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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2022/06/25 |Location=United Nations |Synopsis=Diana Lex and Sarah have a curious encounter after a presentation in the United Nations building. |Cast of Characters=42, 92, 9892 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:42|Diana Prince (42)}} has posed:'''<br>It was late in the afternoon and a Friday. At the United Nations, there was an open hearing to discuss progress on various environmental issues and the impact of large industry. As always t...")
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Latest revision as of 06:31, 15 April 2023

A Meeting Of Interested Parties
Date of Scene: 25 June 2022
Location: United Nations
Synopsis: Diana Lex and Sarah have a curious encounter after a presentation in the United Nations building.
Cast of Characters: Wonder Woman, Lex Luthor, Sarah Connor

Wonder Woman has posed:
It was late in the afternoon and a Friday. At the United Nations, there was an open hearing to discuss progress on various environmental issues and the impact of large industry. As always there were speakers to support each side of the issues as they were discussed. It was, as hearings go, dry and boring. Every speaker had a script they followed and often it droned into the monotone.

Among the representatives to present support for new global oversight on CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions was Diana Prince. She was dressed in a smart skirt and jacket in pure white. Under the jacket she wore a blue blouse. As she rested her hands on the sides of the lecturn during her presentation, the silver of her bracers could be seen and the gold of her tiara reflected the bright lighting of the room.

"... and I would encourage the leaders of all nations to reflect upon the legacy that they wish to leave to future generations. That there has been damage to this miraculous planet, some already irreversible, cannot be denied. It is up to all of us to choose how to protect this priceless gift for the future. Thank you."

Offering a nod of acknowledgement to the national representatives, Diana turned and made her way back to her seat.
Lex Luthor has posed:
Lex, for his part, was not among the speakers this time. You'd think he was... but instead, in a symbolic gesture, he had allowed the CEO of the subsidiary he owned dedicated to green technologies to discuss progress on the matter.

Don't just talk about it, be the example.

As Diana steps down, the various people at the conference are still seated, even as Lex himself keeps up with his Empire via LexPhone. Behind his chair, Mercy and Hope keep vigilant eyes out for potential threats.
Sarah Connor has posed:
In the audience was Sarah. Sarah M. Peppler declared the name on her lanyard as a matter of fact. Today she was in a business suit - pink of course, because Ms. Peppler likes the juxtaposition of being a business woman who also likes pretty things. Tight skirt; a button up blouse; and a jacket topped off with a scarf.

She claimed to have a business.. really, she was checking out the 'competition' so to speak.

And check she did.
Wonder Woman has posed:
The hearing continues on another half an hour with closing comments. Finally it is formally adjourned, freeing all participants and onlookers to leave.

Diana rises and gathers up the various papers used to support her arguements. Beside her is a smartly dressed young woman with glasses and brown hair. Diana speaks with her quietly amid the general din of voices in the room. Her assistant takes the stacked papers and tucks them inside a briefcase along with a small laptop. Together they both begin to make their way toward the exit. Which, inevitably, means many stops to talk to every representative wishing to garner favor or seek to sway the Amazon Ambassador to their side of things.
Lex Luthor has posed:
As the hearing ends, Lex doesn't even bother to look up as everyone starts to mingle. People come to /him/, not the other way around.

Still, he does have business with Diana, and as he excuses himself from the questions of a pair of politicians who wanted to 'hear it from him' instead of his 'mouthpiece', Lex folds his hands behind his back in a businesslike manner as he speaks up to her.

Impeccibly dressed and wearing a warm smile, he offers a hand for a handshake as the two bodyguards behind himself keeps their attention on those around.

"That was quite the speech, very well presented. Excuse me, but do you have a moment for a discussion?"
Sarah Connor has posed:
Sarah had her fake smile on - not that most people could tell. And she was wandering through the crowd. Not that she would be needing it, but just in case she had a name in mind, with what she did with it..

Wandering around the crowd she noticed Lex and was about to deke through the people, when she /also/ noticed Diana.

That could be a problem.

And she was close enough that Diana (or Lex) could theoretically notice her.
Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince turned from her last conversation to speak to her aide as Lex approached. Whatever was to have been said was left uospoken for the moment as she turned toward the man.

"Mr. Luthor. Thank you. It is important for all nations to do their part. Themyscira inluded" she offers with a polite smile. As he asks for a momoent, she looks curious. A glance to her aide who had just checked the schedule a moment before. A confirming nod is offered back to the Amazon.

Diana smiles, "I do have a few minutes Mr. Luthor. Was it someting you wished to speak about here?"
Lex Luthor has posed:
"There is. Do you mind going off privately for a moment?" Lex asked politely as he glances around. Sarah gets a look... but with no reason to question the womans credentials, his gaze passes right over her. "I have... some concerns."
Sarah Connor has posed:
Well. She had two choices: Back away, or, Go forth and hope Diana didn't blow her cover.

She decided.

Walking up to the pair, she flashed a pearly smile. "I couldn't help but notice you." To Lex. A hand is held out, while the lanyard is raised with the other hand. "Sarah. Sarah M. Peppler. Owner of PRETALS. Which is a recyclable precious metals from mostly cell phones. I am pleased to meet you!"

She nods to Diana, as though she doesn't recognize her.
Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince had followed Lex's gaze, to find a familiar face. How curious. She offered a head tilt toword Sarah. She notes the name and then listens to the woman's introduction. She offers a smile, "Hello Ms. Peppler. I am pleased to meet you." She paused to look toward Lex as they were preparing to go speak elsewhere. She offers the man a knowing smile as Sarah seeks to speak with him. It is the price of being well recognized. Everyone wishes for a moment of time. Politely, Diana takes a half step back to allow Lex and Sarah to converse. She will wait, turning to talk quietly to her aide in the mean time.
Lex Luthor has posed:
As Sarah walks up, Lex gives her an apppraising look. It's not an intimidating glance, just a 'who are you?' glint to it. His hand is offered once again for a handshake, "What can I do for you, Ms...?" The polite question in the air.
Sarah Connor has posed:
Sarah flashes them both a smile, then 'realising' that she had bumped into a private conversation, she opens her mouth into an 'O' of 'embarrassment'.

Looking into her purse.. "I could have sworn I had some cards. Tell you what, I'll call for an appointment!" Again, she flashes a smile.

No, Sarah doesn't have any cards. Sarah /never/ keeps names or cell phone numbers on herself. Ever. Later, at a garbage can, she will throw away the lanyard. But for now.. "Please, forget that I interrupted you. Both of you. Excuse me.."

And with that, Sarah disappears through the crowd searching for that elusive garbage can.
Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince turns back seemingly in time to realize that the woman who had just approached them is now excusing herself and making a departure. How curious.

Diana watches the woman disappear before looking back to Lex. "It seems that we do still have time to speak. If you would still like to do so. And a private conference room would be acceptable. There are several just down the corridor that should be available." She offers him a smile.
Lex Luthor has posed:
He gives a nod, before Lex starts down one of the side corridors, hands folded at the wrist behind his back again. "Very well."

As they enter a side conference table with a few diplomats there, Lex gives them a /look/. It says 'this is my room, get out', and they scamper politely.

In a moment, he walks over to the window outside, and stares, hands remaining at his back, "I have to admit, I'm a bit surprised you're advocating at the UN. May I ask what changed with your people?"
Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince walks along easily beside Lex. She offers an apologetic smile to the displaced diplomats. When they are in private and the door shut, she turns to regard him curiously. Ah. So that was it.

She offered a thoughtful smile before speaking, "I admit I am puzzled by the question, Mr. Luthor. Nothing has, as you say, changed with my .. sisters." For they are not simply people, to her. She watches him curiously. "Advocating for the protection of all life. Human or animals, birds, it is all the same in the view of the Amazons. We cannot thrive if we cannot all coexist. The devestation of the common honey bee is a key example as I imagine you already know." He makes it his business to know of course.

She walks around the side of the table. "I am here because this is the platform from which to reach a global audience. Change cannot only come from within, amongst the people. But it must also come from the top. Strong leadership has always been imperative." But he knew that. It was a matter of perspective as to what strong leadership meant between the two.
Lex Luthor has posed:
"I apologize. I think that came off a bit argumentative. That was the opposite of my intention. I am merely curious what caused your sisters to go from isolationist to wanting to have an active part in global affairs. You've answered my question though, and I thank you for that." Lex turns around and regards Diana, "You've convinced them to be a proxy to change their minds as well, I take it?" Lex smirks, "how positively machiavellian of you."
Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince listened curiously to his seeming retraction and change of attack. For it always seemed like promonent figures such as Lex always sought to probe for soft spots, advantages.

She considers for a moment, "Themyscira does not exist in isolation. It exists in preservation, Mr. Luthor. It is the will of the Queen" her mother, mind, "that the message of protection for the planet be advocated as well as seeking to foster peace and understanding among all nations." She shrugs a shoulder, "It is why I am the Ambassador."