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Latest revision as of 13:25, 24 October 2017

Kitchen Chat
Date of Scene: 11 May 2017
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 207, Beast, Colossus, Shadowcat

David Akenda (207) has posed:
There is only so much bland food you can stand, and David has entered the Kitchen trying to use what is near for some Japanese cooking. But for that he has to make do with items, but it's rice, beef, and vegatables in a Stirfry. He's eaten mostly street food from less than savory sources he has a wide palate out of neccasity. As he is stiruing the Rice.

His sword is on his back no longer at his hip or carried in his arms. But the Blade has some unusual properties, and he is wondering about them such as when it reacted with a light glow to Magik. She had claimed to be demonic. But that is for another day, and since he was told by the other students they never had issues with raiding the kitchen when they were hungry... David does so as well. So right now he is cooking up a storm doing his best to keep it under control which he does. Assuming no one tries to help.

Beast has posed:
The Kitchen is perhaps the greatest multicultural nexus in the school, both gastronomicly and, by extension, socially. It caters to the diverse natures of all the students and, in turn, is a place where the most impromptu socializing occurs.

None of this, however, is concerning our blue furry biology teacher and head of the science faculty. Instead of sporting his usual oxford tweed, the simian felinoid mutant is dressed down today in an old pair of Xavier School sweat pants and a faded t-shirt that says "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the participate.." It's a science joke. His usually coiffured mane-like hair is pulled back in a pony tail. He lopes into teh kitchen, one knuckle walking with one hand since the other holds his sculpted Cookie Monster mug in the other. He looks a bit.. rough.. As in he probably burnt the midnight oil. He lopes past David, barely sparing teh student a glance. "You know students are usually forbidden to carry weapons in premise." he grumbles. "God I need a coffee.. Decadently sweet, obscenely thick, as oily as a puddle in a walmart parking lot coffee."

Colossus has posed:
Piotr Rasputin opens the door to the kitchen from the main foyer, but he does not immediately walk in. Instead, his large pale hand holds it at the corner, and he allows Kitty Pryde to enter first. He's old fashioned, and somehow manages to stay pale despite getting a lot of sun. It must be a Russian thing. But once she is inside, he will follow suit, and of course, pull out a chair for her at the island. Again, he is so old fashioned. Not recognising the Asian man, Piotr decides to introduce himself, "Hello," his English is perfect, but thickly accented in a Slavic tone. "I am Piotr Rasputin. I teach art. And this, is Katherine Pryde," he gestures to the woman with him.

Shadowcat has posed:
Shadowcat smiles as Piotr shows off his gentlemanly manners, not at all fussed over how he's being so nice. It might be the 21st century but heck, treat her like it's before the Women's Lib era! Open doors for her and pull out her chair. She'll eat that up like candy! Once seated, she looks around, taking stock of who is here. It's David she notices first and is to whom she addresses, her hand lifted to give him a wave. "Hello. Nice to meet you." And as for the big blue fuzzy guy who's loping his way in? "Hey, Beast." Pause. "You look like crap." She's eighteen now so she can say that word, right? Chuckling, she adds as a joke, "Drinking coffee like that will kill you."

David Akenda (207) has posed:
As David listens to that knowing Hank enough to joke with him a little. "Most of the students here could be classified as walking weapons. And you are worried about me holding a sword? But yes one of the teachers has informed me of this. I'm making a stand for it so I can place it in my room when I get assigned one." he is young 15 at the oldest as he is battling to keep hold of his cooking, still one thing he doesn't have is seaweed for sushi rolls. And he says as his dinner starts to come together

"GReetings Mr. Rasputinm, and to you too Miss Pride. I am David akenda. I have been offered the protection and saftey of the school from those that wish me personal harm." and he starts to get his food onto a place.

"Doctor McCoy, I had wanted to speak to you about something. My Sword the Black Dragon displayed a property I have never seen before. When I drew it in the Presence of Illyana," David doesn't know her last name, "My sword actually Glowed. It's never demonstrated that before." he says.

Beast has posed:
Beast is pouring coffee into his ble smiley mug (with it's googly eyes).. Liquid shouldn't pour that slow, should it? The way it defies the laws of physics, however, does not seem to concern Beast though. In fact, his eyes seem to twinkle with anticipation. He looks over his shoulder and snorts. "Ah, Kitty. If I haven't been obliterated by mutant hunting giant robots, nor by cosmicly powered enities, I am sure I can survive the delicious dregs of the coffee pot." he assures her. His mug filled he next looks for the cream and the sugar. "And you do yourself a disservice, /Tovarich/." he says to Piotr. "You are so much more than a mere Art Teacher.

His coffee now properly doctored... by a real doctor nonetheless... Beast leaps up and pearches on the edge of one of counters, inhaling his coffee's aromas. But his bushy brow does rise. "Well.. I hate to sound like this is something that happens on a daily basis in our lives, David, but... A glowing sword is not as much of a surprise as you may think. There are many reasons a sword could illuminate itself. Being made from Exotic Matter with extradimansion qualities not found on our plane of existance. High Technology infused into the blade from the hilt. Or, my least favourite since it is the hardest to quantify... Magic." he says it like it is a slightly dirty word.. then sips his coffee. "Since you were in the presence of Miss Illyana I would probably not be remiss in guessing that it had something to do with that last reason."

Colossus has posed:
Piotr looks a little uncomfortable when Kitty uses the word 'crap'. Had it been anyone else, he probably would have said 'language', but seeing as it was Kitty, he let it slide. He was such a softie when it came to her. Seeing the sword, and overhearing it, he does object to that. "Whatever the classification, this is still a school, and it does have rules. One of them is that we are not permitted to carry weapons, concealed or in the open. I am afraid I will have to ask for your sword, Mr. Akenda. It will be returned to you, once you have been assigned a room."

He was just going by the book, and though there was conviction in his voice, he did not seem to disagree with David's point. It was simply a matter of what is allowed, and what is not. The mention of people wishing him harm does make Piotr pause, before adding, "you are safe here. Of that, I can assure you." And in case he needed a demonstration, Piotr turns to living metal, and growing by about 30 cm. When metal, he nearly hits the ceiling, and seems to have added a considerable amount of bulk. But he looks as shy as ever, even in that form. He returns to normal, and places two hands out, in a respectful manner to accept a sword as per his understanding of Japanese culture. He even bows his head.

He nearly choked when David mentioned that it glowed in the presence of Illyana, and his brow furrowed a bit. He did not like this. Did not like that she made a sword glow. Oh, that's a touchy subject for the big Ruskie. Fortunately, David seems to mean no harm, and Doctor McCoy explains why it might have happened. He accepts that. Now, he wants that sword away from David even more so. "Please, the sword, if you would?"

Shadowcat has posed:
The brunette listens to David and Hank, the latter of whom gets her to laugh. "As long as your heart can take it," she teases Hank playfully, her ease with him borne from having known him for more than a little bit of time, "but if you keel over don't expect me to give you CPR. I'd get hairballs if I tried to do mouth-to-mouth on you." Leaving that alone, now that the joke's been made, her attention given to David who is given some consideration. "What they said. You're safe here. And if anyone's stupid enough to come and try something..." To say it'd be a bad time for them is an understatement so it goes left unsaid.

When Illy is mentioned she glances to Piotr, concern lining her brow. She knows that things haven't been easy for him and she's quick to try and hug him to reassure him that things are okay. "The food smells good, doesn't it," asking him that to try and distract him.

David Akenda (207) has posed:
As David thinks on the words and says. "Well Father did say the blade from metal taken from a damaged god's Chariot most likely a crashed alien ship of some sort, Forged in the sacred fires of Mount Fuji, and enchanted to be unbreakible, ever sharp, and inflict great harm upon demons and other creatures of the underworld." When HAnk waves it off, David shrugs and says. "Ah I see. Ah well. It was something I thought you might wish to hear of." David explains to sit down to his own lunch, perhaps a bit heavier than he should be eating.

When Colossus asks for his sword David seems very reluctant to actually hand the blade over as he explains. "This blade has been in my family for seven hundred years. It was handed to me by my father hours before he was murdered." He wants to make sure the Teacher understands the importance of the Blade to him. And that David might go to great lengths to keep it.

The Fact that The teacher choked when he heard the girl's name also puts David at unease. "I assure you I would not intenionally harm anyone." But he has been given an upbringing where he must obey the teachers and elders so it is with some reluctance that David allows the man of metal to take possession of the sword. Presenting it in a formal transfer scabbard included to Rasputin

"If you do not mind me eating while I cook, I could make you something rom my homeland. Ms Pryde." he offers

Beast has posed:
Beast doesn't seem phased in the slightest by Piotr's transformation and growth, as much as it /seems/ to defy the laws of the conservatio of energy. Of course, he's run countless tests on the metallic mutant over the years both as his (and everyone elses) physician and as a scientist studying the expressions of mutation and their cause (which he DID quantify, thank you. Where the hell is his Nobel prize?) so his capabilities are well recorded and known to him. "Careful there, my mountainous metal Muscovite. We're running low on lightbulbs. If you break another one with one of your growing spurts I may have to send you to town for more." he jests.

He then loks apologetically at David. "I did not mean to come off so glib, or downplay either your sword or it's illuminating qualities, my young friend. Blame it on the lack of sleep and caffiene." he does look a bit embarrased at that, though one would probably be wondering why. He's been acting weird and moody the past month. "It /is/ an intresting developement. I would ask, again, to study the blade under controled conditions. The reason I hadn't done so, so far, was you were still recovering and I did not with to bother you. Also, I do understand why you keep it on you. You are still afraid of your attackers... ANd it has strange qualities. And is a family heirloom. But.. This /is/ a school. And while carrying a sword /is/ an ancient japanese tradition, it is not one considered acceptable even in modern Japan. Not like Sihks and their Kirpan Daggers, or the few other cultures that /do/ practice carrying blades in every day life scenarios. So if you are going to stay here, be a student, we are gong to come up with a compromise."

He then looks at Kitty as Pyotr examines the blade. He can tell the russian is disturbed, and can guess why, but says nothing to him and instead smiles at Kitty, trying to lighten the moment. "It is nice to know that the my contunued existance pending pulminory failure would depend highly whether or not you would risk 'hairballs', Miss Pryde. Nice to see your priorities are in order. Of course, if I die, you fail Biology." And he raises his cup in a toast to her.

Colossus has posed:
Piotr accepts the blade and scabbard with dignity and grace. He regards it for a moment. There was the thought of wearing it over his shoulder, as David had been, or around his waist, as there seems to be a feature for that. But neither would fit Piotr, so in the end, he holds it in what he was taught is the appropriate manner in such circumstances, though Piotr is more familiar with the Chinese traditions, living so close to the border with it and Mongolia, than the Japanese. "I thank you for your understanding, Mr. Akenda. This sword will be returned to you, once you have a proper place for it, and I assure you, it will be returned in good condition." Piotr's probably one of the four people in the school who truly understand. For him, it is the honour. For Logan, Betsy, and even Kitty, well, they're Japanese... after a fashion.

The hug from Kitty is very much appreciated, and breaks the awkward silence that had hung over the pair after the transfer. He carefully returns the hug. The sword may be in a scabbard, but it is dangerous, especially to someone who could accidentally phase through the scabbard. To the others, he says, "excuse me, while I put this... somewhere secure." He's going to put it in the armoury. They may be a school, with mutants, but they do collect a lot of weapons, some from previous engagements, and others are property of the students or faculty and need to be locked away for safe keeping.

Shadowcat has posed:
The sword is of some interest to Kitty, who had spent time in Japan during a more... interesting time of her life. It is because of the sword that she almost misses David's question as well as Beast's joke, it being the subject of food she touches upon first. "I would love it if you'd cook for me. Thank you." Hopefully that'll further help with defusing the tenseness in the air as well as any that might result from Piotr's taking David's weapon like he does.

Finally able to breathe again, she glances sideward to the fuzzier of the bunch, her eyes going wide and her mouth forming an 'o' of mock shock. "Nooooo. Anything but that! I guess I'll just have to take hairball ointment and throw caution to the wind, huh?" Even in jest, the idea of failing a class and not graduating on time is nightmare fuel for the senior!

As Piotr goes to put the sword where it will both be safe and unobtainable, she gets up and goes to the fridge. Hopefully the younger students have left some chocolate milk for her!

It isn't much longer before Lockheed arrives, fresh from a nap and looking for lunch. The still-groggy, purple dragon notices his mistress and flies over to her, curling around her shoulders and the back of her neck. A chuff sounds from him, encouraging Kitty to find some lunch meat for him to snack on.

David Akenda (207) has posed:
The removal of the blade is very much like it was stolen from him. But he respects the athority nonethe less and let's it go as best he can. the Respect that Pitor shows the blade seems to also put him at more ease now. He bows in respect to Mr Rasputin. "Domo Arigato, Thank you very much." And he smiles seems that he has a thing for cooking and as he ears he will start to whip up some traditional Japanese lunch. Of course the Dragon makes him pause and then he shrugs it off figuring he should get used to general wierdness.

Of course there is cooked beef in David's dinner, Although it might not be smart to swipe some meat from the cook's food, and of course.

"It is understandible Doctor McCoy on all accounts. You should have seen my father waking up. Nothing would get him started until he had a cup of my coffee. He said it was strong enough to send you to the moon and back." he says with a smile a tear runs down his eye recalling the happier times. And soon he will have more Rice, soup, and of course instead of fish he is cooking beef strips instead. And will make a very large helping of course expecting Rasputin to also be hungry, Doctor McCoy as well as well perhaps. "My Family was a stickler for proper diet for both healthy mind and body. Just don't ask me to make or try Genguine sushi." he says.

Beast has posed:
Beast would never ACTUALLY fail a student in biology for not resucitating him. Hell, Kityy is one of his best students though her scientific aptitudes range further towards the computer sciences rather than the biological ones. "Good to know your scholastic self preservation is intact." he tells her wryly.

HE looks back to Piotr once more, nodding in agreement with what to do with David's sword for the meantime. It doesn't even have to be said. "I think I may call on a few associates of mine who deal in more.. esoteric.. fields. I would like to learn as much of the Sword's history as I can, to compare with what you and your family know. A comparaive study." he says, not really to anyone in particular.. just speaking outloud. Though he does smile at David's explanation of his father and coffee... but catches the glistening in his eyes. "Sounds like he knew his coffee well and wasn't one of thos greenwich hipsters and their half double decaffeinated half-caf lattes, with a twist of lemon.." he shudders.

He raises that brow again as the teeniest dragoon finally makes his presence known. "Ahh, look what the cat dragged in." he says with a sorting laugh. "Where have you been, you rascable reptillian? Stealing someone's sunbeam in a window? Or maybe stealing someone's stash of Twinkies? Again?" he asks. "Oh don't play coy with me, wrapping yourself lazily around your equally mischevious mistress's neck and acting so non chalante. I'm onto you."

Colossus has posed:
It does not take Piotr long to return, and when he does, there is someone new in the kitchen. Piotr regards the little dragon that rests on her shoulders. He liked Lockheed, and had been trying to make a concentrated effort to get Lockheed to like him too. He had been sneaking the little guy snacks whenever possible, and even helped clean his scales. To David, he ensures, "your sword is secure."

Piotr returns, and heads to the Keurig, which he uses to fill a cup with water, and places a tea bag into it. It's one of Betsy's English teas, so it doesn't have a string. The good ones generally don't have a string. Instead, you remove them with a spoon.

Piotr gives Beast a nod. In this instance, he actually put the sword in Beast's lab, under lock and key, to be studied. It was as safe there as in the armoury, safer in fact. He even has a box of Twinkies, which makes it plain as day where he's been. "Hank, you forgot these." Actually, he hadn't, but Piotr was one of the people who was in the joke of rationing Beast's twinkie intake. They were hidden all over the mansion and Piotr thought he'd enjoy some now.

The box though, seems to be missing one twinkie, as Piotr kept that one for Lockheed, which he'll offer to the dragon, "Would you like a twinkie, Lockheed?" And then he notes that Kitty has a brown milk moustache from the chocolate milk. "Katya, you have milk... here, allow me." He reaches for the napkin holder on the counter, and dabs at Kitty's upper lip. He is so gentle and tender.

David Akenda (207) has posed:
Nodding to Doctor McCoy David smiles. "As you wish I admit interest as well to it's nature. More so after the glow was displayed. I never really gave much stock to the story till then." he says. But he is well versed, "Oh you would have liked my father Doctor McCoy. Ran a Cutting edge technology company, but also supported historical concervation. if you came into our house you would see a home right out of ancient Japanese history Circa 1300 hundreds."

Which interestingly enough would be the same time period the sword was bistowed upon his family. "But with the flick of a switch, moving of a wall pannel, flip a cubbord. We would have hidden away many modern conveniances of the modern world. He said, It is important to hold your history and traditions close, to learn from the past. But the world is ever changing. If you do not change with it, you are doomed to die out. He had spoken to me of Xaviers before..."

At that point he he trails off. But the talk of twinkies, makes him change subjects allowing him to say.

"Twinkies, food to die for, he better stay out of my twinkie stash when I get it." and of course he gives a playful wink to Kitty. Actually he wouldn't mind it though As long as they wouldn't all be gone. He might make the little dragon hunt for them good to find them. "Thank you Mr Rasputin." And he smiles at least for the moment he doesn't need to worry about some student trying to take it to play with it. Kids are like that in America. "I am making an extra large helping of lunch, would you care for some." as David works over the stove enjoy it.

Shadowcat has posed:
The still sleepy Lockheed opens an eye and chuffs, the huffred sound put out. "He sais of course he hasn't, Beast. He's been well behaved and has made me go out and buy him Twinkies, instead." Translation given by Kitty. But then Piotr comes back, offering him one of the very same snacks Hank just accused him of stealing, that getting him to lift his head from the girl's shoulder. Now this puts him in a bit of a bind since he wanted lunch meat about five seconds ago, but then he is offered the snack cake and... argh! Talk about breaking a dragon's brain, here! He finally decides on the sweet treat and leaves her standing in front of the fridge, looking confused. Oh well. She can use the balogna for a sandwich to go with the stir fry, she supposes.

When her face is removed of the milk she laughs. "Thank you, Piotr. Very kind of you to help." Any future effort made to make sure she remains milk mustache free might go hindered, however, as her dragon companion is climbing the massive Russki, wanting that Twinkie! "Don't worry, David. I'll make sure he'll stay out of your room so they'll be all yours."

Beast has posed:
Secret Fun Fact: Hank's lab /is/ probably one pf the safest places in the mansion, baring other X-Men related areas and the safety shelters. it is not only designed to keep unwanted things out, but keep dangerous things /in/. Of course faculty have access to his lab (except Bobby, since the Grey Goo incident of 2019), though it is limited. Piotr, being one of the more responsible faculty (ie:Doesn't touch the glowing buttons) would have had little trouble getting is since he biometrics are on file. (Rasputin, Piotr: Allowed Access: Level 3: Note Is a responsible individual that doesn't mess whth stuff he doesn't understand! Also, makes great Perogis: EOF.)

of courae, when he sees Piotr with one of his boxes of life giving cakes, and offers one to the dragon, he holds a hand to his chest and feigns a hurt expression. "Et Tu, Piotr?" he asks. "I swear, you are all ganging up on me.." and he pouts, as only The Bbeast can.

Looking to David he shakes his head. "Don't you gethooked on The Twinkies, my young friend. Unless you want your so called friends stealing them, or rationing them... or staging some kind of ill conceived intervention. Why I remember the time they replaced all my snacks with... kale? I mean, who does that? /Kale/?" (https://youtu.be/rALDsIvCQmk?t=28s) "So your house was airy and poorly isulated and condusive to getting pneumonia?" he asks, though there is SOME teasing in that question. "I mean, paper walls are not the best way to keep dampness and cold out of. Thankfully you tell us your fatherhad some hidden technology that mitigated those things.."

Finally he looks to Kitty and Lockheed, squinting at the pair. "I will believe him when I am sure he doesn't have the abilitu to teleport. I am still of teh mind that he has the ability to slips 'between', like the Dragonettes from those old Anne Macaffery novels. It would explain how I found the devlish fiend curled up in my lab under the anti-matt...er.. I mean.. Under the new barbeque grill I was building... you know.. for Labour Day.." He quickly looks innocent..

Colossus has posed:
Piotr began to like David. He appreciated the old ways, but knew that he must adapt, or die. So the story about David's ancestral home comforted him. He listened and nodded along, but had nothing to offer, so all he could do was give his attention. "Yes, I would very much like that Mr. Akenda," he replied when asked about lunch. Between Hank, Kitty, Piotr, Lockheed, and David, it would need to be an extra large helping. Lockheed could probably eat that all by himself.

Piotr smiles as Lockheed climbs onto him for the twinkie. It was so rare that Lockheed perched on anyone but Kitty. He took it as a positive sign and fed Lockheed the one twinkie he took from the stash of twinkies that he and some of the other students, faculty, probably even the neighbours, had hidden from Hank. They did it out of love, and to help Hank keep his girlish figure.

"Do not worry Hank. The rest of this box are for you." Of course, it is kind of rude not to offer Piotr, Kitty, or David one. But Piotr doesn't even like them. That may be why Hank likes him so. He can be trusted not to eat them, though not so much on the giving them away. Maybe that one's a wash.

With Lockheed safely perched on Piotr's shoulder, snacking on the twinkie, Piotr leans in to give Kitty a gentle hug. There was no reason for it. He just did it because he wanted to. And now Hank and David could see a book slipped into Piotr's back pocket. It seemed to be entitled 'teacher student handbook'. He had checked that it was okay to hug a student, and evidentially, it was under these circumstances. Was there a specific paragraph for shared companionship of a beloved pet?

David Akenda (207) has posed:
as he listens and says to Kitty, "I'll still hide them regardless. Though if he finds them I suppose he will have worked hard enough to earn a couple." he says. With his powers he can have a number of places that will be hard to get into and considering the narrowness of the twinkies, it will make for an interesting challenge.

"Actually penthouse Downtown Toyko, though we did rent a house like that for a week or two each year. Break from the modern world, show respect to your heritage and ancestors. My mother on the other hand. She prefered the modern world to those houses. Oh I remember a downpour that really alloyed her one year." He says "But She won my father's heart when he was young."

Still he smiles To Mr Rasputin with some respect, "If it's still there when I am done cooking I'll have it then. Thank you Sir." he says respectfully wrapping up his cooking.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty isn't really one for Twinkies. When she goes on a junk food binge she prefers ice cream and potato chips and stuff like that. She saves Twinkies for those who go gaga over them, like Hank and Lockheed and probably all the other students who call the school their home. Waiting for the food to be served, she listens to the byplay between the others, observing how they interact with each other, smiling. It is nice to see people getting along. She almost says something but finds herself hugged, the surprise from which causes her to be silent, the hug returned to Piotr.

Beast has posed:
Beast would usually, and with a smile, receive ANY box of twinkies... But his smartwatch, hidden within his blue fur, starts beeping. He frowns and checks the display, then hops down from the counter as he drains the rest of his coffee from Cookie Monster's severed head.. er.. his sesame street mug.

"I apologize, my friends, but my current project beckons and i would not be tardy lest we all die in a fiery explosion that could possibly turn most of the state, and some of quebec, into a glassy crater.... No, really, I'm kidding." he says, but then the watch starts beeping more insistantly.. "Uhm.. yes. Kidding..." and he suddenly lopes off with a bit more speed then is usually recommended to to assure people that things are, definately, okay.

Colossus has posed:
Piotr did not mean to stifle Kitty's thought process with his hug. He just wanted to show his affection. He was very much a man who wore his emotions on his sleeve. He did not hide them. He embraced them. Unfortunately, there was a great deal of Russian stoicism in him as well. Beast's sudden departure, stirs him. He looks to Beast, asking the others, "was he serious?" He's not sure, but whatever it is, it sounds important. Beast left without his box of twinkies. With a shrug, Piotr set them down, "David, Kitty, Lockheed, it would seem that they are all yours."

David Akenda (207) has posed:
as he looks to the box and Nods with a smile sitting down to enjoy his own meal. David actually had not thought of his mother for a while and he swallows hard. Then thoughts of his gran mother and father on his mother's side. They could still be alright. But he never went to see them when he arrived state side fearing for their safety. "Is there anyway to see if I could check up on some people, without them being the main target of the search. My grandparents on my mother's side, I never went to see them for fear of bringing them into the feud I am part of. I fear if they knew I was alright, they would be targets for attack."

Shadowcat has posed:
"He probably was joking." Pause. "Maybe." Lifting a shoulder, Kitty sits down, glass of milk and a balogna sandwich brought with her. "Who knows with Hank. Better to just assume he's serious and let him go off to attend to whatever." Another lesson she's learned from Beast over the last five years she's been a student here. "Anyhow, shall we eat?"