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Latest revision as of 17:21, 19 March 2023

Waiting is never easy
Date of Scene: 04 March 2023
Location: Frontyard - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Jean and Emma catch up
Cast of Characters: Phoenix, Emma Frost

Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Time is of the essence, and Jean is growing increasingly worried as she paces back and forth in front of the school in the front yard.She had sent out an away team to track down and bring her students home safely but was loathe to leave the mansion herself, not with giant blue aliens, reports of flying objects and who knows what else going on outside those doors. However, she is grieving restless as the sun starts to set in the sky and a light snow falls from above. Is another storm setting in? Hopefully not.
Emma Frost has posed:\<br\>Emma doesn't do worried or, at least, she doesn't do outwardly worried. She arrives at the mansion in a hired car, stepping out of it and sending it on its way. She has a long white faux-fur coat over ivory slacks and a silken blouse, unbuttoned low enough to give her a provocative decolletage. One should always use one's assets to their best advantage.\<br\>\<br\>She sees Jean pacing and approaches, her hands in the pockets of her coat. "You radiate agitation like a restless teenager. Tell me what's happening and I'll tell you how to fix it."
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey pauses when she sees the car arriving, arching a brow and..But of course, there is the White Queen herself. \<br\>\<br\>To be honest, Jean has never really really trusted Emma, never really seen eye to eye on her with anything. However, she knows enough to at least act professionally. She's one of the good guys now, at least in theory. \<br\>\<br\>"Good evening, Emma.." she resists the urge to ask what she's doing here.Right, she's a teacher here now, probably been here for at least a couple of years. Some things never get old.\<br\>\<br\>"A few of my students went missing over the long weekend. A search party has been sent to find them however..I suppose there is nothing more I can do aside from hold the fort, protect the kids from any other threats."
Emma Frost has posed:\<br\>Emma Frost doesn't particularly care if she's liked or not. Being liked it easy enough, she's found, most people have low standards. Emma expects more, both of herself and those around her.\<br\>\<br\>Emma does teach here, yes, even if she has never fully seen eye to eye with the standard issue 'dream' nonsense that gets peddled around. Xavier's favorites are such idealists, their loyalty is kind of quaint and amusing, if obviously naive.\<br\>\<br\>"Missing? I presume you suspect more than merely slipping off to a cheap motel room for a fling? Teenagers can be such impulsive creatures," she says. "You can't find them mentally?"
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey rolls her eyes. "Please. My children would never do a thing like that." she has to bite her tongue from making a less savoury comment, but she's above that.\<br\>\<br\>"Yes of course I did a psi-scan and found nothing. And that has me worried. It means something is terribly wrong, either that or.." she sighs and just shakes her head. "I suppose we will find out soon enough. I know Scott and the others will find them. However.."\<br\>\<br\>She peers thoughtfully at the rapidly darkening sky. "I'm more concerned about those rumoured lights in the sky on the night they went missing. I just hope we're not facing another alien invasion, but these days I suppose aliens are everywhere. Hopefully nothing hostile."
Emma Frost has posed:\<br\>Emma Frost cocks her head, "It's rather sweet, if naive, to think that your students are so very well-behaved. They are teenagers, Jean, they cannot be trusted. Too many bad impulses and hormonal misfiring to have anything resembling good sense," she sighs.\<br\>\<br\>"Lights in the sky, you say? Perhaps they were only scooping up trailer park residents and subjecting them to probing. That's all there is to do for fun this far out in the boondocks anyway. I do wish I understood why the Professor chose to put the school so very far from civilization," she says.\<br\>\<br\>"I would be most willing to assist in whatever way I can, of course. Solidarity is so important."
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey sighs, "They we're going on a hiking trip, Emma.." her tone is slightly firmer than before. "Even if they had a..Fling..Why would they disappear for several days with at least letting someone - me or their parents know where they would be or when they might return, even if they lied? still..There was nothing."\<br\>\<br\>Her frown deepens at her second response. "I doubt it. If someone came looking for mutants specifically.. Plus, I ran into a giant blue alien in town who was searching for a Kree last seen around Westchester somewhere. Coincidence? I hope so."\<br\>\<br\>She shrugs. Westchester county is a big and dangerous wilderness. They are just kids, young and inexperienced kids."
Emma Frost has posed:\<br\>Emma Frost puts a hand on her hip, "One might lead the headlines with the giant blue alien in the future," she says.\<br\>\<br\>"I'm afraid I'm useless in terms of wilderness exploration, but I am quite good at diplomacy, even if I haven't applied it much to intergalactic affairs. Yet," she says.\<br\>\<br\>"Why do you think someone was looking for mutants specifically? Was there evidence of foul play beyond the lights in the sky? Did your big blue friend seem to know anything? And how -is- Scott doing these days?"
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey shakes her head. "I don't know. I'm exploring all possibilities. I suppose I may let my imagination run too wild sometimes."\<br\>\<br\>She nods, "I'm sure with Scott in charge, my kids are safer than anyone else. I'm sure he will return soon and I should quit worrying. I may need your assistance in checking them out afterwards, but again I may be jumping the gun. They could have simply got lost in a snowstorm. I know we have been having a lot of those lately, even worse the higher up you go in those mountains." she sighs and shakes her head.\<br\>\<br\>"Cannot imagine why they would be foolish enough to go exploring or hiking when there was already a snowstorm warning the next day. I suppose they thought they wouldn't be gone that long.."\<br\>\<br\>Speaking of Scott..She pauses a moment as Emma utters his name, tensing slightly. Maybe it's just her imagination that Emma seems to look at Scott for longer than she is comfortable.\<br\>\<br\>"Scott? Oh he's fine, more than fine.." she can't help but let a small smile crease the corner of her lips at a fond thought..
Emma Frost has posed:\<br\>Emma Frost sighs, "Teenagers have never needed good reason, beyond the impulse to explore or do something reckless in the name of having an adventure. But you're right, I'm sure Scott is more than capable of tracking them down," she says.\<br\>\<br\>"I will endeavor to discuss the importance of safety and measuring risk vs reward in my ethics classes this week," she says. As for the last mention of Scott, Emma raises a perfectly sculpted eyebrow. "As well as that? My, my," she says with a hint of warmth coloring her usual cool tones.
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey smiles softly, almost shyly, "Hmm well when's man that you love asks you to read his mind...You learn more than expected. Let's leave it at that.."\<br\>\<br\>As to the other statement she just nods and smiles, "That sounds like a plan. I always stress the importance of running off on your own or going somewhere dangerous. They were being foolhardy and it doesn't hurt to cement that thought in their minds more. Perhaps I've been too soft in them."