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(Blackout is summoned to Sky's office where she wants more details on the alien encounter.)
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Revision as of 22:36, 9 April 2023

Offering Information
Date of Scene: 16 March 2023
Location: Ready Room, The Triskelion
Synopsis: Blackout is summoned to Sky's office where she wants more details on the alien encounter.
Cast of Characters: Blackout, Quake

Blackout has posed:\<br\>    Having received the email immediately after his own, Blackout knows that it's important for him to do anything that SHIELD requests. It's contingent on his parole - since it was SHIELD (Darcy) who helped him get out of the trouble he was in. That was years ago. Blackout has been in the wind and doing whatever Blackouts do when they're not in trouble. \<br\>\<br\>    It was only a few minutes ago that he sent the incident report email to one of the SHIELD directors. Blackout sent the report because he felt obligated to keep SHIELD in the loop regarding the alien encounter at the Queens Zoo. He wasn't expecting a response. He should have known better. A minute after he sent the email, he received a text for him to come to the ready room. He knew it would be best for him to do as instructed. So, with standard Blackout operating procedures, he opened a portal from his previous location, stepped into the Darkforce Dimension, then opened another into the ready room. It is an opaque, vantablack disk 8' in diameter that is an aperature into the pocket dimension. From that disk, Blackout steps through. As he does, his mask/headgear fades from his head exposing his skin/hair and he takes a moment to look around for whom he may be meeting. He still wears his black darkforce body suit/armor.
Quake has posed:\<br\>No matter how much Skye had been aware of Blackout unusual way of going from one place to another, she was not prepared. "Fuuuck.."\<br\>\<br\>Of course that was supposed to be in her inside voice. Ooops?\<br\>\<br\>"I mean.. Marc? Right? Unless you have another moniker you use?" She shrugged. What he used isn't terribly important to her. She knows all about using avatars and personas. Hell, in some places she still went by DarkSky. "You and Castiel.. oh yeah, and Wade come in through the weirdest ways."\<br\>\<br\>"Come in, and get comfy. I can get coffee, or something, if you want? I'm Agent Johnson. Or Skye most commonly." Read: forget the Agent. "Tell me about this email."
Blackout has posed:\<br\>    Blackout initially hears the inside voice fail and he turns to face the woman who blurted it out. He grins at her remark while taking in her appearance. The portal closes behind him as he begins to close the distance between the two of them. He doesn't offer a hand (unless she does, because that's only polite). He glances to the suggested seating areas and begin to move in that direction. "Agent Johnson, Skye. Please, call me Marc. No need for drinks. Thank you." And he'll take a seat.\<br\>\<br\>    In his movement to take a seat, he'll look to see if she's going to sit at all. If so, he'll wait for her to sit - then he will afterward. If she doesn't appear to have the intention of sitting, he'll settle into a firmer chair. \<br\>\<br\>    He responds, "This is technically my second encounter with these aliens - or at least their tech. The first time was a few months ago in upstate New York. It was one of the dropped terraforming devices. Starfire was on the scene. She was able to render it inert before it started spreading the red gas. Today. I was at the zoo in Queens when they emerged from the ground in some kernboerer like device... think, Journey to the Center of the Earth. A tube with a drill bit head that operates to move people through dirt and rock. They were in the bison plains enclosure. Anyway, the aliens who look a lot like the cartoon Squidbillies, came out of the craft wearing humanoid robotic suits. They started firing at bystanders with plasma rifles. Driving them off. Then, speaking English, the commander of the alien unit said to gather bison samples. That's when I decided to engage and hopefully delay the aliens from hurting people or animals, and wait for heroes to show up." He pauses there for her to ask questions or catch up, or whatever she has in mind.
Quake has posed:\<br\>At first there is a short pause while both of them were politely waiting for the other to sit. Him, by old fashioned manners; her the way an Agent was supposed to. In the long run, she grinned, and took a seat. "We'd have been here waiting till the cows came home." As she sat down, her clothing was pretty much the regular clothing for Agents who were out in the field, with one exception: her forearms were encased with bracers.\<br\>\<br\>As Blackout says his piece, Skye grew very serious. She opened her computer and flipped through several folders and chats, taking notes. "You are sure they wanted bison for subjects. Not people?" As for what they looked like.. weird. Plain old weird.
Blackout has posed:\<br\>    The old fashioned manners are still a thing. He wasn't always considered a villain. However, he's definitely a romantic. That's probably in his file regarding conversations he had with other researchers about life. He was in a coma for perhaps 6 years when he first got his powers. So he feels like he missed out on a lot. A lot of living, a lot of life, a lot of love. \<br\>\<br\>    He reflects a moment and then nods, "Yeah. The leader actually said something like take samples from the ... maybe he used the word bison. But I do recall them going toward the animals when I turned out the lights and then they all freaked out."
Quake has posed:\<br\>"Ah yes, you're the man who possesses the power to, essentially, turn out the lights." She nodded to herself, as she grinned. "I bet that didn't go as well as you had hoped."\<br\>\<br\>But Skye kept circling back to the bison. More to the point, the animals of which bison were just one. "You're sure? No trying to use anything to deaden powers? Just taking samples?" That really was odd to say the least.
Blackout has posed:\<br\>    There's another moment of reflection before he speaks again, "Yeah, they seemed to clearly be heading for the bison before I turned out the lights. The powers deadening stuff was more toward the end of the conflict. When they took out my darkness with a lightforce beam from the sky, likely orbit, they started turning on power dampeners. That's when I got out of there."
Quake has posed:\<br\>Ah! There it was. Why she had been chosen to take his statement.\<br\>\<br\>"It's not lightforce. They took out mine first. They needed to know if it would work - even if only on a small scale. They obviously have found a way to use it in bigger areas." That was scary. How large an area could they actually reach? Half a city? A whole city? The world?
Blackout has posed:\<br\>    Blackout lets her assess the situation and process with the answer. He doesn't interrupt or argue. Instead, he gives her time before he asks, "Any other questions? Something you might need me to do?"
Quake has posed:\<br\>Interesting: he wasn't surprised that she had powers. "For now," Skye says quite plainly, "I have to look at something first. Can you be available if needed? Other than that, keep your ears and eyes peeled. And if you see a little old rat giving orders, tell me immediately."
Blackout has posed:\<br\>    Blackout stands. A portal opens to his left and he says, "I'll be glad to." and then he will note as his face becomes covered in darkforce again. "I'll look for your call. Have a great day." and then he's out. Slipping into a closing portal and gone.