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Latest revision as of 13:43, 24 October 2017

Date of Scene: 12 May 2017
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Nightwing, Wonder Woman

Nightwing has posed:
Gotham is a pot of water near the edge of boiling over with rage, and anarchy. With the police on the verge of strike, Batman hasn't been seen in a couple of nights, the lesser known heroes are doing their best to pick up the slack but criminals seem to know that the city is ripe for the taking.

Dick Grayson has been charged by his dad to proctect this city in his absence. Dick and Babs both were told to step up and fill the dark knight's shoes.

So here he is, Nightwing, perched on one of the support structures for the skyrail system that goes out to the suburbs of Gotham from the city's heart. He's here, waiting to observe if the rumored attack on the system might be more than just simple rumors.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana had heard of Batman's absence and the turmoil in the city and nothing about that made her happy. She set out toward Gotham and intended to find those that she knows are associated with Batman, they're out there... somewhere... she was sure of it.

She flew through the night with her blue cloak on her shoulders covering her body down to her booted feet. She flew and observed the city in its living-state, her eyes scanning rooftops and alleyways, anywhere she might spot someone related to the Batfamily.

Eventually she came to the Skytrain that Nightwing was on, she saw him... just barely... and her flight pattern angled her toward him. Diana's body shifted and her armored boots touched down lightly on the same support structure. She stared at him with her piercing blue eyes, her chin dipped. "Nightwing." She said to him in her heavily accented voice.

Nightwing has posed:
Rising up from his hunched over stance and turning to face Diana, "This is a pleasant surprise Diana. I could actually use your help." Dick says, his eyes moving to look back down on the track as a car approaches from afar.

Lifting his hand up to the black frame around his eyes and giving Diana a salute before he steps off the overhang to intercept the train car. With a click and snitk the man's grappling hook catches the concrete and stops him from landing on the tracks but brings him in a swing to land directly on the car smoothly.

Wonder Woman has posed:
When Nightwing spoke to her she simply stared at him and watched him make his move for the oncoming train car. She dropped off of the station scaffolding and when he arrived atop the train via a skillful display of timing and acrobatics, she just landed on the train using flight powers and a show of timing of her own, but now, standing on the train with the wind whipping her clothing and her hair, she spoke louder to Nightwing.

"I am here to assist." She told him. "How can I do that?" She asked. "Where is Batman?" She asked further. The last time she'd seen him, he'd been injured... apparently those injuries hadn't gotten better.

Nightwing has posed:
"Good! There's supposed to be a group of men on the train with a bomb!" Dick says, shouting to be heard over the whipping winds and wooshes as the train zooms past support beams for the track.

"Find them, stop the bomb and get the girl." Dick says the last third as a joke but shrugs away her third question with, "Not here is all I know!" He knows more, but that's not pressing.

Dick starts to walk towards the back of the car towards the gap between the train cars to drop down and get into the first passenger cab.

Now, where would the terrorists be.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana stepped toward Dick as he said these things and moved to enter the train. "You might spook them!" She called out to him, but he already dropped down to enter the train and she sighed. Turning then, Diana looked around at the city as it rushed by on all sides. "What girl?" She asked then, to nobody, as she didn't really understand his joke...

The Amazon started to lean low on the train and she focused with her enhanced hearing to listen inside the car beneath her. She could hear Nightwing moving, as well as other passengers... she was listening to see what would happen with a costumed vigilante entering a train with a potential terrorist onboard it...

Nightwing has posed:
Diana would hear several of the passengers say something about them being in the last car and how they're all scared. Dick moved through them slowly and calmly asked one of the gentlemen there if he could borrow the man's coat. A few steps later, Dick has covered most of his costume and face using a woman's scarf also.

Grayson moves slowly to the last car as the vehicle continues to barrel down the track, deeper and deeper into the city.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana followed along on the roof with her cloak moving about her wildly and her hair obscuring her face mostly as she looked around behind her and kept on-pace with Nightwing directly above him. She looked ahead at the train as some oncoming obstacles were impending-danger to her, but she simply stood up and stepped out of the way as a large metal half-gate whizzed past her, not seemingly frightening her in the least.

Diana did lightly shake her head then as she went back to crouching and listening to Nightwing's advances inside the car.

Nightwing has posed:
Nightwing quickly makes it to the rear car and acting as a lost and confused civilian he says in his best old man voice. "What're you kids doin' back here?"

Several men with semi automatic pistols quickly turn around from the large black plastic case and level their sights on Dick.

"What're you doin' here old man."

"Dis ain' no place for yous, get back to your seat old ass fuck."

"Y-yeah! Get outta here and leaf."

Dick's hands are quickly raised and thankfully the scarf was long enough to cover most of his face and hair so they bought the old man schtick, hopefully Diana catches the hint.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana did indeed. When she heard the voices and could tell that Dick had just walked into a rats nest of armed men who likely had foul plans, she swept about and reached an arm behind her back to draw her glimmering sword from the leather sheath on her back benath her robe.

A moment later and the Princess of Themyscira dropped between the train cars and her sword-wielding hand sliced the connection between the last-train car and the rest of the passenger train! She then stepped onto the balcony of the last train car that Dick and the armed men were inside of and she glanced inside the window of it as the car was now on its own on the track, moving solely off of momentum now, which means at this speed if it comes up on a turn it might be quite bad for everyone inside!

Nightwing has posed:
The entire car lurches from the shift in momentum, Dick and everyone inside leans to the front of the car and during that moment when everyone is off balance, Nightwing's hand snaps out to the nearest man's gun and twist his hand twice, once to the outside and then down, breaking his finger using the trigger guard and spinning low so the man's body is between him and all the other guns still heald and ready to shoot.

Wonder Woman has posed:
A bomb is still potentially in-play and the train car is still on the tracks in the middle of a densely populated section of Gotham City... Diana watches as Nightwing initiates the combat inside the car and though she wishes to help him, she knew she couldn't. Diana disappeared from outside the train car's front door window and she flew back up to the top of the car, landing once more upon it she re-sheathed her sword on her back benaeth her robe and she walked forward on the train.

When she reached the central part of the train's roof she found thick metal loops used during construction of the traincar's body and she wrapped her hands around these and then started to lift off, yanking the train from the tracks causing sparks to fly off from beneath the car as she broke the safety-mechanisms that tired to keep the car on the track!

Now, everyone onboard would feel the train go much softer in its momentum as it was going UP into the air.

Nightwing has posed:
The change in g-forces on the body was enough to buckle some of the goon's knees and Nightwink was already hunkered low thankfuly. With a jerk of his elbow into the man's nose to really put him out of the fight, Dick wrenches the gun from his hand and throws it at another's head, the metal weapon bouncing off the man's skull dazing him pretty badly. Three more men, but one is still working on the bomb.

"We're flying, set it off, SET IT OFF! Before it's too late!"

"I-I'm trying. Gi-gi-give me a moment!" The man at the device begs.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana can still hear whats going on inside the car, even better now that the loud noises of the train on the track were taken out of the equation. So when she heard the sounds of setting the bomb off she jostled the car a little as a warning... to Nightwing mainly, though it may be too vague a message... and then she flipped the car completely over, spinning it on its side until it was inverted and started to fall a few meters before she swopped down and grabbed it once more by the metal underneath it!

Diana's eyes narrowed as she'd hoped that the bomber who was trying to set the bomb off, would be summarily disarmed of said bomb and hopefully even knocked completely out by the sudden and violet shift inside the train car.

and all of this was done as she flew the car toward the Gotham Harbor on the eastern side of the city's islands.

Nightwing has posed:
During the roll a few loud pops and bright flashes illuminate the car, but the voices are all stopped and only a series of groans ring out from inside the car. "DIANA!" Screams Nightwing, his tone not that of pain but annoyance and a hint of minor pain. "Come on!" He groans as he clamps the case shut and kicks out a window to talk to Diana from. "They're pretty much done in here if you want to set us down somewhere?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
It takes about two minutes before the car descends and is set down on an empty dock that stretches out over the black waters of the Gotham Harbour. Some soft noises later and Diana shoves the door on the car open (upside down).

"I am sorry, Nightwing." She says into the car toward him. "Are they disarmed?" She asked, looking inside the darkened car that had lost power when she'd cut it loose from the main train.

"Who are they?" She then asked.

Nightwing has posed:
Tossing a coat out to Diana wrapped up tight with about five hand guns, Dick leans over and hefts up a black case, with thick bulbs on the sides to protects the innards from shock and trauma. "They are." He says, stepping over one to step outside and stand next to Diana.

After a moment he sets the case down beside himself and looks over to the men writhing in agony in the car. "I'm not sure, but they're well organized for pure anarchists. Could have ties to middle eastern terrorist cells or maybe part of the mob... I don't know. But we'll let the police take it from here. I hope." Dick says with a faint sigh as he turns to look back towards the city and hopefully some boys in blue are still out there.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana unrolled the jacket and she looked down at the guns. She stared at them while Nightwing came out to stand beside her and she looked over at the bomb when it was set down. "I can hear sirens." She told him in a soft tone of voice. "They are coming closer." She added before looking back to the guns.

Diana's right hand reached over the coat and she started to squeeze each gun until it was a useless broken pile of trash. An arguably futile endeavor, but to Diana it was one less gun that could shoot an innocent. Even if a factory just made ten more in the time it took her to crush five.

"I must find Commissioner Gordon." She said then, looking back to Dick. "To find out how to bring peace to all of this madness."

Nightwing has posed:
"That's something he and Batman have been working at for a long time Diana." Night wing says, moving back into the train car to retrieve the scarf and walking back out he extends his hand to ask for the coat back. He's gonna go give them back it seems. "You're welcome to help though."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana tossed the jacket onto the ground after she'd finished with the guns and she nodded her head one singular time at Nightwing's words. "Then please, contact me should anything come up that you think I can assist you with." She told him.

Diana lifted up off of the ground then and hovered silently a few feet off of it. "I will go and search for more trouble for as long as I can spare." She said, and moments later she'd slip higher up into the sky.