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Latest revision as of 14:07, 24 October 2017

High Society
Date of Scene: 13 May 2017
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: In which Adrien rescues Barbara from a chats-about-himself over-entitled CEO's boy.
Cast of Characters: Oracle, 142

Oracle has posed:
    So. Barbara Gordon wasn't sure she was getting used to situations like these. Situations where she wears a little black dress, and hobnobs with the rich and famous of Gotham. But apparently, knowing Bruce Wayne had some benefits. And so Barbara found herself with an invitation to this event here - in one of the old historical ballrooms of Gotham.

    It was a charity function of some sort, as far as she could tell, and while she everything that she was wearing just about /sparkled/...

    She was feeling entirely out of place. But that was fine. Situated by the snacks table, she was plucking up little snacks every so often, her brilliantly blue eyes going up to the face of the man that was currently talking with her. A son of some CEO or some other, bragging about his father's accomplishments. Barbara was being kind - at least, she was smiling and nodding along every so often - but her eyes were scanning the room.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
    A charity event. In Gotham. His father, looking to keep the elite status of the family name and the company that partially represents it, sent his son to run elbows and be the prefect manifestation of the beautiful elegence and respectful thoughtfulness that Agreste sought to project to the world. Adrien had looked into the charity and was more than happy to support them. The game of dress up and perfect smiles was just the price he paid to do good works like this in his civilian life.

    Spotting the familiar face, Adrien excused himself politely from the small group he was heart listening to, to make his way over, and not a few seconds into being within ear shot, Adrien makes a decision.

    "Monsieur, please forgive the interruption. I must steal this vision by your side for a dance," Adrien says to the CEO's son, cutting right into the man's word without really much remorse. All as he holds his ring hand to Barbara, green eyes sliding to meet her gaze as a soft smile on his lips. The slight roguishness of, of one corner of his mouth being ever so slightly higher than the other, makes the whole faint smirk read as if he were saying 'Come, duchess. I'm rescuing you.'

Oracle has posed:
    Going through Barbara's mind is a lot of... 'I don't know how Bruce does this.' It all seemed fake, and if she thought too long about it - well. It seemed a daydream built atop the nightmare of the Gotham streets. And it was hard to stare too long at this fantasy, with the reality clawing at their heels from far below.

    Shaking her out of these thoughts as the too-perfect man in front of her rattles on about his ins and outs at his company, Barbara glances up towards Adrien proper. A smile dances across her lips.

    "A /dance/?" she says, sounding as though she were in disbelief. The rescue was apparent - and Barbara shares a secret little smile with Adrien. Holding her hand out - she grasps ahold of his, looking back towards the man she first spoke to. She cants her head to the side, and grins at him. "Sorry - I'll catch you later, ah... Richard, right?"

    And she was away, before he could even correct her with 'Randall'. Alas.

    Barbara keeps her eyes on Adrien then, grinning a little more. "Thanks. If I had to hear anything more about project management or stocks, I think I was going to die. But... what are /you/ doing here?" she asks.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Yes, a dance. There was music and a danec floor that no one else was using.

Though if she didn't want to, Adrien was not about to force her.

Looping her arm through his, the Agreste heir makes his way with Barbara across the floor of the event, easy smile on his face. Whatever the man's name was, he didn't catch it either. Because it wasn't that important. Not in the face of rescuing a lady.

"You're very welcome, Mademoiselle Gordon. We do not have to dance, if you do not wish it," Adrien greets, accent on display in the delicate nature of hte words and the cadence of his phrasing as he gives her an out on the dance.

"My father's company wished to support this charity's cause. it would be rude to give money and not have a representitive make an appearance, and with Father's schedule being as it is... I was sent," Adrien explains, some how managing to just narrowly avoid making the tone of his explanation sound like he is more employee than son. The implication lurks in the shadowy underbelly of what he said, nonetheless.

"And you?"

Oracle has posed:
Barbara was not opposed to dancing. But she was a woman who had more in common with computer code and dusty old tomes than high fashion and ballrooms. Not that she was /totally/ clueless - and she was pretty darn athletic for a librarian...

But she was smiling, regardless of these things.

"Would I be against a dance?" asks Barbara. "Does anyone actually say no to a question like that, Mr... ~Monsieur~ Agreste?" asks Barbara, bringing up a hand to adjust her glasses as her smile grows a bit wider. But his explanation of the situation causes her eyes to narrow, and smile to falter and she nods her head, once. "You're doing this more out of duty, than out of love?" she asks, her voice soft.

Moments pass. 'And you?'

"I'm sure you're familiar with the... situation going on in Gotham," says Barbara, her features growing a bit tight. "I think any sane person understands that my father was a better police chief than convincted criminals, so I'm mostly here to... you know, stay present, and kinda remind people of that fact. Not that my family has the means or otherwise to donate to charity like some of the others do..."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"Is not duty to a parent you love enough?" Adrien replies on the quirj of a brow. Smoothly he gyides Barbara into the dance floor, manuveurs her lightly into place and begins a very simple kwwp up a converstion dance waltz thing.

"Ive heard a little. and im worried about it, but what can i do save support good people like yourself and your family?"

Oracle has posed:
"I suppose there isn't much that many people can do - except, perhaps, put pressure on the city council to change the law. That they brought something so obscure and out of date into practice is... strange," says Barbara, her brow furrowing with thought. She moves with the waltz, her unfamiliarity with the dance apparent - but she was keeping up regardless.

"But there's been a lot of people outraged already - I think the mayor himself is into some dir... ..." with a glance around her shoulder, Barbara purses her lips. "...I'm just going to say that I think putting political pressure on the mayor would be best. But saying such things can get you in trouble with the 'police' these days," says Barbara.

The disdain in her voice at saying the word 'police' was evident. Now her dancing was becoming a little distracted, brow furrowed in thought. "...but I know that you probably don't live in Gotham - what brought you here?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Adrien listens humming softly and those his eyes look concerned the smile never fades. Young man is old hat at the high society trick of the polite faux smile. All while leading Barbara smoothly indance, never taking a step she cant follow.

"youre right. i dont in Gotham. i live in New Yoek right now. the charity brought me here; work and school brought me to the united states."