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Latest revision as of 13:13, 24 October 2017

Casper and a Ghostbuster
Date of Scene: 10 May 2017
Location: Ghostbusters Firehouse, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 273, Jillian Holtzmann

Casper (273) has posed:
Who you gonna call? Jillian, at 2am, apparently. It's late night and a panicking woman calls the hotline, "There's a... a... He's in the graveyard and he's all glowing and he's floating off the ground! I.. I had heard stories but I never thought I would see one!" she can't even bring herself to say it. "You have to come bang it with your lightsabers before it wakes up and comes this way!" she gives the address of old plot of land that served as the graveyard behind the Sister's of Merry Heart orphanage before it closed down decades ago. She's terrified for her family and herself but you would be too if you saw a ghost.. Well... maybe not if you were a Ghost Buster.

Jillian Holtzmann has posed:
2am calls were nothing to Holtzmann, she was awake anyway watching Mystery Science Theater and working on some new projects. So she answered the phone herself and didn't bother waking up Peter or Fred to come along on this one... Fred needed the experience, but she hadn't even been field-trained yet with the gear.

So... about twenty minutes after the call had been placed, the infamous white and red Ecto-1 pulled up onto the scene with the blonde woman behind the wheel. She parked the car and exited it with a bounce in her step. She looked around for anyone to greet her... before moving to the back of the car to get the rest of her gear.

Casper (273) has posed:
Oh, there are lights on in the house across the street from the old church and a woman watches Jillian gear up but the most help she is willing to offer is to point at the back of the church where the small graveyard is as if the Ghost Buster couldn't figure out that the path with the big round stepping stones leads to the graveyard?

Around the edge of the building there is a definite blue glow, maybe it's just a halogen lamp? Could be a lamp? It doesn't have to be a ghost but who knows... It's coming from the dead center of the graveyard between some of the children sized tombstones.

Jillian Holtzmann has posed:
Jillian got her gear on and then adjusted her goggles from her forehead down over her eyes again. She saw the woman pointing and then looked over to witness the eerie 'blue glow' from the graveyard. "Fantastic." Holtz muttered. "Repeating phantasm, maybe... easy peasy... japanesey." She said while walking to the pathway.

While walking, Holtzmann unholstered one of her Proton Pistols from her pack and then used her other hand to grab a Trap Grenade. She proceeded through the graveyard toward the source of the light. "Anybody seen a ghost??" She called out.

Casper (273) has posed:
There is a snort like someone waking up then a teenage voice says, "I'm up! I'm up Sarge!" and a brightly glowing ghost sits up between the headstones. He's a teenager wearing world war 2 army fatigues. A black coat is folded up like a pillow under where his head was resting and a pair of ghostly military boots are floating just above the ground.

The ghost of the young man seems confused as to where he is. His eyes half closed he reaches down and starts to put on his boots. It's an almost automatic action like he's done it so many times that he doesn't even need to have his eyes open. Huh, looks like Holtzmann is so loud she can actually wake the dead.

Jillian Holtzmann has posed:
Its true, she's been told that before by some of her colleagues... specially when she has her German Deth Metal Music blasting while they were trying to sleep.

Jill stops in her place when she sees the man in very recognizeable clothing. "Mel Gibson would be beside himself right now." She quietly whispered upon seeing the soldier-ghost. Most of the Ghosts didn't talk to her, or anyone... but this one seemed to be rather lucid... which DID happen, though it was more rare.

"Hello. I am Holtzmann." Jillian said to him in her best friendly voice, it was very robotic and awkward sounding. "Can you undersetand me?" She asked, testing to see if he truly was a Repeating Phantasm with no lucidity, or if he was more of a Freeroaming-variety, with a consciousness of some kind.

Casper (273) has posed:
The soldier makes it through lacing up his first boot and grabs the second before he realizes this is not the front and she is definitely not a creature commando. He gives a surprised yelp and then something that should be scientifically impossible happens. His blue coronal aura collapses in on itself creating a energetic matrix unlike anything she's most likely seen. Him and his clothing drops to the ground as the glow is internalized and he becomes.. Real? At least real-ish. He can pass for alive in the dark at least.

Tying his last boot sloppily and reaching behind him to pick up his coat he says, "Sorry, Ma'am. I didn't mean to trespass." like *that* is the issue? He smiles, "I'll just.. You know.. Find somewhere else to sleep." he says looking embarrassed.

Jillian Holtzmann has posed:
Of course when one sees something like this, something she definitely had not seen up to this point (which is remarkable considering her strange career) she takes a step back and tilts her head in scientific curiosity...

The Proton Pistol is put back behind the small of her back and shen then pulls our a device used for measuring paranormal activity in the area. "Thats a new one." She said back to the 'man' standing there before her now. She eyed him through the lenses of her yellow-tinted goggles and she stepped forward again. "You do realize that you just, moments ago, appeared to be a Spirit, yes?" She said, while flicking the PKE Meter on and glancing down at the touch-screen display built inside of the metal box attached to a bike handle within her gloved grasp.

Casper (273) has posed:
He's still a ghost, like off the chart levels of PKE energy but it's inwardly focused creating a pseudo body. It's not truly solid, it has very little mass and doesn't give off body heat but it also isn't streaming PK energy in all directions like a normal ghost does. He's like a super-ghost.

The young man chews his lower lip a moment and gives a nervous, "Heh, yeah... I'm a ghost." he says then quickly adds, "But a good one!" he says then holds up his jacket and unfolds it showing off the insignia of a blackhawk inside a gold circle as if that should mean something to her.

Jillian Holtzmann has posed:
Jillian was enthralled with the readouts that were coming across the display screen on her Meter and she could barely harness enough focus to stay connected to his response, but she wasn't so rude as to not have heard him... she was just thinking how much Egon would be dying right now to see this... if he weren't on the other side of North America right now in Vancouver.

Holtz's covered eyes went to look at the jacket and the insignia that he put on display for her and she didn't recognize it because military history wasn't really her forte, but she did get the jist of it. "Right." She said to him, an exhale later and she turned her right arm a little and showed off the insignia on HER shoulder.

"You have any idea what this one means?" She asked him then, in a friendly tone of course.

Casper (273) has posed:
Being more than a little out of touch the young man says, "You really don't like racists?" and it's a perfectly honest mistake to make if you don't read a lot of newspapers. "Me either. There's so many things in the world people fight over. Calling one people better than everyone else or some kinds of people is cube thinking. That's the kind of thing that started the great war in the first place. Grinds my gears that people still hang on to such crazy ideas. That kind of horseapple thinking has no place in 19th century. They need to learn to love themselves more, then they wouldn't be worried so much about hating other people all the time." he says like he is sure that is the answer to ending all racism: Love.

Jillian Holtzmann has posed:
When Holtz heard his response she just showed a grin spread across her lips and then she shook her head once. "Hah!" She said then. "You're just as cute as a button, aren't you, Soldier Boy."

A second later and Jillian was shaking her head slowly. "No, no... thats not it." She paused. "Well, yes, I do hate racists... but not enough to wear badges declaring it." She then glanced away for a moment. "Maybe I'll start though..." Shaking that thought out of her head she looked back at him.

Jillian removed a metalic pen-shaped stick from the side of the PKE Meter and she twirled it around and aimed it at the Soldier, a moment later and a green laser-pointer came on aimed at the Soldier, taking additional readings of him... she canned it up and down him. "But no... I'm a Ghost... eliminator..." She said, her eyes then going up to look at him. "Generally only ghosts that are mean and causing problems to the public though. Which, you, technically aren't doing. You're just behaving like a bit of a homeless person, which is pretty common around here!"

Casper (273) has posed:
Casper watches her point the thing at him and oddly enough the light goes right through him. The photons disturb the ecto-energetic shell. The readings might show that the shell just a few millimeters thick like skin then under that is a PK energy matrix then under that is a strange reading like the blue light he was giving off. It's unlike any kind of ectoplasm based energy she's run into like he's tapped into something other than the normal kinds of energy ghosts use. He's a whole new, maybe unique kind of ghost.

"Sorry about that, Ma'am." he says, "It's the graveyard. Whenever I use too much juice I have to come to a graveyard and sleep. I normally turn invisible when I sleep but I must have forgot. I was very tired. There was a thing and I had to help." he says not going into any detail because he doesn't want to be seen as bragging, "I woke up here." he says then he snaps his fingers, which in and of itself is an interesting trick for a ghost, "Oh! I bet it's you!" he says looking at the scientist and smiling.

Jillian Holtzmann has posed:
Jill continued to read the display screen (that looked an awful lot like a Smartphone shoved into a metal box) as she tried to listen to what he said and study the science of what he 'was'. "Uh huh." She said back at him absent mindedly.

"Wait, what?" She then asked, her goggled-eyes coming up to look out at him. "You bet 'what' is me?" She questioned him, then thumbed the pen-laser off and put it back into the PKE Meter's little casing slot.

"Look. You're not... really hurting anyone out here, but if you keep showing off your Ghostly-identity to the Pod People that live in the homes around here... then they're going to keep calling me and my co-workers to come and deal with you. But not one of them is going to offer any money to do it, so there's really no reason for me TO do anything to you."

Holtz paused then. "How did you die?" She asked him then. "I mean, are you even aware of what caused your passing?" It might be a personal question, but she wasn't great with boundries.

Casper (273) has posed:
Realizing that he is getting ahead of himself, Casper says, "When I was a child." the ghost says and kneels down holding out his hand showing how young he was when it happened, "I went sledding but I got pneumonia and back then that was a heavy thing to have happen to a kid. I died but I didn't move on. I stayed with my family." he says standing back up smiling a happy distant smile as he remembers his family and the joy they had together. The PKE meter actually changes when his mood grows more positive like the unusual energy is replacing more of the normal ghost energy inside his shell when he's thinking about happy memories. "We had such adventures and were so happy." he says then he snaps back to the present and the readings drop a smidge, "But everyone passes. My family moved on whereas I couldn't." he explains, "But my father made sure I was never alone. He set up a children's home on our estate. My uncles were furious." he says shaking his head and again as he talks about the happy memories the energy grows inside him like it's controlled by his emotions, "I grew up there. It was almost like I didn't die I just grew up really, really slow, and a ghost. "

Jillian Holtzmann has posed:
Jillian stood rather casually as she let the meter run and collect continous data on the ghost as well as video recording all of the conversation so that-too could be kept on-file for this case.

"I'm... sorry to hear about that." She told him, trying her best to summon normal human emotions that she'd read about in a magazine once or twice. "It sounds like you at least got a gift that most don't when they suffer similar fates." She said then. But an exhale later and Holtzmann shook her head. "What was your name again?" She asked, if he'd said it already she couldn't remember as she'd been mulling over a thousand things since finding him. "I'm Holtzmann, Jillian, or Jill... whatever floats your spectral boat."

Casper (273) has posed:
The ghost again manages to look embarrassed, "I'm sorry, that's so rude of me." he says the he slides on his jacket trying to make himself look presentable by closing the coat over himself and buttoning up the giant brass buttons on the strange square breast piece, "Private, Casper McFadden, U.S. Army. C.C." he says introducing himself. "Feel free to call me Casper, Ma'am. It's a pleasure to meet you." he seems incapable of calling her anything but Ma'am. Military training or old school mannerisms, take your pick.

Going back to the topic of his death he says, "I made peace with my passing a long time ago and like you said, it's really been more of a blessing than a curse." he says but he can't take his boot being not properly done any more so he kneels down to fix it. "But we should stop talking about me. We should talk about you. I'm here to help you after all."

Jillian Holtzmann has posed:
Holtzmann listened to this and she shook her head. "I'm not really needing any help, Casper." She said. "I do like that name though. Very classic world." She slowly nodded her head two times to him and showed a small smirk.

"I'm curious to know how a ghost ended up in the United States military, if he'd died when he was a child though..." She then cleared her throat and glanced down at the readings on the PKE Meter while it monitored him and this interaction.

"And if I'm entirely upfront if you, Casper... I'm not yet, one hundred percent sure... that you even ARE dead." Which might come as a bombshell to the ghost in front of her. But Jillian is a scientist and she has to figure things out and not rule anything out.

"Based on what you've told me, and the evidence I've gathered... You're not really fitting the profile, if you follow me, Caspy."

Casper (273) has posed:
"Yes you are. That's why I'm here. That's how it works. Someone needs help and I find them or they find me." he says then he answers her question, "Well," he steps closer and says in a quiet voice, "I guess it's ok to tell you since you're an ally scientists." as if he's gossiping or spilling top secret information, "I was recruited for a unit of special people called the Creature Commandos. We were the secret weapon against the axis. Captain America and the Protectors were out there on the front line with his howling commandos but we did all the missions no one ever knew about." he says then starts telling war stories, "We freed P.O.W. helped scientists and spies in and out of enemy territory, we uncovered the enemies secret and occult research stuff and went in to stop them." he says looking left and then right before saying, "I was the only one who could fly so I was loaned to the Blackhawks to help them on a mission when the reds started using dark magic to shoot down our planes. Turns out they had this evil, horrible book. It tried to eat me but I knocked it off into the fire, the spells dropped and The Hawks blew up the building. " he says smiling, proud of his actions and the actions of his friend, his pride, his feeling of honor and accomplishment cause the PK energy to peak again. She might actually recognize a similar energy pattern from the experiments Egon did with charging ectoplasm with positive human emotion. He's super-charged with positive emotion. "They made me an honorary Blackhawk." he says then he steps back and poses showing off his sweet, sweet Blackhawk coat that's probably still almost two sizes too big for him.

Jillian Holtzmann has posed:
Holtzmann kept the monitoring equipment going as she heard and listened to all of this, it was a harrowing tale. "Sounds like something Hollywood would pay big bucks for the rights to." She told him with a sly grin, amused by this 'ghost' and his tall tales. "I'd go see that movie in two shakes of a cat's tale." This was her attempt at using phrasing from his era, it was probably pretty bad.

"So you're summoned to places that need you?" She asked then. "Thats an interesting concept." She then shook her head slowly side to side. "But... I work with several colleagues, and we get by pretty well, all things considered. If you discount the horribly awful dead monster spirits that we're having to do battle with on an almost weekly basis..."

Casper (273) has posed:
Casper looks at Holzmann with an odd look that she's probably not use to getting, especially from ghosts: compassion and worry. His energy level drops a little as he says, "That's not normally the kind of thing I help with any more." he says then he motions to one of the large tomb stones, "Would you like to have a seat? That equipment looks heavy." he says as he takes a few steps back making room for her. "Normally when I wake up in some strange graveyard I've never been too before, it's because someone is confused, or hurt, someone is struggling with a problem and they need someone to talk to." he explains then he puts his hands in his coat pockets, "Dead people are great listeners if you want to talk." he offers.

Jillian Holtzmann has posed:
Holtz was so used to the proton packs and other gear that she hadn't even thought about it being uncomfortable. She was wearing the CMES Pack (which was the smaller pack that she'd designed herself), had she been wearing the Prime Pack (Egon's design) she probably would be in a wheelchair by now in her career with the team.

Holtz did decide to step over to the headstone and lean back against it though and she kept the little Gadget going aimed at him. "Hate to break it to you though, Casper, my friend... But I've got no pending problems that I'm aware of. Other than a couple of cats in my apartment that won't stop clawing up my vintage furniture."

She adjusted something on the PKE Meter and kept it running. "You're welcome to come back to the Firehouse though, if you're up for it. Some of the others might get a real hoot out of seeing you. Our new recruit in particular."

Casper (273) has posed:
Casper looks at her with mock suspicion, "You want to introduce a ghost to your friends? Won't they, eliminate me?" he asks but then says, "If you think it's safe for me to go there I would love to. I always enjoy making new friends." he says but then he puts on a serious face, "There is just one question I *must* know the answer too first." he says then pauses for dramatic effect as his readings go back up with his playful, cheerful surge of emotions. He inches closer sliding sideways in the grass like the spies in Rocky and Bullwinkle before he whispering clandestinely, "Is there a firepole and can I slide down it?"

Jillian Holtzmann has posed:
At first Holtzmann just smiled at him and she shook her head. "My colleagues mostly only want to eliminate ghosts that yield financial payouts... the rest of us ultimately just want to study ghosts. However... ghosts don't generally like to play nice. Those are the ones that get eliminated. Or more accurately, contained. The majority of our spirits are kept on-site in a containment unit."

The firepole part though made a sly grin appeared on Jillian's lips and she gently nodded her head. "We have a firepole." She said to him in a knowing-way. "And it is amazing. So fear not, my friendly Soldier spirit. I can grant ye that wish, at the very least!"

Casper (273) has posed:
Casper says, "Sweet Daisy! I get to slide down a fire pole!" far too excited about it for someone who can actually fly. He says, "I would be honored to stay at your fire house and meet your friends. You sound like heroes in your own right. Thank you." and she might notice he isn't actually walking on the grass as much as through the grass not leaving foot prints or even the sound of footsteps, "Shall we Ma'am?" he asks as he bows and swings his arms out towards the parking lot.