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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/01/29 |Location=Hot Dumpling Restaurant, China Basin |Synopsis=Nikki and Tim talk of Red Robin and AI affairs. |Cast of Characters=9997, 54 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:9997|Nikki (9997)}} has posed:'''\<br\>On days when Nikki is doing work for Tim Drake, she doesn't have her robot companion around her. Squishy is best left at home so he doesn't get into too much trouble and she can put more focus on her work. Now she's...")
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Revision as of 19:15, 12 April 2023

Dumpster Trash Aftermath
Date of Scene: 29 January 2023
Location: Hot Dumpling Restaurant, China Basin
Synopsis: Nikki and Tim talk of Red Robin and AI affairs.
Cast of Characters: Nikki Hawkins, Red Robin

Nikki Hawkins has posed:\<br\>On days when Nikki is doing work for Tim Drake, she doesn't have her robot companion around her. Squishy is best left at home so he doesn't get into too much trouble and she can put more focus on her work. Now she's on a break - or something - and has decided to treat herself to some dumplings just a ways down from the building she works in. As child-like as she can seem sometimes, she can fend for herself. Also sometimes.
Red Robin has posed:\<br\>Tim Drake likes this spot for something to eat, and when he has time he will come here as well. Today's meeting were a bit of a pain but they are over and into the noodle place walks Tim, in his expensive suit that he is not the biggest fan of, but at work you need to look the part.
Nikki Hawkins has posed:\<br\>Nikki has just placed her order for some dumplings and noodles when she looks to the doorway to see Tim walk in. A little beam of a smile lighting up her face as she raises a hand to wave at the man. "Mister Drake! Hello!"
Red Robin has posed:\<br\>Tim Drake sees the young lady and offers a smile as he walks over "Nikki, how are you doing? Find everything you need in the lab?"
Nikki Hawkins has posed:\<br\>"Nikki's okay. She's been doing work in the lab and finds everything she needs for it." Answering in her typical fashion of third person verbage. "Will Mister Drake join Nikki for foods?"
Red Robin has posed:\<br\>Tim Drake nods and says "Sure." He puts in an order and makes sure he gets the bill for his and hers "So, it is good to hear your doing ok, how about Squishy?" He will ask her.
Nikki Hawkins has posed:\<br\>"Squishy is fine. Nikki leaves him at home when she needs to really focus on stuff. He might make a mess and Nikki doesn't want that. People might get mad at her." Cause, it's happened before, but she won't admit that. After a moment she also offers, "Nikki got into some trouble the other night, but was saved by a mystery man."
Red Robin has posed:\<br\>Tim Drake 's brow raises a bit and while he may know what she is talking about it is best to play off as not "Oh what happened?" He will guide her to a table while they wait for their food.
Nikki Hawkins has posed:\<br\>Nikki actually flushes a little in the moment of remembering and wrings her hands together a bit. "Well, Nikki was out looking for parts and stuff she could use to make her new robot. And she found these things in a dumpster by the movie theater? But...ahm...she kinda got...stuck in the dumpster."
Red Robin has posed:\<br\>Tim Drake keeps the shocked look on his face, and says "Oh no, your ok I hope, you were not hurt were you?
Nikki Hawkins has posed:\<br\>Nikki shakes her head. "No. Nikki was okay. Just scared. The man who saved her seem to come outta no where tho cause Nikki is usually careful to not dive into dumpsters when people can see her."
Red Robin has posed:\<br\>Tim Drake nods a bit to this and says "Well it is good to hear you were saved, who saved you?
Nikki Hawkins has posed:\<br\>Nikki seems to think on it for a moment. "Oh! His name was Red Robin. He wore a mask and a suit and everything. Like a super hero."
Red Robin has posed:\<br\>Tim Drake hmms and says "I think I have heard of him, he runs with the Batman I believe. One of the people who try to keep crime down here in Gotham. He has done a decent amount for the city I think.
Nikki Hawkins has posed:\<br\>"He says him and his friends help keep Gotham safe. Which made Nikki worry cause Red Robin walked Nikki home but what if he was needed elsewhere for something more important?" Glancing up then, as if hoping their food would arrive at that point. "Nikki thought he was cute too."
Red Robin has posed:\<br\>Tim Drake smirks a bit as the food does come about then, and he says "Well, I am sure they have a few people looking after Gotham, and sometimes it is important to make sure the little things are done as well as the big ones. I am sure helping you was something he considered important.
Nikki Hawkins has posed:\<br\>Nikki thinks on this a moment and then interjects, "Yeah but they fight criminals and bad guys... Nikki just got...stuck. Hardly an important thing..." Course, she was also hungry because she hadn't eaten in a while and Tim/Robin made sure to feed her.
Red Robin has posed:\<br\>Tim Drake says, "You never know, some of the robots and such we are working on maybe used in the medical field and may help save someone's life or help them have a better quality life, and your working on that, doesn't take make you possible important?"
Nikki Hawkins has posed:\<br\>Nikki stares at her food for a moment before taking a pork dumpling to bite into with a bit of gusto. "Nikki didn't think about that. She guesses that makes sense..." Chewing then before taking another bite she also offers, "Nikki has been referred to a speech therapist."
Red Robin has posed:\<br\>Tim Drake 's brow raises with real surprise this time, and says "Oh? Are you wanting to sound more like everyone else?" He will ask her, as he starts to eat with his chop sticks, he has a nice Raman
Nikki Hawkins has posed:\<br\>Nikki worries on her lower lip some. "Nikki thinks some people still don't take her seriously. Treat her like a child. Maybe if she talks better..." It trails off though as she becomes self aware even more so while talking and distracts herself with another bite of food.
Red Robin has posed:\<br\>Tim Drake looks over and says "Well, your speech pattern is a bit different than most, but it is you. You have proven you have a very intelligent mind, at times you seem to think from different point of vies than others but id not a bad thing.
Nikki Hawkins has posed:\<br\>Nikki actually seems to blush a bit at that comment from Tim. "Tim has been awful nice to Nikki and she really appreciates it." That said and then she seems to snap out of whatever self awareness she had and brightens up with a smile. "Nikki does good things. So what if she sometimes talks funny..."
Red Robin has posed:\<br\>Tim Drake looks over to her and says "Well, it helps to be nice to those who are smart and who you want to work with you on things. That and your a good person Nikki so it is easy to be nice to you."
Nikki Hawkins has posed:\<br\>Nikki beams a little smile and gives a little happy wiggle of sorts before popping another dumpling into her mouth. "So. What does Tim have for Nikki to work on tomorrow?" Asking this much while still wiggling.
Red Robin has posed:\<br\>Tim Drake hmmms and says "Well, we have a new AI chat bot, I am looking at having about twenty different people spend the day just chatting with it from normal stuff, to just getting to know it sorta personal type stuff and giving me reports on it.
Nikki Hawkins has posed:\<br\>Nikki gets even more excited at the mention of testing something like that. "Oh! Nikki could help with that! Nikki doesn't type like she talks so she can have regular conversations with a bot!" Says the woman who...literally acts like she can talk to a bot.
Red Robin has posed:\<br\>Tim Drake looks over and says "Well actually both might be interesting." He offers, "Think you could hold a verbal conversation with one and a typed conversation with another?" He asks her as he seems to be thinking.
Nikki Hawkins has posed:\<br\>Nikki thinks on this for a moment and then nods. "Nikki does that all the time when she's gaming! Cause sometimes she has to talk to her team while typing to the game. Or if she's streaming, she has to type to fans and talk to team...she's really good at it!" Even more bouncy does Nikki get because it hits on one of her many talents.
Red Robin has posed:\<br\>Tim Drake nods, and says "Sweet." He will pull out his phone type into it and send a message to the work phone she was given and her email, that gives her two links to the chat program "And when ya finish send us a report on how ya think each did, we will be able to monitor them but your opinion will help as well.
Nikki Hawkins has posed:\<br\>Nikki smiles and nods. "Nikki will be sure to do that!" Then she finishes whats on her plate and gives a smile. "Does Nikki need to be at the office to do this or will she do it from her home?"
Red Robin has posed:\<br\>Tim Drake hmmms and says "Think you should be able to do it from home if you want to. Others are working remotely we did some previous tests before letting the AI out of a closed network."
Nikki Hawkins has posed:\<br\>"Okay! Nikki will work on this first thing tomorrow!" Now with something on the works to work on, she feels useful. "Nikki doesn't have any tournaments for a bit so she can focus on this for a while. How long does Tim want the tests to run for?"
Red Robin has posed:\<br\>Tim Drake says, "Well, if you want to run extended ones that would work but thinking 4-6 hours for the main thing."
Nikki Hawkins has posed:\<br\>Nikki nods. "Okie dokie!" Then she reaches and grabs her drink to guzzle down. "Nikki should go home now and check on some things. Unless Tim needs anything else?"
Red Robin has posed:\<br\>Tim Drake shakes his head a bit and says "I think we are good, but you make sure your careful on your way home, don't go falling into any trash cans."
Nikki Hawkins has posed:\<br\>Nikki giggles. "Nikki will go straight home this time." Standing then, and she gives him a little wave. "Night Mister Tim!" Before scampering out of the dumpling shop.