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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/04/18 |Location=Danger Room, early evening, Xavier Mansion Subbasement |Synopsis=James and Jubilee review her danger room performance and how Scott would feel about certain infractions. |Cast of Characters=1385, 59 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1385|Warpath (1385)}} has posed:'''<br>BEFORE: <br>15 minutes ago Proudstar powered up the Danger Room for a training session for Jubilee. And only Jubilee. Continued training and evalua...")
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Latest revision as of 09:47, 21 April 2023

A Dangerous Review
Date of Scene: 18 April 2023
Location: Danger Room, early evening, Xavier Mansion Subbasement
Synopsis: James and Jubilee review her danger room performance and how Scott would feel about certain infractions.
Cast of Characters: Warpath, Jubilee

Warpath has posed:
15 minutes ago Proudstar powered up the Danger Room for a training session for Jubilee. And only Jubilee. Continued training and evaluation of powers and skills to ensure that she's maintaining personal and singular tactical prowess. One of those things. None the less, being a trainer, Warpath was happy to handle Jubilee's evaluation session. He remained at the controls in the booth while she was on the DR floor.

The event pitted Jubilee against three levels of conflict, each lasting inside of 5 minutes. The first was standard Friends of Humanity thugs throwing fists and baseball bats. The second was pitting her against agents and mutant terrorists with .50 cal machine guns and body armor that flies. It was harrowing. The third wave was vs three Mark III Sentinels. No one single mid to low level mutant combatant is supposed to succeed in that level of conflict. It's all about escape. Which is nigh impossible against Sentinels that can track mutants. It was even more harrowing than the 3 machine gun toting Right 'Smile Faces'. Plus, all three encounters took place in an urban environment that looked like war-torn-Europe. As expected, Jubilee was captured by two of the three Sentinels. She was able to take down one (until it would be able to self repair). But in all, she was 75 percent successful overall.


The Danger Room clears itself and Warpath calls down, "Come on up, let's review what could have been done better and where things turned south." - It's likely she already knows the answers (and she kicked ass), but it's still part of the exercise.
Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee's not her usual bubbly, energetic, manic self... then again, she did just go through Real Serious Legit Training Time. This is much different than her usual Danger Room use, which is simulating smallscale attacks by Purifiers and the like on malls set in the 90s so she can quote 'Go all Die Hard on their asses' end quote. Fighting newer model Sentinels? So much more difficult than her other main simulation, which is 110% definitely not a volleyball simulator she's programmed to let her win or anything.

She's huffing and puffing and not quite gleaming with sweat... she might've lost the battle, but her cardio is on point! She grins impishly and hums out, "I /think/... the part where the robots got me? That felt pretty south."
Warpath has posed:
When she makes it up into the booth, she'll find him standing over the holographic projector table where she can see herself as a yellow stick figure-esque shape and the first encounter. It's playing in slow motion. And James states, "You did better than many others at your power level." and then there's the pause for him to say either 'but' or 'however'. And then he states, "However." which is the clencher. "This is you vs the Friends of Humanity. You were a bit over zealous with target number three. I think you were excited that it was an easy challenge or who knows. But you actually shattered this guy's sternum, broke ribs, and punctured his lung. I'm not saying that they don't disserve it; and mortal enemies should be put down like rabid dogs... but, stuff like this would give Scott hives. The FoH target would have drowned in his own blood within 3 minutes."
Jubilee has posed:
Eyes lock onto the display and her lips press into a thin line. "Is... that like 1980s wireframe graphics? Wait... does the Danger Room just _look_ like that and actually the telepaths trick us into thinking it looks realistic? OH MY GOD." Jubilee's mouth falls open, full on surprised Pikachu style. It's definitely not an attempt to distract from this after action breakdown, which is the closest thing to going over her homework that's left in her life. She even manages to not roll her eyes in a way that /screams/ she wants to roll her eyes. "Okay, okay, fair enough. Maybe I whomped him a little hard..." She sighs and gives in to the urge to give a roll, "So like... aim for the head? Probably can't do much damage to the bucket of rocks your typical FoH guy carts around thinking it's brains..."
Warpath has posed:
There's a subtle grin to James' lips as Jubilee goes over the various options for what the Danger Room actually looks like and the potential conspiracy about the telepaths putting things into people's heads. He shakes his head in grinning disbelief regarding the crazy rabbit trail presented.

He then notes, "Definitely, go for the head. But if you wanna keep Scott happy, use less power when dealing with weaker foes. Try to concuss them into unconsciousness. Let the ER handle the cleanup - but ensure that they may it to the ER."

Then he segues and says, "Scenario number two. Smile Faces of the Right... These guys are complete jackasses. They do NOT care about collateral damage. But you should. Stray bullets all over the place. In a real world inner city situation, there are bystanders everywhere. You've got to keep the villains focused on you and always check your back range. Meaning, don't stand in areas where there are bystanders behind you. You looked super cool bouncing around the battlefield. Tossing your bombs. Blowing them up and all around. But their bullets kept flying. Since your power doesn't obliterate armor values like these guys have...Focus on their guns first. Then take them down after they are neutralized. I know it's a two pronged attack. And you did great taking them down the way you did. I'm just thinking like Scott would. And he wouldn't be happy with 500 stray bullets spraying all over the place."
Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee huffs out, mumbling softly, "You're just thinking it sounds crazy because /they/ make you think that...!" But she's definitely biting her lower lip to fight off a grin before she's dropping onto a chair and sighs out, "Okay, got it, less razzle dazzle. Maybe I can get Betsy to teach me how to kick someone real hard... I mean, sure her legs are longer, but that just means I'm /more/ likely to not kick someone to death!"

Her eyebrows perk and her head tilts, fingers steepling in front of her face as she murmurs out, "Hm... okay, that's actually a fair point. Take the weapons out and they just go back to being loudmouthed losers... and, you know, then you or Scott or someone else can deal with hitting 'em hard but not /too/ hard..." She clicks her tongue thoughtfully and narrows her eyes, "Or, you know, I can like, just try to blind them with rapid fire blasts and get in close or... something." She shrugs lightly and sighs, "It was /way/ easier back when we just fought giant purple robots that /weren't/ being upgraded to take us on specifically."
Warpath has posed:
The holographic scene shifts from the Right Smile Faces encounter to the third encounter as he begins to talk and respond to her considerations. He says, "Typically Scott blasts the weapons into bits. Just like Logan cuts the weapons out of the assailant's hands. I like the rapid fire idea." Then he adds, "What would be very cool is if you could learn to imbue your fists with your energy and couple that with martial arts. Instead of relying on throwing your sparkles, spraying, shooting.. whatever you call it. You could contain your energy in your fists and feet and then use those as weapons. Just a thought. If it's even possible. And I wouldn't even know who to get with to work on that. Maybe Bets herself could help focus your power and your fist. Anyway... You bring up the purple robots. I honestly have no input on that situation other than; you did your very best and it wasn't designed for you to win. It was a situation of 'how long can you last on your own' sort of thing. And you did fantastic. You'd be surprised how many people are captured or neutralized within the first 10 seconds of that encounter. You held on for a minute 45. So good work."
Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee's eyebrows perk and she frowns thoughtfully, "I dunno about imbuing my fists with 'em, I mean... they are /still explosions/ and I don't have like... a healing factor or anything? Seems like the kind of thing that you try once and find out it doesn't work /too/ late..." She flexes her fingers thoughtfully, "But if I could like... summon 'em right as I'm hitting, and direct the force out..." She chews her lower lip again, fingers snapping softly

"That could work! I might need to book another session in the Danger Room. Later. Way later." Eyes narrow and she heaves out a sigh, "Because I am /famished/ big guy! So I'm going to go do some criminal damage to... some kinda leftovers in the kitchen."
Warpath has posed:
James says, "Glad to help and I'll be around when you're ready for more training." He shuts off the simulation table and moves toward the main console resetting it for the next participant. He'll say, "And I know you'll figure it out. You always do."