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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/05/20 |Location=The Magic Box, Sunnydale |Synopsis=Step 3 in place, Thomas's stupid plan is working.. |Cast of Characters=7044, 190 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:7044|Thomas Raith (7044)}} has posed:'''<br>Thomas Raith had called ahead, mostly to be sure that A) willow was at the Magic Box. And also B) That no one else was. Which to be fair? sounds a little sketchy, but the White Courtier has nothing but the purest of intention...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 14:01, 25 May 2023

I weighed if this was a good idea or bad. Then I did it anyway.
Date of Scene: 20 May 2023
Location: The Magic Box, Sunnydale
Synopsis: Step 3 in place, Thomas's stupid plan is working..
Cast of Characters: Thomas Raith, Willow Rosenberg

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith had called ahead, mostly to be sure that A) willow was at the Magic Box. And also B) That no one else was. Which to be fair? sounds a little sketchy, but the White Courtier has nothing but the purest of intentions... for Willow... I mean even if Buffy doesn't remember them dating for 3+ years, never mess with your Ex's best friend still applies right? Anyway he arrives about thirty minutes afte the initial call. He's dressed more casually then usual, wearing jeans and a simple white button down...and somehow making it look like a fashion statement... and calls out as the door opens "Wills? You around?"
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow was indeed at the Magic Box. And something about Thomas' voice told her to tell him to come over at closing time. That way, if she was right, he could have her full attention. But what he wanted? That was still a mystery.

At eight o'clock she closed down the shop, and put on the tea kettle. (Just to be polite!) And waited for him.

She really didn't have to wait too long to wait, but she brought out some cookies. Because. Chocolate chip to be exact. And she munched on one while she waited. When he showed up, she reminded him to lock the door, and turn down the blinds. "Just to make certain everybody knows we are closed!" Because Willow would let them in, feeling sorry for them. "What made you come over? I mean making sure no one would be here? Would you like a tea?"
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith does turn the "We're closed sign and pull the blinds, though he doesn't lock the door. I mean it is pretty rude to lock a def-- err.. A Harmle--- uhh... To lock a young woman up with a monster, no matter how tame. He smiles that brilliant smile of his at the offer of tea and cookines and nods. "That would be amazing." He says as he pulls out one of those tiny golfer notebooks. "So I need the services of a witch.."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow watched him close the blinds, and flip the 'Closed' sign with a grin, but she was fairly serious when he turned around.

His telling her, he needs a witch was not on her short list of things he could have asked for. "You mean me? Don't you have a friend who does magic?" Two as a matter of fact. ..Probably more! "You're sure you mean me?"

She pours him a teacup, and cookies on the side, and hands them over.
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods slightly, "I do. I have a few actually, But I'd rather keep them, and my brother specifically out of this." He says as he offers her a list of potion ingrediants. "Still I went to Bob, and he recomended you with the highest of praise. And to be fair when you consider that you are by nature a highly attractive Jewish Lesbian as well, that little perv going to "Extremely talented witch" before anything else /is/ high praise." He says with a smile, dipping a cookie in the tea.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Bi really. Not just Lesbian." (Why choose when you can have both?) That was high praise though! Most often her queerness ranked before her magic. Then her geekiness. Followed somewhere below there her magic could be found - and only if somebody knew she does magic.

(Her Jewishness would depend. Some people really cared about that. Most of her friends didn't.)

"Wait a minute!? Me?! Attractive?" What did he want, considering he broke out all the high praises to get her attention. "Now I know you're telling me fibs. What's going on? 'fess up."
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins a little bit, "Willow, if I hadn't dated Buffy and have a rule about not sleeping with my ex's best friends... Believe me you'd have a whole different perspective on white Court Vampires." He says offering over the notepad. "But speaking of mistakes you would cherish the rest of your life, What do you think of this potion." Most of the ingrediants are pretty basic... 99% available at the Magic Shop... Though "Holy Fire" might stand out.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Got that. And that too.

These ones are fairly common..

That's a bit odd?

As she reads down the list, Holy Fire was, indeed, the odd one out.

"It's not that we don't have some.." Willow couched her voice nonchalantly. "But this one makes just about anything you can concoct.." Brew. Stir. Decant. Make a potion.. "Up a notch in the easy to hard categories. Are you sure you want me?" While Tala had made significant progress, Willow still believed her potions were her ability. "I mean, I /can/, but are you sure?"

Then she thinks, and goes over the ingredient list. "/What/ are you really looking for - seeing that you are not going to get your brother, or someone else, to make it?"
Thomas Raith has posed:
You donet rush, or lie to, your Mircle Worker, or you get lousy Miricles. So Thomas takes a seat, dips another cookie in his cooling tea. "So what you are reading is something simmilar to a magical drug called 3-eye. Basically 3-Eye would open a Muggle's 3rd eye for a little while, letting them trip out on watching the world's auras. It basically gave them a wizard's Sight." He adds some honey... okay he adds allot of honey to his tea and stirs. "This does something simmilar. Only instead of opening the Sight, it allows the people who drink it to share a Soul Gaze."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Now Willow pays close attention, nodding and hrm'ing at all the right places. If she is right, the potion would not be permanent - at least not in the Soul Gaze direction. But there could be untoward effects that could be long term, or permanent.

"Should I ask, does the recipient know about the potion? That they could have troubles after?" It wasn't so much that it was a forbidden spell (or at least Willow has a list that she would be hard to convince her to do them), but she was a conscientious witch, which meant she was careful about how and why she used spells as a matter of course..
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith says, "So according to Bob, the immediate effects of the potion, the Soul Gaze should only work for about a minute... so it wont be permanent. And while a Wizard will have Perfect recall of what they saw, with the potion the memmories will start to degrade like normal memories after about three weeks. He sips his tea...adds more honey.. "As for the other person? I will give them a full and detailed explination of the effects and consiquenses before I give them the potion.""
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
It was almost what she required - after all, even though Thomas was using the spell on the person, /she/ was making it. It was just like she was using it.

Willow nodded. "When do you need it?"
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith shrugs. "As soon as possible would be prefered? If it's a question of money I am willing to pay whatever you need." He says calmly, smiling as he drinks his tea flavored honey with satisfaction. "Or anything else for that matter."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow just shakes her head. "You should be careful with your words. If I weren't a nice witch, I could bind you, you realize?"
Thomas Raith has posed:
He grins at her playfully and lightly pats her hand \<span style="color:#BA55D3"\>"I'll take my chances."\</span\> he says as he lets just a sliver of his hunger pass through the young Witch's body through the hands. It's like rich choclate, warm puppt hugs, and the /very/ best sex all poured into a single moment in time.... And then just as quickly as it arrived he lets it pass with a smirk on his lips... "Too bad about the whole ex's best frienbd thing, huh?" He says in a teasingly playful voice.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow's eyes go wide, as she removes her hand, quickly. "That isn't very nice."

Even as she felt prickles on her skin, another part of her was aghast! He wouldn't! ..Would he?

Deep within her, another portion of her raised its head and gave a little laugh - as though recognizing a challenge - before going quiet again.

"That would be mean! Besides, it's better to find a person who you click with - not like that. I would do everything that you commanded me to, but that's not me. That's not a relationship. Still you should be careful how you word things. If I weren't nice, I could have bound you already - just by your words, 'Or anything else for that matter'. You should know that! really."

She crumples up the ingredient list. "I will have it by this time next week."
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith hesitates and then stops. He'd been about to leave but now... well he's a little hurt... a little offended... but also curious. "Is that.. Is that what you think I do? Is that what you thought me and Buffy were?" He asks, and genuinely seems a little upset by that. "My kind /can/ do that willow... My sister? My father? They'd love to do that... But I don't want slaves, even from the peoiple I feed on.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow had been a little afraid - no, a lot afraid - of his little demonstration. "You don't get it. People like me.. like you.. we have to.."

And there she stopped.

Willow might have to. But Thomas?

"I don't know what your relationship was with her. I had to trust her, at least, that she was engaging in the relationship because she was doing it by choice. I didn't know you. But I trusted her. Don't you see? If I went on you and you alone I probably would have chosen a different path to protect my friend. And she wasn't herself anyways. Would she have chosen you if her cognition weren't being affected? I don't know. And I am not trying to think of all the things you could have done. Really I'm not. So maybe you should think about that. Because no matter what came out of your relationship, I still talk with you, and offer to help you."

"But every now and then you scare me."
Thomas Raith has posed:
he seems to consider this... and to be fair, he often tells people that he is s monster... He's not sure why Willow being afraid of him then should bother him so much. It does though. He sighs letting his fingers run through his long black hair, "I never did that. Not with Buffy. Not with anyone since.." He sighs and his eyes look a little moist with emotion. Pain. Regret. Self loathing. He shakes his head. "Thanks Willow. Call me when it's ready. How long you think?
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
A long, slow nod is made by Willow. "Then I trust you."

Nothing more; nothing less - regardless of whether or not he scares her. She trusts him.

"I'll get the potion done as soon as possible. Probably Friday?"
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods slightly, taking another cookie from the plate. "I appreciate it Wills, and thank you." He says and heads back into the night... Goodjob Willow, you made the scary monster feel bad.