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Evening At The Bar
Date of Scene: 06 May 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Carol can't help herself and goes out to an evening at a bar, where she runs into other people.
Cast of Characters: Feral, Captain Marvel (Danvers), Aquaman

Feral has posed:
A light, cool drizzle falls outside New York's waterfront district, casting old, yellowed street lamps in a light haze. Shouting from a pier heralds the arrival of the night's last cargo ship as it draws slowly and carefully to port before being tied off and set upon by an overhead crane. It's poor fishing weather, dreary outdoor weather, and a good time to stay inside.

Inside the Green-Gill's, warm lights, revitalizing heat, and easy-flowing beer and spirits help banish the weather outside. A popular but slightly specialized dive for local patrons, a selection of cheap fresh-catch seafood and cheap drinks were its mainstays for years. More recently and after a name-change, it's begun stocking vegetarian fare too, along with some higher-class (and higher-strength) alcohol. Company is boisterous, there's a dart board in use by two generations of riggers, and seating is at a comfortable but not quite full capacity - few places to sit on ones own but plenty choices of company.

Up at the bar in the thick of the noise, a sharp-dressed and well-wetted woman is casually polishing off a plate of mushroom burgers practically swimming in barbecue sauce while nursing the last of a beer glass. She was out in the rain long enough that her black leather jacket is still drying and there's a good chance her loafers still squeak on the tile floor. She turns towards the dartboard with a smirk before returning to her food. For a moment, her red sunglasses glint as they catch a beam of light.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
She shouldn't, she knows she shouldn't, but sometimes there's just no better medicine than alcohol. Dressed casually, a black top, red leather jacket, and washed up jeans, Carol walks into the Green Gill's with aviator shades covering her eyes. She takes a quick look around the place, before heading toards the bar, there happens to be an open stool next to Vanya and so that's wher she heads, slipping into the seat, she nods in acknowledgement at Vanya before turning to the bartender, "give me a Macallan 18."

Aquaman has posed:
Striding into the bar with a flair that probably is much too regal to be used in such a manner is the one that is known as Arthur Curry. Of course, there are others that may know him to be: Aquaman. He seems to always be wearing his royal attire and such continues to even while invading this establishment.

As if he were in Atlantis, Aquaman pauses just inside the door of this bar and takes a moment to oversee all that goes on before him. His mighty trident clings to his back as if it is a warning to anyone that may have more nefarious thoughts on their mind.

After a moment, Aquaman nods in acceptance of the aquatic ambience and moves towards the bar with a royal purpose.

Feral has posed:
Vanya spares Carol a glance in turns and casually looks her over from behind narrow red lenses. It's not bright enough to need the glasses anyway, but she likes them. "Well you're a new face. Military?" She guesses playfully before tipping back the last of her beer. The black-dressed woman pauses as a glint of gold catches the corner of her eye and turns towards the door.

"Don't look now, but I think Poseidon just arrived."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol tilts her head slightly in the direction of Vanya, and offers at her question, "close, Air Force. Is it the shades?" Carol asks as if wondering about the giveaway, when she's served her drink and quickly takes a sip. She takes a moment with closed eyes to savor the golden liquid, before turning her head at Vanya's quip, "well I'll be, that does look like Poseidon himself," she plays along before lifting her arm to get Aquaman's attention, "if you're looking for the tough as nails section, right here, Aquaman."

Aquaman has posed:
Arthur's skills of observation spot the raised hand and he's almost ready for an attack before he realizes that it is more of a friendly face than anything harmful. Aquaman is not paranoid in so much as he's just ready for anything that these Surfacers may attempt to throw in his direction. Clearly, this day, they are equipped with nothing more than friendliness. "Ah. A friendly face. I welcome such things on a regular basis." Aquaman says as he approaches the Tough As Nails section and takes a seat on a stool with a confident movement. "Although, I much prefer the term Tougher Than Leather. Run DMC is amazing." A mighty nod follows that quip and Arthur slaps a hand against the bar. "I'll have something three times as strong as what she's having."

Feral has posed:
Vanya spins in her seat and leans back against the bar to put the Atlantean in view as he finds a spot nearby. "Lower," she asides to Carol and raps her knuckles against her stomach in illustration before turning back to the gold and green king. She whistles low. "Wow, so you're Aquaman. That explains why you're built like a shark."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
At Vanya's clarification Carol notes, "you've a fine eye," not many would notice. Or at least that's what she thinks. For now she turns to look at the newcomer, raising her glass at him, "so you're looking for three glasses then?" She chuckles, Carol's not exactly a light drinker, but she transitions into a toast rather than get into a whose more of a man competition with Arthur, "I'll drink to that, not sure who they are, but to Run DMC and being amazing."

Aquaman has posed:
"I'm sorry. I'm going to need you to repeat that after we drink." Aquaman raises his glass for the toast before knocking it back with ease. The other two drinks that have come with are split between both he and Carol. Aquaman can math. "Not knowing and understanding the impact and influence that the Kings of Rock have had on surfacer pop culture is unacceptable. I will lend you my copy of their discography."

Arthur's quiet for a moment as it seems like he's concentrating for the briefest time. There's a VUU-VUU-VUU that sound that expands across the mental spectrum as it heads out towards the waterfront.

Arthur turns to see the woman that he's been smelling since before stepping into this establishment and offers her a smile. "A compliment of the highest order. Thank you." He raises his glass in Vanya's direction. "Though now I must wonder which shark I most closely resemble. Hm." Yes he's actually thinking about this.

Feral has posed:
"Here, he--" Vanya pauses as she lifts an empty beer mug. She frowns and shakes her glass at the barkeep. "Dry house, Donnie!"

"I have more than that too," she replies to Carol with her eye crinkling playfully. Without a drink to tip for a moment, Vanya raises a burger back to the Atlantean and his question gets an immediate answer. "Greenland shark I think." For her part, the black-dressed woman smells very faintly of tiger shark - and not one from local waters.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"That so?" Carol smirks at Aquaman, as without ever agreeing to a contest, the two race through the first glass. When another is served, and Aquaman shares with Carol, she gives him a friendly salute, "much appreciated," and for as long as the contest is unofficially on, she seems to carry her weight surprisingly well. "I'm afraid music is not my forte," she notes helpfully, she has heard various praises sung of different performers, she doesn't really get into that. She's more about the character that makes a person.

While she doesn't quite follow the bit between Vanya and Aquaman, when he does ask what kind of shark he must resemble, she easily quips, "easy, hammerhead shark."

Aquaman has posed:
Aquaman splits his attention between both Carol and Vanya likely due to the fact that he's smelling all of the things she's been through recently. Or at least he's smelling tiger shark. It's a very interesting scent that he knows quite well. "Hammerhead?!" Aquaman grins but looks as incredulous as he can at the same time. It's all about raising the eyebrows. The eyebrows are where its at. "First Run DMC, now this. What a day." Aquaman's faux-depression rant is over when he takes another drink.

"Greenland Shark. Not bad. I could live with that." Aquaman glances over his glass at Vanya. "Well, I'd say you're an expert on sharks currently, so we'll go with that one." Maybe the way he's looking at her might make it clear that he /knows/. HE KNOWS! Something.

Feral has posed:
"Hey, hey, don't leave me out of this. I can go drink-for-drink at least with you," Vanya calls, poking Carol in the shoulder before looking past her at the towering Atlantean with a challenging little grin. "And I bet you too."

When her own glass is refilled, the animal woman tips it back and *gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp...* she begins to slow by the time she nears the bottom but finishes off with a hard swallow and thumps her pint back on the table, gasping for air.

"Ah... hah... Two," she counts. "...I've only met a few, but some of them are /fighty/," Vanya recalls fondly while catching her breath. "Something about apex predators I guess."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"I said it," Carol grins at Aquaman as she downs another drink before hitting the empty glass against the counter. "I'll let you educate me about Run DMC if you like," she makes a peace gesture of sorts, before turning to look over at Vanya, that girl really did seem to know quite abit about sharks. What's a greenland shark even is? Carol was no marine biologist.

Carol laughs when Vanya presses her drinking ability, "I don't doubt you can drink with the best of them," she nudges Vanya playfully and quips, "but all the fun is in outdrinking guys, no?"

Aquaman has posed:
"Drinking is an excellent contest. However, I dare say that I have met more women in my time that are capable of drinking gallons more than the men." Aquaman gives a nod to both of the women he's speaking to at the moment. He then moves along to ordering another round for the three of them. "Win or lose, this day, I will be paying for all of these drinks."

Aquaman turns to Vanya once more. "Sharks have their moments. They really are quite docile creatures once you spend enough time with them. They merely want to protect what is theirs. Or, well, what is mine, I suppose." Aquaman then turns to Carol. "By the time I'm finished with you, you will be a hip-hop mistress. You'll be wearing ADIDAS soon enough."

Feral has posed:
Vanya's arm doesn't yield much to Carol's prod and the animal woman glances back to her knowingly as she puts a dent in her own drink. "I've met guys smaller than both of you who thought they could hold their liquor. So many free drinks..." she trails off wistfully.

"Are you saying you own the ocean?" She cracks towards Aquaman with a curious eyebrow hiked . She can do that too!

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Really...?" Carol seems fascinated by Aquaman's claim, after all, biology would contest it, but she's always pleased when even science is beat by the power of will. "His Majesty's treat? Now you've spoken the magic words," Carol laughs as she partakes in the next round. The day started in pain, and here she is, no trace of it. Alcohol truly is nature's medicine. Well, almost nature's, quite a bit of processing involved after all.

While she was humoring Aquaman, Carol has to draw the line somewhere, and she shakes her head, "ADIDAS is not happening." When we get to the boasting secton of the night, Carol quips, "you guys can have the ocean, I'll take the sky."

Aquaman has posed:
"I am merely a servant of the Ocean. Atlantis is one of my homes. Amnesty Bay being the other. I serve the Ocean and in turn it provides me a few luxuries in this life." Arthur grins a little bit and gets comfortable on his stool and leans back a bit more. The trident on his back doesn't seem to bother him at all. "I'd be careful about claiming the sky. Poseidon's given me a bit of dominion up there, as well." Arthur feels like he's among possible new friends. Besides, it's the boasting part of the evening.

Feral has posed:
"I guess that leaves me with the land," Vanya muses as she wipes a smear of barbecue sauce from her face and licks it from the back of her hand. "That's where all the fun creatures are anyway. The ocean I've visited, but I can't say I can fly. I don't think that's in the tea leaves for me." She gamely slaps the bicep holding up her glass. "I've got a little too much holding me down."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"So what you're telling me is the ocean's not enough for you? Think it's inferior so wanted a bit of sky, hmmm?" Carol teases with a big grin on her face, "I'm surprised." With Vanya taking stake of the land, Carol raises her glass again, "let's just agree to help make people awesome wherever they may be."

Aquaman has posed:
"Agreed. I have pledged every droplet of my being to protecting Atlantis, the Oceans and the Surface World. It is my duty but more than that, it is my honor. I shall do so without worry or cause for my own safety. Like the Kings before me." Aquaman takes another moment to realize that his drink is empty! "Another round!" The King requests because there is definitely room for more drinking. "Together, we can accomplish the impossible! Or separately. However things shake out."

Feral has posed:
Vanya pauses at length following Aquaman's declaration and looks at the pair in confusion. She thinks for a moment then raises her own glass. "I'll drink to all three places having awesome creatures already. Nature beat us to that."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol listens to Aquaman's speech and punctuates his order for another round by quipping, "that oo, like the Kings before you." Turning to look at Vanya, Carol asks, "so you have an explanation for the platypus? Because I don't get."

Aquaman has posed:
Aquaman raises an eyebrow in the middle of this conversation when the dreaded question that always comes up... comes up. He goes into his practiced shrug of complete innocence and ignorance. "I have no idea. The Platypus was here before me." And then to elude to the ability that gets most joked about, he raises a finger to tap the side of his head. "They don't understand themselves either. Believe me. I've asked."

Feral has posed:
Vanya shrugs helplessly. "I can't say I've seen one before, but if it works it makes babies."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Well, if you'll excuse me," Carol says after a while, tapping Aquaman on the shoulder, "I'll let you have this contest, unless someone else objects," she peers towards Vanya quizzically, "I do apologize, but I need to get out of here before I'll find myself in unexpected places tomorrow morning...keep up the good fight guys."

Aquaman has posed:
Arthur gives a wave to Carol as she dismisses herself and then turns his attention fully to Vanya. "So. Should we talk about what you've been doing lately or should we just move right along to you explaining yourself." Aquaman doesn't seem to be too upset. It is more of a tone of curiosity than anything. After all, he's buying her drinks. Plus, he doesn't actually know what she's been up to. He's just going by what he smells.

Feral has posed:
The animal woman grins gamely to Carol as she moves to depart. "Like you've drank that much already. Nice meeting you, Ms. Air Force." Vanya washes the words down with a sip from her glass and gestures the barkeep for another plate of food before Arthur speaks up.

She turns back to him with a furrowed brow. "You have something against a woman who likes a good drink in the evening?"

Aquaman has posed:
Arthur just offers a grin and raises a hand in peace. "I have nothing against your drinking. I am here drinking as well, if you'll notice." Aquaman nods towards the drink on the bar in front of him as if Vanya had forgotten what's going on already. "I'm referring to the tiger shark scent that's been screaming into my nose since I walked through the door." Aquaman makes it clear that he knows /something/ is going on. "Let me be clear, I pass no judgement. Not at the moment. I am simply curious as to how someone comes into contact with such a distinct scent."

Feral has posed:
Vanya's sunglasses slip down her nose and dark brown eyes squints in disbelief at the Atlantean as if expecting a mirage. It might be a trick of the light but the centers around her pupils seem to be lightening towards a pale yellow. "There is no way you can smell that on me. *I* can't smell that on me," she blurts before sniffing the sleeve of her jacket then pulling back its neck to sniff down her chest. The odor lingers nonetheless though without the animal woman admitting why.

Aquaman has posed:
"You're not Aquaman." Arthur says with a grin before he reaches into a pocket that probably shouldn't be there. He tosses a couple of gold coins that are clearly Atlantean currency. He doesn't push and prod though he does grin at Vanya as he stands up. "I'll be in touch." When he says it, though, it might sound like an actual warning. Or something. He might not actually be one of those but it may just be a statement of intent. Aquaman's Intimidation Tactics are weird.

Feral has posed:
"I'm a lot more than Aquaman," Vanya retorts, not registering a threat as her nostrils flare. "You'd better be, Bloodhound, after saying something like that. Maybe next time I'll buy *your* drinks."

Feral has posed:
Vanya says, ":flexes. "Got to get the protein from somewhere. I don't do big fish-kills or anything though. What I kill, I kill barehanded.""