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Latest revision as of 15:13, 9 April 2023

Taking a Day Off..
Date of Scene: 31 March 2023
Location: Interior, 714 Titicus Road, Breakstone
Synopsis: A relaxing day off devolves into disagreements over Magneto.
Cast of Characters: Phoenix, Cyclops

Phoenix has posed:\<br\>The last few days have been busy as the school transitions over to spring session and things are busier than ever. Maybe a little too busy. With Professor Xavier on sabbatical, it's been mostly up to Jean and Scott to run things, and things have been crazy lately, both on and off school campus.\<br\>\<br\>The end of the day finds the two of them relaxing on the sofa, watching a cozy fire crackling in the fireplace. "So, now that the world is no longer ending at least for a little while and the kids are safe and back home, what do you think of a proper vacation?" she smiles sweetly up at him, curling against his chest.\<br\>\<br\>Its no secret that she enjoys using him as a body pillow, even if it's getting warm enough these days that a fire isn't really needed. Cuddles are always needed.
Cyclops has posed:\<br\>Scott Summers places his arms around her pulling her close and holding Jean tight, he sighs contentedly. "I'm still not happy about having helped villains on more than one occasion as of late, and feel we should have left them to deal with their own stuff...however what's done is done let's try not to do it again." He chuckles softly. "A proper vacation you say? Where would you want to go? And if we leave who do we leave in charge of the school, Rogue, Logan?" Scott asks playfully as he shakes his head as if the thought itself is funny to him. "I don't trust Logan wouldn't have the place messed up and the students drunk."
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey chuckles a bit, nuzzling her nose against his neck, "But it all turned out okay in the end at least? And for that I'm grateful.." she sighs, "I worry about you so,e times, Scott. I know you can be a workaholic, and overprotective of the Xmen. But you kept us safe and I'm thankful for that. I think you more than anyone needs this vacation."\<br\>\<br\>Although he has a point, "Hmm, Logan seems ti have mellowed out lately, and Rogue has better control of her powers. I'm sure between the two of them they can managed for a few days without us. I mean they're not the power couple we are but..I think it's sweet they found love with each other. I definitely didn't see that coming, and I thought I was the psychic."
Cyclops has posed:\<br\>Scott Summers rolls his eyes. "Not if Logan keeps leaving bruises like that on Rogues neck, not exactly the proper rolemodel with that." He chuckles shaking his head. "It's not like their kids in high-school, hell Logan is older than the Professor, talk about robbing the cradel." Scott teases with a laugh. "You say he's mellowed I say it's a ruse." He teases again before quietly contemplating again. "You never did tell me where you'd like to go."
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey frowns at that, shaking her head, "You do have a point..I didn't think it was easy to bruise a heavy hitter like Rogue even..I hope her powers have not weakened. I should really have a chat with her about it. I really wish Beast were here, he'd be the ideal babysitter, I guess we're still not back at full roster. Vanessa is still pretty new, Alice is, well not an Xman..There is of course Emma but she's..." her voice just trails off, not sure how exactly to describe her.\<br\>\<br\>"You think it's a ruse? Maybe Rogue has softened his heart.." as for where, Jean smiles, leaning over to tickle him, "Oh sweetheart, you know I just love surprises..Just no mountains, I'm tired of the cold and aliens and yetis.."
Cyclops has posed:\<br\>Scott Summers chuckles. "I don't think so Jean, Logan is Logan he's wild and untameable. The point is if he's going to leave marks like that, what example does that set for hormonal teenage mutants?" He asks with a chuckle. "Hmmm a beach maybe, an Island, or hell Italy, Japan, Puerto Rico, or Mexico?"
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey nods, and sighs, "I suppose you're right, I try too hard too see the good in people..You got any better suggestions? We sure dont want to return to the school in disarray.." talk of a vacation spot has her smiling again though and she nods, running her fingers along his chest slowly toying with the buttons of his shirt. "Mmm, a deserted tropical island after a romantic boat trip there would be lovely dont you think? somewhere far away and exotic."
Cyclops has posed:\<br\>Scott Summers smirks and chuckles. "I don't like being right in these instances, I just you know think the students should see more....mature behavior. But we can think on it and see if we can come up with someone to watch the place while we are away. Though that also means needing to trust someone to lead the team during our vacation. Someone to keep Magneto and Juggernaugt out of our back yard." Scott states. "But a deserted tropical island does sound nice. And that does mean time at the beach." He says with a chuckle wiggling his eyebrows.
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey frowns softly at mention of the two villains.."Yeah..that was rough, up in the mountains. But, even with those aliens destroyed, I cant help but worry..Those three students of ours that returned from the mountains. They have been acting rather strange lately."\<br\>\<br\> She clutches him a bit more tightly, tensely as she says that. "The other day, Jane was acting..Very odd. And i've been getting bad headaches ever since I tried to reach out to her psychically."\<br\>\<br\>For the moment, mention of a tropical island has her smiling but she's still a bit distracted.
Cyclops has posed:\<br\>Scott Summers shakes his head back and forth. "They never should have been there, whats worse is you didn't have them leave, and you didn't send over the coms they were there." He says his tone saddened and hurt. "You know they're behind this right? There's no way Magneto doesn't have his sticky hands all over this. He got his kids, and if he shows up anywhere near here, or our students, staff or residents again, I won't let him off with a stern warning next time." Scott's voice is cold dark and dripping with promise.
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey frowns, "Didn't have much time, everything happened so fast. I DID tell them that we want no trouble and that the kids they were looking for were elsewhere. It fell on deaf ears. And then suddenly those drones attacked.."\<br\>\<br\>She seems sad that he's sad, reaching up to touch his face gently, "Scott..You know I don't want trouble from them either. Now that he's found those kids, maybe he'll leave us alone.."
Cyclops has posed:\<br\>Scott Summers shakes his head. "Oh come on Jean. You could have told me right when they ran into you. Rather than just telling them what direction you thought the kids were in. I told them they weren't welcome anywhere near here, and instead of saying you need to leave and radioing to me they were here and I could have sent them packing you merely said hey they're that way you go and we'll go this way." He shrugs. "Add to it your last known position wasn't where those drones were, so how did you all wind up there? And you don't think he didn't plan it, funny you get attacked in a clearing with no activity randomly." Scot shakes his head he's angry and still hurt. "You'd rather go with your instincts than mine, and you and the team wound up in danger, danger I'm sure if Magneto wasn't there wouldn't have happened."
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey arches a brow at that. "So, I'm not supposed to help find innocent kids who might be in danger? That was more important to me than trying to pick a fight with villains. And I DID radio you as soon as I could, like I said, everything just happened so fast..Maybe you should have sent someone else to scout instead of going yourself and leaving me in charge."\<br\>\<br\>Now she seems annoyed. "I handled things the best way I knew how, while trying to keep the peace. And either way those drones were waiting for us. At least everything worked out okay in the end.."
Cyclops has posed:\<br\>Scott Summers shakes his head. "Yes, there was no guarantee those kids were there, nor that they were his Jean! Keeping the villains out of our back yard is the only way to keep them safe!" He moves to stand up. "You could have called before you went to investigate anything further. And again you have no idea if he placed them or what, Jean it was a trap he set you fell into." Shaking his head. "The best way to handle it was not to keep the peace it was to send them packing. That's all there is to it, it didn't happen bam one second they ran into you bam next you're attacked. There was time to get from where you were to where this happened. You still didn't say how you wound up where I found you, while I was en route back to you."
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey *was* sitting on his lap a moment ago, enjoying a nice peaceful evening. Suddenly she's forced to hop to her feet and she does not look pleased. So much for relaxing and unwinding. Jade eyes narrow on him, looking much annoyed.\<br\>\<br\>"I could sense their presence Scott, I'm a psychic, remember!? And yes, maybe I could have let you know, we were already enroute to investigate the alien pod when they insisted on following us, despite my repeatedly telling them to leave, to take the other branch if they wanted to find their kids!"\<br\>\<br\>Her hands clench into fists, trying hard to keep the Phoenix at bay as her temper starts to flare. "After they followed us, after Magneto..Sensed some disturbance in the magnetosphere, that's when the drones attacked and that's when I radioed you for help!"\<br\>\<br\>She sighs, shaking her head, stepping towards the fire, trying to cool down. "So much for rest and relaxation.."
Cyclops has posed:\<br\>Scott Summers shakes his head. "You're not getting it Jean! He lied to you, he manipulated you. Magnetos powers only work on human and earth based technologies, earthbased electro magnetic fluctuations and spheres. If these were alien he couldn't sense them." He shakes his head again. "You sensed children, you sensed they were there. Were the ever really in danger? Did Magneto place them there or send them? How'd you know it wasn't just a coincidence especially with him denying they were his?" He asks these questions rapid fire. "You're not looking at the big picture Jean. He's a villain, he lies, he cheats he manipulates, that's what he does. And he tried to get you killed. I'm more upset and hurt that you didn't let me know immediately."
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey lets out a long sigh, "Scott, did I not just tell you I warned him to leave repeatedly? That he was just *about* to leave, when he made that declaration and him and Juggernaut marched right up that trail, before I could react, drones started attacking us? In that kind of situation, it's hard to just stop and talk when you're being attacked on all sides..Not to mention, something was attacking my mind too! I was all sorts of confused.."\<br\>\<br\>Well, this is going nowhere fast. "Look, I get that you're worried, I get that you're upset that I didn't radio you sooner but things happened so quickly. And you're right, maybe Magneto had something to do with those attacks but that seems highly doubtful. Why summon drones only to fight them himself? Why plant those kids just to draw us into a trap? And Juggernaut stepped in between them and me."\<br\>\<br\>She grits her teeth, "Look, I'm sorry that I didn't inform you sooner, okay? There's nothing more I can do at this point?" she glares sidelong at him, but still keeps some distance away, feeling the Phoenix flaring inside her in response. In fact, those flames in the fireplace are suddenly looking hotter, brither.
Cyclops has posed:\<br\>Scott Summers shakes his head. "Come on Jean I'm saying the moment they showed up you could have called me." He says firmly. "Or radioed to me while following them." He shakes his head. "Juggernaught didn't put himself between you and them it was a ploy, a tactic at best at worst he just wanted to destroy something. And as for why Magneto would do those things to gain your trust, to lure you into a false sense of security, to attack when you don't expect it. As for why place the kids there, when has he ever cared about anyone or anything except himself and his cause?!" He asks. "The answer is never. It's not unlikely, it's very very likely, he is the mastermind behind it I know it and you don't want to believe it."
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey glares at him, her eyes blazing red now as she turns to face him fully, hands still clenched as she tries hard to keep her anger at bay. "I already explained all of that to you, I already apologized. And we both know that Magneto is *very* protective of the people of Genosha. You want me to not help them find innocents next time? I cannot do that, all I can promise is that I will radio you next time I see or encounter them. That I will keep my distance. That's all."
Cyclops has posed:\<br\>Scott Summers shakes his head. "No Jean that's not enough. As Field Commander I am putting my foot down, we will not lend them aide at all." He says simply plainly leaving no room for argument on that. "His people his problem end of story, and no he doesn't you know as well as I do, he'd betray anyone of them for his cause of mutant supremacy to be furthered, don't make him out to be a noble leader he's not."
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey arches a surprised brow at that. "Really? You distrust him that much..?" she falls uncomfortably silent for several moments after that, shaking her head. "I dont like it. I dont like the idea of refusing to help innocents. But I suppose you are the field leader after all. I trust you know what you're doing.." She sighs, shaking her head as she heads for the door, grabbing her jacket. "I need some air, excuse me."
Cyclops has posed:\<br\>Scott Summers shakes his head grabbing Jean's hand. "I trust him to do what's best for him, I trust him to be scum and vile, cruel and manipulative, and I trust him to be a villain and turn on anyone to further his goals. I trust that he orchestrated this that happened." He says firmly. "And you're right you don't like it, you don't have to, but we are not helping him and his." Scott's tone again shows there's no argument nor disuading him. "Running out will not fix the damage already done."
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey sighs and shakes her head, "It's not that Scott..You know I don't like to run away from problems! It's just...All these emotions..All this chaos..Sometimes it's too much, trying to keep the Phoenix in control! I just need..To cool off." she frowns turning around to face him, tired, saddened, broken. "And I don't like fighting, least of all with you.." she adds more softly.
Cyclops has posed:\<br\>Scott Summers shakes his head. "Than stop fighting with me. Listen, understand they are villains and lost causes, stop with the attempts to reform, stop trying to see the best. You made a deal with someone who claims to be the devil to help a villain, against my warning, we got attacked. You tried to help magneto, you got attacked. And now you still want to defend him to me?"
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey frowns and shakes her head, pulling her hand back, "I made a deal to stop Sinister from merging with his evil self. Lucifer *helped* us seal him away, remember? And we still don't know if Magneto caused that attack. But I said I would trust you more, to make the right decisions on the battlefield okay? I *really* don't like turning my back on innocents and I really don't agree that villains cannot be reformed, but if that's what you think is best.." she sighs and shrugs.
Cyclops has posed:\<br\>Scott Summers shakes his head. "Lucifer looked out for himself and what he wanted. They came to use for what they wanted, we had no proof then or now that they would have merged or how dangerous this really was." He shrugs. "Magneto did cause it Jean there is no doubt there it's to coincidental that he randomly showed up in that place, at that time just for you to be attacked. Innocents, where's the proof they are or were? Jean the bad guys can't come back because they don't want you. Stop trying to defend them, focus on us and ours. Anything with Magneto that's his problem not ours and never will be
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>"You're right.." she sighs, "Scott...I don't want to talk anymore about villains okay? I've had enough. You don't want me to trust them, to keep my distance, not let them in? I already told you repeatedly I wouldn't! But you can't change how I feel or think. Tonight was supposed to be about us, not them.."
Cyclops has posed:\<br\>Scott Summers shakes his head with a heavy sigh. "Jean that means not being in contact with them unless it's circumstantial. That means you've got to stop trying to save them. Tonight was supposed to be about us, every night and every day is supposed to be. But we can't do that if you listen to them, trust them and try to aide them, that will always cause a divide between us."
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey frowns, shaking her head, "Did I not just say I wouldn't? I'm not an idiot, Scott. With Sinister and Lucifer, I was only interested in keeping evil Sinister's psyche at bay. With Magneto I was only concerned about innocent kids! Are you saying I should not try to stop Sinister or rescue innocent kids? Because that's completely different from saying I 'trust' any of them, which I don't!"
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey says, "So if you no longer want me to save innocent kids or stop an unstable raging lunatic, then fine. But that's on your conscience. And mine."
Cyclops has posed:\<br\>Scott Summers shakes his head. "Jean there's no proof of the whole evil sinister good sinister and them merging. Wasn't then still isn't now, do we know even if it's really the evil sinister in the gem that the wool didn't get pulled over our eyes by a master of deception. We also have no proof those kids were ever in any real danger." He says, as Jean's final words hit him he growls and steps back. "With proof, with Intel, with facts, we don't go running off because someone makes a claim."
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey frowns, folding her arms, "I'm all for proof and facts, it's why I never trust someone unless I've read their mind. Researching and facts? Sure, if you have the time. Don't forget, I read both Lucifer *and* Sinister's minds." she pauses, trying to calm down..Which is hard, all things considered. "Magneto is trickier with that helmet. But I had already talked to people in town who said there were kids missing in the mountains. Including their parents. You think I didn't do my research? You think I would just rush in there without even doing some sort of background check first? Come on.."
Cyclops has posed:\<br\>Scott Summers throws his hands up in frustration. "Jean you didn't do a deep dive on Sinister or Lucifer, surface thoughts can be made to show only what they want you to see." Shaking his head again. "As for the parents and townsfolk...that's easy, threats, Manipulation, being part of the scheme all can be things done."
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey frowns deeply, "I did more than probe surface thoughts..Look we're just going in circles." she sighs tiredly, "I mean if reading minds and asking around is not enough then what is? So we just simply refuse to trust a word any villain says, no matter what? Even if something they say might be true?"
Cyclops has posed:\<br\>Scott Summers taps his nose. "Ah but it was just surface thoughts, they told you not to delve to deep, without hitting the deepest you can't be sure what's fact, and what's just what they want you to see especially when they offer to let you do it, but stipulation is don't probe to far. And no we don't trust a villain no matter what they're liars and criminals."
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey groans, rubbing her temples tiredly, "Fine, you win okay? I guess what I think doesn't matter so just forget it.."
Cyclops has posed:\<br\>Scott Summers shakes his head pulling her back and kissing Jean deeply and lovingly. "It's not that Jean, you have every right to feel how you do. And hell you don't have to like or understand my decision. I know you can't, however respect it and know that what I am doing is what I feel is the best thing, the best way to handle this."
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey's eyes widen in surprise, taken totally by surprise although she's tired of fighting and just wants to enjoy her time with her beloved. She sighs as she melts against him, pressing her eager, passionate lips against his, "Mmm..Scott.." she sighs, "I'm tired of fighting..You know I trust you..Whatever you think is best on the field..I will support. Can we please just get back to enjoying our day off and p,anting that vacation..?"\<br\>\<br\>As she speaks, she wraps her arms around his body, slowly walking him slowly towards the bedroom..
Cyclops has posed:\<br\>Scott Summers smirks and kisses her again grabbing her backside and lifting her into the air. "Jean it's already forgotten my love." He says with a smile carrying his love to their room.