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Latest revision as of 12:39, 23 April 2023

Home to chat and relax
Date of Scene: 23 April 2023
Location: Interior, 714 Titicus Road, Breakstone
Synopsis: Tense traumas turn into romantic gestures.
Cast of Characters: Cyclops, Phoenix

Cyclops has posed:
It took perhaps a little longer than expected to get home, and the drive had been a quiet one. Between Scott glancing at Jean to make sure she's OK and staring back down the road almost with a thousand yard stare lost in his thoughts. Oblivious to much of anything he's almost surprised when they're home, he kills the engine gets out helps Jean out and into the house closing the door. Scott leads her to the fire place sitting Jean upon the couch before going to the liquor cabinet and pouring a tall glass of whiskey, sighing he stares off as he allows the Liquor to warm his body.
Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey seems much better now that they're away from that..Whatever it was. Honestly, she's more concerned about Scott's wellbeing. Not a word throughout the car ride and she already knows he's pretty pissed. Still her head hurts and she's tired so she takes a moment to curl up on the sofa..

The headache is not as bad as before but not gone completely..

Still she's more concerned about Scott.."Scott..How's that wound healing up?" it didn't look too deep but she was worried about infection..More worried about other things but it's a start.
Cyclops has posed:
Scott Summers shakes his head waving it off. "It's fine Jean it was a through and through cauterized and all no risks." He says drumming his fingers lost in his thoughts for a moment, though Jean might notice for the first time Scott is trying to close off his mind at least a tad. "What the hell were they thinking? Why....why would they....why betray me...betray us...." He ponders to himself. "Jean I need clarification why we're they being all chummy with Sinister....they don't know him....I do!" Scott's tone raises but it's not anger its sadness, vulnerability.
Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey sighs and shakes her head, climbing to her feet resting her hands on either side of his face. "Stop thinking so hard Scott..We don't know for sure what happened between them. I may have assumed too much. Came in in the end of things. He was at the bar, they were at the back together. They may not have been chummy at all.."

She sighs, stroking his face, "I know you're worried, protective of the Xmen, but..Sometimes it can come across as stifling. Rogue was pretty mad at us lecturing her before..Logan too, I think, and I can understand that to some extent. They are adults who can converse with whoever they choose, as long as they can differentiate ally from potential,enemy. And I already lectured them about that, told them they should not lower their guard around potential enemies.."

Jean gently brushes a strand of hair out of his eyes, "Frankly Sinister agreed with me, said he should not be trusted! heck, even Logan was being reasonable.."
Cyclops has posed:
Scott Summers shakes his head back and forth. "My team Jean My orders, they are to be followed." He says softly. "Sinister is on the no fly zone list, he's the enemy, he's vile, he's evil and he's cruel. He's a Liar and a manipulator, no one and I mean no one here knows him better than I..." He trails off and before he can stop himself the words spill from his mouth. "The bastard Raised me and my brother for a while! So no the team is to stay away from him, if he's around I'm to be notified." Scott says softly almost pleading. "That's not going to change Jean. They follow my orders or they're benched."
Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey nods and sighs, "I understand, what he did to you was...Wrong, evil..I.." she sighs, still stroking his hair, trying to calm him down, "Words alone don't do it Justice. However, it WAS neutral ground Afterall. If the Xmen attacked him in a public bar, we would have been instantly arrested and found guilty. But you have a point, they should have notified you immediately, kept their distance.."

She sighs, wrapping her arms around his neck, drawing him near, "But I am mostly worried about Rogue..She claims he was the only one willing or available to help with her powers. So there is some bias in there on her part, probably explains her uncontrollable anger towards us both."

Jean shrugs, "I told her that we should never let our guard down around the enemy, that we just dont know enough about them...Heck even even Sinister himself said he cannot be trusted.."
Cyclops has posed:
Scott Summers grunts and pulls back slightly. "Shes letting that psychotic mad scientist help her? Does she even realize what the hell he is? Or what he's done? He's not helping her he's using her as a lab rat, a God damned guinea pig. So now I have to figure out how I go about this, Sinister shows his face around here again its open season." He says with a huff. "I know what his experiments and treatments can do. But alas, what's done is done but the Xmen will know Sinister is off limits." He says taking another long drink. "We don't pal around with the enemy, we don't sit and have drinks with the enemy, we fight the enemy or we avoid the enemy." He says his tone calming down. "That's all I have to say on it, for now. Though Logan and rogue will hear about it their feelings on it be damned."
Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey nods and sighs, "Youre right of course..I just don't understand why she didn't come to me or The Professor for help instead of the enemy.." frankly, she seems quite upset about it. "However the fact remains, they are still licking their wounds from last time you lectured them both..Now is not the time to lash in to them yet again..Give you all some time to cool off and try to be a bit gentler..Rogue especially.."

She sighs, "You're right of course! he could be manipulating her, making her more complacent, and that's dangerous. But approach it in the wrong way and they will both only lash out, more aggressively this time. This takes a gentler touch, more..Tact to deal with..As for Sinister, well I have considered telepathically analyzing that gemstone with Emma 's help. Perhaps we will find out more of his true motives and if it is truly the evil aspect of him if such a thing can truly be done.."
Cyclops has posed:
Scott Summers shakes his head softly. "If they weren't making foolish mistakes I wouldn't have a need to lecture them. Jean my team, your school, do you really want your teachers associating with a deranged mad man?" He asks calmly as he kisses her. "The soft touch well it isn't going to work Jean that'll make it sound like a request, it's not its an order." Scott sighs pulling her close. "As for sinister, every part of him is the truly evil part. Those are the facts." He picks her up. "Say your final piece Jean and let us put this matter to bed, but I'll be talking with them soon enough, wounds or not, they need to know."
Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey frowns, shaking her head, even as she melts softly against his kisses, nuzzling him gently, "Mm, just that I already lectured them, that I hate the rift growing between those two and us. Know that I agree with you and back you up, I just.." she sighs, "I just want us to be a team, stronger together, not divided.."
Cyclops has posed:
Scott Summers shakes his head. "If we want to be united than that is against our enemies not being friends with them and having beers and opening ourselves up to them." He says with a chuckle. "The rift is there because they can't see reason."
Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey nods, "I just worry about Rogue is all..May be better to talk to Logan privately first. At least you can reason wuth him oddly enough. Rogue? She's just a bag of uncontrollable and volatile emotions when it comes to Sinister or Juggernaut or anyone else apparently. I.." she sighs, "I thought she was more reasonable than this.."
Cyclops has posed:
Scott Summers shakes his head. "Jean you can't fix everyone. As for rogue she can't defend people like Juggernaught and Sinister, Sinister had hundreds of years of evil, torture and torment under him. Juggernaught put her in the med bay, both are terrible people both are on the contact immediately if you see do not engage list."
Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey nods, "Not saying I agree with her, just.." she sighs, "We don't want to push her over the edge, give her reason to quit the Xmen and join the brotherhood again. Don't forget that's happened in the past. Like I said, approach her cautiously, perhaps it is that Sinister has messed with her mind, made her believe his lies, I don't know..Either way, may be best to talk it out with Logan first, get some insight from him on her first.."
Cyclops has posed:
Scott Summers laughs and shakes his head. "The day I go to Logan for advice on women, how to approach them, or for insight on one is the day that believe Sinister isn't evil, and Lucifer really is the devil." He rolls his eyes.
Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey shakes her head, "No listen to me..He is the closest of any of us to Rogue, maybe always has been, now more than ever. And lately he's the voice of reason, not her." she frowns, "I don't understand why he seemed to instantly trust them both yet thought..No.." Jean shakes her head, "Enough drama, I'm so damn tired of drama. I just want to rest and relax, focus on us. We don't need to worry about all of this.We are supposed to leave for that little tropical island soon now, aren't we?" she smiles, drawing him nearer, pressing her lips against his, "So let's just focus on the two of us...Please.."
Cyclops has posed:
Scott Summers sighs shaking his head again. "Yea yea, still not talking to Logan about it first his solution drink beer until it goes away." He chuckles to himself. "Jean it is about us and I have been trying to get us onto another topic for a bit now." Scott says with a grin. "So why don't you show me what you got for me hmm?"
Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey smiles, pulling somethimg out of her pocket, looks like a hand sized, square gift, wrapped in bright green paper with a shiny ribbon around it. A bit heavy than it looks..Is it glass? "Of course. Here, hope you like it. Reminded me of you..."
Cyclops has posed:
Scott Summers smiles and takes the square gift. "Jean it's from you I'm sure I'll love it." He says honestly with a smile as he behind taking off the ribbon and unwrapping it the possible glass item slowly being exposed as Scott looks to see what it is.
Phoenix has posed:
It's a very expensive ombre amber bottle of Fahrenheit cologne by Christian Dior, a decent sized one too. Jean smiles, "I love this stuff, I think I'd love it more if it was on you..I hope you like it.." she wraps he4 hands over his with a smile, "Soo, gonna try it? I probably won't be able to keep my hands off you if you do.." she winks playfully at him.
Cyclops has posed:
Scott Summers chuckles looking at the bottle and he kisses her softly tenderly before stepping back and smirking. "Well I guess now I'll have to try it." He teases back apply a couple small spritzes to himself.
Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey draws a deep breath, inhaling the irresistibly woodsy musky scent of the perfume, "Mmm, you smell...Delicious.." she practically swoons, wrapping g her arms around his neck once more, pulling him tightly against her body, kissing him more fiercely, more passionately now, not letting go any time soon.,