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(Chili is done and lots of fun!)
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Revision as of 23:37, 11 April 2023

Metting her fellow mutants
Date of Scene: 21 March 2023
Location: Kitchen - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Chili is done and lots of fun!
Cast of Characters: Copycat, Polaris

Copycat has posed:\<br\>Copycat Is in the kitchen she's wearing her well, her more normal clothes.. Growing up on the street and then clubs her fashion is well diffrent than most but right now, shes' in her Rather revealing dress, but she's got very light blue skin and white hair.. if one wasn't paying attention one might mistake her for a certain shape shifter though her eye's are very much red not yellow \<br\>\<br\>     https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DeKEYxiV4AAWFdP?format=jpg&name=medium
Polaris has posed:\<br\>Lorna Dane isn't a familiar face in the mansion of late, with her duties in Genosha. But the woman does manage to get back when she can. Dressed in street clothes rather than her green costume, the green hair is a dead giveaway that she certainly belongs here. Either that or she's fresh from a concert. Boot heels click-click-click on the tiles, her steps confident and brisk. Pausing just inside the door, she offers a small smile. "Hi there. I don't think we've met. I'm Lorna, but you can call me Polaris."
Copycat has posed:\<br\>Copycat Blinks as she turns, wearing her dress but with an apron as she looks over " Oh hello," she smiles softly " I was just making some chili," she says brightly ' Did you want some? Oh right, I'm Vanessa," she blinks " I mean, Copycat that's my mutant name " She sighs " Still getting used to that "
Polaris has posed:\<br\>Lorna Dane's gaze shifts, green-hued lips curling a little more as well. "In -that- dress? Good thing you've got an apron." she replies. "It's been a long time since I've had good chili, Vanessa, if you wouldn't mind. I don't suppose there's beer in the fridge..." She lifts a hand casually and the refrigerator door opens. Fingers curl, and cans shift around on one of the shelves. "No. Pity." A can of soda glides over to her as the refrigerator door closes. \<br\>\<br\>"My father would tell you not to be ashamed of your mutant name. Then he would launch into a long diatribe about repressing your true self, and being humanity's next evolution."
Copycat has posed:\<br\>Copycat Blinks and laughs softly as she looks down "I'm so used to wearing this stuff for work it's like habit, you know " she smirks " besides, this is all made by my power.. I'm kinda always naked," She sighs," and cloths itch like crazy " she shakes her head. but she motions " that small fridge is logans it has beer " She says. She lifts an eyebrow " I doubt his lock will stop you," she smirks. She ladles out the chili putting down the bowls.. but theirs what looks like chili oil.. Sour cream.. cheese ..chopped onions .. some crispy onions ..all kinds of various items to add to the chili.
Polaris has posed:\<br\>Lorna Dane hasn't opened the soda yet, so with a wave of her hand it goes back in the fridge. "Always naked? How interesting is that?" she replies with a smirk. Lorna spots the small fridge, then. The lock raises up, and after a few moments it snaps open. Lorna's eyes are glowing a soft green when she opens it. Stepping over to the chili, she settles as she reels in a beer. "So what's your story, Vanessa?"
Copycat has posed:\<br\>Copycat op:Looks up and shrugs as she adds various items, including ALOT of that chili sauce hell, she has a small bottle that strangely has Deadpool's murder sauce on the side.. as she taps a drop into her chili.. Before she looks up " Oh you know, pretty normal for here.. Daddy thought I looked too cute .. soo as I was big enough, I ran away.. became a hooker, spent a bunch of time in bars " She takes a bite " Feel for a boy.. Nearly got killed and find out that nightmare from when you were little was real, and you really are a mutant " .
Polaris has posed:\<br\>Lorna Dane nods slowly to that, prepping her own chili. For her it's chopped onions and cheese, with just a few drops of the oil. "My daddy raised me to be empowered and proud of my mutant heritage. Something of a legacy, if you will. He rules Genosha as its king, and when he's not there I rule as princess." She pops open the beer with a gesture of a finger, then adds. "I joined the X-Men during a time when he and I disagreed on a few things."
Copycat has posed:\<br\>Copycat Lifts an eyebrow " never met a princess," She says brightly and laughs as she takes another bite " But do you still disagree since you are here? " She asks cocking her head " Or should I curtsey ? ". She sighs " Your lucky .. He didn't mind your hair and stuff. Kinda good though, your very pretty " .
Polaris has posed:\<br\>Lorna Dane shrugs lightly. "Father would say 'In Genosha, all Mutantkind is equal'. Except some are -more- equal than others, even in his eyes. It all depends on their usefulness and willingness to support the cause." She takes a small bite, testing the chili. "I'm not wearing my tiara, so there's no need." she replies wryly. "I suppose we both have our daddy issues, although he and I do mostly get along these days. And thank you. You're very pretty as well. Beauty is more than just colors."
Copycat has posed:\<br\>Copycat Laughs " Oh no i'm ugly on the inside trust me " She sighs " My temper gets me in trouble " she sighs. She dosn't wanna tell you right now she's been near you long enough to pick up your memories so she understands better than most . She takes another bite her chili is a little on the hot side the oil is very spicy... but the oil allows you to add or lower the heat.
Polaris has posed:\<br\>Lorna Dane laughs softly at that. "Well my father is known for his volatile temper, which is another trait that I inherited from him." Besides the magnetism, of course. And it wouldn't take a lot to pick up that Lorna has wide mood swings like her father as well. She takes a careful sip of chili, then a swig of beer to balance it. "We're all a little ugly on the inside. It just shows throw more clearly with some of us."
Copycat has posed:\<br\>Copycat Reaches out and makes a very familiar wave like Lorna and floats over a spoon to grab some sour cream. But Lorna would feel the magnetism power at work as she takes a bite. She grins " So when does daddy issues anonymous start? cause I would love something like that "
Polaris has posed:\<br\>Lorna Dane feels the shift in the magnetic field and she knows that she's not doing it. Green brows lift and she smile wryly. "Copycat, hmm?" the green-haired woman muses. "Well I haven't met all of the people here, but I'm pretty sure it would require one of the larger rooms." She alternates bites of chili and sips of beer. "And I'm just as certain that I'm not the person who should be the group leader."
Copycat has posed:\<br\>Copycat Laughs " Right it's a big give away to what my powers are ' She uggs " it's kinda terrible for a mutant name but the kids gave it to me so I can't complain to much " She grins
Polaris has posed:\<br\>Lorna Dane shakes her head at that. "No. The kids here are one of the things that keeps me coming back." she agrees. "That, and I like to maintain a... balanced... perspective. Once I show my powers, people do the math and I'm not extended a lot of trust."
Copycat has posed:\<br\>Copycat Shrugs " I mean I was a normal person before, " She sighs " I mean i heard about your dad hard not to " She thinks " But your, not him " she points a spoon " So far, you seem pretty good to me " She shrugs She takes a bit " You have your own path to carve good or bad " .
Polaris has posed:\<br\>Lorna Dane purses her lips. "No one is 'normal', Vanessa. Not really. I have my own emotional baggage, just like you and most of the people here. If we had it all figured out, we wouldn't need to stop on Charles' doorstep, now would we?"
Copycat has posed:\<br\>Copycat Sighs and nods " Don't get me started about him, " She rubs her forehead " I get a headache just getting close to him, " She says, rubbing her temples. She sighs ' Worst thing is I came here because of my ex , he used to talk about this place so I had nothing and came next thing I know I'm teaching cooking " She shakes he head.
Polaris has posed:\<br\>Lorna Dane chuckles at that. "At least they didn't make you a princess." she quips back, between bites. "I came here to get some time away from my father, and I ended up on one of the Teams. They have an awful lot in common, Charles and my father."
Copycat has posed:\<br\>Copycat Blinks " I dunno I've only met charles " she grins " I dunno and my ex " she grins " Well you don't wanna know what he thinks of your father " she laughs thinking of what wade likes to say before she bites her chili " Worst part he thinks I'm dead "
Polaris has posed:\<br\>Lorna Dane shrugs a little at that. "My father is both famous and infamous. He's an icon, and it sort of goes with the territory." A green brow lifts, then. "You're here because of your ex-, and he doesn't even know you're alive? I have to believe at least some of that is intentional."
Copycat has posed:\<br\>Copycat Laughs " he's the reason I died sorta and well " She lifts up her hands " Turned blue " she sighs " I figured I needed to come to grips with that before I found him " she chews her lip " I didn't wanna mess his life up worse with my crap " She sighs
Polaris has posed:\<br\>Lorna Dane nods slowly at that. "Yes. Sometime it's best to spend a little time away to get your head together." Lorna watches the blue hand for a moment. "So the clothing is... all you? That must be very interesting to manage."
Copycat has posed:\<br\>Copycat Shifts herself slowly removing the blue of her skin she turns into her normal self or her old self but with a new dress that's on her body as she rubs stretches " I can do this " She says brightly \<br\>\<br\>% e3fe5ae6dffd558b20f7c2193d4ec879.jpg \<br\>\<br\>     She smirks " I can also do something like this " She shifts slowly and changes \<br\>\<br\> dd59fdec928d15d12bd667e37925e831.jpg
Polaris has posed:\<br\>Lorna Dane's eyes brighten at the first shift, scooting back her chair to cross one leg over the other. "Oh, now I definitely like that." She makes the mistake of taking a sip of beer when Vanessa shifts again, barely managing not to choke at the image of herself in a bikini. "Is my butt really that big?" she coos, peering around to get a closer look. "It really makes me wonder just -what- you might be capable of, Vanessa."
Copycat has posed:\<br\>Copycat Blinks and stands up turning around and looks over her own shoulder " Yep looks like " She says slapping her own butt that looks exactly like yours and even in your voice " I'll switch back if it upsets you " She says with a chuckle " Just changing into others is I dunno it's like I'm doing what i was born for.. i don't like doing lal the time but it's fun if the other person is okay "
Polaris has posed:\<br\>Lorna Dane tilts her head, admiring the view. "I've... never checked myself out before." she admits. "Other than the mirror, of course. And I don't mind at all." Lorna considers for a moment. "I can see where, between the appearance and the abilities, having you around could make for a very interesting experience." Green eyes brighten, then and her smile becomes playful. "Much like the Stepfords, except there's only one of you."
Copycat has posed:\<br\>Copycat Opens her mouth and stops ' yeah " She smirks " I kinda was one of them when I got here " she pushes herfingers togehter.. " I was hiding as one of the sisters, because nobody questioned another one walking around " she rubs the back of her neck ' but I can't hold it too long I wear out pretty quick "
Polaris has posed:\<br\>Lorna Dane's eyes sparkle and she laughs. "You snuck in as one of the Stepfords? Oh, you're braver than I thought." The playfulness returns, then. "It would seem you caught them in a good mood, at least. But the girls -are- fond of meeting new people. I'd imagine they really enjoyed someone with your skillset."
Copycat has posed:\<br\>Copycat laughs " Yeah about that they didn't know " she grins " I'm scared to tell em " She says "they seem rather vendictive ' She says " I'm not that good with my powers letting yous ee how sexy you are is pretty much my limit "
Polaris has posed:\<br\>Lorna Dane puts down her finished bowl and spoon, leaning back a little in the chair to sip her beer. "You're right to be cautious around them. They aren't -bad-, per se, but the girls operate under a slightly different moral code than most people." She toys with the beer, then. "The first form was yourself before discovering your power, wasn't it? Because that's a really good look on you. I'd imagine you were -very- popular in your line of work."