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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/05/23 |Location=Home Depot - Salem Center |Synopsis=After responding to a false alarm, Simon Williams and Clint Barton are left with a Quinjet and a free afternoon. Home Depot awaits! |Cast of Characters=1567, 137 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1567|Wonder Man (1567)}} has posed:'''<br>Earlier in the day, a couple of Avengers responded to supicious activity in Westchester County, but whatever it is seems to have resolved itself...")
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Latest revision as of 13:43, 25 May 2023

Shopping After Work
Date of Scene: 23 May 2023
Location: Home Depot - Salem Center
Synopsis: After responding to a false alarm, Simon Williams and Clint Barton are left with a Quinjet and a free afternoon. Home Depot awaits!
Cast of Characters: Wonder Man, Hawkeye (Barton)

Wonder Man has posed:
Earlier in the day, a couple of Avengers responded to supicious activity in Westchester County, but whatever it is seems to have resolved itself in the time it took for them to hop a Quinjet and make the jaunt over. Having already committed to the trip, one Simon Williams decided not to let the trip be wasted. Instead, he suggested they hide the Quinjet using Stark's patented stealth technology and make a day of it.

And that is how an Avenger wound up outside the bright orange tones of a New York Home Depot. He adjusts his ruby red shades a bit and shifts the windbreaker of his civilian clothes. He looks ahead, then back to Clint.

"So Clint, buddy, what do you know about wood? Lumber? Is lumber the better term here?"
Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"I wish I could say I failed shop class."

Clint doesn't exactly look thrilled to be in Home Depot but he's here and he's doing that thing where he looks semi-annoyed but also may be doing some shopping in his head. There are always a few things that he can get from Home Depot. Hardware stores are an archer's playground. When there's not a Stark handy to pay for everything, that is.

Clint's managed to be rocking his civilian attire consisting of jeans and a red CAUTION: FULL OF BAD PUNS novelty t-shirt. If either of these men look like they belong in Home Depot, it's Clint.

"What're you trying to lumber?" Clint's going to need some clarification here or something.
Wonder Man has posed:
"I was more of a computers guy myself," Simon says, running a hand through the hair on the back of his head. "But y'see, Clint, I had a gig last week and make this lovely lady from out in the suburbs, and I think we hit it off real well." Simon talks while he walks, looking over at some fasteners he's not sure of the purpose of.

"And she invited me to help her work on ... y'know those tiny home things, right? Apparently she got one on a nice patch of land out in the country somewhere. Great looking place judging from the photos."
Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"So you met a woman and now you're building her a house?" Clint just kind of stares at Simon for a moment or seven. "I don't know why but that makes more sense than it should." He shakes his head and messes around with a couple of fasteners himself. Which get a second or third glance because he could probably work with these for a thing or two.

"I gotta' be honest, I can't help you build a house. You're going to have to YouTube that one." That part is out of his knowledge-base. "But if you want to talk like drills or nailguns or something, I know a bit." Clint's handy. Ish.
Wonder Man has posed:
"It's not a full house!" Simon interjects. "It's a tiny house. That means it's like, I don't know. A tree house?" This probably made more sense in Simon's head. "...maybe I'm getting in over my head, y'know? I figured I could at least do the heavy lifting.

Simon looks over a drill set with way, way too many bits. "...this is kind of much for a first date, huh?" The Wonder Man rubs his chin thoughtfully. "--so what do you do, Clint? I mean, when you aren't doing the whole -- dayjob," Simon quickly course corrects. "The dayjob thing."
Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Wait, this is for a date?!"

Clint actually has to stop himself from completely facepalming in this moment. He looks around at the fact that they are in a Home DAMN Depot. "You have a date and you're trying to build her a house, tiny or otherwise?!" Clint just has to actually shake his head in this moment because the confusion is far too great.

"Can't you just show her one of your movies?" A much easier option that Clint tosses out as a suggestion.

"What do I do? I usually do my other dayjob. I've got a lot of dayjobs." Clint offers with a shrug accompaniment. "If I'm now Avenging, I'm probably SHIELDing. On the off chance I do have a day off? I sleep. Lots and lots of sleep."
Wonder Man has posed:
"Wouldn't that seem a little ... I dunno, arrogant? I mean, I'm a pretty great guy, but that feels like...like a guy who's got a painting of himself in the den?" Simon considers for a minute. "...does Tony have one of those? Maybe that's a bad metaphor."

"I know the feeling. I'm glad the Avengers let me stay at the mansion, considering how hard it can be to get a place with ... y'know, a rap sheet, but I feel like I ought to pay some of my own bills at least."
Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Stark would build a monument to himself if he could, I bet." Clint offers with a bit of a grin. "But when you're smarter than everyone, maybe it's deserved?" Clint's not going to be accidentally bad mouthing anyone around here. Plus, he's just not the 'attention-seeking' type so he can't even begin to understand the Starks and the Simons of the world. "You both are part of a special and rare breed. Embrace it."

Clint nods along. "The mansion's not a bad place to live. Sure, I don't think you'll be able to bring your new lady friend over but at the very least you can say you live in the Avengers Mansion. That has to be a game changer, right?" Clint shrugs. "Tell me about it. Some of us are just built to pay our own way." Or have no choice. Same difference.
Wonder Man has posed:
"Hah! Yeah..." Williams stares off into the distance for a minute. "Y'know, that's the only side of him I saw at one point? I just saw this playboy. Arrogant. Full of himself. I figured he didn't even know he put my family's business under, but then I got to know him a bit more. -- not sure I'd put myself on *that* level, but I guess I've got a few things going for me."

"And yeah! Got that right. I'm still not entirely sure how the whole 'ionic man' thing might work, but we'll take it one step a time."

"...though I'm having second thoughts since he idea for a first date was 'helping her build a house.'"
Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Hey, don't listen to me. I have three failed marriages under my belt. I think." Clint takes a moment to think. "At least two." Either he can't keep up or he's just trying to make light of his past. Who knows with Barton. "Maybe building a house with someone is thew new romantic thing to do? Maybe you two will share a moment over a hammer and a nail? Maybe she just wants to see you with your shirt off? I've heard of worst dates. Most of them planned by me."

Clint taps his chin a bit. "If you do decide to do this house date, don't ask me how I know this, but I know the best toilets to put in. Come on..." Clint motions for Simon to follow as he's headed in the direction of that bathroom section!
Wonder Man has posed:
Simon opens his mouth and starts to say something. Perhaps it's about the marriages. Maybe it's about speculation of the date. It could be, just possibly, about where Clint's knowledge of the toilets comes from.

But he closes his mouth again and reconsiders. "You know, color me curious. After you, my good man."