to be flashes of light as he slides through the blade and soon it just cleaves dising his knife into shreds as they hit the ground.

The Man Lunges at the boy who is clearly injured and weak and a Quick kick to the head sends the boy to the ground as a hand grabs his wrist pinning his sword to the ground as the other hand goes for his throat to choke him as he says. "You will Die slowly for the sins of your Clan Akenda.... The Kaji clan has it's vengence and justice..."

Cyclops has posed:
There is a flash of red light in the alley, lighting the area for an instant. The beam is pure concussive force and it is aimed for the back of the man attacking the boy. It isn't even close to a killing blow, more a warning shot across the bow that will feel like a heavy fist blow, far less than he is capable of doing.

"Leave the boy alone!" comes the order, the tone controlled but menacing. He isn't yelling. He doesn't have to raise his voice. There is no doubt they will be followed up by something more if the man continues his path.

Scott has no idea what happened to that blade but right now he has to focus on the danger he knows--and hope he didn't read the situation wrong.

David Akenda (207) has posed:
David is choking as the man is knocked over and back against the wall and as he turns back to face Scott he throws a dagger at him aiming for his forheard as David. Uses what Little strength he has leg to suddenly manifest the last of his energy reserves. and Scott can see them flash, a series of silk strandds erupt from his fingers. The Knife is sliced to shreds before it gets close to scoot and those wires lash out wrapping around the man and a post of metal.

With his hands gripping and tightening. "I don't have to break the skin to break your neck." and instantly the wires like ropes pull the man to the post hard as they wrap around his arms, torso, pinning him as the cords wrap around his throat and then Yank Yanks as the man instantly starts to Choking. The boy is intending to kill him with those lines. But as he does blood starts to run from his nose and eyes...

Cyclops has posed:
Both are threats. Neither is considered an ally. The boy's threat level just went up exponentially as he sees the powers in use, sees their effects on the attacker. There is a pulse of light behind his sunglasses, the red that was seen a moment ago glowing through the ruby quartz lenses but not released yet. "Let him go. You're going to do permanent harm to yourself." His voice isn't as harsh as he speaks to the young man, trying to get through what is likely anger and fear combined. All he has to go by is the situation in front of him but if he knows those are the emotions most feel when someone tries to kill them. There was no doubt that was the man's intentions. "He won't be going anywhere."

David Akenda (207) has posed:
as David is knocked away it's enough to completely break his focus and is knocked away. The man instantly is let down, and almost instnatly he recovers as if he was expecting it. He doesn't go after the man helping the boy. His target is the Boy, and out comes a knife. He lunges at the boy ready to plow his blade into his head and chest. The man is not about to give him now that he is so close.

"I will kill him!" is all he says as David is on the ground barely able to focus he doesn't have enough strength to move.

Cyclops has posed:
This time the flash of light isn't quite as bright, the beam more focused into a narrow stream. This holds more force than the first time. It is aimed directly for the man's temple. For a normal human, it's enough to knock them out with potentially a concussion. For anyone stronger, it will be more a strong punch. "Not on my watch!" Scott responds grimly, already moving even as he blasts. His intention is to place himself in front of the boy, in case the man doesn't go down with that shot.

David Akenda (207) has posed:
As the sounds of combat start to attact people, into the alleyway the man looks down the alley as he is now wounded and bleeding, his ankle broke in his fall trying to recover as he looks up at Scott and the people coming down the alley. still dazed, "You have not seen the last of this. More will come for him." and then after a brief moment he suddenly has a knife produced from his sleave, but instead of throwing it, he actually attempts to cut his own throat.

Cyclops has posed:
"Dammit," Scott growls, completely ruining any boy scout image. A flick of his finger against the trigger for his optio beam and a third blast of red goes toward the man. The knife is the target. It should be knocked out of his hand. But even as he does so, Scott is firing a second blast directly at the man's chest. This one should be able to crack ribs and hopefully will at least put him down one ground until authorities arrive. If it doesn't knock him out, then he's not dealing with a human anymore.

David Akenda (207) has posed:
As the assassin's knife is knocked from his hand and a second hits him in the chest some people scream and run. The boy lays there recovering some measure of his strength and tries to get away now. Grabbing hold of the sword as he just tries to get away. He's got no idea what is going on with the guy who tried to save him. As a quick look around forces him to spot a man hole cover and holding his chest he will risk infection going down there as he produces one of his wires and tries to slice the manholecover in a way that will allow him to jump down with ease.

His movements are sluggish and slow so he could be stopped.

Cyclops has posed:
A kick to the assassin's head should finish the problem and leave a nice body for the cops to pick up. Scott has no doubt they have been called. The reacting watchers will have seen to that. Keeping his back to the crowd, he moves toward the boy. "Don't be ridiculous," he says softly, hoping he doesn't regret what he's about to do. "Lean on me. We need to head out the back of the alley. Circle back around to my bike. Will you be able to ride?" There are two options and he doesn't want to take the second one unless it's a last choice. First choice is a local clinic he knows of that takes emergency caes 24 hours a day. But if they can't get clear of witnesses, he may have to make tougher choices.

David Akenda (207) has posed:
The Boy is almost a dead weight as he says, "I thinkso..." he is weak and pale. The boy is holding a deathgrip on that sword. Like it is more important than his life as he struggles to get to his feet. Allowing the stranger who just saved him from the assassin. The assassin is of course out cold as he will be picke dup and arrested and transfered to a police station.

Still Scott and the boy are able to circle around as he managed to get some strength back and sheatht he blade in the scabbard on his back. And he has a chest that is bleeding. If scott looks he has a slash or cut across his chest htat loose several days old, smells slightly of whiskey. But he is able to get on the bike with scott.

Cyclops has posed:
Scott has moved quickly but not so much that the boy will be getting dragged along. Thankfully the crowd thought better of following two powered people and remained back at the alleyway. Once out of that alley, their pace became more comfortable and the bike wasn't that far. The machine roars to life beneath them. "Hang on, kid. Don't give out on me yet."

That chest wound. That will not be explained easily to the clinic. It might lead to police responding. Not something he needs to be dealing with when they are looking for those involved in the incident at the alley. "It's going to be a short ride but a fast one. I'm taking you somewhere special to get those wounds treated." He will just have to rely on the skills of the powerful psychics in the mansion to erase the boy's memories if it comes to it.

David Akenda (207) has posed:
By the time Scott gets David to the School. David is virtually unresponsive. The young boy, has been battling this wound, and memories of a nightmare he has experianced since he cut the joker. Reliving the memories of when his mutant powers emerged.

Cyclops has posed:
They pull up at the front steps to the school. No taking time to go through the garage. It isn't like the students haven't seen stranger things. Scott throws down the kickstand and grabs the boy carefully, picking him up easily. The boys bag is either on his shoulder or left behind for now. It isn't on Scott's radar. Only the need to get the boy down to the lower levels and the medlab there. "We're almost there, kid. Get you all patched up," he talks to try and keep the boy focused, still not sure of his story but going with his guts. "Then you can explain all this."

They enter the private elevator and travel down to the lower levels, quickly heading to a state of the art medical suite, laying the boy on one of the beds. He does a quick field assessment, worrying that the problem is more the overexertion of his powers than the wound on his chest.