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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/04/14 |Location=Medical Lab - X-Men Base |Synopsis=Rogue is still in the medbay. She's visited by Jean and Scott, regaling them with her tale against the Juggernaut. |Cast of Characters=16, 47, 202, 114 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:16|Rogue (16)}} has posed:'''<br>Rogue is about as riled up as a cat inna room full of rocking chairs. As much as Rogue loves her alone time, there's something about being forced to lay still as muc...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 05:20, 15 April 2023

Once more...with Gusto!
Date of Scene: 14 April 2023
Location: Medical Lab - X-Men Base
Synopsis: Rogue is still in the medbay. She's visited by Jean and Scott, regaling them with her tale against the Juggernaut.
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Phoenix, Wolverine, Cyclops

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is about as riled up as a cat inna room full of rocking chairs. As much as Rogue loves her alone time, there's something about being forced to lay still as much as possible while the healing process takes it time that just burrs her hide. She's had a handful of visitors - someone even sent flowers - and right now she's sitting up in the bed, still diligently in a Rogue-proof medical gown with bandages around both her arms and one of her legs. She's also got wrapping around her rib cage but that's not seen.

There's a stack of books to read, crossword puzzles and sudoku games next to her, but she's bored enough even those don't entice her. "Swear I'm well enough to get up an' go rest somewhere more comfy than this bed..."
Phoenix has posed:
News travels fast around these parts, especially when you're the deputy head mistress. And while she doesn't have details, Jean did hear something about Juggernaut being involved in Rogue getting hurt. She is nit pleased as she steps into the med bay, a look of worry in her eyes. Oh and she's carrying flowers as she peers around. "Rogue?"
Wolverine has posed:
Logan is walking around the medical wing to the school. And he's giving out bad looks like they're going out of style. Granted, there is a cigar in his mouth. It's to keep people from saying what they -were- going to say. Logan's not in the mood and he's not around medical equipment yet. The glowing orange of the cherry muted in the bright halls.

Stopping in front of her door, but not opening it, Logan snuffs the cigar in his hand. It keeps the ashes from hitting the floor, which happens if he presses the cigar into his boot heel.

Grunting at the pain, he'll palm the ashes with the strained hand and pocket the cigar with the other. Walking into the room, "How's the patient doin'?" Logan asks, probably sounding a little -too- chipper. He's trying to mask the pain of the healing burn.

"What's the word, doc?" Logan asks Jean, thinking she's there in a medical capacity. Those ocean blue eyes drift between the pair.
Rogue has posed:
"Over here, Jean..." Rogue answers to the first voice that she hears and waits for the deputy to properly bring herself in to where Rogue is...resting. "Don't you worry none, Jean. I'll be up and about in no time..."

Her attention goes to Logan next as she rolls her eyes. "Be doin' a lot better if you'd just lend me a touch of your healin' so I can get outta here..." Quipping that back before settling back in the bed, wincing some as the movement shoots a bit of pain through her.
Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey frowns when she sees the state of Rogue, settling the fresh flowers in the vase to replace the old ones from however long ago. "Rogue, I'm sorry I didn't come here sooner..How are you doing?" she looks more than concerned, "Who did this to you? I can't believe someone was strong enough to damage you so badly.."

She frowns at the suggestion, glancing between Rogue and Logan, "Wait, are you suggesting he lend you his powers? That could be dangerous you know.."
Wolverine has posed:
"We went over this slugger, but you're in pain. You're healing. Your control is gonna be lackin'," Logan reminds her, just inc ase he didn't put it plainly. Those ocean blue eyes rest on rogue fo ra moment.

When it comes to Jean's questions, Logan's quiet. This is Rogue's story to tell. Logan is just going to make sure the one Jean hears matches his own. He believes it, but Logan knows he'd omit details if the roles were switched. And so, it gives him a warning if any details need to be omitted.
Rogue has posed:
"One of the only few who CAN do this to me. Juggernaut." Rogue offers this and then takes a slow breath in and out. "I was out patrollin', like I do. I came across Hawkeye watchin' somethin' and so I went to go see what was happenin'. Turns out, Juggy was stoppin' a train that was carryin' some military equipment. So, Hawkeye and I went to go try and stop it.." This much spoken before she has to stop and breathe a few slow times.

"Well we got Juggy by surprise at first. And then this ship came in and the people I assume Juggy was workin' for came to try and take what they wanted. Only Hawk and I manage to take most of 'em out. So then I went to try and grab the payload they were af'er. Hid myself behind a bit of rubble...but I didn't account for Juggy gettin' up and jumpin'. I managed to move from the brunt of his punch, but he caught me well enough to land me a few hundred feet away and make a small crater in the ground. By that point, the interested party is down enough they take off empty handed and when Juggy realized he wasn't gettin' a paycheck he slunked off himself and I made my way here." It's a bit of a story, but it's at least an interesting one...up to the point that Rogue got hurt.

"And before you ask why I didn't call anyone, you and most the team have been up in the mountains dealin' with that stuff. Wasn't really anyone to call..." She adds that in. For Jean's sake of questioning.
Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey nods to Logan as he makes himself known, "He has a point, Rogue. You need to rest up. It will take some time but Nurse Agatha is really good. you can't always rely on a quick fix to get back up to speed." she smiles at Logan, "I'm counting on you to make sure she behaves." he is given a wink as she says that.

But talk of Juggernaut has her quite upset, smile fading as she listens to her story, shaking her head in disbelief. "Juggernaut..I should have known. And here I thought he had turned over a new leaf..What a fool I was to believe that.."
Wolverine has posed:
Logan doesn't want to admit Rogue -might- have about Juggernaut. Yes, they have been stretched out in a few spots. However, some people that can go hand to hand against Juggernaut are in few supply, too. That's another factor. Scott can't exactly take a punch, or give one, that could hurt Juggernaut.

"No one's foolish fer believin' in reform," Logan says to Jean. "Lotta people want to change, but don't know how. Maybe this is one of those times. Doesn't mean he doesn't deserve some broken bones n' black eyes," Logan's not exactly giving Juggernaut any sympathy. However, he's saying maybe what Jean saw was an honest view of Juggernaut. Just no one Juggernaut is ready for. Sadly, there will be consequences. Bloody consequences, if Logan gets his way.
Rogue has posed:
"Juggy was fairly adamant that he was doing it to get paid. Claimed he didn't wanna hurt me, but he would if I didn't get out of his way. Well, we didn't get out of his way. And I'd much rather take the punch than Hawkeye cause a punch to Hawkeye would'a been way worse..." Rogue offers this much and then takes a breath. "And I know it's a fools errand to ask Logan to heal me, but ya can't blame a girl for tryin', can ya?" She grins then.

"And yeah. You can't blame yerself for belivin' in somethin'. Some people will say anything to get outta trouble and then just pray they ain't caught. And Juggy got caught..." This much more. "I also oughta get hold of Hawkeye and see how he's doin'...glad he didn't get hurt or nothin'.."
Phoenix has posed:
"No.." she sighs and shakes her head, "But I really thought he was trying to..Well, at least stay out of trouble. I really believed the good in him, but not this..Scott was right all along. Him and Magneto, maybe Sinister too." but this is all about Rogue, and she needs to focus on that, leave the internal beatings for later.

"Okay then..He can deliver a heavy blow but don't you have some heightened healing already, Rogue? I'm just glad you got out of there in one piece. Next time, call someone for back up. We weren't al up in the mountains.."
Wolverine has posed:
Thinking about Juggernaut's desire for a payday, Logan could respect that. Agree with? No. Respect is because most would be too proud, or sneaky, to admit money is a factor. That honesty is something Logan will tip his hat toward.

"I can't blame ya, but only when ya got more control would I consider it," Logan admits,

"Scott ain't always right. Remember the contract ya almost signed?" Logan is -quick- to point that out. "Not everyone's good. Not everyone's bad. Everyone's grey, just a question of how dark or how light?" His ocean blue eyes looks over both of them for a moment.

"Question is, what are we gonna do 'bout it now?" The cat is out of the bag. It doesn't change that a few things need to happen now.
Rogue has posed:
Rogue shrugs. "It's hard to keep a bead on Juggy, you know? For a tall chunk of man or metal he sure knows how to get around without many alerts and such." She offers this much. "But I can keep an extra eye out for him when I'm back to patrolling... and I promise next time...I'll send an alert before I engage." Offering this much more before looking between the two.

"Contract? What contract?"
Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey swallows, "Um..lActually..I DID make an agreement with Sinister and Lucifer, to allow them to use cerebro the one time to find Sinister's...Other persona..In order to track him down before he could cause more trouble.." she frowns, "After scanning both their minds, I was convinced that their intentions were good and the threat was great enough that we could only stop it if we worked together."

She glances back at them both, "And in the end, they kept their word, there was no treachery! and now I have the evil psyche of Sinister trapped within this gemstone.." she flicks back her hair to reveal the glowing red gemstone, now hanging from a gold chain about her neck, "Safe for now, until I can figure out what to do with it."
Wolverine has posed:
Logan pauses for a moment. He didn't think anyone would, or should, sign a contract with the Devil. Well, someone that claimed to be the Devil. No one has definitely proof, but all signs point toward "Yes."

Hearing about Jean's precautions, Logan tries to be careful here. Trying to put brain, and logic, over emotion. It's a little difficult to do. Those ocean blue eyes look toward Jean and the gaze hardens.

"Next time ya think of doin' somethin' -that- stupid, ask someone. We coulda had a deal wit' low risk. This coulda gone -so- much worse. Guy practically invented the contract n' gets called 'King of Lies.' Who knows what backdoor deal he couldn't snuck into it. It's risky, even bymy standards darlin'," Logan says just being honest. "N' Scott's an idiot fer outright refusin'." Then he nods to the desk, "Sinister is probably worse without that. Think of the game yer playin' because X-Men lives could be in the balance here darlin'. Remember that," Logan looks back to Rogue, "Be back later," his tone is a little curt. He's upset at the potential weight the various situations can bring.
Rogue has posed:
"From what I can tell...Lucifer's not that bad. He's got Sinister acting a whole lot nicer than what he could do..." Rogue gets that out before Logan is gone and then shakes her head some.

She doesn't want to admit just how much she sees Sinister on a regular basis. How he's part of the treatment she's been using to get control over her powers. "That man has such a short fuse... Sometimes I wish he'd think before he went all storming off sulky...and this time I can't even follow him to try an' calm him down..."
Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey sighs, rubbing her temples, "Yea, I am well aware of the risks, it's why I did not include anyone else in the..Contract. It's also why I scanned both of their minds..And found no trace of the Sinister we once knew.." She glances at Logan with a slight frown, "Scott is working in the best interests of us all..I.."

Jean sighs, looking tired, "Should not have been so trusting. Perhaps you are right, Logan, some people can be redeemed. Perhaps Sinister is a different man now too. Juggernaut and Magneto..I'm not so sure now. But Scott is right, best to be cautious with them and not give them the benefit of the doubt.."

She looks pointedly at Rogue, "And please, call for back up in the future."
Cyclops has posed:
Having received a telepathic SoS Scott rushes down to the medbay. His mind reeling and racing wondering what's going on that has Jean this stressed and worried. He storms in peering around spying Logan on the way out. "What Is going on here?" He asks with a tone of worry and concern. "What happened, why was I not informed immediately?" Scott asks, he's not angry no his voice though carries that note of urgent worry and concern one most commonly attributed to worry over close friends and family.
Rogue has posed:
"I got into a fight with Juggernaut and sort of lost?" Rogue offers. Not really wanting to go thru the full story again. She's bandaged, and recovering. "No one was informed immediately because I got back to the mansion in one piece and Nurse Agatha was well in putting me more back together again." She offers this to Scott and then uses the remote by her bed to dim the lights down just a bit. They're starting to hurt her eyes.
Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey sighs, "Well I just got back myself when I heard.." she glances towards the door as Scott enters moments after Logan leaves, quite possibly missing each other in the hallway.

"Hey, Scott.." she smiles faintly, tiredly, climbing to her feet as she moves to hug him. "Sorry, I was worried about Rogue...But I think she will be okay.."
Cyclops has posed:
Scott Summers shakes his head hugging Jean back keeping an arm around her. "Why would you fight Juggernaught? Why alone?" He asks curiously again his tone merely inquisitive not accusatory, the tone of someone just trying to understand. With that he looks to Jean. "See Juggernaught and Magneto can't be trusted Jean. From here on we steer clear if any of us see him we are to call for backup."
Rogue has posed:
Rogue raises a brow. "First off. I wasn't alone. Hawkeye was there. Secondly...Juggy was trying to help some people steal military equipment. In the long run, the equipment didn't get stolen and the only person who got hurt was me. Since I can take a hit from Juggy where most people can't....I'd call that a win." Rogue offers this much more in her own stubborn way and then gives a little shrug. There's a bite to her tongue on commenting to the last bit of what Scott says.
Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey frowns, hugging Scott more tightly. "I know..You're right. And I suppose Logan was right that I might have been too hasty in signing that contract with Lucifer."

She glances back at Rogue, nodding in agreement to Scott. "Then, from now on, we keep our distance from those two, do not engage if at all possible and if any of us find ourselves in a situation like that again we always call for backup. Because I can't afford to make the same mistake twice."
Cyclops has posed:
Scott Summers shakes his head and stares at Jean eyebrows raised. "What do you mean he was right about being hasty with the contract!? I told you to refuse, I told you it was a bad idea, Logan was pushing for you to help them. He knew the contract was there and that was the deal, he was there!" He says his tone now a bit heated. "That's it he and I are gonna have a chat, I lead the team not him. It's not his place to lecture you Jean." He than calms and looks to rogue. "Hawkeye, can't beat Juggernaught if what's happened to you happened to him he'd probably be dead. Yes Military equipment was saved but at the cost of you being severely injured. That's not a win Rogue, we're a team we fight together wh,at happens to one affects us all right?"
Rogue has posed:
"Oh for fucks sake, Scott, calm your ass down!" Rogue says this, looking square at the man. "Logan just found out tonight that the contract got signed and he said his piece about it. That doesn't mean he's trying to take on a leadership role...or usurp you or somethin'. You can't just jump anytime someone does something around here and make it all about you." She winces in a bit of pain and then shakes her head again. "Also and aside, I damn well know Hawkeye couldn't take a beatin' from Juggy like I can. It's why I made sure to keep Juggy's attention on me so Hawkeye could take care of the rest of the people that were there to do the stealin'. And like I told Jean, I didn't call for backup cause y'all have been dealin' with other shit and I didn't know who all would be around. And if you can't let me call it a win then you can rightly go fuck yourself. Shit went down. It got handled. YOU don't get to stand there and lecture ME about the choices I made when I - one - wasn't technically on X-Men duty, and two, had to make a quick decision because whether or not I went and helped, Hawkeye was going in to take care of it. And HE could have called people to help us out too but he didn't. Civilians didn't get hurt, Hawkeye didn't die, and nothing got stolen. But all you can do is look at the one negative thing. Rogue got hurt. So what? /I/ can take it!" She winces again after going off and then lies back down. "I think y'all should leave."
Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey blinks in surprise, shaking her head as she strokes his face. "Scott..It's okay. At this point it doesn't even matter, what's done is done and I will deal with whatever consequences follow. In fact, according to the contract, Lucifer owes me a favor..But you are right, I think we all need to trust your judgement a little more.."

She glances to Rogue, "I think she has learned her lesson as well.. We both have. We should let her rest."
Cyclops has posed:
At her outburst Scott looks to Rogue and shakes his head. "It's not his place to lecture when he pushed for her to help them, it's not his place to condemn her decision. She's been getting that from me already if anything he should apologize for pushing her in that direction knowing I was advising against it." He says simply. "And no matter what we were doing so long as we weren't out on a mission of our own we'd have come running Rogue. You're right he could have and should have called for backup too either way it ended badly even if only mildly compared to other alternatives." He says simply looking back to Jean he sighs and shakes his head. "We won't be calling in that favor, as I said you got surface to mid range thoughts things that can easily be hidden or manipulated. As it is it's suspicious that you're the only one who got the favor, not the team that helped. But you're right we should let her rest. Rogue get to feeling better, and no more....going Rogue..." He chuckles before looking to Jean. "Logan and I will still be having a discussion on this though." Scott says steering Jean to the door.