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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/04/27 |Location=Outskirts of NYC |Synopsis=An unfortunate deal falls through and leaves Domino stranded on the side of the road. Fate throws a VW-shaped curveball her way and Skye saves the day, as well as opening up a potential new door for later. |Cast of Characters=180, 1191 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:180|Domino (180)}} has posed:'''<br>It's a lovely day to be out and about, such as taking a drive out of the city, getting...")
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Latest revision as of 17:11, 1 May 2023

Dead on the Road
Date of Scene: 27 April 2023
Location: Outskirts of NYC
Synopsis: An unfortunate deal falls through and leaves Domino stranded on the side of the road. Fate throws a VW-shaped curveball her way and Skye saves the day, as well as opening up a potential new door for later.
Cast of Characters: Domino, Quake

Domino has posed:
It's a lovely day to be out and about, such as taking a drive out of the city, getting irritated on the phone, then taking a walk back into the city because the car broke down. The sun is out, the birds are singing, though there's just enough chill in the air for someone to get away with wearing a black biker jacket while kicking stones down the side of a quiet rural street. It doesn't help the lone wanderer to fit in with the scenery but she already stands out quite a bit.

What skin shows is as white as paper with all of her attire matching both cosmetics and a mess of shorter hair alike in a jet black finish. The only splash of color to be found on her is from the blue tint of a pair of sunglasses, also of the motorcyclist variety.

One black spotted albino pauses beneath the shade of a tree and reaches for her phone again, soon rolling head back upon shoulders with a momentary expression of wanting to punch something.

"No signal. No traffic. No Uber. Not a single frickin' bus in sight."
Quake has posed:
It's been a loooooong time since Skye has gotten away for SHIELD, friends, and, here was the ticker: Clint. With their relationship up in the air again, she figured, 'why not take Gretel for a drive?' and clear the cobwebs from her brain. It was that, or target range shooting, or trolling around the net - both of those she had been forbidden. She was to take a break (from those), and enjoy the sunshine!

"How does anyone enjoy the outdoors? How?" Grumble, grumble..

Turning on the radio, and finding: one news - all day!; one Christian station (wtf??); one country and western that only stays in tune when she touches the radio (and even then it's touch and go); and station after station of white noise.

In other words: She needed a new radio. This one deserved a burial. It had done its duty, and then some.

Turning it off again, she rolled around the country roads, thinking.
Domino has posed:
Just as soon as the pale walker gal grumbles about there being no buses in sight she hears what sure sounds like it might be an actual vehicle on the road. Which happens to be a 'bus.' Is that seriously an oldschool Volkswagen? Did she just get pulled into the 70's??

What would have been contemplation given toward assassinating the phone in Domino's hand is set aside somewhat gradually as if she's entered a state of shock. One hand delivers the device into a jacket pocket. The other comes up and out, hovering in the air for a count of three before meaningfully hooking a thumb down the road.

People don't still do this, do they? Hasn't it been made illegal, or whatever? Pff, c'mon. It's a VW BUS. -Nobody- driving an oldschool V-Dub is gonna be so picky. This is her lucky break! She was due one anyway after the LAST thing broke.

"Hey! Over here! Don't you leave me with the cows!"

The poor bus looks like it needs a miracle to make it back to the city. If nothing else, Dom just might be able to provide that much.
Quake has posed:
"You have got to be kidding me..?!?'

At first, she didn't stop. Because.

And then she thought: what are the odds that HYDRA, IcedLotus, or her mom planned on her taking a leisurely jaunt in Gretel, in order to jump her for ransom. Well, actually they didn't hold her for ransom in the past, but the idea was sound.

No, most likely another fool like herself, went out in the country (bad move! very bad move) to 'enjoy the springtime'. Besides, she was a full fledged SHIELD Agent - one who had powers! She should be able to look after herself.. right?

Kicking Gretel in reverse, Skye crept along the country road, and pulled beside the girl. Leaning over, and rolling down the window (come on! the VW was old - older than automatic windows old). "Would you be looking for some help?"
Domino has posed:
Aaand the bus drives right on by. The stranded woman's arms dart upward in a clear sign of 'oh come on!' but they fall back to her sides a moment before she sees brake lights. Not just brake lights. REVERSE lights. No jogging to catch up with the automotive relic!

HYDRA would be way more subtle than ...whatever this gal is. There's like zero subtlety in the gothed out lady now standing outside the door.

The window rolls down (by crank!) which has black lips shifting into a smirk, though more of a knowing expression than sarcastic. Once down she leans forward, actually mindful not to rest forearms on the sill while peering inside.

"A ride to -anywhere that isn't here- would be great. The horror stories are true, never buy a car on Craigs List." A slight face is made as she looks down the entirely vacant road, thinking for a second prior to eyeing the driver again. "Don't suppose I could get a full Bingo on this rescue and hear you're heading back to the city? This sun is really messing with my moon tan."
Quake has posed:

For a moment, Skye had flashes of things she would like to say. Coming from the snarky ('Well you're not going to be happy when I deliver you to my Master..'). To asking a question ('Do you know how to get on the interstate from here..?'). To absolute gobsmacked..

"What in the hell are you doing out here? Seriously?"

Oops, that was her outside voice, not her INside voice.

"Wait, you bought that.. thing.. over there on.. Craig's list? Don't you know, the only people who buy off of Craig's list, are fools? Really." And considering what she was driving, it says a lot. "Come on in. It's no good getting wrinkles on your moon tan. You're lucky. Normally I wouldn't be out here." Especially in the daytime. Shudder. "What possessed you anyways?"
Domino has posed:
The driver's one word of puzzlement has the pale lady subtly tilting her head to one side as if to ask 'you alright in there?' When Skye does find a response it doesn't seem to upset the lone lady any.

"Taking a stroll" she replies with a lopsided grin. Hey, it's a fair question!

It's also a very dead BMW several miles back.

"Fool me once..." she rolls eyes behind blue lenses. "You know, I usually have real good luck with shady financial dealings" she continues while popping open the door to climb inside. "Every once in a while life enjoys throwing me one helluva curveball. Keeps it interesting."

Door closed. Seatbelt ..on if available. "You and me both. The hayseed life is sooo not my style."

What possessed her? A quick breath is released as the lady slumps back into the seat. "Necessity. Back in the area after a years long hiatus. Picking up pieces. Needed a car. Prices aren't what they were when I left. Besides, it was a nice E46." ... "Emphasis on 'was.' It looked nice on the outside" she amends with a humorless look.

"Name's Domino. Thanks for the lift."
Quake has posed:
Putting it in gear, Skye takes a minute to *stare*, and looks back on the road. "Funny that. I picked up Gretel when I was about 14? 15? For a number of years, this was my home."

What the hell, Skye? Why not just blab all your secrets to this Domino. Really.. Of course, it was better than the music stations she could get. And it was a long drive to the city. What harm would there be talking about a few secrets? It wasn't like she had anyone in her life, currently. And these ones weren't important.

"You can call me Skye, if you want. Really, you're lucky. I nearly passed you by. I mean, I had to think about it." Her lips crinkled at the edges. "Then I realised I've got no radio stations, and figured what the hey. You do know there are crappy cell service, and even crappier net out here? Right?"
Domino has posed:
Blink. Domino takes another look around the van with this new piece of intelligence. "I thought only Woodstockians lived in these tubs. Not sure whether to admire your dedication or question your sanity" she teases.

As fate would have it the flow of information is more two-sided than it often is with the albino. Granted she's still not being TOO forthcoming but some admissions have been made from the intensely private mercenary where normally there would have been none.

"'Skye' is easier than 'hey you' so it'll stick for now."

As for being lucky she doesn't say a word, waiting until the moment when Skye mentions crappy cell service. "Yeeeeah, found that out the hard way. Managed to get through to the jerk who pocketed my cash before getting cut off. Been livin' in a dead zone since." It's clear she's still feeling irked about having gotten cut off before, too.

Though speaking of 'dead zones'... Of course she can't help but notice the VW is in ... not great shape. "I'm guessing you still hang onto this old gal because of sentimental reasons?"
Quake has posed:
"Hey, I didn't ask any questions when I got it." Got, not bought. "I was underage, and living on the street. For me? This was a step up. And with wheels? The city was my address."

Okay, there were things that weren't quite so spiffy. The lack of a mailing address, for one. And the lack of a shower was another.

Skye put her hand on the dashboard. "Shh, you will hurt her feelings! But, yeah. At the beginning, I had her just in case I needed to get the hell out of Dodge. I guess I can't say that anymore. So, sentiment it is. Trust me, my boss and fellow workers have been on my case for years. I have a new car, but.."

She shakes her head. "Everyone has a home to go back to. Me?"

That was edging on talking too much if it wasn't already.

"So, why did you come out into the country? I mean, you don't look like the usual sort. You look more like a hacker. Except, we both know it isn't true about you. With no backup for your net."

Of course, she might be lying.
Domino has posed:
A black brow hooks upward as Skye mentions having been homeless at the time, living off of whatever she could. "No kidding." A few subtle nods follow as Dom looks back out to the road, thoughtful again. "You're not alone. I was right around that age, too. Had to give up everything I knew, not for the first time."

Having something to reminisce over puts the whole 'hippie van' into perspective, the albino's attention dipping back to the interior as fingertips lightly trace along some of the aged trim. "Gotta take whatever you can get."

Skye shares a surprising amount but when she decides to cut it short there's another expression of a familiar pain. "Getting picked up by a fellow vagabond. What're the odds."

As for why Domino is out in the middle of nowhere, first she flashes a quick grin when Skye suggests she looks like a hacker. Ghostly fingers pluck the shades from her face to relocate them atop her head. The eyes beneath are also blue but far brighter in color, more like the sky overhead. One of them is also totally surrounded by a black tattoo, that's not at all makeup.

Curious. Mention of a hacker and being so bold as to draw a conclusion that Dom -isn't- one seems as though it might be spoken from some familiarity...

"It's the Matrix vibe, right? Heh. 'Hacking' for me usually involves punching the keyboard until I get a desirable result. It happens more often than you might think" she suggests in a more whimsical note. "I was serious about looking for a car. Got a bike but there are some noteworthy con's which any four wheeled alternative immediately solves."

"Now my phone might be an expensive brick but I'm a believer in everything happening for a reason. Here" she pulls a single business card out of a jacket pocket and offers it over. It's printed with 'Mercy's Garage' along with a telephone and fax number, email, and street address.

"As luck would have it she specializes in Volkswagens. She's also where I was going to take my Beemer to for the once over. If you're up for a trip we could head on over."
Quake has posed:
"Yeah, yeah. I'm feeling social today. This van was the first thing that I could call my own. I was in foster care almost my entire life. When they packed me off to a group home, I'd had enough. At least out in the city, the odds were better. I could show you the places where you can drink a single cup of coffee the whole night, and if you were lucky, you could have a glass of hot water to make Mr. Noodles. That and whatever chocolate bar was on sale were my staples."

Don't tell Clint, but with him gone, she had been eating (or not eating, depending how you look at it) more like her teenage self. Drinking coffee, and scrolling through the dark web pages.

When Domino exposes the black ring around her eye, Skye nods. "Neat. So, is that for decoration, or is it something to do with a power?" She doesn't talk about her own idiosyncrasies on her forearms, which peek out as she drives. But neither does she hide them. Though they look like bracers.

"Trust me, an expensive brick is just a brick. But when we get back into range, you will have an expensive phone again.. What's this?" Taking the card, she holds it between thumb and pointer finger. "I'm not going to sell Gretel. Sorry. Not going to happen." And she begin to hand the card back.
Domino has posed:
After not seeing anyone for the last few hours it's gotten Domino feeling more chatty, herself! Perhaps there's that sense of a kindred spirit helping things along, too. "I just got dumped off at a church for a number of years. It was every bit as dull as it sounds. Reached a turning point, couldn't stay anymore, you know the drill."

'Decoration?' Another lopsided grin takes form. "Something like that" she suggests without any clarification or hints as to whether she's leaning toward the 'decoration' idea or the 'power' related one. So much for speaking freely, some walls remain intact.

The card is offered, looked at, then handed back. The gothy one does make a swift correction but an opportunity is presented to notice something peculiar on the driver's hand.

"Oh, no. The idea isn't to sell Gretel. It's to make her better. Older vehicles can be a hassle to maintain. As..I have just been reminded today. Mercy mentioned rebuilding a seventies Rabbit for herself, I'm sure she'd take good care of you and yours."

Firmly believing the reason why she got that card and the reason why she ended up in a classic VW was to pass along this piece of information, she tucks the card into the passenger sun visor. Dom already got what she needed off of it anyway.

With this done she of course has to ask. "Enjoy getting up close? Bet those gloves would knock teeth loose no problem."
Quake has posed:
"Decoration. Tats. Mark of passage. Whatever you want to call it. It's on your face, so I'm going to say it isn't something that you are keeping away from other people." Providing it's something chosen by Domino, as opposed to given to. "No biggie. With your sunglasses you barely can see it."

Though it gives Skye a point to look up on the net.

"I was at a Church for a little time. Everywhere it just seemed I would be settling down, and something was wrong, and I was sent to the next place. After a while, I stopped trying to make friends. It was simpler that way." No friends? Meant no broken hearts again, and again, and again.

When Domino explains what she meant with Mercy's card, Skye made an aha noise. "You mean, she's someone who restores them." That was something that Skye could be interested in.

Taking back the card, and exposing the bracers again, she chuckled. "I suppose you could try punching. But, really, they are protection. My body is attuned to vibrations, and often my forearms shatter. Well, kind of. I'd be better off to shoot you, or stop you from moving."
Domino has posed:
Another wry grin is given to Skye when she suggests how well sunglasses cover up Domino's mark. Granted, it IS right there for all the world to see but for whatever reason she doesn't seem inclined to talk about it any further.

Of course, with Skye's skills and resources and with enough time digging she could find plenty of info related to that spot. Something like that doesn't go under the radar no matter how much someone may want it to.

When Skye mentions not having any friends there's another knowing nod from the other gal, softly voicing an "Amen" of agreement.

Someone who restores... "I probably shoulda led with that" comes along with a quick eye-roll. But of much greater interest--

"You're a meta?"

Immediately after asking this Dom pauses, holding up an index finger as if she's about to make an Incredibly Important Remark: "You shoot people? The orphan life must have left quite an impression."
Quake has posed:
"Well, I don't exclaim from the rooftops. But, yeah, I am a meta. Sorta like a mutant, but the change happens differently. I was in my twenties, and, well, lets just say, it wasn't very pretty." To put it mildly. After all, she was a prisoner, and experimented on.

The shooting? It was another thing she didn't hide, but neither does she brag about it. "I was taught to shoot, long before the meta changes happened. I think I was one of the slowest people to be certified. Even then, my job generally doesn't use force."

She's not lying.. per se. Shooting and using force were generally other people's jobs. The computers were hers. Now that she was Quake, occasionally she was needed. Still, she preferred to leave it to others.

And let's be honest, even with practice (lots and lots of practice) she wasn't the best marksman. Medium she would say.

"I'm what you would call an IT specialist." Again not quite a lie - there were still some people who she worked around still thought her job was to give out passwords, and to retrieve file from oblivion when the owners made a mistake. Of course she didn't help that by holding her office hours in the break room most often (she had an office, to be certain - she didn't use it as often as she should have).

The older Agents often would prank the brand spanking new recruit by telling them they could ask her anything IT related, and then watch and laugh as the new recruits tried it. It only happened once before they were clued in..

"I had two choices. I could be a team player, or else.." Skye doesn't finish her sentence. "What about you?"

The van was turned on to a paved road now. Still not quite the city, but closer!
Domino has posed:
"Hmmh. Tough drag" is all Domino can think to say about a less than ideal shift into powers. It leaves plenty left to think about but answers the original question all the same. "They look cool at least" she offers about the bracers.

The real question of the minute raises more of its own, such as "What job might that be?"

Cop? This gal? Not a chance. Security? Maybe cyber-security. Merc or bounty hunter? Mmmno. Sitting in the back of a bank truck? Not as an IT specialist or team player. Fed, CIA, some manner of alphabet agency... Has to be.

Lucky her, indeed. Did Dom just step onto the wrong bus?

"An 'IT specialist' but actually hacker" Dom adjusts. "Well you've got solid cover in this box" she refers to the van. "No one's gonna suspect a digital mastermind behind these walls."

Heeey, pavement! It's about time!

Now knowing what she knows about Skye there's a slight delay in responding to her next question. A bit of stalling, a touch of deflection, all very smooth and very casual from someone who has had to tiptoe a mighty fine tightrope for much of her life.

"Security" she starts in, completely side-stepping that whole 'I kill people for cash' bit. "Private sector. More the hands-on type rather than electronic, hence the interest in your shooting habits. Not many people step up and announce that about themselves."
Quake has posed:
"Oooo, you're smart. Most people don't get that. Yeah, I'm a hacker. Most days, I surf the webs. And check on stuff. People. Corporations. Bigwigs." HYDRA. "Stuff."

Skye laughs. "Well, I could have started off with this? But then, I would have had questions about the hacking. I find it is easier to tell them about the guns. Most people assume the FBI, or private sectors. They rarely assume the police. Which is ok by me. I'm not a fan of them either."

"I was.. recruited.. for this job. And given the alternative.." ie a 6X4ft cell, with maximum security, "I thought this was the nicer way to go. In fact, this here van was where they caught me. Still can't figure out how they did, but c'est la vie. And all in all, it's pretty damn good for a job. Not too many rules to follow."

With the paved road, the van makes a lot less noise. It seems that part of the falling apart vibe was actually the gravel roads. Still, that garage sounds interesting.

"So you are in security. Private sector. Which means one of two things: a company, or mercenary. And by what you aren't saying, you aren't too fussy about killing." Skye kept eyes on the road as she asked, "Tell me, do you enjoy killing. Or is it just part of the job?"

The answer could be important - but not for the reason Dom might think.
Domino has posed:
Yyyep. Hacker. While Skye is focused on the road Domino eeever so casually slips hands into jacket pockets, though the real purpose is so she can power down her phone. Y'know. Just in case. It doesn't work out here anyway, right? Why drain the battery!

"Right on the money there. A cop is one thing I would never accuse you of being" she says with a thin smirk.

But hearing she's not a fan of them either... Curiouser and curiouser, with more information soon to follow.

"Aaah, I see" Dom lilts as hands come back out, placing them within easier reach of completely different devices. Just because. "Tangled with the wrong crowd, bit of arm-twisting, and suddenly you're playing for the other team. I've been fortunate to not end up with any permanent desk jobs from those kinds of encounters." Sounds like the same can't be said for Skye here.

Desk-bound or not this gal's proving to be a smart cookie, herself. Also a bit fearless to be treading into these waters. "Do you really want to go there?" Dom asks with a side-long look, one brow marginally higher than its twin.

A black nailed finger idly taps a black denimed leg as she considers. Crunches numbers.

All in?

Everything for a reason. All in.

"If it's just part of the job you aren't gonna survive long. You have to find ways to enjoy what you do. I don't get off on it or whatever, but sometimes you have to get dirty in order to make things clean."
Quake has posed:
"..with the wrong team? No, I stand by my actions. They were necessary. Just because the corporation has billions behind it, doesn't mean it's right." Of this, Skye was adamant. "At least my current job doesn't think that way. Or else I wouldn't be with them. I just find new ways to be ..helpful."

"They're not.." Hrm, Skye thinks how to explain SHIELD. "We're definitely on the side of good, but not the legal side necessarily, you know? You probably wouldn't fit in as a regular job. I can get these vibes off of you. But.."

And here Skye turns to Dom for a moment. "Just I think you might fit in somewhere else."
Domino has posed:
Given Domino's own history of various run-ins with agencies across the globe she can connect a couple of dots. The secrecy, training, high tech nature of Skye's job and how she may have wound up there, the field of possibilities is getting more narrow by the minute. Some of these agencies she's already done some odd work for, whether directly or in a roundabout fashion. There are some definite prime suspects. None of them fill her with a sense of joy.

But if this were all a part of something bigger they would have had to go through A LOT of trouble to line up all of the pieces. This encounter doesn't have the same vibe. Just..totally random chance.

"Yeah, I know the type. I'm usually seen as too much paperwork to be worthwhile." Or headaches! At least from the organized sense.

But Skye doesn't seem to be referring to anything quite so organized anymore.

Pale blues flick back out to the road. Still empty. They turn back to Skye, curious with a side order of cautious. Job offers tend to come in all sorts of varieties, one can never be certain of anything.

"I'm listening."
Quake has posed:
"Trust me, I was a whole shit load of paperwork to bring onto the team. Nah, if you were wanted, or if you wanted, a way would be found."

That should reek of SHIELD. Or at least the secrets they held would. She had a niggling feeling that Dom had been crossed with SHIELD at least once. Helping. (though, she may have been on the opposite side of the road too).

"No, I mean something a little less - how should I put this - savoury. I wouldn't be able to direct you, but if things check out right, you would be found."

And there it is: the Hacker. Whatever she is talking about the odds are she was involved.
Domino has posed:
Bingo! They have a winner. Domino isn't sure whether to be more concerned or relieved but at least they're on the same page now. As it is SHIELD probably has more intel on the albino than any other organization. They're big enough to find agents out here in the middle of freaking nowhere in upstate New York in a classic Volkswagen. How completely random!

However this may pan out there is a slight relaxing in her body language, now having less of a feeling of getting caught -completely- off guard. Now it's looking more like she'd only get caught -partly- off guard.

"Clandestine, how very appropriate. Well, you've got my name and mug. Between your abilities and the Division's resources I'm sure you'll have no trouble 'finding' me later. Until I know more, all I can offer is to hear you kids out. Least I can do for the ride," she jokes.
Quake has posed:
Skye laughs. "I mean, we both know that I am looking you up when we get into the city. Though what I get, and what SHIELD gets.."

There. She said it. At least one of the organisations she was part of.

"Not necessarily the same thing. And I will be frank, the odds are slim. And you will never hear from us again. But, you might." She smirks. An organisation even more hush-hush than SHIELD?

And Skye? She seems a bit more underhanded than the usual Agent. Interesting..

Coming around a bend, the outskirts of the city can be seen.
Domino has posed:
Hoooold up--!

Is..is Skye holding this over Domino's head? Like a 'help me out and I won't tell SHIELD about you' sort of arrangement? Or perhaps Dom's looking for a problem which isn't there. But this isn't coming from SHIELD. The stakes, they have been raised.

"Okay, you've sold me from a point of curiosity" the spotted merc admits. "A bit of mutual back-scratching off of their radar. Assuming I -am- found for this return of favor, will I be getting paid for my time?"
Quake has posed:
Pulling onto the side of the road, and turning off the van, Skye sits quietly and thinks for a moment. "Frankly, SHIELD doesn't have to know that you and I made a connection. The odds that Fury sent me out there, in the middle of god damn nowhere, are so small to begin with. And, let's be honest, if there is something that Fury needs to know, the odd are I'm going to let him know. Just like if there was something about me.."

"So relax. Nothing you didn't expect."

Now for the rest of it..

"No, to put it bluntly, we don't pay you." Definitely not SHIELD. "But there are perqs, including sometimes things get lost. I mean, I'm not your conscience. You have to be on the light side of grey though. There will be friends. Acquaintances to have. Everyone has a day job." Or a night, as it may be. "We are the ones who cleans up when no one can."

Because of laws. Skye doesn't say may, but it is clear what she meant.
Domino has posed:
The albino's initial concerns seem to be put to rest after she hears Skye out, considers, then offers a subtle nod. "Fury's still alive and kicking, huh. Can't say I'm surprised. Disappointed, maybe."

Work for connections instead of cash. It's not normally what Domino prefers, but given her current situation... Having some expert level hackers within reach could be far more useful than ending up with another envelope full of Benjamins.

That she would have to be 'on the light side of grey' may well be the biggest challenge, buuut she's willing to roll those dice and see how it all plays out.

"Alright" she decides after another round of consideration. "Maybe I'll be hearing from you later. Or, maybe not" she says with a thin smile. "Appreciate the ride back. Good luck with Gretel."
Quake has posed:
"Very good."

Skye sits back and nods. "One of the things Fury expects of me, is to know - in my gut - what is actually happening. To trust my instincts. He has sat me down during an interview to watch. That's all. And after he grills me on what I got out of it." Take it as you will. "Something in my gut tells me to take a chance on this."

"And, considering you don't want me to place you and a neighborhood, I think here is good enough? I'll tell Fury, hello for you?"

She might be joking?