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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/04/23 |Location=Themysicra City, Themyscira |Synopsis=On Themyiscira, Diana is reunited with Cassie who is returning from many travels. In addition to catching up, plans for some future sparring are made. |Cast of Characters=42, 976 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:42|Diana Prince (42)}} has posed:'''<br>Diana has returned to Themyscira to meet with the Queen. Her mother. It was, officially, a visit from the nation-state's ambassa...")
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Latest revision as of 12:41, 23 April 2023

Just A Bit Of Practice
Date of Scene: 23 April 2023
Location: Themysicra City, Themyscira
Synopsis: On Themyiscira, Diana is reunited with Cassie who is returning from many travels. In addition to catching up, plans for some future sparring are made.
Cast of Characters: Wonder Woman, Wonder Girl

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana has returned to Themyscira to meet with the Queen. Her mother. It was, officially, a visit from the nation-state's ambassador to consult with the queen and to discuss strategy and decisions for a number of political topics. Yet it was also a chance to visit as family after the official work was ended. To see as many of her aunts and sisters as she might before returning to Manhattan in a few days.

When Diana learned that Cassie would be visiting at the same time, it made the trip almost perfect.

High over the city, Diana has found one of th peaks to claim for herself. A small quiet space where she can face to the west and watch as the golden sun begins to sink toward the horizon and paint the far-ff clouds with many of its colors. So far just yellows and golds and silver glow. The breeze off the Mediterranean, tousling her dark hair about her shoulders and back. She cannot help but smile contentedly while she waits for Cassie to join her.
Wonder Girl has posed:
How long has it been since they last met? Far too long! Cassie was overly eager to reunite with her sister and with the other Themiscirans to a lesser extent, as she has not been back here in forever!

This island's natural beauty always amazed her, now no less than before. And while she was never born here and has not frequented it nearly enough, Cassie is always caught off guard by it's magnificence. She arrives at said peak, dressed in her usual 'casual cosplay' of faded jeans, red shirt with the W logo and of course the silver bracers. But it's a big place. Where is Diana? Did she forget? Surely she knew of their appointment..Meeting..Whatever. Maybe something came up? Hopefully not..!

She wouldn't miss this would she?
Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince would not miss this for anything less than an emergency. Thankfully there are no such emergencies and Diana is, indeed, seated and waiting as agreed upon.

Seeing the blonde Amazon arriving, that contented smile grows genuinely larger.

Rising to her feet, Diana moves to meet Cassie. She is dressed in her iconic armor, the golden lasson hanging from her hip.

"Cassie." She opens her arms to offer the younger woman an all embracing hug. "You are a vision in the setting sun. Its rays make your hair so radiant. Have you been well?"
Wonder Girl has posed:
Cassie Sandsmark blinks, turning around as she finally spots her! Must have been that errant mountain peak in her way! She laughs, dark sapphire eyes a glint in happiness and the slight mischievous as she rushes towards Diana, arms open wide for a hug. "Diana! Sister! Omigosh, it's been forever!" she laughs! hugging her tightly if allowed. "How have you been?"
Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince smiles and hugs Cassie tightly - as only another Amazon could.

"It has been such a long time." Holding her protege' in the embrace she reaches up to fuss at a few locks of Cassie's hair.

"I have been well. Busy with the Embassy and with the League. But I have looked forward to your return. I look forward to hearing all about your experiences while travelling."
Wonder Girl has posed:
Cassie Sandsmark chuckles and sighs, still hugging her sister tightly, "OhDiana, there is sooo much to see, so much to do. It's been great, finding myself out there, learning about my powers, my heritage..But I needed to come back here, get back to my roots. It must be Soo nice growing up in a place like this. I'm so eager to show you all that I've leaned!"

She grins, a cocky grin as she lets go, "And I have been practicing so very hard! I may not be Amazon burn but it's still in my veins, Yknow?"
Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince smiles and listens. It must be how it was for Hippolyta when she herself was younger and so thrilled with all the things she had been learning.

She smiles. "It is good that you have been practicing and training. Because I will put it all to the test..." she offers playfully. "When you think you're ready. I will not surprise you with such a test. You will have time to prepare.." unlike in an actual attack or emergency. But Diana isn't that sort of a mentor. She isn't Batman.
Wonder Girl has posed:
Cassie Sandsmark chuckles, "Well gee, I'm glad you're not as tough a nit to crack as Batman..But I'll be ready all the same." she grins, "I would like to spend more time here on Themiscira..Maybe even meet my dad although I guess he's busy a lot.." she tilts her head, peering curiously at Diana, "How bout you, still fighting the good fight? Meet anyone new?" she's got a teasing tone in her voice as she says that.
Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince smiles. "I'm worse" she playfully warns. "But I'm also more fair." That makes it okay then, right?

She nods, "Of course you can spend more time here, Cassie. You are an Amazon. It is your birthright too." The comment on her father is given a sympathetic look. "I'm sure that he is.." The truth is that Diana hasn't seen her own half brother in a very long time either. "Perhaps we can find him together if you would like." Family reunion?

A laugh, "I have been very busy with my duties as Ambassador. There are always matters to address." A long suffering look follows. "Since when have you been worred about my love life, Cassandra?" Uh oh it's full name time! But there is a warmth to her tone.

"I have found time to enjoy the company of others. Though rarely as more than friends or for their companionship." It's hard to find love with her duties.
Wonder Girl has posed:
Cassie Sandsmark blinks, "Worse? Like, worse food or worse bad? Did something bad happen?" she frowns, concern clearly evident in her features, "But I can wait, so much to see and do, this place is sooo beautiful, wish was born here instead of boring New York. I mean..It still feels so alien, even if I am technically part Amazon.." part being the keyword. Onky half Amazon, half goddess..

She arches a curious brow and chuckles and winks, "Hey a girl can be curious right? I mean, all work and no play makes an Amazon a dull girl, am I right?" oh but she's having fun all the same.

As for her father she nods, "Yeaaah I'm sure he's busy or whatever..Nit that it's ever stopped me before from getting what I want!" she grins mischievously at that. she sighs! "Seriously, so I need to set you up on a blind date or something? You deserve to be happy too.."
Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince shakes her head, "I am not as bad as Batman, I'm worse as a Training Mistress. Just don't tell Artemis. She'll sulk for a week." A pause. "Because she knows it is true." Her blue eyes sparkling with mirth.

"We do not get to choose where we are born. But you have the means and privilege to visit any time you desire. You do not need anyone's approval. Of course mother will expect you to see her if only to say hello whenever you do.."

A knowing look at the jokes about her love life being dull. "I have not been sufficiently bested and caught within my own lasso to make me want bare my secrets to you..." more impish smiling follows.

"And what is it that you want, Cassie?" Diana has yet to fully pull away from the blonde, still hugging her with one arm as the other strokes through that soft blonde hair. When you have dark hair, other colors are fascinating.
Wonder Girl has posed:
Cassie Sandsmark shorts, "Batman? He's waaay too uptight, needs to loosen up, wanted to mentor me last I heard but whatevs, I'd rather be here among my sisters.." she grins, "With you..And.." she rolls her eyes, "Queen Hippolyta still strict as ever huh? Yeah sure I'll visit her..Eventually. Just needs to enjoy my stay a little bit before the whole scrutiny thing.."

She rolls her eyes, "But I get it, my mom is all overprotective too or whatever.." she groans, "I'm Soo over it though you? We're both adults! we're old enough to be independent of our moms, to do what we please, except apparently my mom still has the ability to disrupt my powers if I'm a 'baaad girrrll..' she makes wavy quotes, clearly not pleased.

"What do I truly want?" she shrugs, "Complete independence among other things I think.."
Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince laughs, "He is." Uptight.

"You can always be with me, Cassie. The offer for you to stay at the Embassy in Manhattan if you wish still stands, even though I am well aware you have your own apartment."

"No. Our Queen isn't so strict any longer. But remember.. we are all her daughters. Though of us out in Man's world.. she misses. She likes to see us when we return."

Smiling gently, "You know your mother will not do that unless you give her no choice." Leaning forward, Diana softly rests her forehead to Cassie's. "Of course, dear heart, if you do something worth of your mother taking that action, it is likely I will have already stepped in..." it's still playful.

Nodding in understanding. "I know. But that is the price of family and unconditional love. We are never able to be truly free. And.. I am not certain, really, that we truly wish to be that free." The implications of lost family are too painful for her to speak. Family is everything.
Wonder Girl has posed:
Cassie Sandsmark chuckles, "I guess I dunno her all that well, although I would like to.."she frowns, "Just hate how very displaced I suddenly feel, like,what the heck, missed half my life just living like a normal girl then bam! Find out I'm actually a Demi god and all that shit?" she frowns, letting go, slamming her fists together, "It's a lot, but..I wanna get back to my roots..Meet the queen, meet dad..And yeah, I'd like to spend some time at the Embassy..To be honest, got evicted from my last apartment.." she makes a face, "Just do t ask.."