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They're Here..
Date of Scene: 11 May 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: An Alien crash lands on Earth. After attacking an CHeshire, The creature gives a little warning before dropping dead. Pt 1 of the Viurites Arc.
Cast of Characters: 232, Gravitas, Raven, Cheshire, Mercy Thompson

Gwenn Tennyson (232) has posed:
It's a quiet evening for the most part. Not much is really standing out. At least that is how things are for much of the night. Nothing but your typical space traffic. That is until something stands out. A small vessel, suitible for a single passenger is moving toward Earth. The SWORD personnel on duty begins trying to communicate with them. "Unknown vessel, This is SWORD Agent Johnson. Identify yourself. I repeat. Identify yourself."

Gwenn Tennyson is at school. She's been given a task by a SHIELD higher up. Get a team together and get as much information together as she can concerning these parasite invader types. So quickly she makes a call to Tori, "Hello, Neutron. This is Gwenn Tennyson. We met the other night. Hey how would you feel about joining a little team I'm putting together. We need to get as much information about these parasites as possible." She states. As she speaks she makes her way toward Rachel's room to ask her the same thing.

Gravitas has posed:
"I'm thinking of changing the codename. Gravitas, maybe, or Gravity Girl. Or... G-Force. Or something," Tori replies into the phone. "Sure, I'll join up with you, though. Where are you at? I can be there... In a couple minutes. Just give me GPS coordinates." Tori yawns and rolls out of bed, looking around her room for a moment. She quickly moves to retrieve her 'costume'- or, at least, her "Man of Tomorrow" t-shirt and blue sweats. Last is a blue mask to tie over her eyes. Then the girl grabs her GPS, tilting her head while she considers it for a moment. "I... Huh. Okay then..."

Neutron heads for orbit. It's the safest place for her to fly a thousand miles in moments. No mass destruction from gravity ripples or concerned passersby that close to the stars. "I'm going to take the orbital express. Um. Want any thing from Panda? I'm hungry all of the sudden.

Raven has posed:
    Gwen's been to Rachel's room before. It is...not well appointed. The Ikea furniture the room came with is still there; the lights are still unlit, replaced with candles set at seemingly random intervals; the sheet of plywood still hangs over her window, blocking the sunlight; the strange books and the animal skeletons are still in place. She answers the door calmly. "Yes, Gwenn?"

Cheshire has posed:
Miles away, in the more desolite parts of Huntzinger in Culver. She has stumbled upon a very good hide out. Given the nature of her life, There was just no way she could stay shacked up in Gotham. The last thing she needed was a family of Bats breathing down her neck. So, the Assassin known as Cheshire made her way to an out of the way place in the Forest Preserves.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
A coyote sits in the middle of the culver nature preserve looking up into the star-filled sky. It's enough to bring a hint of the coyote's instincts out as she opens her mouth and offers a wailful howl -

- Most people think it's only wolves that howl, but coyote's do as well. It's a high pitched noise which echoes eerily off around the tree filled preserve. Once the howl has tapered off the coyote will rise to her feet and scent the air. When all smells normal (for now) Mercy will trot four-footed towards where she stashed her clothing and shoes. Her car sits near the main roads that lead away from the preserve; ready for when she runs the wild out of herself and feels tired enough to head home.

Gwenn Tennyson (232) has posed:
There is no response from the unidentified vessel. It simply keeps moving, gaining speed towards the blue planet. "Unidentified Vessel, Identify yourself! Failure to do so will result in us opening fire. Halt your engines and respond." Still no response. With that. They open fire, shooting at the alien vessel. It moves evasively toward the planet. Its definitely showing something intellegent at the controls.

Gwenn smiles and gives the Coordinates. Then she walks into Rae's room. "Hey Rachel. I have a favor to ask you. Would you be willing to join a small team. I'm putting a little temp team together for SHIELD. Some friends and I uncovered a potential problem coming. I'd rather not go into it if you aren't in though. I don't want to cause a panic after all."

Gravitas has posed:
ZOOM. Victoria breaks the speed of sound a few times over in her orbital trip and ends up spending most of it ascending then descending once more once she is over the actual coordinates given. It takes essentially no time at all for her to arrive, the nearby plants bowing to the wind cast by her approach. The girl alights easily on the ground. Flying with precision is difficult; landing is easy. Looking around slowly Victoria takes a deep breath, blue eyes wide. She walks toward the building, ignoring any stares she has likely garnered.

"If only I could think fast enough to just check all the windows. Should ask the Flash about that," the girl mumbles, half to herself. She adjusts her form-obscuring clothing carefully. A pretty, purposefully not too descript caramel skinned girl with thick blonde curls falling across her shoulders and wide blue eyes on a face partially obscured with what amounts to a rolled purple bandana made with holes for her eyes. Superheroes.

Raven has posed:
    Rachel raises an eyebrow. One might notice this does not displace the gem on her forehead. "I can't know what I'm agreeing to until after I agree to it? Whatever. Fine, I'm in."

Cheshire has posed:
Cheshire does note the the coyote cry. It doesn't belong in this area. Quietly she shuts her light off and puts on her mask. Silently she couches behind a chair she placed there. The night vision in her mask flares to life. Her hands are grasping a katana which has been coated in one of her poisons. This one designed to debilitate. Not kill.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
The coyote continues to trot, but her nearly silent feet pause, as a strange scent tickles her nose. Mercy raises her snout and scents the air a couple of more times; a person passed this way. Someone that she's never smelled before, it's enough to cause her ears to prick forward in curiosity.

Thankfully, she's not a cat, right?

While she doesn't necessarily change back to human form, the coyote will pick up the little backpack her clothes and shoes have been stuffed by her teeth. Then with bag dangling from her muzzle Mercy begins the trek of following the scent trail laid out before her; perhaps it's just a hiker, or camper, or something. Hopefully not a poacher. She's encountered a few of those.

Gwenn Tennyson (232) has posed:
The firing continues hitting nothing but open space. The small personnel carrier ship begins glowing red. Flames errupt as it breaches the the atmosphere. The Firing ceases and the SWORD Agent Johnson quickly gets on the phone to SHIELD and SWORD agents who might be able to get to the landing site and hopefully figure out what the heck is going on!

"Sorry Rachel. I'm trying to avoid causing mass hystaria. We got some information that some sort of parasitic alien is on its way to earth. Its bad. A group of local extra terrestrials were stealing supplies. we caught them. They were leaving the planet over this. That to me is a pretty good warning. I went to SHIELD with the info and I asked to set up a team."

Its about that point that Tori shows up. "Hey, thank you for coming. Our task is simple. We need to figure out what is going on and keep SHIELD up to date on it. Easy right?" She laughs a little. Suddenly her phone goes off. She checks the number. Unlisted. She answers and immediately winces. "Ummm... Are you both free to go right now? An Alien Vessel just breached earth Atmosphere. Its coming down in the vicinity of Culver."

Gravitas has posed:
"Woah. Already?" Tori is munching on the food she'd mentioned. A greasy takeout box full of noodles and another of noodles, one in each hand. She might be clumsy but she is a deft touch withchopsticks. There's a soft slurp ashe swallows all of the noddles currently on her sticks at once. The girl blinks.

"I mean, I can get there pretty quickly but- what are we supposed to do when we, um, arrive?" She glances around then and takes a deep breath. "I can call you from the site, I guess, take some photos..." Tori tilts her head blinking slightly as she does. "Do we know, um, anything about them yet?" She shifts her weight from left tor ight, eyes wide while she studies the people in front of her. "Or is this the first we're going to get?"

Raven has posed:
    Rachel shrugs at Gwenn's question, for she is More Disaffected Than Thou. Also, she doesn't need to say much because Neutron already did. "Sure. Can probably get an excused class session to stop an alien invasion."

Cheshire has posed:
As she is tracked down, Cheshire stays perfectly still. Her gaze is locked on the windows, keeping a close watch for trouble. Thats when a strange sound begins singing through the air. Its distant but loud. Loud enough to shake the trees. Suddenly there is a thunderous crash. A flash of light ignites through the area which blinds the woman for the time being. A soft whisper is spoken. "Damn." She raises her mask and rubs her eyes.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
The trail is mostly easy for her to follow thanks to her sensitive nose and while she was just about to find her way into that small abandoned town, something, pricks her ears upward again.

It's coming from the sky and with a faint whine, the coyote will look upward through the reaching canopy of the forest.

Much like Cheshire, the light blinds Mercy's sensitive eyes for a few seconds as pretty colored dots flash across her vision.

Once her vision clears, however, the coyote will drop her bag of clothing.

Gwenn Tennyson (232) has posed:
Gwenn picks up the phone. "We're inbound. Going to grab some transportation and we will be there. "I can get us to a vessel that will get us to Culver within a few minutes. The problem is, it really drains me. As for what we need to do, We need to investigate. This vessel didn't give any identification or anything on the way down. We need to find the landing site, Identify the alien race, and attempt to bring them in for questioning."

She pauses, "I am going to need help getting into one of the vessel when we get there because this is going to really do a number to me." She gets out her spellbook and opens it up. "Portallus Projectum!" Suddenly pink magic begins whipping around the room making a vortex. Moments later, they are outside near what looks like a SHIELD airfield. Gwenn just sorta drops to her knees.

Gravitas has posed:
"Woah," is Tori's primary comment toward stepping out of a pink vortex. She stumbles slightly initially, apparently slightly woozy. The young immediately snaps back to full attention when Gwenn makes to fall. "Hey! Are you okay?" Tori moves to grab the young er girl by a shoulder and attempt to get her back to her feet. Even if it means Gwenn has to lean on Tori herself to manage. Takes a deep breath, looking between the redhead and the airfield surrounding them. "Okay. Okay. Right. We need to identify the aliens and try to capture one. let's find that ship." She has her phone out in one hand in camera mode as she surveys her surroundings. Then the girl blinks. "...Hi," she calls to Rachel, waving quietly. "I'm T-...Neutron."

Raven has posed:
    Rachel barely has time to summon forth her Raven-aspect; to sublimate Rachel into her psyche and draw out the magician within, and, perhaps more importantly, to summon forth Raven's garb, including the hooded cloak that hides her face. She's tempted to take Gwenn's infirmity with some mean pleasure, but she sighs with irritation instead and drops to one knee to help Gwenn back up. She nods an emotionless greeting at Neutron. "Raven," she creaks back.
    Someone shut this chatterbox up before she talks your ear off.

Cheshire has posed:
Cheshire steps out of the house, her vision back. She has her mask back on. Her hands are empty as she moves through some of the taller brush. Her body moving quickly towards the burning refuse that came crashing. She has yet to take note of the Coyote in the area. Still, she keeps moving. There is something wrong about all of this.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
The scent trail is forgotten for a moment as Mercy realizes that something just crash landed.

In a handful of heartbeats the coyote's form blurs and becomes a woman. Naked, but thankfully Mercy has clothes and shoes tucked into her small bag. Not the best shoes for running through the forest, but her tennis shoes will just have to do.

Quickly pulling on a pair of jeans and the long-sleeved tee, Mercy will sit on her butt a moment to slide on her shoes. "Why do you always find trouble, Mercy, why." Comes her mutter very-much-so for herself. With shoe-laces tied tight, the now human Mercy will rise to her feet and start dashing towards where the aircraft crashed. She has yet to realize it's an alien craft, she's currently just thinking it's a plane, helicopter, etc. And unlike Cheshire she doesn't need nightvision goggles, her coyote senses are just as keen in human form as animal.

Likely soon Cheshire and Mercy will spy one another, but for now, the two are unaware.

Gwenn Tennyson (232) has posed:
The Vessel is a wreck, that is for sure. There is parts of it that are still sealed up. Like it was designed to withstand a crash. For the most part aside from burning chunks of debris, Things are quiet.

Gwenn frowns, "Sorry for the quickness. I just wanted to get us here so we can get in a plane. Its so far away from where we need to go." She winces. "This one." She gestures to the aircraft. She carefully she stands up and climbs up into the vessel. She's still really shakey. Once inside she uses her SHIELD Consultant badge as the key. The vessel fires up. "Okay Lets do this!" The Vessel fires up and lifts off.

Gravitas has posed:
Victoria follows, her expression more or less blank as she is led intot he spaceship. She stares at everything. The walkway, the guard. The ship itself. Blue eyes are glued to her surroundings as she proceeds, like the girl is attempting to memorizing eveyrthing around her. Slow stepes, then faster ones, and slow again. She reaches up and scratches the back of her neck, tugging at the hoodie as she walks. And then the ship is taking off. Toribuckles herself into a seat and blinks, staring upward toward the sky. She doesn't really seem to feel the acceleration.

Raven has posed:
    Raven shoots a few sidelong glances at Neutron; scanning, measuring looks that flit here and there seemingly at random, then break away for consideration. It's surprising Raven's violet eyes are visible, but the beak-shaped shadow her hood casts over her face seems to make special way for her eyes. She opens her mouth to say something, but then the ship is firing up, and Raven finds it most prudent to lift up off the deck and hover in place, ignoring the G-forces. Which really isn't how that kind of thing is supposed to work, but Raven doesn't much care.

Cheshire has posed:
Cheshire finally moves closer to the wreckage. She quickly moves in. Fire now burning around her. She doesh er best not to look at the flames. Even the ship itself is glowing a little from the heat. Still she gets closer. Close enough to give a little kick to the airtight vessel. "Either someone just crashed a plane or some aliens want to make this place the next Roswell. Either way I think I need to move. Again."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy isn't too far behind Cheshire, though they're not super close to one another. It also doesn't help that Mercy wills top as she eyes the burning trees and foliage, but most importantly, the ship.

"That is not a plane. Or helicopter." She remarks, her voice rising slightly. Still, perhaps its an experimental craft, people might still need help. Or maybe the aliens do. Aliens. Yup. Carefully the coyote in human clothing will step forward, her steps careful, as she nears a few small fires. She'll take the time to stamp those little fires out, before her head comes upward. She heard both the kick and Cheshire's voice and so, Mercy calls out, "Hey, who's out there? You okay?"

Gwenn Tennyson (232) has posed:
As the vessel is kicked something begins stirring. SUddenly a chunk of the vessel rips open. A hand reaches out and grabs the leg that had just kicked the vessel. Cheshire's thighboot is ripped and blood is drawn. Its not pretty.

Gwenn takes a deep breath. She knows how to fly these things because she had to learn. NOw she's putting that to use. The vessel tears through the sky and within a few minutes they are over Culver. Scanning is going. "Ummm, CHeck the scanners. See if you can find anything. Just tell it what you want it to do. It should work by voice command." She states to Raven and to Neutron.

Gravitas has posed:
"Um..." Neutron wanders over to one of he consoles and stares at it for a lonf second. She takes a deep breath. "Um. Display life signs? Alien life signs! I mean. Um. Unusual not earth ones." She blinks a couple times and then grimaces at her own wards, raisign a palm to her forehead. "Right. Show me that..." Neutron waits for the dsplay with bated breath. Even if it only takes a second.

Raven has posed:
    Raven stares at Gwenn, uttering a long "Uh..." before looking up at the ceiling and asking, "Spaceship, scan for...anything else?"
    If you wanted to talk about what kinds of rituals would access the metaphysical ether to evoke Platonic ideals from the astral plane into physical reality, then Raven's your girl, but she's completely out of her depth her. She's never even watched Star Trek.

Cheshire has posed:
As Cheshire hears the voice of someone, she turns around. "I am Cheshire. Who are you?" She asks curiously. She doesn't want to get herself surrounded. Then with little warning, her leg is grabbed and her boot ripped. She goes down. Quickly she pulls out her katana. Making an impossible contortion of her body, she turns and slashes the creature, severing its hand. The creature roars in the vessel. The thing begins to tear open and a very nasty almost dinosaur like creature begins to peak out.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Mercy." Supplies Mercy easily enough, though she's smart enough not to give her last name when Cheshire only offers her first.
Sensitive ears will hear another aircraft coming towards them and with a frown Mercy will look above, towards the night sky.

"Why do I feel like I'm in an episode of Ripley's Believe It or Not .."

And then Cheshire goes down, contorts and the alien(s) begins to reveal itself "Uh." Begins the magical woman, "That doesn't seem too friendly there. Perhaps we should leave." Because Mercy, literally, has no other active power than to change into a coyote. Somehow she thinks that form won't help her too much here. Except to escape.

Gwenn Tennyson (232) has posed:
The creature in the vessel begins to pry itself out. It looks nasty as all get out. That ship though is made of strong stuff. Stong enough to not to not be easily exposed.

The ship brings up a map showing exactly where the vessel went down. "Auto Pilot, Engage." Gwenn states. "Take us to the crash sight and bring us down within 20 yards of the crash."

"Yes Miss. Tennyson." The ship responds and takes them in. "OKay lets do this." As the ship begins to descend, The doors open and let the group out. Its just in time to see the Alien explode out of the vessel. "Thats a Vaxasaurian!!" She winces. "This is going to get nasty. They are like evolved Dinosaurs! Go for sensitive areas, like the eyes. Don't let yourself get hit."

Gravitas has posed:
"Oh, wow. Nice." Tori is staring at the map, brows furrowing as she does so. "Right, that would be just-" She lifts a finger and then nods at Gwenn as the ship engages in flight, heading for the crash site. Then the small woman is headed toward the doors to stand there, staring outward at the outside. "So beat it up?" She asks, looking back at Gwen to confirm. Then she takes off into the air with a WHOOMPF, rattling the ship as she shoots into the air to better survey the situation. "I so need an earpiece," Tori grumbles as she's whipping out her phone again.

Raven has posed:
    Raven continues to stare up at the ceiling, but the computer gives no sign it means to...do whatever thing she asked it to do. Okay, fine. The computer is a jerk trying to make her look stupid. She'll get it back one day. In the meantime, she has other things to think about: like the alien dinosaur. She lifts into the air, ankles tightly together, to get a vantage point over the Vaxasaurian. "Hey!" she calls down at it. "You speak English? You need something?"
    Raven has time to regret not learning what Neutron can do. It would have been tactically useful. Oh well, too late now.

Cheshire has posed:
Before the ship lands, Cheshire looks at the Coyote. "I think you're right. I have a place not too far from here." She scrambles ot her feet, pushing the pain to the back of her mind for now. "Come with me!" She takes off into the woods, headed toward one of those old homes.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
The second ship joins the area, though thankfully not crashed, and when people pour forth Mercy can only boggle for a second. Then she blinks with surprise when she recognizes people too; both from their physical appearance and magical one.

"This is just getting weirder and weirder."

Not that she can worry too much about that, as the alien finally makes itself known. "This is definitely bad." But, thankfully Cheshire offers a place to hide and Mercy is no stranger to hiding when it's needed, so while she doesn't necessarily like the idea she knows she has to; she has no way to fight the dino. Exit stage left.

Gwenn Tennyson (232) has posed:
The giant creature roars again, glaring at the new arrival. A crooked smile arcs the creatures lips. Its missing a hand and its still smiling. There is something seriously wrong here. "Yes I speak your primate language. Enjoy your world while you can young ones. It will be ours soon. Then with a quick horrific motion it whips its neck snapping it and sending the massive ceature to the ground.

Gwenn watches in horror over that. "Oh no. This isn't good. I'm so sorry. We need to get this thing loaded onto the plane. I need to call SHIELD and inform them about this." She is barely holding it together at this point. Seeing a creature she is familiar with. A creature she's encountered before and knows they aren't prone to that behavior just off themselves? Thats creepy. We need to find out if there is any pathogens in the air... I'm... I'm so sorry." She winces and shakes her head.

Gravitas has posed:
"Get it onto the ship? How are we supposed to do that?" The girl bobs in the air, floating not too far from the saurian alien in front of her. A deep breath is taken and then Tori is nodding her head slowly. She starts to drift down toward the ground, blue eyes as wide as dinner plates while she regards the now fallen Saurian. "That was crazy. Your parasite did this, maybe...? I... Just. Wow." Victoria swallows hard and then walks over to the Saurian gently, reaching out a hand to touch him. "He's so big. I think I can make him light enough to move, though." She takes a deep breath as her mind reaches out, interacting with the effects of gravity upon the enormous alien's body. There are tears glistening in those huge blue eyes of hers but she doesn't whisper a word of it. She's just going to get the Vazasaurian back to the ship. Slowly, just to be safe.