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Latest revision as of 17:23, 19 March 2023

At the end of the day.
Date of Scene: 08 March 2023
Location: Interior, 714 Titicus Road, Breakstone
Synopsis: Scott has a surprise for Jean
Cast of Characters: Phoenix, Cyclops

Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey has been keeping busy, taking care of the students at the school while keeping an eye on any more strange reports of ufos that might crop up. And these days that's not uncommon, as long as they stay away from the school. She can be gentle, but she can also be angry protective momma bear. Grr.\<br\>\<br\>But thankfully, things have been pretty uneventful, and that gave her time to organize things as kids headed back to school after the last long weekend. It's been a long day with her mind elsewhere, but things seemed to work out okay in the end.\<br\>\<br\>Well, mostly. The kids were found and returned, and while two of them seemed well - better than well, the youngest is still unconscious, but breathing. It was another mystery to solve but for another day. She yawns and stretches as she heads home for the day, eager to get in some much needed RandR.
Cyclops has posed:\<br\>The evening is setting and Scott has a beautiful fire burning in the fireplace. He wears his nicest suit black with a blue and red tie, ruby quartz shades reflecting the fire, as he puts the events of the last few days in the back of his mind. He'd sent Jean a message telling her to hurry home and change into something nice, tonight he had a surprise for her and it would be a night of a lifetime.
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey did get the message, albeit a bit late. Still, she got changed at the end of the day, hoping to surprise him with a new dress she bought. When she steps into the living room she is dressed in an elegant but simple gold mini dress with a little black velvet shrug over her shoulders.\<br\>\<br\>Peering around, she seems a bit tired, but happy to be home, and to see Scott as she steps towards him, arching a brow as she leans up to kiss him softly. "Wow, looking sharp slim..So what's the special occasion?"
Cyclops has posed:\<br\>Scott Summers smiles and kisses Jean back as he shakes his head. "Oh you'll know soon, I can't ruin the surprise now can I?" He asks as he moves off to the kitchen and gathers a lovely Italian dinner. Spaghetti with meatballs and Italian sausage,topped with meat sauce, fresh home made garlic bread, a nice homemade Lasagna, bread sticks and a bottle of fine Italian wine.\<br\>\<br\>After setting it all up on a table in front of the fire place and pouring both glasses of wine and lighting a couple of candles, he plates the food, pulls out Jean's chair and takes a seat. "I hope you like it Jean."
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey chuckles a bit, letting go of him rather reluctantly but nods, peering around at the cozy romantic layout as he disappears into the kitchen. "Oh, Scott, this is so beautiful.." she sighs and nods as she takes the offered seat. "Oh I love it..After a long day of work, I certainly did not expect this!" Her olive eyes sparkle happily as she sniffs the air, warm with fragrant food mixed with the scent of burning wood from the fireplace. "So you gonna tell me what this is all about? Or can I expect this every night from now on?" she winks playfully as him as she tries some of the spaghetti meatballs wrapped carefully around her fork.
Cyclops has posed:\<br\>Scott Summers laughs and nods his head taking his own fork full carefully wrapped over a spoon taking a bite. "I promise you'll know soon enough, when we get to the Canolies and Gelatto both home made you'll see what this is about I swear
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey laughs, "Oh Scott, you are so mysterious tonight..So what is this, a buried treasure adventure? Hopefully after all this food I won't be too sleepy by the time I find the hidden prize." oh she can already guess what it might be, after scanning his thoughts the other day..Something she is rather regretting now, but.."Mm, and your cooking is just getting better. This is delicious. Shall we crack open the wine now? It's been a long day.."
Cyclops has posed:\<br\>Scott Summers smiles and points to her already full glass and he smiles. "Jean I want it all to be perfect, you deserve it, with how much you do, and what you take on." He says taking another bite and a sip of his wine before pushing his chair back. "But you're right wouldn't want you in a food coma for this."\<br\>\<br\>He gets to one knee and takes her hand. "Jean we've known each other our whole lives practically. Had our ups and downs and always stayed by each other's side, even when you came back with no memories it was me you found. Now I want to share every last day with you from this day until our end of days, and beyond. Jean my love, my partner, my world, will you Marry me?" He asks pulling out a small black velvet box opening it revealing a 24 karat white gold engagement ring with genuine sapphire, ruby and emerald stones.
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey chuckles as she notices the wine glass and nods, taking a few slow sips. "Mm, my favorite, but of course you knew that.." she smiles softly, lovingly as he speaks, reaching over to take his hand and give it a gentle squeeze. \<br\>\<br\>"Scott, I want you to know that you have and will always be my soul mate. When I lose it, you keep me grounded, remind me of who I am..The past couple of years with the Phoenix have been..Frightening. I don't think I could keep my sanity at all if it weren't for you. Thank you.."\<br\>\<br\>And then he pulls out the box and opens it..She gasps. Oh, of course she suspected but..This ring is gorgeous. "Oh Scott, it's beautiful! Of course I will marry you!" she laughs, tears welling in her eyes as she reaches out to pull him to his feet. "I thought you'd never ask.."
Cyclops has posed:\<br\>Scott Summers smiles and slides the ring upon Jean's left ring finger with a sigh of relief before kissing her lovingly and taking his seat and a sip of wine. "That's a relief, thank you so much love. Do you know how long I've been holding onto this ring?? You thought I'd never ask I thought you needed time to heal before I asked."
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey sighs as she stares at the gorgeous ring now on her finger, twisting it this way and that and admiring how it glitters in the firelight. "Oh, you didn't think I was gonna say no, do you? After all we have been through..Nothing will ever stop us love, I'm just happy you finally took the next step." her eyes twinkle lively, happily in the firelight. "Do you have any idea how long I've been waiting to hear those words?" she smiles softly at him, squeezing his hand, shaking her head, "Love, I need you to heal, to keep me grounded. I already had more than enough time to heal. Thank you, for everything.."
Cyclops has posed:\<br\>Scott Summers smiles and kisses her hand softly as he takes another bite. "Jean you've been there for me through just as much, you're the love of my life, my soul mate, and I'm never ever going to let you go."
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey smiles and nods, eating her food although her heart is racing. "So when will we tell the others? Oh, we should have a little celebration. You know I've lost track of exactly how long we've been together now. This is so exciting! When will the big day be?" so much to do, to think about, so little time!
Cyclops has posed:\<br\>Scott Summers smiles and makes a pump the brakes gesture. "Slow down love, you ain't taking the ring off so we can tell the others now if you'd like. We will do a nice party, here or the mansion?" He asks with a smile. "The big day we can discuss that soon." He laughs taking another bite and a sip.
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey chuckles and nods, taking a long sip of wine, if only to calm her rapidly beating heart. "Oh, this is going to be so exciting! But it's a bit cramped in here, we should hold an engagement party at the mansion. That way, everyone can attend. Oh Scott, I think I must be the luckiest woman in the world.."
Cyclops has posed:\<br\>Scott Summers smiles and nods. "I don't know about that, you've just agreed to marry a man whom if he loses his glasses his eyes become essentially, nuclear reactors." He laughs. "My eyes are WMDs. But you've just made me the luckiest man." He takes a sip and a bite. "The mansion it is than Jean."
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey smiles, patting his hand between bites, "Scott, dear, you know I could probably hold them back with the Phoenix' power.." mind, she's never actually tried that..Not yet anyway but she is certainly confident she could if she wanted. "As long as we stick close to each other I believe we can overcome any obstacle.."she smiles, wriggling her brows playfully, "But of course we should have our own private celebrate later, Mm?"