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The Meeting of Cats... er Boys
Date of Scene: 05 May 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Or Things Get Difficult When Magical Transformations Are Involved.

In which Vorpal meets Chat Noir, only Vorpal's not Vorpal he's Tommy and Chat's not Chat he's Adrien... also, Adrien has worked with models too long.

Cast of Characters: Darcy Lewis, 87

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Adrien was right. It was swimsuit ad time. His father's fashion house liked to turn around ad campaigns in weeks rather than months, allowing Adrien the blessing of modeling clothes much closer to the actual season they will be worn in. The only reason Adrien is grateful for this is that it means he's not in a speedo in the middle of January.

Instead it means it's in one in May... In New York... On a park bench... in broad daylight... where anyone can see him.

The phtography crew has taken over a section of Central Park. The part by the lake with the city skyline behind it. The photographer has moved to the computer screens, shaded by a pop-up canopy, talking to the creative and artistic director of the shoot while a make up artist has run out to touch up Adrien's golden hair. For his part, the model very graciously says thank you to the person that brought him a water bottle with a straw in it.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Balancing schookwork and vigilantism AND a multimedia career which, if it was not budding yet, it certainly was looking slightly plump on the vine, isn't easy. Even when you happen to be the Cheshire Cat.

His human guise illusion allows him to walk around without being pointed at and recognized, which was a good thing if you needed some R&R in one of the local parks in order to clear your mind. He was thankful for that. A humanoid cat in spandex was as easy to spot in a crow as a.... as a golden god in a speedo sitting on a bench.

He makes a dead stop. Where did that come from?

Maybe from the golden god sitting, as it were, on that park bench. In, as you say, a speedo.

Tommy just stares for a few seconds, his snack (a greek wrap) all but forgotten as something certainly happens to him. It's probably the kind of moment that has a string orchestra furiously mounting to a crescendo full of excess and drama... and that is what would probably happen if this were an episode of 'Hello, Megan!' But it isn't.

He's seen the guy, Tommy realizes when he remembers to breathe. He's in his media class over at the University... what was it? Principles of Media Marketing? Something like that. Of COURSE he's noticed him before. How can you not? He's just never really had much of a chance to talk to him, though, because he's been rather busy with his 'other' life.

He doesn't quite know what posesse him, but it's almost as if his sneakers take a life of their own and start carrying him towards the park bench.

"Oh... hey there!" he says, as if he had JUST happened to stumble upon a half-naked guy on a bench and JUST noticed it.

Subtle, Tommy. Sub-tleee.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"I think we got it," says the Creative Director.

THe photographer nods, smiling hugely.

"That's a wrap, everyone!" he calls out and the make up person almost huffs. Almost. Adrien smooths it over with a soft word fo gratitude as everyone starts to file away to clean up. It leaves the golden god alone on the bench as Tommy makes his way over.

Green eyes focus on him, as Adrien regards Tommy, then places him as someone from class. The model smiles warmly, pushing to his feet with a wave of a hand.

Never mind that Adrien is wearing nothing more than a thin bit of spandex.

"Hello," Adrien says amiably, head tilted slightly in question.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"... You're in my Media class. Media and spandexing. Speedia and Market- the marketing one." Tommy wonders if it's getting hot in here? Summer isn't all the way here, yet. "Haven't had a chance to introduce myself... but I'm Tommy. Tommy Hunter." He offers his hand, and all too late realizes that the illusion covering him does not change the fact that he's all cat under the appearance. Adrian will definitely get a hand-full of fur unless he thinks quickly.

And he 'accidentally' drops his metal water bottle, which bounces and rolls past Adrian's feet. "Oh, sorry about that!"

Saved? Maybe.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Oh god. Another one. What is it with the nice seeming ones getting near him and not being able to make words work right? Was there something wrong with him? Adrien's smile flattens ever so subtly, no longer fully reaching his eyes. Yet, as the hand is offered Adrien reaches for it.... and gets waylaid by falling bottle.

Without even thinking about the fact that he's in little more than dark green underwear, Adrien turns to follow the bouncing bottle, taking one step so he can bend to collect the bottle for Tommy. The motion has hair falling forward into his eyes a bit, so when he stands he has to bring his other hand up to push the hair from his face and back to where it was. Turning back to Tommy, Adrien holds out the bottle.

"It's fine. Here you go," Adrien says with a smile, model ready and utterly perfect, if not quite reaching his eyes.

"I think I remember seeing you. It's good to mee tyou Tommy. I'm Adrien Agreste."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Ok, maybe that was not the best choice of an escape. It's a distraction, but it certainly backfired on Tommy. When Adrien hands him the bottle, he takes it back and takes a good sip of it, because he needs it.

"Sorry, sun's out and I'm a bit thirsty. Adrien, it's so nice to meet you. Do I detect a bit of an accent?" It sounds French, but he doesn't want to make an outright guess, "Where from? I'm a local kid, I'm afraid. Nothing terrible exotic..."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Someone comes up to hand Adrien a robe. Because having him sun burn would be bad bad bad and Adrien's father might just fire the person who let that happen. With a soft word of thanks, Adrien pulls on the white robe, tying it loosely as he speaks.

"It's okay. It is a little warm in the sun. Did you want to talk in my changing tent? I should get dressed," he says easily, as if it were nothing.

"Hmm? Oh, oui, yes. I'm from Paris.... France. I've only just moved here a few weeks ago for work and school," says Adrien as he offers to lead the way.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
A little disappointed by the appearance of the robe, Tommy says "Sure, lead the way!" Tommy says, smiling. Then he realizes what a 'changing tent' would be, and he makes a mental note to get distracted looking at everything in the tent, except Adrian.

"Paris, mais c'est mervellieux! Il y a longtemps que j'ai desire d'y aller!"

He gets a kick out of having someone to practice is French with. As he indicates he's always wanted to go to Paris, he fears that although his pronunciation is flawless, his vocabulary may be a little rusted. "You've only recently arrived, then, you probably don't know the sights and sounds around here."

Walking beside Adrian, he says, "I'd love to introduce you to some of the places around here. If you're not too busy with stuff..."

His thoughts trail back to how he found Adrian. Ok. He's a model. Why does that last name sound so -familiar-? His brain starts working on that. The Googlesearch in his mind sends out the query, and it begins to buffer... buffer...

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Leading the way, Adrien smiles and waves to a few of the workers here, all of whom are busily packing things. None really return the gestures, and so after two attempts, Adrien just stops trying. That's when Tommy's French appears and Adrien turns a much more genuine smile on him. There's warmth back in those green eyes as the model turns his full attention to Tommy.

"-Paris really is marvellous. Hopefully you can go visit, as you've liked. I would love to know when you go. Maybe I can be in town and I can show you some of the sights there,-" Adrien offers warmly, eagerly almost, as he holds open the tent flap. His words are perfect beautiful native French, said with the music of someone happy to have someone to speak his native language too. And when Tommy switches back to English it takes Adrien a moment to switch toom mind having to play translator.

"Ah! Oui. I would love a guide. I've been trying to learn the city on my own, but sometimes I get so very lost," Adriend says as he steps in after Tommy. His accent is much more noticeable now that he had a moment of French, but it is starting to smooth out.

The tent is nicely appointed, with a small rack for clothes, a vanity with mirror, a director's camp chair, and a table with a food tray. It's fruits and cheeses... well. it WAS fruits and cheeses. Now, it's JUST fruits. There is no cheese left. Not even a crumb. On the table by the cheese side of the tray is a soft dove grey leather jacket. It's silk lined and is clearly very expensive. Everything in here is designer. A specific designer, to be honest.


Without thinking about it, because models and their lack of modesty, Adrien turns his back to Tommy to get the suit off under the robe so he can get into his own clothing. Jeans. No undergarments. Can't wear them on swimsuit or underwear days. It would mean showing up three hours early and sitting around nude so the lines from his own underthings can fade. Honestly, it's just a hasle. This way is so much easier to deal with.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Then it's settled! How about I take you somewhere to eat and then I can show you some of the... sights..." Tommy begins to trail off as Adrian turns around and Oh My God Is He About To Do What I Think He's GoinG To Do? The cat puts a steadying hand on the table, which may not be the best idea because his /claws/ come out. He leaves a mark on the table and quickly withdraws his hand when he notices that he's doing it. His eyes are riveted on Adrian for a second before he quickly turns around and starts looking at anything else. Everything. Except Adrian. As if he were thinking about buying the tent.

He's not even tempted to peek.

Well. He is. But he's not going to.

"... to be honest I don't really have friends at the Uni either. Life's been... a bit of an upheaval. And most of my higschool friends moved away to different colleges, so..." he is babbling, but he's trying to keep his mind off what's going on. "I've been a little lonely. And you come across as a really nice guy in class..." oh my god. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Nervousness causes his chaos magic to let out a tiny pulse of chaos in his wake. Not strong enough to have any effects... but any sensitive beings in the area might take notice.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Adrien's smile is broad and warm and happy. Someone wants to spend time with him, show him the city, likr a friend! Pleased, the model drapes the speedo over the bar of the clithing rack before pulling his blue jeans from the hanger and pulling them on under the robe. Thatxs shrugged off the moment the pants are over his hips. Not buttoned but over his hips.

"Yes! This sounds like a good plan," Adrien is saying, turning to the vanity for the baby wipes. Makeup on face... not good for a tighy blavk tshiry. Adriend leans on one hand so he can bend forwars to get a better look at the mirror to clean his face. No sooner foes thw wet wipe touch his cheek than Tommy's next words touch his ears. Adrien regards Tommyxs reflection.

The other young man sounds lonely. As lonely as I amn almost.

"I would not mind keeping company with you, when I am not working or studying. Maybe even we can study togethet. We have a same class, do we not?" Sdrien asks hipefully of the reflection while in the pocket of the dove gray jackey on the table near Tommy's hand, Plagg blinks awake. 'What was that?'

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Oh, definitely. I'd love to have a study partner. Do you live on campus? My folks got me an apartment that's near the campus, mostly 'cause I have too much stuff and a single is even more expensive than an apartment. Can you believe that?" The redhead chuckles and shakes his head. He turns to look at Adrien when the pants go up, thinking it's safe.

There's another chaos pulse, as Tommy tries to get his emotions under control.

"My apartment's roomier, though, so you can come hang out anytime you want. Hey, maybe we can even throw a study party sometime and invite the class. See if we can make more friends?"

He leans against the table, almost upsetting Adrien's jacket.

Finally, his brain comes with the information he requestef a bit back.

"Agreste. Wait. As in *Gabriel* Agreste?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
It is perfectly safe, minus that the posture has the jeans ridibg a half inch too low. The Agreste label clearly visible. Relaxed by the mundane topic, Adrien smiles again and turns back to wiping his face.

"no I live off campus. I dont know how much apartments cost hwre, so... i guess I mighy velieve it if you tols me the prices." His worss pause whe. he is invited to the apartment, and his smile turns sunny and warm.

"I would..." then his face falls a bit. "...my fathet would insist on... nevermind. Yes, I cab try. Otherwise, I can meet you anywhere you like. A study party sounds wonderul." Adrien comments. He starightens when the makeup is gone, leaving only a hiny of eyeliner. he turns as Tommy puts the pieces together and Adrien feels the sudden sickening punch of disappointment. He was nice because he didnt realize the connection... things will change now tgat he has, and now I must act the perfect son completely again... Well, it was going ro happen sooner or later. still, it was nicwe, knowing he wanted to hang out with me because of me and not my name.

"He's my father."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"That's pretty cool, actually. My dad's Aiden Hunter, he runs GlimpSEE, the media company?" Tommy's demeanor doesn't change, if anything it becomes a little more relaxed, "He's done a few features on your dad's company in the past. I love the stuff your dad designs... mom brought me back some jeans from when they went to that media conference in Marseille? They make my ass look GREAT!" he grins and stands up, "Expensive to get over here, though, since they're imports. I love design but I've totally got no talent for it whatsoever, it's why my outfit looks so simple-"

He stops himself, realizing he was suddenly talking about his hero outfit. "Er, why everything I wear is so simple. I don't do coordination well."

There's a pause, where he seems to reasses, and says, "I bet you're pretty tired of being talked at about your old man, though. Am I right?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
There it is. Gush over his dad and the designs. Yes. The jeans do that. Yes, the conference in Marseilles. I was there. The media company... I probaby gave them an interview. Adrien turns away long after his smile had turned flat and practiced. It still looks so easy and gently warm, but he was gone from the expression. He tugs.on the tight fitting blavk t-shirt and moves to the table for his jacket. Tomny's words heard but not listened to.

"I can gice you some advisen id you like," he says, words held at a bit of a distance as he pulls on his jacket and fishes into his pocket for his ring.

Plagg nips Adrien's finger, making the model yelp faintly, and refocus in Tommy's last sentence. Question....

"Umm... a little?" he replies in a question, emotions back on his face. Confusion. Adrien slips the silver signet ring onto his right hand and sucks his finger.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"I get it. Having a famous dad can be a major pain in the tail," odd phrasing there, "and I know I get tired of people 'in the industry' fanning over my dad."

Tommy walks over to Adrien, his smile has that feline mischief that never quite goes away with him. He reaches out and puts a hand on Adrien's shoulder and squeezes "I don't really care if your dad's famous, to be honest. I think the stuff he does is cool, but no offense... I won't fanboy over him. Wonder Woman, on the other hand?"

He warms up to the subject, "Or... wait, you're from Paris... that's where La Coccinelle and Chat Noir operate, and where the Crimson Fox comes from. Now -those- are more my speed of people. What wouldn't I do to get an interview with any of them!" he says. He can't get an interview with Wonder Woman, because he has frozen in place both times he has even been -near- his idol. "I'm doing the more journalistic angle of media, to be honest, but I don't want to stop there. I eventually want to have a singing career and maybe an acting one. But becoming a well-known face is a good first step, I think.. it's why I do my videos through HeroWatch and stuff."

His eyes drift down a bit. So, the jeans aren't up all the way. He gulps and looks back up to Adrian and gives him another smile. He's glad that his illusion does not reflect the blush he -knows- is creeping up on him.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Jacket in place, Adrien can not feel the fur of Tommy's hand. Only the warmth. That and Tommy's words make Adrien smile again, the warm returning to his eyes. Right until Chat Noir and Ladybug are mentioned. He blushes dor himself amd becausr Ladybug.

"Yes... They are great, arent they?" Wait. Interview? How like Alya he is! Adrien grins lightly. That would be fun. wouldnt it? Chatting at Chat. Adrien feels more free that way.

"ive never heard of Herowatch," Adrien says, catching Tommyxs glance and soon as he isnt lookingn Adrien discreetly zips up. oops. forgot.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
The blush is adorable. Tommy doesn't know what he said to make Adrian blush, but he makes a note to catch it again. Maybe he can do it once more.

"You wouldn't want to hear of it. To be honest, it used to be a pretty great online publication until Oliva Moon acquired it. Now it's definitely got an edge for the sucrrilous and scandalous about heroes. I try to stick to fights and whatnot- and rumors when I can't help it. But I try to stick to the facts. It's getting harder every day... but I can't really do much until I have enough of a following to split off and, I dunno, Kickstart or Patreon my own content." He shrugs.

"And yeah, they're pretty great. I -love- Chat Noir... he's so stylish and funny, AND that costume looks GREAT on him! I wonder who his tailor is?" He has been thinking, "Come to think of, I wonder who does the designs for most heroes. I've heard there's a tailor somewhere in New York that fixes costumes, but he's a well-kept secret. Haven't found out if there's some Secret Underground Designer that does the design stuff for heroes. Or maybe villainns also have one. Wouldn't that be a great story to uncover?"

He snaps back to reality, and looks apologetic, "Sorry, didn't mean to zap out like that. Hey-" he nudges Adrian with an elbow. "Here I am, talking your ear off, you're probably starving from that shoot. Why don't I take you to lunch? There's a Ramen Master right across the corner once you leave the park, and they've got some *great* food."

Oh, yeah, subtle move is made.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Oh goodness!! That kind of blog sounds... for all that Alya reported on mostly Ladybug, it never did THAT. Not that Adrien hadnt ever has those kinds of thougts himself he jsut... yeah. Theres that bkush again, and he clesrs his throat.

"Im suee youre a great... report3r?" Adrien tries before derailed by talk of himself. There isnt anyeay to answrr of respond to any of it... not without letting the cat out of the bag.. or pocket as it were.

"eeeeeh.... Its fine. I .. yes. Im hubgry." Adrien syas, not sure hownhis luck had himndodging that whilr simultaneously putting himnon thisnawkward place. He is so rrady to move on. Maybe he can find Tommy later... as Chat.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"C'mon, it's my treat." Tommy tilts his head, "Do you have to sneak out? We can pretend we're spies." He, of course, is talking about any handlers Adrien may have to deal with. Mischief in the redhead's face, he may be disappointed if he doesn't have to sneak out, actually.

"So... enougha bout me. What are -you- into? What does Adrien like to do, or read, or watch? Is there anything you're *dying* to do while you're in America?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Adrien cant help but respond, mischeif for mischeif. He too grinsn though his expression is slihhtly temperrd. Barely restrained.

"I could sneak out, but it'd be easier to just tell nathalie know that I going with a friend." There is a note of hesitanxy at the final word, as if Adrien were testing the waters with it.

And if allowed thats thw route Adrien takes, stepping out to let Nathalie know he is going for a walk and woukd call if he needed a pick up.

"I like video games..." And Ladybug. but that topic turned Tommy into talking about how awesome his akterego was and Adrien found the topic was slightly uneasy. he wanted badly to hear how awesome the chat was... he disnt want to feel pale in comparison. Tommy seems to like him for him anf that was emoungh.

"I have heard about Coney Island..."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Love videogames too- I'm pretty good at platformers. SUCK with a capital 's' at FPSes, though, and I don't do MOBAs very. I'm like the harbinger of doom for any league I join, so I usually don't. RPGs are okay, I guess, depending on what genre. Fantasy's kinda overplayed for me, and sci-fi ones are are but are becoming sort of my favorites." Tommy just launches into a litany, "I've got some back at my apartment and a few systems, we can totally play."

He stands by Adrien when he goes to speak to Nathalie, but he remains respectfully quiet.

He makes notes. Adrien seems to need to check-in with his... assistant? Good to know. Once they were done, he's leading the way to the Master.

"Coney Island? I've been there a ton of times, I can totally take you there!" Maybe even ask him out on an outing there?

"What else? I am not even going to ask about Disneyland 'cause you've got your own. Though I have to admit I've always wanted to see it... so, are you here all by yourself, or did any of your friends transfer over to a US university? Even if they're in another state, you can always visit some, right?"

Tommy walks quickly. He's surprisingly agile, and there's something very graceful about them.

It's only a few minutes before they're out of the park, as he knows the area like the back of his hand from swinging from tree to tree during patrols, and a few more minutes before the RAMEN MASTER logo appears, promising deliciousness.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Adrien's smile grows at the litany. Some he kniws. Some hw doesnt. But thw idea of playing with someone instead of alone in his room appeals and so Adrien is agreeing easily to thw idea of going to Tommy's apartment. Adrien's demeanor is warmed by the ides of going to coney island.

"A few times to EuroDisney, yes. I havent been in years, not since.." A sudden sahdow before Adrien dodges and moves onn thouhh a sadness crouches in hisbgaze.

"I ran into one person I know.. She is studyinh at Parson's," he says, refraining from mentioning that Ladybug is here too. Though news od those two in New York is circulating. Walking next to Tommy, Adrien is not as fgrcaeful but he isnt clumsy either. Seeing the signn the blonde smiles nervousky. "hmm... what is raemn anyway?"

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Tommy has heard 'rumors', of course, but he's not one to give into them. For once, he knows the pair is Paris-based... why would they come here? He -has- kept an eye out, though, as Vorpal, because rooftoping is easier. He hasn't found anything to confirm the rumors yet, but... it's a big country. Who knows?

He's not oblivious. Rather good at reading body language, he catches a fleeting... gloom, is it? He moves in an puts an arm around Adrian's shoulder, squeezing and pointing ahead, trying to distract him. "Ramen? It's a japanese dish, made out of chinese-style wheat noodles served with broth. You got your choice of all sorts of variants with eggs, seaweed, etcetera. If you are not much for noodles, they've got some great sushi and sashimi, too. They even do some Korean bulgogi style beef that is to -die- for." His arm around Adrien's shoulder, he leads him towards the food place, trying to be a ginger beem of cheeriness.

His touch, though, is rife full of chaos magic. Plagg might notice, this close. "Your friend is over at Parson's? That's not bad at all! What's her name? What's she studying? Hey, we could invite her over sometie, too. I'd love to have multiple people to practice my terrible French with and be made fun of!"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
The earm hakf embrace earns a soft smile of gratitude, and Adrien shoves rhe melancholy away once more. Willingly moving where Tommy's arm directs him, he vows to track the boy down as Chat later to givenhim that interview, as a thank you for all this.

"Marinette. Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Her parents expanded the shop to New York, but I wonder if they didnt just follow to support her." Which is such a wistful thought. Adrien is too happy foe her to be jealous, even if he almost wants to be jealous.

"She's studying fashiom design. Ive worn a few of her things already. She is very talented. Im sure shed like to meet you. You remind me a little of her..." as she interacts with him as Chat or around her other friends... but never around him as Adrien. Maybe the buffer of a new friend will help? Hopeful, Adrien just smiles.

"Your feench is not so bad! My Portuguese is much worse than your french," Adrien assures as he chuckles easily.

Easily. A stark contrast to the kwami in his pocket, bouncing gently as the favric swings him against the nearby being of chaos. Tiny eyes are wide, and Plagg clutches to the lining to keep himself from phasing out of Adrienxs clothes, demanding answers and cheese, and lettimg himself out of the bag.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Marinette, what a beautiful name. That's a seafaring name if I've heard one. And if she's a designer, that just makes it even better. I have always wanted to be around talented people and see if I can learn a thing or two. The media business requires talent, but when you're just reporting stuff... it's not the same, you know?"

He looks pleased at the comparison to his friend, and he finds them a booth near the window so he can soak up some sunlight. He's become addicted to sunlight ever since his transformation, the way the warmth lingers on his fur.

"It's so nice to finally have time to talk to someone. I think we're going to make great friends. Who knows..." he says, with an air of mystery, "Maybe I'll eventually tell you my secret." He looks like he is joking. The waitress comes to ask if they want something to drink and he goes only for iced water, to cleanse his palate.

Why not? If Adrien was trustworthy, maybe revealing himself as a superhero might impress him. There was something about the guy's demeanor that made Tommy want to impress him. But one thing at a time... and that reveal? It would probably take a while. Giving up your secret identity to someone was something you did only when you trusted them implicitly. He didn't know Adrian, and maybe the nice boy impression was just an act hiding the spoiled brat of a famous father. Who knew?

But if it wasn't, if it turned out it wasn't an act at all? This was definitely the type of guy that made Tommy weak at the knees. A nice, decent guy. He wasn't going to rush anything if he could.

"But I'll give you one of my minor secrets away for free. I'm a card-carrying member of the International ABBA fan-club. You may blackmail me with it as you wish."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Adrien chuckles at the gush, in no rush to push from the affectionate and friendly arm over his shoulder. It must happen when the boys sit though. Adrien will not mourn it. He'll just savor what he had and hope for more.

"No. I dont know. but.. it is inspiring to be around talented people. Thay I agree with. It is nice,c Adrien is saying, smiling, when Tommy says secrey.

The waitress interrupts words buy not expressions. Adrien is surprised and cinfused. It's Plagg, sensing the chaotic vortex gone, that peeks out od the pocket and finds the with Adrien leaning forward he is too far awya from his human's body to claw him for attention. Plagg huffs in silence, waiting impatiently.

"ABBA? Really? Mon dieu, Tommy. Now we can noy be friends! ABBA is bad. Well, excepting Dancing Queen." Adrien teases, smile friendly again. If all tommy's secrets are like this then there is nothing to worry about.

Still going to track him as Chat Noir. : Heard you wanted to talk to me? Is meow a good time? ....yes! purrrfect. hahaha!

Adrien smirks.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Tommy laughs and shakes his head, "I will defend ABBA to my last dying breath. The lyrics were hoky as hell because of blunt force trauma translation, but the music is -good-, so I will live with my shame!"

"I actually listen to a lot of contemporary french singers, too. Like Indila, I got her recent 'Tourner dans le vide' single... and of course I love Juliette Noureddine and her alt-cabaret act. And of course Coeur de Pirate... she's the Canadian one? And of course, I just looooove Barbara and Edith Piaf and Mireille Mathieu and Dalida and..." he stops, and this time the illusion actually blushes.

"Mom studied French at L'Alliance Francaise when I was a kid, so she would listen to french music aaaaall the time. It rubbed off on me. I guess," he says, green eyes focused on Adrien's "I just have a certain love for the francophone culture."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Elbow on the table, Adrien laughs at Tommy, the watm excitement he can hearn almost feel. Nodding, his own green eyes shining as the cattish smirk retreated into just a watm friendly attentive smile. Some of banda he knew. some he did not. No matter. Maybe this new friend can introduce him. Adrien was more famikar with French Ckassical composers. Saint-Sans.... the like.

An inhale is taken, preparatiin to speak when his phone rings. Sheepish, Adrien answers n and immediately switches to French.

"Now? Can this wait for an-? How long will it-? No, I have't yet but-... I understand. Yes, ma'am. Of course." What started as faint annoyance progressed quickly to surprise then a flash of anger followed by sadness and resignation, a sense of duty and obligation weighing in himn making him seem suddenly so much older and less carefree than a mere two minutes before. His eyes had slipped to Tommy, knowing this new friend could underatand himn only for his gaze to slidw away, past his shoulder, and out the window.

The Agreste Bentley was already waiting.

"I see him. I will be right out. Thank you, Nathalie."

Adrien hung up the call, eyes returning to Tommy.

"Im sorry. I havr to go. There is an important runway in Milan. My flight leaves in an hour," hr explains n in Englush, while pushing himself up. Nevermimd that he is really hungry still.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Hey, no prob," Tommy says, and rises to give Adrian a quick hug. Nothing too touchy, to avoid the hint of fur, "Here's my phone." He scribbles his cell number on a napkin and hands it to Adrian. "Call me when you get back. We'll go eat somewhere. Even if you get back at 2 am or something, I'm always awake into the late night." Because he patrols, of course. "I know a great all-night pizza place. I'll probably need rescuing from homework or something like that. Try to have some fun in Milan, okay? Even if it's just to grab a caffe ristretto."

It's clear that the guy has his father's business hanging on him. Tommy doesn't know how that is, having been very firm about making his own name... but that aged look just got to him. Any levity he can inject, he'll consider it a bonus. "I'll be here when you get back, unless I get kidnapped by a twenty-foot monster and get hauled up the empire state or something. Hey. It happens around here," he jokes.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
The hug is a surprisen and too quick. Adrien didnt even have time for it to register and then to sort out how to reapond before it was over and Tommy was stepping back to give him his number. Adrien could now feel Plagg's little claw pinching him, but Adrien ignored the kwami, knowing thay he'll be alone in first class on a plane for 14 hours... That would give him plenty of time to talk to Plagg and do his homework... and sigh over missing his friends and the freedom of being Chat Noir. The attempt at levity though backfires, since he was alreaxy thinking about not being here as Chat. Thr added reminder with a new friend in danger makes Adrien frown.

"Please dont joke aboit that. Just be safe, alright?" he asksn reaching out to reat hisbhand on Tommy's shoukder, where fabric is. a moment and then Adrien turns anx walks out, shoukders square, chin aloft.

The posture of perfection just as Father requires in public.