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Latest revision as of 14:24, 25 May 2023

First Impression Fail
Date of Scene: 17 May 2023
Location: Lobby, Hall of Justice
Synopsis: Cassie meets Nightwing for the first time. Things could have gone better from Cassie's point of view.
Cast of Characters: Nightwing, Wonder Girl

Nightwing has posed:

'Recognized, B-01, Nightwing. '

The automated voice called out to the Hall of Justice as the receiver array for the Zeta Beam flared to life, allowing the crossover from Gotham to Metropolis with that flash of energy and the rumble of power. It was in that flash that the young man's silhouette first appeared and then his profile filled out with the technological marvel of teleportation bringing him forth and into that central hub for the Justice League.

Once the energy eased down, Dick Grayson seemed to relax a little. Not consciously, but a hint of the weight on his shoulders slipped away as he walked further into the hub, one hand lifting to his shoulder and rubbing it with a grimace even as his irisless eyelets in that domino mask sweep the surrounding area.

No noise at first, no hub-bub, this late in the evening/morning things were always quiet. And the young vigilante added little more noise to it save the low rumble of the Zeta-beam deactivating.
Wonder Girl has posed:
But then as the sound from the beam settles completely, he might pick up the faint sound of footsteps. It sounds like it is coming from the main lobby. Then there is the squeak of a sneaker sole against the hard floor. Then there was silence a moment followed by a "Hello?"

The lobby generally had a lot of people in it. Thus it generally absorbed noise. But now, with no one there outside a few guards keeping people from going into the private areas, it was very open and more prone to enhancing the sound instead of reducing it. Not quite an echo but enough acoustics to have caught the attention.

"Helloooooooo." Followed by a giggle. Then there was suddenly music playing, apparently coming from a phone most likely, with the speaker on. Only it was followed by that same voice suddenly starting to sing along.

"I stay out too late. Got nothin' in my brain. That's what people say. Mmmhm. That's what people say. Mmmmhm. I go on too many dates. But I can't make them stay. At least that's what people say. Mmmhm."

And should Nightwing decide to peek outside the hub, past the very amused guard standing outside that area, he would see a blond woman in a pair of lowcut jeans with a crop top in red with the Wonder Woman symbol on the front of it. And she is dancing. Poorly. Even as she sang. Not as poorly but she wasn't going to be making a career of it.
Nightwing has posed:

Those guards were used to seeing strange things, and a dancing, jiving, singing blond gal wasn't tooo far out of the ordinary. Though they still gave her a look, and shared a smirk before one slightly shook his head at the other.

Maybe she was there killing time or waiting to meet someone. Or maybe she was actually a tourist. Yet she did manage to get the attention of the other vigilante who had turned away from his destination to turn his head... then his body over in the direction of the singing. He walked forward, the HUD in his mask flickering to life as it scanned the faces of the guards, revealing their files and declaring them known quantities. He was surprised in part when it scanned Cassie's and simply stated 'Wonder Girl' as well as an option to know more. An option he didn't activate, for now at least. Being the protege of the Dark Knight Detective he naturally made a few... deductions and smiled slightly.

Which is when he appeared in that archway and said, "Hey. You're the new Wonder Girl, right? I'm Nightwing."
Wonder Girl has posed:
She wasn't a complete unknown around here at least. Only, she normally saw the people on dayshift. But today she had wanted to ask Diana a question and thus she stopped by, just on the off chance the princess might be present. But the acoustics in that lobby had distracted her from her mission. And the nightguards didn't know her.

"I keep cruiiiisin', can't stop won't stop mooooovin'..." And that is when she heard the voice and turned her head suddenly that way. The phone was in her right hand and suddenly she was smacking it with her right hand trying to stop the audio. Only to manage to turn it up. And she looked at it just in time to slap the corner of it instead of the off button and sent the phone flying. THen it landed nearby, still blaring the song as she quickly scooped it up. Right at the "To the fella over there with the hella good hair, won't you come on over, baby? We can shake shake shake." Then she managed to shut it down and the silence was very loud in the room after.

The blush snuck up from her chest to her neck and her face, almost matching the shirt she was wearing. But then she realized there was no hope for it. Her first impression was made and there was no second try for a first impression. Her mama had taught her that.

"Hi! Yeah, the newest though I've been doing it a little while now." She offered her right hand as she closed the distance between them in quick order. "Cassie. Though I am not asking your name cause the whole..." And she waved her hand in front of her face to indicate the mask. At least she didn't put a finger up on either side of her head as though she was making bat ears. That might've been a bit much.
Nightwing has posed:

"Yeah, I used to get along with your predecessor, Donna." Nightwing says with that same smile. The irisless eyelets in that mask might be a little disconcerting to most, but the young vigilante carries it off pretty well. "We both came up through the Titans for a time." Which had been a few good years ago.

He gave a nod to the guards on duty and lifted a hand as they returned that nod and likely the security settings now recognized that Cassie was officially 'chaperoned' which made things likely a bit easier. He turned and started to walk back into the main lobby/hub area and said, "Were you looking for someone or needed some help?" He heads across the way toward the control consoles that handle the Zeta Beams and starts to cue up one for his ascent up to the Watchtower, but he doesn't key it active yet. Instead he turns back to look at her.
Wonder Girl has posed:
At least he was nice enough not to ask about the Dance Fever moment there. That ticked up his approval rating in Cassandra's mind. "Yeah, I know who you are. Nightwing! Former Robin. Of which I know there have been a few but I think I lost count around three."

She walked alongside him as he headed toward the Zeta Beam hub again, tucking her phone into her back pocket. She did glance at it ever so briefly to make sure she hadn't managed to crack her screen when she dropped it but all was good. Then it was gone. "Gymnast extraordinaire, excellent fighting abilties, acrobatics that would make an athlete in the Olympics cry, voted hott--" Wait, that might be too much to say and she quickly changed what she was saying. "Hot---shot that is up and coming in the hero scene on the reddit boards."

Then she realized he'd asked a question and she nodded. "Oh! Yes. I was looking for Diana. Had something come up in class and was thinking about it and I think the professor is wrong but wanted to be sure with Diana before I go sticking my foot in my mouth."
Nightwing has posed:

"Ohnoez, I am are on the reddits?" Nightwing says with that cocksure half-smile as he turns around and leans back against the console, his arms folding over his chest. "But that's kind of you to say, you seem to have me at a bit of a disadvantage." His eyebrows quirk upwards, his head tilting to the side slightly as if trying to puzzle out the conundrum that is a Cassie simply by getting another look at her from another angle.

"Diana isn't here... I think..." He says as his brow knits for a moment. He has the kindness to turn and lightly tap at one of the control screens and issue a quick inquiry, only for the console to respond to him silently with a scroll of a message about A-03 Wonder Woman is not on the current site.

"Yeah, she's not here, she might be at the Embassy, spends a lot of time there these days." Then his smile widens a little, "Though... I suppose you already know that."
Wonder Girl has posed:
"Oh yeah, there are all sorts of superhero reddits out there. I used to read them when I was a kid and thought everything on there was the truth. Because we're stupid when we're young." Not that she wasn't still young but such is the wisdom of being over 21 and so very very old now in her own eyes. "Now I mainly read them to see what they got wrong. It's funny. You should try it sometime."

At mention of her knowing about the Embassy, she had to grin a bit. "Yeah, kinda already know about it. And tried the Embassy first. She wasn't there either." Cassie gave a little shrug then looked at the screen then back at him. She lifted a thumb, poking it upwards twice. "She wouldn't happen to be up there? If you don't mind looking?"
Nightwing has posed:

"We can go take a look if you want?" Nightwing turns and leans back over the console, giving another swipe to the controls that has the zeta beam rumbling to life as it bridges the distances between the two control rooms. The light flares at the conveyor section and the vibrance grows in intensity as he murmurs, "I was about to head up myself, watch duty and all."

He steps away from the console, lifting a gauntleted hand to rub at the side of his shoulder as he grimaces slightly, then gives a nod to her sidelong. "Though no selfies or tiktokking, even if it would get you all sorts of internet points on the superhero reddits."

That said he pauses by the glowing swirling light and gestures with one hand. "After you?"
Wonder Girl has posed:
And for the first time Cassie goes completely serious. Her eyes widen and she shook her head, "I would never. I know where the line is drawn and I would never disrespect the League that way. Or the Titans. Or others."

And it was like he had slapped her or something in how somber she was and serious in her response.

Then the smile was back and her moment of sincerity was past, the young vibrant woman returning. "I appreciate it. I'll get out of your hair once we find out if she's there." Since he has work and all that stuff.

Thankfully, she'd travelled by Zeta Beam before. Not to the Watchtower though. That had a little extra bounce in her step as she practically trotted forward, stepping into the Beam and disappearing.
Nightwing has posed:

There was the rush and that subtle feeling of traversal that comes with the Zeta-Beam, as if the world was rendered out of focus then brought back into focus, though it always felt slightly a little bit off. As if the universe shifted a centimeter to the right.

Then she'd hear the voice of the other vigilante, though it had some reverberation to it as he spoke while coming through the beam, "I didn't think you would, just always better to make sure, right?"

He appeared behidn her and slightly to the side, walking further into the receiving area of the Watchtower... and there's always that first big beautiful view of the floating blue marble in space. It always greets the first-timers and does tend to take the breath away. Even for 'old-timers' like Nightwing.

"There's no hurry." He offers to her as he moves forward to the almost exactly alike control console that was up here as well against one of the walls. He starts to tap on the display again.
Wonder Girl has posed:

The word was almost a whisper as Cassie stepped away from the beam and into the Watchtower for the first time. She was staring at the view above them and then around them, taking it all in. She walked backwards a bit as she craned her neck, not trying to play it cool in the least. She would've failed and she didn't really see where it was necessary. After all, she'd already embarassed herself in front of Nightwing.

"This is amazing," she said in a whisper again. But realizes she probably shouldn't be whispering. He wasn't. Cassie spoke more normally as she nodded. "You sure? I don't want you to be late or something. Am I allowed to just maybe look around a bit?"
Nightwing has posed:

"Well," Nightwing grins slightly as he finishes tapping the screen, then looks up at her. "Diana isn't here either. But you're free to stay if you want. Unfortunately, you kinda gotta stay in my vicinity."

A few footsteps carry him toward the door that leads out onto the concourse. He pauses there with his hand activating the door panel and the metal portal slides open with a soft whisper of motion and compressed hydraulics. He turns to look back at her, "I mean, you might wander around and open the wrong door and suddenly fwoosh, out into space. Then I'd have to spend my entire weekend telling Diana what happened and she'd scold me very sternly." His lips twist a little as he says that.

"So stick with me, unless you wanna go back downstairs. No worries either way." He steps out into the concourse then, letting her make her decision.
Wonder Girl has posed:
She hovered. That moment of standing still and sort of leaning this way then that as she pondered. But she kept looking up through the viewscreens to space out and above them. Or below them. She wasn't really sure of the angle. But it was gorgeous and she felt that curiosity pulling her to follow him.

It wasn't like she needed her answers until tomorrow anyway. So she could take a little time.

Thus Cassie started to follow him along the concourse. "Well we don't want any Fwoosh." But she considered, wondering how that would work with her abilities. It wasn't something she tried. One didn't really want to try it unless forced in case they weren't as resistant as they thought.

"If you're sure I won't be distracting you from you work, I'll be glad to stay. You can teach me how to do monitor duty for when I join the League!" Because of course she will be here one day herself. She has no doubt.
Nightwing has posed:

"It's actually fairly painless." Nightwing says as they start to walk along that large circular hall that runs the length of the watchtower, giving them a view on all sides if they take it all the way around. Though for now they're just strolling along heading toward the monitoring room. "Main thing we're there for is to make a judgment call if needs be."

As the former Robin walks he checks the status of the data display on his gauntlet. She likely can't tell but he's disengaging some of the data feeds that are sent to his HUD, and he's sending out notifications to the rest of the team that he'll be unavailable as he gets settled into the monitoring station. Yet he keeps up the conversation even as he's a little distracted.

"Like the screen will light up and focus on a particular situation and offer what intel we have on it, then advocate for several courses of action which are usually to notify various agencies and operatives. If something really big happens we're mainly there as another point of redundancy, in case something goes wrong or there's something the sensors can't quantify."
Wonder Girl has posed:
Cassie is taking in everything. Looking at every door, peeking through it if it is open to the room beyond. Committing it all to memory. Since it might be a while before she came back. But she would be back. Not visiting. But as a member of the League. She just had to keep working and earn her place at the table.

She had no idea what he was adjusting on his wrist. But she does look at the various screens displayed in the monitoring room. Feeds of news stories from around the world, alerts popping up with something is of possible importance and bringing it over to another screen to add to a list for review by the person watching. Not much went to that column though. Mostly it was all automated.

"This is..."And there was that smile again as she let out a little squee sound. "Amazing!"
Nightwing has posed:

"Yeah it's..." Nightwing takes a moment to look up at the myriad displays and he smiles a little. "It's kinda cool. I forget really how amazing it is what we do sometimes. Helps to view it through new eyes." As he says that he smiles sidelong at her.

Though he does get a little distracted as he begins the procedure of logging in, importing his settings, catching up on the connections from earlier alerts and making sure that there's nothing in progress. He chews on his lower lip for a time, looking thoughtful as he murmurs. "But you're free to hang around as long as you like. If you're feeling ambitious..."

He turns in the metal padded seat he had sat down in at the monitor, then gestures to another panel across the way. "You can order us up some coffee from that console against the wall." Which, indeed, seems to be a console with refreshments and snacks of all things.
Wonder Girl has posed:
At mention of feeling ambitious, Cassie sits up straighter and uses her feet against the floor to roll herself closer to the main console. Because she is more than ready to learn this. It would be a bonus if she already knew thing before officially joining!

Then hepointed to the other monitor and mention ordering coffee. And she sort of wilted ever so slightly. But it was only an instant as she planted her feet and pushed off to launch her chair toward the other side of the room. It rolled along the floor and she put her feet down at the last second to come to a stop, spinning to face the station.

Perhaps chairs with casters had not been the best of ideas. Or perhaps the best idea ever! Depending on point of view.

And then she was lost staring at the sheer variety of snacks and drinks. "Would you like something?" she asked politely even as she began to verbalize her own choices. "Flamin' Hot Cheetos. Monster. The white can," she added as an aside to Nightwing as though that was important somehow. "Oh you have ice cream! A pint of Cherries Garcia..."