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(Two DPS (one melee DPS/Tank Subclass and the other Ranged DPS) take on the Raid Boss with mixed results but a great Charisma Roll saves the day.)
(No difference)

Revision as of 21:34, 9 April 2023

Catching A Convoy
Date of Scene: 08 April 2023
Location: Long Island City, Queens
Synopsis: Two DPS (one melee DPS/Tank Subclass and the other Ranged DPS) take on the Raid Boss with mixed results but a great Charisma Roll saves the day.
Cast of Characters: Juggernaut, Hawkeye (Barton), Rogue, Askante

Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>The movement of military equipment by rail is nothing out of the ordinary and usually doesn't garner too much attention from the average citizen. There is the occasional disruption of traffic and annoyance that comes along with it but by and large it's just one of those things that happens. The hyper aware may take note, however. One can never be too careful or cautious after all. But as far as the convoys themselves are concerned, it's business as usual as a particular railyard in Long Island is the current site of one such convoy making its way through on the way to deliver ammunition, tanks, jeeps, and other assorted goods and services to a garrison further into the state.\<br\>\<br\>Though most of the flat beds and cars contain such mundane bits of equipment there is one particular more heavily guarded and armored car that seems to have...a touch more attention to detail. A few ..extra..soldiers riding along with it. An implication of something special within.\<br\>\<br\>Observing this from a nearby bridge that crosses over the rail yard is a..particularly gigantic red haired man. But for his size..which is staggering, make no mistake, he's dressed rather casually with a brown leather jacket stretched across his gargantuan torso, a green tee shirt, brown slacks and a winter skull cap pulled down over top his hair as he lazily pages through the Daily Planet while the convoy slowly drags its way underneath the bridge. When the armored cars begin to show he pauses and peers up over the Newspaper and then glances at a wrist watch somehow sized for his gargantuan wrist.\<br\>\<br\>"Huh. Few minutes early. Guess it's time to get to work. Rent's due..." he rumbles before balling up the paper and tossing it over his shoulder.\<br\>\<br\>An instant later and there's a flash of red light that emits from him. His body soon enveloped by the crimson glow as his body enlarges and energies from the distant arcane crimson cosmos crackle like ball lightning around his form. Ballooning up and out in size. Ten feet tall by four or five feet wide, give or take a foot two. There's no mistaking The Juggernaut for anyone else when he makes his presence known.
Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:\<br\>S.H.I.E.L.D. knows. S.H.I.E.L.D. always knows when something very important, dangerous, or experimental is being moved from one location to another. It's part of why S.H.I.E.L.D is S.H.I.E.L.D. to be honest. This is also why they've tasked one of their best and brightest to keep an eye on that particularly more guarded and more armored train car that's passing through at this exact moment.\<br\>\<br\>Unfortunately, the best and brightest were not available. So instead, this here surveillance mission has Agent Clint Barton aka Hawkeye.\<br\>\<br\>Hovering high above the train car on his trusty Sky-Cycle is Clint and he's been keeping an eye on it this whole time. He's armed and ready for anything considering the cargo of said train car so Clint's decided to bring his most top tier trick arrows just in case he's dealing with some major madness. One can never be too careful. Babysitting jobs are almost always never as easy as they're supposed to be.\<br\>\<br\>Clint's in the middle of biting a taco when that flash of red light happens and his peripheral vision catches sight of the massness that is growing and suddenly becoming the only thing that he can look at right now. The expression on Clint's face goes from awe to sadness (likely about his taco since he has to wrap it back up in the paper) and then finally to annoyed defeat.\<br\>\<br\>"Well. Shit." Clint doesn't even know what to say as he wheels the Sky-Cycle around so that he can prepare to interrupt if he needs to.\<br\>\<br\>He probably will need to.
Rogue has posed:\<br\>Just like with S.H.I.E.L.D. the X-Men are a little bit scattered, with some of the top members off investigating things elsewhere. This has left Rogue and a smattering of others to keep everything else as closely checked as possible. Which is just a really fancy way of saying that Rogue now does more routine patrols than normal - and because she can fly - she sticks to the air most of the time.\<br\>\<br\>At least this isn't Metropolis where people will question if she's a bird or a plane. Instead, it's New York - where people see flying things of all kinds these days. Alien. Meta-human. Mutant. Just a bit more common place now than usual. Still, color Rogue surprised when she comes around the bend to see the one and only Hawkeye on his Sky-Cycle. When he begins to move around - almost as if he's seen something - she actually decides to fly a little closer to him. "Oi. Barton. Fancy seein' you up here...somethin' goin' on?" Unfortunately she just missed the red flash, but she likely doesn't miss the towering Juggernaut which just makes her sigh and mutter out, "Well don't this just butter the biscuits..."
Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>The ground violently lurches. Car alarms sound. Windows crack and the ground opens up in a series of violent mini apocalypses caused by The Juggernaut simply dropping down from the bridge with a quick jump to land thunderously right in the path of the incoming train. THe earth craters under his weight and then rocks and shakes vioelntly with each step from the sheer pressure of his movements and strength as he approaches the incoming train with all the concern of someone walking towards a sliding door he expects to open right on up for them.\<br\>\<br\>For now the sky cycle goes unnoticed as he focuses his attention on the engine car of the train as it barrels down towards him. Brakes are squealing, spark ar flying and soldiers are shouting.. But obviously ..well what's shouting at the guy going to do?\<br\>\<br\>Juggernaut brings his arm up and then forward, fingers splayed out as the train collides with his braced body. He's not The Blob but he really doesn't need to be really. The crash is horrendous. The cars buckling and derailing as the giant holds his ground and the metal folds around him like an accordion. \<br\>\<br\>A commlink in his ear beeps as the sound begins dying down and he grins, full toothed like some smiling Megalodon, "Hmm.. Crunchy!"
Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:\<br\>"Rogue, just in time."\<br\>\<br\>Clint's already standing up on the Sky Cycle and extending his bow with a pop of his arm. "He one of yours?" A nod is given to the Giantnaut because there's no way in heck that anyone's not seeing that big ol' man. Oh, not to mention there's the whole crashing train thing that's going on.\<br\>\<br\>Hawkeye sure hopes the people in side are trained to deal with this kind of thing.\<br\>\<br\>A grapple arrow is fired toward something stable as Clint grabs another arrow out of his quiver and his harness attaches to the grapple line. "Wish me luck." is tossed at Rogue with a wink as Clint leaps off the Sky Cycle and ziplines down the grapple line and in the direction of the Juggernauted train.\<br\>\<br\>That new arrow is nocked as Clint ziplines and Barton takes aim at the big man's face and lets that Putty Arrow fly!
Rogue has posed:\<br\>"Sort of? Hard to explain the Juggernaut. He just...is..." It's the best way for Rogue to put it. Though she doesn't get much more in edge wise before Clint is firing off an arrow and zip-lining down towards the wreckage.\<br\>\<br\>When deeds must.\<br\>\<br\>She has flight and super speed on her side so while Clint zip-lines down, she shifts back and then dives down towards where Juggernaut is. Grabbing a lone, empty train car as she makes it to the ground and then shifts upwards and hurls the train car at the Juggernaut while Clint fires another arrow in that same direction.\<br\>\<br\>"Couldn't just stay underground, could ya?!" Shouting that towards Big Red before zipping back up into the sky to wait for another opening.
Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>They are indeed trained but.. A Juggernaut Event isn't something one preps for very easily. It's one thing to hear the rumors and the stories. It's another to experience it directly..and..you don't want to experience it directly. \<br\>\<br\>"C"mon down and get your goods! Baby needs a new pair of shoes so I'm ready to get paid!" Juggernaut rumbles into the commlink in his ear as he extracts himself from the mangled wreckage of the engine car and turns to start heading towards one particularly derailed car that bears that the massive tarp covered cargo upon it.\<br\>\<br\>Overhead, the air shimmers. An AIM craft decloaking and descending. The roar of the VTOLs engines kicking up dust and debris.. \<br\>\<br\>Despite it's aerial advantage..they also don't bother to offer Juggernaut any warning of the incoming interlopers. Must not have been in the Work For Hire agreement.\<br\>\<br\>"What the.." Juggernaut -finally- notes the zipline and he's hardly taken two steps but his vision, mouth..well..much of his upper torso..is enveloped by a rush of green sticky goo that blasts across him and muffles his cries and colorful language at the sudden event. His hands reach up to begin pulling at it, merely worsening the situation and leaving him vulnerable and distracted by the follow up asault. A whole dang train car. It actually lifts him off his feet. A feat to be sure, able to be accomplished via the other distraction. He rashes, violently, into another set of cars some distance away, sending them tumbling with a roaring crash of metal and av violent shaking of the ground!
Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:\<br\>"Underground? Like what, some kinda'... Ninja Turtle?"\<br\>\<br\>Clint's already unhooked himself from the zipline and is rolling to get behind some kind of cover. He knows he's the one that's the most fragile and he needs to keep his distance so he's going to try and play the range game. At least for as long as he can.\<br\>\<br\>"Eyes up!" is tossed at Rogue as Clint grabs another pair of arrows from is quiver and lines up a 1-2 combo of arrow firing in the direction of the AIM VTOLS that have decided that they don't want to be cloaked anymore.\<br\>\<br\>"Can you keep the World's Largest What-The-Hell busy while deal with these Extras?"\<br\>\<br\>Barton watches as that pair of EMP Arrows seek out the AIMcraft to see if Clint can't ground the thing before things get too out of hand.
Rogue has posed:\<br\>"No time to explain!" Rogue yells back at Barton before flying over to see where the Juggernaut landed himself. Though that's just in time to hear Hawkeye warn her to look up and she dodges the roaring kick of engine dust just in time before being knocked away by the power of the wind.\<br\>\<br\>"I can try. Keep them away from the train cars as best you can, they're obviously after something in them..." Well, Mistress Obvious, what more are you going to do? Could just grab the train car and play catch me if you can, but Clint seems to be handling the aerials pretty well. So, she takes off to where Juggernaut landed, grabbing another empty train car to hold up over her head while looking down at the man. Who...likely can't talk because of the goop on his mouth. Interrogating might not go so smoothly then. "I oughta just wrap you up and take you in! You've got some explainin' to do!"
Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>An explosion of debris occurs as Juggernaut's massive arms swing out, splaying to his sides. His chest tursts out and a loud bellow erupts from him.. sending train cars flying and tumbling from the force of the colossus freeing himself from the pileup of scrap that collapsed onto him. He's managed to pull enough of the goo off to be able to speak now and see though some still continues to obstruct his vision. Fury can be seen in his eyes, however, though as he lays sight upon Rogue he actually calms ever so slightly?\<br\>\<br\>He's still irritable. An irritated Juggernaut isn't really that much better. "Rogue!" He pauses, considering things and then turns his attention towards the convoy car itself.\<br\>\<br\>The EMP blast erupts with a flash of light and a blaze of energy rushing over the VTOL which begins wobbling wildly just as the AIM scientists had beugn their descent on their own lines towards the cargo they were after. SEveral go tumbling down to the ground, landing roughly in the rubble and wreckage. Within the cargo hold of the VTOL, several AIM guards take aim and begin unloading firepower at Clint. Rounds of energy fire blazing through the air towards the Avenger though as the craft attempts to reset its systems some blasts go wild, slamming into the bridge JUggernaut leapt from and sending debris flying and pedestirans running.\<br\>\<br\>"Beat it Rogue!" rumbles Juggernaut as he steps forward from the wreckage, "I don't want to have to hurt you, 'sugah'. Those little matches in the FIght Club were for fun and me holding back. I'm on the job now. No hard feelings but..uh.. Imma have to hurt you if you don't get out my way."
Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:\<br\>If there's one thing Clint Barton knows how to do, it's take cover. Which is what he does when that AIMcraft starts blasting shots in his direction. He waits it out, though, making sure to stay nocked and ready when there's a break in the blasting. He's always got to stay sharp and ready to make sure that AIM doesn't get their hands on whatever they came here for.\<br\>\<br\>"Try giving him a cookie, Rogue!" Clint yells across the sudden battlefield as he goes into a fluid motion of slinging arrow after arrow after arrow at the various AIM Uniforms that he spots. How he manages to draw an arrow, nock it, aim it, fire it and repeat the process so fast is just one of those things that archers can do. It's so routine that he's taken to talking to Rogue while doing it. "Everybody loves cookies!"\<br\>\<br\>Clint spots the AIMcraft smashing into the bridge and turns his head in that direction to watch the pedestrians to make sure none of them are going to be in any trouble from said collision. Of course, while he does this, another pair of arrows are sent sailing around rubble at AIM Uniforms that he shouldn't be able to aim at considering his head is turned and there's RUBBLE in the way.\<br\>\<br\>Shooting around 'walls' is just plain showing off, Clint. Maybe that's why he's slightly smirking at this moment.
Rogue has posed:\<br\>"Don't you 'sugah' me, ya dumb metalhead. I ain't goin' no where. It's MY job t make sure people like these don't get their jobs done. And I don't wanna have to put any more hurt on you either. So just give up while yer still ahead." Rogue says this, then turns and hurls the train car she's holding at a group of people trying to slide down from the hovering ship. Ships? Whatever.\<br\>\<br\>She also takes a moment to try and figure out just what their point of interest is. Without another word, she takes off from where Juggernaut stands and dodges her way to try and make it to the rubble of train cars the Juggernaut made earlier. "Which one are they trying to go for?" Asking this towards Clint while landing behind a piece of broken rubble for both cover and planning.\<br\>\<br\>There's gotta be something she can spot so she knows where to aim for. Get rid of what these people are after and then they have no reason to be here any longer. "Keep 'em busy, Hawkeye! I can almost see a hole where I can make it to the train cars..."
Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>"We didn't hire you to flirt! Take her out!" hollars Juggernaut's 'handler' into his ear causing hi to grit his teeth in rising rage once again. He'll have to remembe that voice.\<br\>\<br\>Manwhile, two pedestrians trip, one tumbling off the side of the bridge as the landscape crubles beneath her. She manages to grab hold of some rebar before she takes a full on two story tumble but that can't be good for her hands anymore then her shrill screams are good for the ears..and she begins slipping.\<br\>\<br\>AIM goons fall before Clint's trickery and onslought and when othrs begin scrambling back up the line, Rogue's train assault goes slamming into the VTOL. No Star Trek shields here. The collision causes a massive explosion which sends the crafts engines a blaze and cause it to go sliding down towards the ground and the far end of the train yard. More AIM goons come tumbling out as this takes place, jumping to avoid being in the craft before it goes down. Meanwhile th gust of wind and air pressure causes the tarps to blast free, revealing what looks like..an engine? A gun? Both? It's big and massive and needed to be carted on a flat-bed car. Who knows what it is. But this i the military so something mant to be involved in hurting someone else is likely.\<br\>\<br\>Then the ground lurches. It's a violent eruption, like a seismosaurus trying to do a gymnastic routine. It's Juggernaut jumping. The very ground caves in before his leap in na expanding sinkhole as he clears the distance between himself and Rogue ass he finishes shot putting the train car. His fist comes around with his leap, thundering at her in a body twisting right-cross with all the gentleness of an asteroid coming in for impact.
Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:\<br\>"Crap." Clint's on the move and yanking out another arrow and sends it sailing towards the ground underneath the dangling pedestrian. It smacks into the ground below and expands swiftly into an inflated cushion to break the lady's fall.\<br\>\<br\>With that pedestrian no longer in immediate danger, Clint's attention turns back to the collection of AIMs that are off in a bit of the distance. Stumbling a bit as the ground shakes due to Juggernaut's Juggerness, Clint yells over his shoulder, "Forget the cookie! Get that man on Nutrisystem!"\<br\>\<br\>Clint races to get himself up to a higher vantage point, climbing on top of some of the debris piles and locking his eyes on the AIM goons. "Fish." Clint fires and arrow at hydrant to give those AIM goons an unnecessary shower. "Barrel." and then a second arrow is fired into the middle of them. This one, though, crackles loudly upon impact since it was a Taser Arrow.\<br\>\<br\>That should put them down. Shockingly.
Rogue has posed:\<br\>It wasn't the best place in the world to hide, but then, there really isn't a good hiding spot if you're CLOSE to the Juggernaut. The best hiding place at that point would be miles away so he couldn't get to you so easily.\<br\>\<br\>Unfortunately, Rogue isn't that lucky.\<br\>\<br\>Though the trembling ground gives her a slight warning of Cain Marko's movements and she tries to get herself off the ground. Unfortunately, it's not enough time and it's a swing and a hit for the Juggernaut which sends Rogue flying across the station before landing in a heap on the ground. It makes a small crater where she lands and it's going to take her at least a moment to shake off that hit. While it wasn't quite a direct hit, it was enough to knock her senses off a bit. "...Damnit..."
Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>"I told you when we were in the FIght Club that we weren't in the same league, darlin'. You insisted on trying to dust knuckles though so I played with kids gloves because I didn't wanna bring the place on our heads or hurt ya. But right now I'm on the clock and it's just business. Nothin' personal."\<br\>\<br\>Juggernaut's deep voice rolls like thunder, preceeding the booms of his footsteps, swagger of his walk and the earthquakes of his steps as he approaches Rogue..clearly intent on laying into her again.\<br\>\<br\>"Still...You took that punch better then I expected. I was trying to send you a mile or two away but I guess part of me is still holding back. I'm always holdin' back..."\<br\>\<br\>That ominous rumble said, he looms closer and closer, crushing his way through debris and leaving footprints embedded in the concrete as his shadow starts to loom over the dazed Rogue. A fist clenches, knuckles poppping like sequioa tree trunks splintering as he readies another attack.\<br\>\<br\>The woman screams - and then her screams come to an abrupt high pitched stop as her fall is arrested by Clint's intervention.\<br\>\<br\>The AIM soldiers and scientists scream. They are -not- rescued in a timely fashion..and with their collapse the VTOL down..it looks like this theft may be a bust if thre's no calvary enroute.
Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:\<br\>There's a loud whistle that comes from the side as Clint Barton has taken up position somewhere else. Now that he's managed to take care of the AIM Goons, he can try to help with this Biggernaut situation.\<br\>\<br\>"Hey! White Hulk!" Clint tries to get Juggernaut's attention. There's an arrow nocked into his bow at the moment and it has a huge blinking red light on it. And he's got it aimed right at Juggernaut.\<br\>\<br\>"This right here's what I like to call the Nuclear Arrow. I call it that for two reasons. One? It's usually my Nuclear option which means I don't want to have to use it but I will. Especially if the situation warrants it. You seem to be that kind of situation." Clint even sounds a bit impressed with that last bit. "Reason Two?" Clint's fingers seem to be ready to release this arrow at any moment. "Boom."\<br\>\<br\>Clint's eyes narrow as he attempts to stare Juggernaut down. "Are you seriously gonna' make me mushroom cloud this whole area or you wanna' chalk this one up and let everybody go home? It's Good Friday, dude."\<br\>\<br\>Clint's both hoping this speech will work but also is hoping he's stalling (and potentially bluffing) long enough for Rogue to recover.
Rogue has posed:\<br\>Rogue motions towards the evacuating slash damaged-beyond-repair mess behind them even as Juggy looms over her. "Looks like...yer job is up...either way. Messin' me up ain't gonna give ya... a bigger paycheck." The distraction may not work, and she's not going to really survive another punch from Juggy. She won't -die- but she certainly won't be able to do much but slowly make her way back to the mansion.\<br\>\<br\>She's at least sitting up by the time Clint is playing the hero card, of sorts, and threatening with a nuke arrow. Wait. A NUKE ARROW?! She'd argue, but it may just be enough along with her points to have Cain Marko actually back off and call this a draw. No one else gets hurt. All that good stuff.\<br\>\<br\>"We can call this a draw...next time tho..." She manages to say this even as she tries to get to her feet despite Juggy already knocking his arm back to swing at her again.
Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>"..White..Hulk?"\<br\>\<br\>It's a pretty big insult. I mean, come on. He's a lot cooler then that toddler in purple pants! Bigger. Stronger -- at least so he'd claim. Verdict's still out there. But don't tell him that. \<br\>\<br\>So the comparison stings ..but is less triggering or distracting then Clint's 'Thermal Detonoator' stunt and Juggernaut lowers his arm and turns now to focus his full ire on the archer. \<br\>\<br\>He looks back to Rogue as if weighing her words, then back to Clint. Then Rogue again. Then Clint.\<br\>\<br\>Then he laughs. A deep rolling belly laugh followed by him slapping his own stomach a few times. He's really amused now. Clint's done it though his laughter might imply if he truly feels threatened by the arrow or not. He ..seemingly isn't.\<br\>\<br\>"You got balls man. You know...You'd probably would shoot that wouldn't you."\<br\>\<br\>He turns his mammoth body, looking down to Rogue now and crocuhing over some to lean down at her, "I guess it's your lucky day, kids. Job's a bust and I aint even mad at you anymore."\<br\>\<br\>He stands back up to his full height and uncurls his fist while moving away from Rogue. "Yeah. It's Good Friday. We're done."
Askante has posed:\<br\>What have you been up to, Daemon? Oh, this and that, trying a hand at radio counselling services, at intervening in small things that just leave you niggling and feeling out of sorts. Collateral damage doesn't need any help, but people? People do. It's been here a while, except in the periphery, because direct intervention when there's a big thing in the way tends to be frustrating. A few people caught in the cross-fire anded up scared out of thier minds and running in the opposite direction to where they were heading into danger and being panicky critters. \<br\>\<br\>And then there's the Fear of coming into the general area -- that much was easier to accomplish, to send the monkeys scattering. \<br\>\<br\>Now though, it's come to find out what in all of creation was causing this all in the first place. It clings to a wall by a gutter pipe as dust settles and stares down from the shadows at what it's witnessing. This does not compute -- the heck is going on? \<br\>\<br\>It vanishes from the wall, lands in shadow unfortunately rather close to Hawkeye and immediately hunkers down into a crouch. What he sees, who knows? Only he could answer that. "That is a very big... thing," it's a soft voice, between tenor and alto, hard to determine if it's male or female. Take your pick. "Structural integrity of the ground is very compromised. About to be a foundation collapse." It's all a bit urgent and who the HECK is this, informing weird stuff?
Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:\<br\>"Thanks for not makin' me. Seriously."\<br\>\<br\>Clint actually seems to be quite okay with lowering his bow but making sure to keep the arrow nocked in. Just in case. He understands that some individuals in this business tend to lie or something. But he's willing to take this dude at face value since he stopped punching Rogue.\<br\>\<br\>Plus, the job's a bust so there's that.\<br\>\<br\>"Rogue! You good? Anything broken?" Clint tosses at his team-up partner for the moment.\<br\>\<br\>When Juggernaut starts moving away, Clint's fingers loosen on the bowstring a bit more and he starts to relax those shoulders as well. "You have yourself a nice Easter Sunday, big man. Some pastel linens are definitely in your future!"\<br\>\<br\>Then there's the sudden arrival of something with a voice and Barton attempts to keep his cool through the whole arrival. "Yeah. Not my department." Barton quips in the crouched one's direction. "But I'll call it in." Barton's about to activate his comms but raises an eyebrow to look at the new arrival. "... This isn't a trap and you're not about to try to attack me if I turn my back, right? Cuz it's been a long day and I'd really rather just rumble head on, if so."\<br\>\<br\>Clint sounds exasperated at this point.
Rogue has posed:\<br\>Rogue gets to her feet at least while Juggy is standing down and letting them off the hook for the moment. As he turns and walks off, she looks over at Clint. "Nothing broken. Likely a lot of sprained muscles, maybe a few bruised ribs. Soon as I get back to the mansion I'll have myself looked over." Cause, with her powers, only those at the mansion really have ways to treat her when she's injured.\<br\>\<br\>Then a familiar voice finds her and she glances over to the one who speaks it. "Oh. Askante. I haven't seen you in a while..." She takes a step forward, but it turns into a stumble, which she catches herself from on a piece of chunked rubble. "No trick, Barton. It's a friend." Though she may be using that term loosely.\<br\>\<br\>A glance is given back to Clint. "You calling in S.H.I.E.L.D? How long do you think it'd take them to get here?"
Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>His billboard like back is to the trio now. If he takes any particular note of Askante's arrival he give sn indication of it. Instead, Juggernaut starts into a slow walk then jog and then full on earthquake inducing run as he begins to make his way out of there..building up steam and heading for the river most likely. "See ya at the club, Rogue!" he offers as he builds up momentum. His tone sarcastic and arrogant before he finally presses down and leaps, bounding up towards and over - fortunantely - a building. THere is another heavy (TOOOOM* after he drops out of sight and the sound of alarms going off. Then another distant *KATOOM* as he leaps again and is soon rapidly..no longer an immediate problem.
Askante has posed:\<br\>"Trick? Oh, mischief. No. No mischief. Lots of that already happened," Askante looks about, here, there, up, down, crouching lower onto its haunches, the balls of its feet at right angles and its tail straight out for balance. "Head on, there's been enough of that tonight..." familiar voices have it making a happy sort of noise, almost a purr, but a bit too alien to be comforting. "Yes! A while. I tried to understand the world, it is still alien. Strange. But there is so much that makes headaches and..." it gets distracted. There is a running Juggernaut and all kinds of things to cope with, in the aftermath of that. \<br\>\<br\>"That destroys and destroys and destroys. Like beacon. Terrible, I will end up squishy, so very many times. This is a strange, strange time." \<br\>\<br\>Birdlike, its head tilts a few times, studying the 'toom' and 'tatoom' how it can and shifts posture, one arm down, three arms out for balance and/or sudden need to shove people aside, held at varying angles to its central mass. "Shields are good. I should know about this. Does not sound like it is a shield that is a shield, but is something else."
Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:\<br\>"Dodged that bullet." Clint mutters to himself as he pulls the arrow off the bowstring and holds it up. "I love you Blinking Light Arrow." Clint kisses it, twirls it and slides it back into his quiver.\<br\>\<br\>Rogue's arrival has him back into a full on calm mode now that he's gotten some extra information. "Good to hear." to both Rogue's minimal injuries and the admission of friendship. After which, Clint offers a nod towards the latest arrival. A nod of greeting. "They're en route. Should be in here in less than five." This next part is said a little more pointedly for his comms. "With /tacos/."\<br\>\<br\>Barton kind of just stares at Askante for a long moment. "Right." That's the reaction he has to the speech patterns but at least he's not feeling any kind of threat. "Well, just uh... stay out of the big man's way and you should be less squished than the rest of us." Clint offers a half-hearted salute and pushes a button on his bow to summon the Sky Cycle that has been hovering from above this entire time.
Rogue has posed:\<br\>Rogue looks herself over again. It's likely going to be a moment before she can actually jump up and fly off into the sunset and get back to the mansion. Lucky for her, she has friends, and maybe if she's REALLY nice to the SHIELD (no time for punctuation) people, they'll maybe give her an airlift.\<br\>\<br\>She just can't be taken to any regular hospital. For reasons.\<br\>\<br\>There's another look to Askante and then back to Clint. Oh. Right. Introductions.\<br\>\<br\>"Ah, Clint Barton, meet Askante. Askante, this is another one of Rogue's friends. Clint. Or Hawkeye. Depending on the day I suppose." It's not like it's the most super secret identity and apparently she's open to offering it to one like Askante for reasons. "So, what actually brought it out here?" Looking directly at Askante then.
Askante has posed:\<br\>"Oooh, tacos. I like those." Askante relaxes a moderate amount although not as much as it might. A lot can happen in a short amount of time and things still do not feel 'good' to it. With very quick movements, it spiderskitters a dozen feet to the right and leans forward, staring at a particular patch of ground by a man-hole cover. About thirty seconds after this: "Ground drop," and structural integrity fails on the foundations, causing a sinkhole. But oddly, it seems quite cheerful. "Nobody hurt, all good! Better than some days, I swear..." and only then does it sit back on its haunches as if at rest, the tensions of being 'on' waning. "Should be fine now, except... except if horseless carriages... what is the word. OH YES! Automobiles. If they come by would be bad. Ayup." Long fingers pluck a candy from one pocket of its ancient duster, swiftly squirrelled to lips. It gazes up at the sky circle lights. "That is pretty..."\<br\>\<br\>Now remember, stop being over-excited, calm down, talk in full sentences. Ignore the itch. "I think I could speak in depth about this, but it would not be very helpful. There is only one of me and many giant behemoth people these days. Man with Arrows and bow, I am Askante. That name means nothing, I think. Be safe with your Shield... maybe I will see you again, if you come with arrows to places where danger is. I hope that I am squished and not you!" Okay, weird but it sounds genuinely friendly meaning. "Big dangers. I can't ignore them, which has meant a lot of very bad days or me for a while. I read the dictionary and books on grammar, because a librarian said I should. I like that knowledge is available to everyone in this time, but it is surprising that so few use it. I also have a cellphone. I can give you the mathematics that mean you can contact me though it, if you like. I should not stay too long, I have to make sure other..." it almost says something very un-PC and catches itself "...people. Yes. People need to not be here, whilst there is danger. I am trying risk assessment. Someone in the radio station I speak with, said I should try helping there. I do not know that I am helping, but they have given me coins to spend."
Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:\<br\>Clint definitely doesn't deal with that whole secret identity thing anymore. His face has been all over everywhere fighting things and shooting arrows at things and saving people and LARPing there's just no reason for it anymore.\<br\>\<br\>Though, sometimes he does still wear the cool purple shades. Sometimes.\<br\>\<br\>"Askante. Cool name." Clint is all down with being cordial, even as that Sky Cycle lowers to just above some of the rubble and waits there for the arrival of the Hawkeye.\<br\>\<br\>"Yeah, Clint or Barton or Hawkeye or Idiot or... I could go on." Barton offers with a bit of a playful smirk.\<br\>\<br\>Clint's gawking at the speech from Askante at this point. "And so can you." Clint holds up a hand. "Tell you what, next time we meet, pizza's on me. We'll also see if we can't teach you how to talk gooder." Clint's just being an ass now. Especially since he's heading off towards the Sky Cycle. "Rogue! A pleasure, as always. Thanks for not letting me get squished like an ant. I owe you a life saving event."\<br\>\<br\>With a wink, Clint hops onto the Sky Cycle and takes off! Insert cool Sky Cycle sound effect here!