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Latest revision as of 17:01, 24 October 2017

A Chat
Date of Scene: 16 May 2017
Location: Academy of Tomorrow, Metropolis
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Raven

Emma Frost has posed:
"That's why you need to shave every day Raven." Emma says, as if imparting some great wisdom on her student. The ice blue eyes of Ms Frost linger on Raven's greyish skin carefully memorizing the girl's face. Emma's been so busy lately she hasn't had much time to stop and visit with the goth clad heroine, but she's made an effort to spend some time with Rachel.

"I mean if you absolutely need to, we can get your hair laser removed and it wont ever grow back." Emma offers, not even sure how they ended up on the topic of shaving but none the less, here they are. In the kitchen of her penthouse with the sun slowly rising up over the Metropolis skyline and beginning to bathe the dining area in warm orange glow.

Raven has posed:
    "Okay," Rachel says, having no particular idea what this is about but rolling with the punches calmly enough. "But that's not what you want to talk about, is it?"

Emma Frost has posed:
"No, not really." Emma says, lifting her mug up to her mouth and taking a sip of her warm coffee, her eyes listing over Raven's features, "I'm not particularly well versed in small talk Raven, you'll have to bear with me." Frost notes aloud as he mind roams about searching for something to discuss with Raven before she sighs and admits, "I know I haven't had much time for you lately, and that's something I am to rectify."

Emma lowers her mug down and sets it on the table top with a plink when her fingers seemingly play on the handle for a bit, enjoying the warmth of the ceramic against her cool hands.

Raven has posed:
    Rachel has a mug of tea, plain. She occasionally pays it attention, but mostly sits on the couch with her palms in her lap, not bothering to correct Emma about her name. "I know you haven't. And that's fine. We both have lives."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma stands up and walks over to join Rachel on the couch, careful to not sit too close to the young woman. "That doesn't make it any less bothersome for me." Emma says, lifting her cup and her legs to ball herself up against the opposite armrest as she's not feeling entirely confident around the teenager at the moment.

"I see you as a daughter Rachel... like an adopted child. I want only the best for you..." The white queen says almost shyly.

Raven has posed:
    Rachel's eyebrows lift slightly. "I know that too. Is this one of those things where a person needs more intimacy?" she asks. Yeah, she came to Earth to be closer to humans, but Rachel is still Rachel, and her self-suffience runs bone-deep. She hasn't quite grasped the idea that other people can stand silence the way she can.

Emma Frost has posed:
"I don't need it from you, but I would appreciate it, however I don't want you being upset or jealous if I have someone else fulfilling my romantic needs." Emma says, probing to find out if Raven is capable of jealousy or if she has any sense of 'ownership' over a person's emotions and heart.

Raven has posed:
    Rachel isn't bothered. Her mind remains perfectly calm, perfectly balanced. "Okay," she agrees. "So who's fulfilling your romantic needs? Anyone I know?"

Emma Frost has posed:
"I'm not sure yet. I am a free spirit in that manner." Emma says smiling over to Rachel and sudden feeling of calm washing over her persona.

Looking up to Rachel's violet eyes, "What have you been working on?" Emma inquires, curious about what the half demon has keeping her busy lately.

Raven has posed:
    Rachel nods. "Oh, I thought you were trying to brag about having found a new date," she explains, eyes steadily on Emma's. "And me...not much, yet. I'm looking into ways to solve my problem with the Church of Blood. Trying to think of solutions that don't involve banishing them all to Hell one at a time. Wonder Woman suggested I talk to a paranormal investigator, so that's my next step." Oh, yeah, Wonder Woman? I know her, we're totes tight. Hashtag Humblebrag.

Emma Frost has posed:
"Not at all, but I know this girl who looks great in purple that I want to spend more time with." Emma says with a teasing wink towards Rachel.

Emma leans back in her couch and opens her body a bit by lowering her legs to a more normal sitting position and lifting her and to her chin as she thinks about Rachel's words. "We have a few mystic teachers here at the Academy, feel free to ask them for asistance, and of course, you can come to me with any problems your facing and I will help you in any way I can."

Raven has posed:
    "Is it Psylocke? I bet it's Psylocke," Rachel deadpans, but drops it. "I've met one of the teachers. She can't really teach me anything magical. We come from two different places. But that's okay, it's not a magical problem, it's a problem of people who stand to profit by hurting me and me having to figure out a way to make the profit not worth the investment."

Emma Frost has posed:
"No, it's not Psylocke." Emma says actually chuckling slightly at the tease, but she too doesn't continue that part of their talk and smiles, standing up to her bare feet and turning to face Rachel. "It is a problem of economics then! That is a speciality of mine." Emma says, her pale-pink lips curl in a deviant smile while she starts to pace about the room, mindful of the coffee table.

"What we need to do, is either devalue your abilities, existence, or even life. An option I am not fond of. Or we can over value you, make the prize they seek so wildly unobtainable that they dare not pay the price." This is the kind of problem Emma's thrived on since she left home several years ago and started her own business.

Raven has posed:
    Rachel nods. Her face remains calm, but she's pretty pleased with herself for having guessed Emma would respond to that kind of talk. "Did I ever tell you--" She pauses, realizes that's a stupid question to ask a telepath, and rephrases, "Do you know about my family?"

Emma Frost has posed:
"You never directly told me, and I'm too much of a good woman to go diving into your memories like that." Emma says, lowering her hand and turning to face Rachel. "I do seem to recall something about a demon father and your mom going to a monestary." Frost recalls and moves to sit down next to Rachel and offers her hands out to allow Rachel the sense of touch, to be a comforting figure for the grey skinned woman.

Raven has posed:
    Rachel nods, unperturbed, though a touch ironically amused at the suggestion Emma would never go memory-diving. She's distracted by the offered hands, but after a moment accepts. "My father isn't a demon. He's the demon. He's the collection of all evil. He sired my brothers and I because he wants us to break him out of Hell, and his Church means to collect me to make sure I do. We're dealing with religious fanatics whose identities are tied up in their faith and who have been promised power in exchange for success, and torment in exchange for failure."

Emma Frost has posed:
"That does make this a bit more difficult." Emma says, clasping her hands around Rachel's as she thinks about this problem further. "Then how about we convince them you aren't the daughter of the unholy?" Emma says, looking up into Rachel's eyes, there's already a few plans in mind for a way to do that, she wants to protect her student any way she can.

Raven has posed:
    Rachel shrugs. "I do that every day, by guarding my thoughts and making sure my magic comes through my human side." She does not say 'instead of my demonic side.' "But I can't hide forever. There are ways of finding me. They've done it twice since I cam to Earth, but not since I moved to Metropolis, so there's that."

Raven has posed:
    Rachel elaborates, "No one is left who knows I'm the one they're looking for, but they still know the one they're looking for is out there."

Emma Frost has posed:
"They haven't tried to get past me and my own yet either." Emma's voice deepens and hardens, pulling Rachel, if she'll allow, into an embrace. "No one is taking you from me." The White Queen makes a vow and will do everything she can to protect Rachel.

Raven has posed:
    Rachel is stiff to hug, but she gives one back, awkwardly but mostly sincerely. Briefly, though. She pulls back soon and resettles herself (mentally moreso than physically) and agrees, "Allies make it harder, sure."

Emma Frost has posed:
"You've got some powerful and loyal allies Rachel." Emma says, letting go before standing back up, walking to the end of the couch she was at earlier and retrieves her mug. Then Emma walks back into the kitchen and allows Raven to be on her own and do her own thing. Whatever that is.

Raven has posed:
    Rachel isn't taking the hint. "That's an avenue of attack, too, though. Demons aren't nice. They'll go after the people around you if they have to, and letting them know it just puts them at more risk because that kind of knowledge creates a psychic resonance that can be tracked. If you weren't telepathic, I wouldn't have told you this."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma continues to walk back towards her bedroom and with a hand on the door frame she leans her head back out to tell Rachel, "I wont tell another soul about this then. It's our secret, but I'll keep the teachers and others on guard, that's all they'll know." Emma says and then disappears into her room.