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Latest revision as of 16:40, 24 October 2017

Central Park Afternoon
Date of Scene: 15 May 2017
Location: Central Park, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 279, Chris Redfield

John Henry Irons (279) has posed:
    Central Park, hub of activity. John Henry Irons is there and, when walking around, sticks out just enough by virtue of height and no hair helps a little. There is some busker in the park today, juggling and telling jokes for those gathered. Talking about his rent and how the prices keep going up. Like that gets more donations, the charity of supporting the busker. In the west, the skies darken a little, maybe a spring rain later in the day. Perhaps. John has found a hotdog vender, near the busker. Waiting his turn, listening to the jokes. When he gets up, he orders a dog with everything on it, and a water. Then, "This some rig you two get going, he helps pull them in, even if they don't pay for the show, hunger gets them every time?" Smiling, its meant as a joke. The vender picks up on it at least, "Totally, reel ya in, take yer wallet. Hope ya brought lots of cash fella." As he hands the dog over to John, who takes it and looks for a place to sit.

Chris Redfield has posed:
    Chris Redfield is in line a couple of folks behind Irons, and when his turn comes up he gets chili fries with onions and a large soda pop. He takes his cardboard carton of fries with a spoon and after he pays, he trails after Irons not because he's following the guy but because it's Central Park and open seating is at a premium.

John Henry Irons (279) has posed:
    Maybe realizing the other is doing the same, at least looking for a seat, John turns back towards Chris as they approach a bench that is just being cleared. "Splits, we'll call it even?" A grin offered, "Just the bench, not the food. Not my type, sorry to say, but company is welcome." Whether the other man accepts or not, John fully intends to sit there. Some food left by prior visitors, that happens too, lots of food held in hand, he wipes it away, takes that side even. "I haven't seen this guy before, but he gets the crowd at least." The busker who is moved to a chair, involving finding someone in the audience who is 100 pounds or less, he intends to balance them on the chair, on his chin. He'll left them up and all once he gets a volunteer.

Chris Redfield has posed:
    "Not your type of wha-" Redfield had been watching the crowd as he moved through the area toward the bench, idly stepping around people who stand watching the show and taking care not to spill his chili fries, when Irons started talking to him. Distracted, he takes it the other's remark about 'type' a bit wrong. "I guess I'll just have to contain my disappointment," he answers dryly as he hustles to one end of the bench to claim empty space before somebody else gets there. His own hands full, he uses one hiking boot to shuffle some of the left-over refuse from a previous visitor out of his way.

John Henry Irons (279) has posed:
    "No, I just," ponders John, then has a chuckle for the moment, shaking his head. "Its all good, if you enjoy the show, no disappointment." A look over at some small girl who has volunterred, she might be about that mark, on a good way after eating lots of spaghettie. She is in the chair, he's starting to lift her. "I think if I walk this way again, I'm going to mix chili fries with the dog." Though the works is good too, lots of relish, ketchup, mustard, some onions even. "Quick lunch break, from duty?" He noticed the emblem, natural question. The busker gets the chair to a chin and actually balances the person on the chair there. John shakes his head, "My mom would of given me an earful attempting that at home, guess that's why he's the one doing it." One hand on dog, there is no clapping, he pats a knee at least as the regular standing audiance applaus for the moment.

Chris Redfield has posed:
    Redfield doesn't pay much attention to the performance, still eyeballing the crowd even as he sets his drink on the bench next to him and starts in on the chili fries. "Not allowed to discuss operations with civilians," he answers while he chews up three spicy-soggy fries, and then he uses the spoon to scoop some meat and beans into his mouth. He chews that over a bit and swallows some before he adds, "Nothing to worry about, sir. If it were there'd be a lot more than one guy with chili fries creeping around here." He offers a crooked, reassuring grin.

John Henry Irons (279) has posed:
    A slight nod, John half turns back, fair enough. As if curious how it jumped to that. Then again, he could well imagine with some people and their level of paranoids. "Uh-huh," intones the man taking another bit of dog, chews and swallow. Then a pause and a chuckle, "If more of you were needed, I'd be leaving the area." He chuckles slightly more. Then deadfaces and looks at the guy, a 'better be pulling my leg' sort of glance, but it slips back to a smile. "They need to work on that humor then, but I like it."

Chris Redfield has posed:
    Well, that's a quick reminder why Chris Redfield keeps his humor under wraps. He is who he is and that humor of his runs dark, rubs people the wrong way every time. His grin fades and he gives Irons a curt, businesslike nod of his head before turning his attention back to watching the crowd. His chili fries are idly stabbed at with his spoon until he's cut a bit off that he can tuck between his lips. By way of trying to help the civilian forget that a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent head and shoulders shorter than him just gave him the creeps, Redfield asks, "And you, sir? Enjoying your lunch break or a day off?"

John Henry Irons (279) has posed:
    It was funny, and blunt, all at once, humor in truth. John did like it. Though he does look around too, just half a moment. And a nod, "Day off, always good. But the more I sit and thing about it, the more I want to get back to work. Need that focus, an idle mind is a dangerous mind." Serious faced, but then a grin, "No, nothing like that, just like to finish what I start. I could use more idle time. I need to figure that out, between projects. A little more personal time I think." He knows the guy was probably just being friendly, but he lets a little out at least in that.

Chris Redfield has posed:
    "What sort of work do you do?" Redfield asks, although being an ex-cop and a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent he's probably already decided the guy's a laborer which is what that huge size and musculature implies. Even if the term 'project' implies something more collegiate.

John Henry Irons (279) has posed:
    Considering that question, and the logo, John is fairly straight forward. "Systems and mechanical engineering. I focused on ballistics for a while, then energy projection. Now, I'm retired from that business. Didn't work out for me." A shrug, as if, can't win them all. "Now, I take up space in the park between jobs." A grin though, he might be kidding about being homeless there. He finishes his dog up, and crumples the paper together, enjoying the show for the momet.

Chris Redfield has posed:
    Redfield looks over at Irons with a raised eyebrow, his spoon hovering over his chili fries, and then he sticks the spoon into the food and sets it aside to pick up his soda. "Who do you work -for- then?" he wonders out loud before he takes a long pull on his straw.

John Henry Irons (279) has posed:
    "Before, Cyberdine," offers John, a shrug, he turns more to look at perform, but tilts head in a swivel to regard Chris. "Now, between jobs. A few leads. I don't know if I can take the Latvarian one seriously, but it was enough to get an invite over to the Baxter Tower." That's fairly straight forward enough without too many details. "The money now is just nest egg from the weapons engineering gig. Comfortable enough I'm not rushing, but then again, each month like this cuts into that cushion."

Chris Redfield has posed:
    "I would recommend against working for Latveria or Latverian interests," Redfield answers Irons flatly. "Have you considered government work?"

John Henry Irons (279) has posed:
    "I'm hung up on working independently," returns John, "That way I at least know where my designs are going to end up." He starts to stand. "A pleasure to meet you, I'll probably avoid the Latvarian offer, yeah." He agrees with a grin, "See where the day takes me otherwise. Its John," he offers a first name at least.

Chris Redfield has posed:
    The S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent stands up as the bigger man does and thrusts out a hand toward him. "Captain Chris Redfield," he answers with his full name and rank. "You should look me up if you decide you'd like to look into government work, John. A message should reach me if you call or write to any U.S. Air Force base. I can't guarantee you any work, but I can guarantee you an interview."

John Henry Irons (279) has posed:
    "Fair enough,' says John, taking the offered hand with a firm shake. "Captain Redfield. Any air base works for me. I'll get to trying those chili fries later." He grins and nods, pointing back to the vendor. "Just an interview, I'm confident in my abilities. We'll see how it goes at the Baxter building. Thanks."