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(No difference)

Latest revision as of 17:25, 19 March 2023

Sightings in the Mountains
Date of Scene: 11 March 2023
Location: Breakstone, Westchester County
Synopsis: Jean and Scott encounter Juggy in town. Hopefully he's not there to cause trouble.
Cast of Characters: Phoenix, Juggernaut, Cyclops

Phoenix has posed:\<br\>There have been rumours lately, of big hairy monsters being spotted in the mountains. The town at the foot of the mountain is astir with all sorts of rumours, frightening rumours. It's what brought Jean here today, curious to learn more about the angry yeti in the mountains. And it seems her students were not the only ones to disappeared that day perhaps. But who is brave enough to travel into the freezing mountains again? Everyone here seems afraid..
Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>He doesn't like coming through Westchester if he can avoid it. The memories of growing up here are not pleasant and the reason behind it isn't even all his fault though to be certain he's got plenty blame o his own shoulders for a less then stellar childhood and young adult life. \<br\>\<br\>But even that wouldn't be enough to keep most people away under normal circumstances. No, for a certain Citizen Cain, the memories segue into present do challenges, rivalries and just plain dislike and distrust of a certain group of mutants who live not to far away from his present location. He's not afraid of a fight, no not at all. But that doesn't mean he wants one when there other pressing matters on his mind..and so he opts for a quick in and out to handle some business..emerging from Mel's Diner to head for a large overised truck after having just dealt with whatever personal business or matters brought him so close to 'home', within.\<br\>\<br\>Physically, even restrained and not 'on duty' so to speak, he's a massive monstrous man. Huge, hulking and just shy of earth trembling. His truck, gigantic though it is, is barely able to accomodate him..but it does the job. He opens the door to climb in..pausing long enough to offer a glance in the distant direction of Greymalkin lane and a brief stray thought regarding 'Charlie'.." drifting from his mind.
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>In a small town like this, it's hard not to notice the giant man. Several people stop and stare at him, and some even pull out their phones and take pictures of the big guy. Jean is just coming down the street outside the diner when she spies Juggernaut, and she frowns a bit at the sight of him.\<br\>\<br\>Its not that he's causing trouble yet, mind you, but one never knows where Juggy is concerned. "Juggernaut." she greets him warily, "What brings you to these parts?"
Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>He's not full on 'Juggernaut Sized' right now bu there's no escaping being built like a herd of linebackers and a fleet of bodybuilders with a side caravan of sumo wrestlers packing on some added mass. There's just that presence and he's basically gotten used to people getting a snap shot of him at him in this day and age of camera phones and social media. So he pays them no mind.\<br\>\<br\>Jean, on the other hand..\<br\>\<br\>"Mindin' my business Red.." \<br\>\<br\>Cain grunts, frowning as he pulls out his truck keys, back to the woman, "Charles got some sort of tracking on me? This is the second time I've run into onna you guys in a short space of time.. That safe crackin' I did with Black Cat...no cameras or alarms and I was careful about sighting me. No public tussles with Hulk or Thor or the like since I've been back so...what gives?"\<br\>\<br\>The red haired behemoth turns, removing his shades now to peer down at Jean expectantly, "You here for trouble?"
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey regards him thoughtfully, calmly, hands open and palms up as if tho show him she means no trouble, "Actually no..I was just shopping, listening to rumours of more people disappearing into the mountains." she arches a wary brow at him as he speaks of cracking open safes and what not. Somehow she finds the image of juggernaut sneaking around rather..Amusing.\<br\>\<br\>A small smile creeps up in the corner of her mouth. "I see, so you have been hiring yourself out lately, keeping under the radar. Got to say..I'm impressed. And yet of all places, you chose to come to Westchester. Planning on paying your step brother a visit?" she's not poking fun or being sarcastic at all. She genuinely wants to know.\<br\>\<br\>"Im not here for trouble, Cain, and I trust, at least I hope, neither are you.."
Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>Well it was less sneaking and more happening to drop in at there right time on Felicia ..but no sense in ruining that funny image.\<br\>\<br\>"I got a lot of respect for you Jean. That should be obvious by the fact that I didn't ust don my helmet the minute I saw you." rumbles Cain. Truthfully he is..-very- vulnerable right now to her. She could put him out with a thought. Call the rest of the X-men and figure out a way to hold him. Cain doesnt' like the concept of vulnerabilities. It riles up against the concept of being unstoppable and yet..here he is. \<br\>\<br\>"So yeah I'm not here for trouble. That should be obvious eh? I had a meeting...details of which you don't need t'know and don't need to break my trust by pokin' around my head for.."\<br\>\<br\>A faint frown does crease his face at mention of his Step Brother but he then seems to swerve and take a left so to speak by asking, "..As for visitn' Charles? What if I do? That is my house after all.. Think your little hairball with claws would mind me crashin' on the couch?"
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey nods slowly, thoughtfully, and yes, she did notice the lack of the helmet. "You're right, I could..And with the Phoenix's intervention I am more powerful than last time we met, however.." she sighs, shaking her head. "I appreciate your being direct with me, there's no need for us to always be at odds because of the past. In fact, I think you have a lot of promise."\<br\>\<br\>Another casual shrug is given at mention of Charles. "You are right, you have every right to wish to visit your step brother, as long as you come in peace.lAnd we have a little forewarning."
Cyclops has posed:\<br\>Scott Summers comes strolling out of the ice cream shop two cones in his hands ruby quartz shades over his eyes, tight blue t-shirt jeans black boots and leather jacket but the scene that greets him has Scott rushing to Jean's side. "What the hell? Jean you ok?"
Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>"Phoenix. Cyttorak.. It's always somebody hanging over our heads, right? And as tempted as I am to put you to test ..I.don't think that's a tug-of-war that your locales would appreciate seeing though." \<br\>\<br\>A hint of bitterness and annoyance drips in his voice and it's not directed towards Jean. Though look at him being all thoughtful about property damage. Seems like he is just in a 'good mood' today.\<br\>\<br\>"As to the invite.. I got no reason to come say hello to Charles outside of the look on his face. It should be enough I aint trying to knock the mansion over on him... Besides, word on the streets is that you all got enough to deal with. Missin' kids, right? Not my speed..."\<br\>\<br\>Then Scott aggro. Cain wans't exactly -smiling- before..but he's very much frowning now. His eyes hold the vaguest hint of thought on if this was a trap after all but then again..it -is- Scott.\<br\>\<br\>"Anymore of you hidin' out in the bushes? Should I expect the runt? The tin man?"
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey smiles and shakes her head. "It's not a contest. And I have no desire to fight you. As I said, Cain, I think it would be far more constructive to put your unique abilities to better use..Such as helping us locate those missing kids in the mountains. I'm sure you would be well paid for your efforts..Of course I would have to pass it by Scott first.."\<br\>\<br\>Well speak of the devil. She bites her lip, stepping next to Scott, reaching out to take her ice cream and taking a careful delicate bite of it. "Hello dear, thanks for the ice cream..Don't worry, we were just having a peaceful talk. I was trying to convince him to use his abilities in more constructive ways.."\<br\>    To Cain she just chuckles softly, shaking her head. "No, it's just the two of us."
Cyclops has posed:\<br\>Scott Summers shakes his head exasperatedly. "Jean you want him to help us?" He asks clearly the idea doesn't sit well with him. "He just said clearly he'd rather topple the mansion than visit it. And you want to trust him to help find missing kids?" He laughs darkly. "What stops him from kidnapping them or trying to bring them over to villainy?" Scott asks his tone laced with clear and outright concern.
Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>"What's up with my life lately? You're the third red-headed girl trying to convince me to turn over a new leaf or something. First they want me to do something about the Purifiers and protect Mutant Town and now you want my help finding mutant kids."\<br\>\<br\>Cain seems ..quite incredulous at all of this. "You think Charlie's gonna bank roll me? And what if we get seen together? Aint that gonna put a blemish on the resume?"\<br\>\<br\>Then Scott speaks up and Cain's frown deepens. He drums his fingers on the roof of his truck and then finally snaps, "I oughta agree just out of sheer spite, Four Eyes. I said I -wasn't- topplin' the mansion and that should say alot about my cheery mood and good will towards y'all but since you're busy here getting all high horse on me..I'll remind ya that I don't go around kidnapping kids and my 'villainy' as ya put it has reasons my dear ol'step brother is well aware of and I got the right to feel the way I do. You wanna test me?"
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey glances at Scott, resting a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Scott, just hear me out..Please. As field leader, the ultimate decision as to whether or not you would want this man to work with your team on occasion rests with you..However.."\<br\>    She glances towards Cain thoughtfully, "What is it that you really want out of life? I'd rather us not be enemies at all. Wouldn't a nice occasional paycheque satisfy you more than running around destroying things? It seems you're already on the right track with protecting mutants in mutant town.."\<br\>\<br\>"Now doesn't that make you feel a lot more accomplished than..Than say, wrecking houses? Be honest with yourself.."
Cyclops has posed:\<br\>Scott Summers laughs and shakes his head. "Oh Jean you really are one of a kind." He says softly to her. "You want to believe the best in people, but a mercenary doing something for the money is only loyal until a larger check is offered." He says simply. "I don't think he wants to turn over a new leaf, nor does he really care about protecting mutants. He's in it for the money, and that's not the kind of people we need." Scott than smirks at Cain. "Oh trust me I don't need to test you, we've tussled before, and I'm not going to sit here and let someone who'd rather destroy all we work for, help to attempt to defend it."
Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>That helmet or skullcap would sure be handy right now as any empath or telepath picking up stray thoughts would sense that Jean's question has put Cain slightly off guard and has started his mind to racing. "LIsten.." he rumbles, trying to stall to put his thoughts in order..and also grappling with the bubbling ire that the influence of Cyttorak latches onto to stoke and aggravate.\<br\>\<br\>"..You seem to be laborin' from a misunderstanding about me Jean. I.."\<br\>\<br\>But then Scott intervenes, saving Cain from having to dig deep and instead, all to easily, his ire is indeed stoked and he lifts his head up slightly, muscles visibly tightening and straining against his garments like the movement of boulders under his flesh.\<br\>\<br\>"Oh yeah, four-eyes? That so? So I guess all the lessons about giving people second chances and wanting the best and crap like that.. I guess you just got an F on that exam. Either that or Charles isn't as good a 'Professor' as he claims. Must be that mutant superiority thing again.. I guess that does track considering how the folk in Mutant Town think about somma y'all."
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey frowns a bit as she listens to Scott's line of reasoning, licking her ice cream slowly, thoughtfully as she considers. "You make some valid points. But it's all very sad isn't it.."\<br\>    She peers at Cain and can't help but pick up a few stray thoughts of his..Ah yes, she did catch the hesitancy in his mind's eye. Perhaps she really is getting to him..    \<br\>But then just as quickly, the wall goes up. She teases at the sudden shift in the area, shaking her head. \<br\>\<br\>"Cain, calm down, please. We don't want to fight you..And I cannot speak for Scott, but I DO believe in second chances. I understand your pain and anger to a degree. I think it can be channeled in far less destructive ways. Or do you really want to spend the rest of your life being angry at the world? Admit it, protecting those people in mutant Town felt good, didn't it?"
Cyclops has posed:\<br\>Scott Summers shakes his head back and forth with a smirk on his lips. "We've given second and third chances to you and others, but you keep doing the same things. That shows you're not learning, how many more are we expected to give." He looks to Jean. "We won't get anywhere with paid muscle, we need brains, dexterity and nimbleness for this not a friggin wrecking ball.
Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>"And when you need a wreckin' ball and don't have it, Summers? What then? You gonna roll over and cry because your girl here is a better negotiator and better at handling people then you? I thought you were a 'Field Leader'. A -real- leader knows how to leverage the assets he's got access to. Maybe you use me because you can't get your fingers dirty on something. Ever thought about that?" he pauses and then says, "Why the hell am I giving you hints. You're an idiot."\<br\>\<br\>Cain sneers at Scott but then relaxes, "I know you don't want trouble Jean.. You got some sense. He don't...and as to Mutant Town, I'm not trying to be some media darling hero. All I did was put in a word that...Juggernaut was in town and to stay clear if they didn't want any trouble. We'll see what it does."\<br\>\<br\>With that said, he moves to get into his truck. "I'll think about it." Is all he says at that point. That's..some progress.
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey sighs, watching him go, just shaking her head, "What a waste...I suppose you might be right though.." still, is she likely to give up on trying to reform Cain? Probably not!