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Latest revision as of 17:19, 24 October 2017

Where the Wind Blows
Date of Scene: 17 May 2017
Location: Metropolis
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 279, Shazam

John Henry Irons (279) has posed:
    Mixed skies over Metropolis, and the region as a whole. Slightly grey, an occasionally misting of rain. The industrial area is a mix of activity, cars parked near buildings, most inside doing industrial work. During these hours the streets are actually quiet here, usually. Today is different. On the edges of the area is a particular scrap metal yard, collects old cars, does salvage jobs on buildigns before they come done. The yard is kept mostly neet too. Organized, nothing in the middle of the yard to cause injuries, not a junk yard, they're pretty professional for the most part. Inside their warehouse though, they've converted the space today. Boss away, workers will play.
    They've made med sized junk car robot suits (mecha) and seem to be conducted personal combats for the fun of it. Like a demolitions rig, but they use junked car robots to duke it out. Which is usually good, except for today. A large one made up from an old coupe mixed with some forklift parts and other larger metal armor has busted out of the back door. The man in side yelling back, "I ain't controlling the thing, seems to have a mind of its own!!" The rest of the guys inside sort of piling near that hole to see whats going on. It picks up some metal in the hard and seems to grow itself. Some sentience to the former junk bot suit and it wants to grow. It grows to about 20 meters in the junkard, and then crashes into the industrial building next to it, that's when it really starts to gain attention.
    A distant observer, Steel has picked up on some radio jitters about an disturbance in the area and is flying his way there now.

Shazam has posed:
WHIZ's resident 'teen reporter on the street' Billy Batson cheerfully makes his way along the edge of a commercial area that butts up against a number of industrial lots.

One of these is the scrapyard, where Billy can see the mechs moving about.

"Holy smokes!" he gasps, excited. "That's incredible!" He quickly pulls out his handheld camera and begins filming. "I'm not sure if I can describe this well, my loyal viewers," he says breathlessly. "These industrious workers have built for themselves amazing suits to move around in! Are they for working? For entertainment? Who can say?"

Just then, the cry goes up about the driver's lack of control, and the suit begins to rapidly increase in size and mass.

"Oh, no," Billy says, dropping his camera. "I've got to...er...alert Captain Marvel!"

He runs off toward the closest obscured alleyway he can find, where he throws his head back and shouts his magic word:

"S H A Z A M !"

A bolt of lightning scorches the air, exploding on contact with the boy, who--when the flash subsides--has been replaced by the larger form of Captain Marvel, the world's mightiest mortal!

"Time to get to work!" he says, launching himself in the air to fly back toward the uncontrollable mech.

John Henry Irons (279) has posed:
    While the Junk Yard Mecha might be hard to notice, the metal mixed monster moving amongst various metal buildings, as it is, the bold of lighting may serve as a quick indicator of where to go. Steel turns slightly in that direction, still scanning frequencies from the area. A heading in the vicinity at least.
    As for the behomouth, it has crashed into a foundry building next store, one of the last perhaps in the area. This causes an uphevel of chaos from the workers over there. Trying to get out of the building and away from it, even as the coworkers of the man trapped inside still sort of follow it. Some cameras have come out, images being captured. The beast inside has taken a few of the large buckets to pour molten steel and is attaching them as shoulder pads of some sort, its approaching 30 meters in height as it consumes or absorbs metal around it. Slowly, in a manner of speaking, taking metal from around and figuring the best fit. If only it could grow faster. That's when it turns its head, the molten steel itself. The man inside is still yelling, "Get me out of this thing! Help! Help!" Then his voice quits too, seeing the molten steel the same, "No, no .... nononono, help!" His voice more subdued though now. The factory is large there, about half a football field to go to get to the bulk of molten steel and the lumbering junk bot mecha isn't too fast, but that size and strength, speed isn't a necessity.
    The foreman in side is on the catwalk, trying to get some control, "Stop the line! Stop the Line!, no more steel." He's pushing the emergency stop button, so no more iron is melted into the molten concoction at least. But the beast bumps his catwalk, leaving him stranded some 30' off the ground in that mess now too.

Shazam has posed:
"Cripes!" Captain Marvel shouts in surprise, changing the arc of his flight to try and catch up to the ever-growing monstrosity, bursting through a foundry window.

As the foreman falls, hanging, the 'big red cheese' slows down and wraps an arm around the man's waist, lifting him over a shoulder and lowering him toward the ground. "Here--evacuate the building. There's no time to lose! Call for emergency help!"

Then, he zips up toward the man still trapped in the mech.

"Hang on--I'm here to help!" he calls in a loud, clear voice, as he attempts to alight on the metal giant's shoulder and pry open a hole in the ever-warping tangle of metal. "Just grab my hand!" the hero cries, straining to reach in enough to make contact.

John Henry Irons (279) has posed:
    The man is surprised, then as he lands, he nods, "Thank you ..." But doesn't stick around, despite the man inside. He turns to start yelling, "Everybody out." Most made the effort, and some linger on. They turn as he goads them to exit. The salvage yard workers, are trying to get in however to save their buddy. This creates a standoff at the whole. The foreman shouting to move out, the salvage yard workers shouting to get in.
    This is where Steel lands, and turns his attention to that group, not sure what's going on, some explosion, something dangerous. "Everybody out," cuts his voice over his own PA system as he moves to start pulling some of the salvage workers back to help the foreman and crew escape.
    Leaving Captain Marvel inside to deal with the out of control mecha. Its hard, something beyond just the metal, pulling it together, its work for even Captain Marvel to pry that shoulder, to get just enough room for the man inside to start reaching, and taking his hand, fingers grasping, he uses all of his strength to grab onto the hero, desparate to get out. And that is the time the arm on the other side comes up, trying to pry off the hero. But its hard work, the shoulders are so big, it probably barely touches him, can't swat him at least. A nuisance maybe, to the work of heroing?

Shazam has posed:
Just as the trapped driver grabs on to Captain Marvel, the two are slapped away from the mech by its massive arm. Hugging his 'passenger' tightly, the hero is driven through a foundry wall and skids along the ground, crushing brick and concrete beneath him, as he slides to a halt not far from Steel.

"Are you alright?" he asks the man in his arms, helping him to his feet before rising himself.

Captain Marvel looks about at the damage that's been done so far. "Is everyone okay?" he shouts, and then he spies Steel.

"I could use some help! There's something big and nasty in there--how are you at tying knots?" the man in red asks, offering a wide smile.

Then, he pushes off from the ground and soars back in at the mech, trying to grasp the hand that had swatted him moments ago, hoping to bend the hand--and the arm attached to it--back behind the mechanical monster.

John Henry Irons (279) has posed:
    The man nods, shaking his head, dizzy from the hit, and roll, but protected by Captain Marvel. "I'm good, but that thing, god above, what is it?" He scrabbles away, gaining his feet slowly as Captain Marvel looks around.
    Some shouts about who is moving which way, but the foreman seems to be winning with Steel there. That and Captain Marvel being hit aside by the monster; and their coworker safe. "Appears that way for now," says Steel as the chaos their subsides. "I can give a hand ... knots?" He isn't intuitive to what Captain Marvel meant, but he launches himself in just as quickly when the other goes in. Though he launches to just hit it, and is batted aside, skidding and recovering enough to realize what Captain Marvel meant.
    The monster turns, from the hand grab and the 'gut' area punch by Steel, skirting into a conveyor belt and trying to gain bearing, but that gives Marvel the control of that hand. Steel launches for the other. Its a struggle, it is near the same level of strength as those too, yet they're gaining an advantage. Just as they seem about to wrap up the monster, the leg detaches, and on four wheels, speeds off in the direction of the molten lava, the robot stops moving. The leg is about the size of a large car now.

Shazam has posed:
"Thanks for the aid!" Captain Marvel calls cheerfully while the 'knots' are tied and the monster is literally bent out of shape.

But, then, the one leg speeds off--and the world's mightiest mortal raises an eyebrow, clearly confused.

"Umm--ahh--what was that?" he asks, pointing off toward the hot liquid.

"I can't see where it went--but you don't need the wisdom of Solomon to know it must not be a good sign..."

John Henry Irons (279) has posed:
    "Anything to help, what is this?" Steel is questioning as the arm knot tie is coming to a close. But the leg is off and he looks in the same direction, trying to locate it. "That was the leg?" Stating the obvioius, that always helps.
    A look back to his counterpart, the red suited man, and raising a brow in his direction. "No, probably not," wisdom of Solomon that is, "I got it, on echo location." And he points.
    Near the molten steel part, its found a place to park and seems to be trying to drill in side, like to create a tap on the largest container of the steel itself. Steel missed how the thing grows by taking on more metal, "What's it even doing?"

Shazam has posed:
"I can't say I know for sure," Captain Marvel replies, scratching the back of his neck. "But it looks like--maybe it's /feeding/ ?"

He flies down toward its location, guided by Steel's pointer finger. "Better make sure there aren't any other limbs that are going solo!"

"As for you, though," Captain Marvel says to the parked leg, "we just can't have this!" He attempts to take the 'car' in a bear hug, hoping to pull it back and away from the spot where it's drilling. "Dinner--*ungh*--time--*oof*--is over!" he shouts.

John Henry Irons (279) has posed:
    "Yeah, good idea," replies Steel, keeping an eye on the current robot parts. Actually he goes a step further, trying to pull some of it apart. And curiously, leg gone, it seems easier to dismantle it, which keeps Steel busy for the moment. Easier but still takes some brute strength just the same.
    The car leg is picked up in the bear hug. The sound of steel crunching and rending as he hugs it does the trick. Its pulled away, the molten center not quite breached. The car can go no where, it was literally leg with wheels, not unlike a transformer, but only the leg. Then a popping sound is heard.
    Pop --- Thud!

Something hits the ground nearby. A little green critter, bipedal, two arms, pointy ears. Has come out of the leg and is now making a dash for it. "Ye'll never catch me, Red!" It seems downright fast.
    Steel is flying up to see if Captain Marvel needed a hand by the molten lava tank.

Shazam has posed:
Captain Marvel pulls as hard as he can on the car, nearly shearing off its rear half as he removes it from its 'feeding' point.

Then, it flips over his head as the POP! sound can be heard, and Captain Marvel manages to slow himself and lower the metal leg before he inadvertently flings it off into the air.

Spying the tiny green creature, the scarlet-clad hero does a double take. "What the--?!" he asks, glancing back and forth between the fleeing critter and the flying Steel.

"Whatever that is--I think it's the culprit!" Captain Marvel says, running after the little beast with the very speed of Mercury.

John Henry Irons (279) has posed:
    Coming to the voice, Steel looks where Captain Marvel does. "Your guess is as good as mine," even as Captain Marvel says a few more words on calling it the culprit, Steel turns to fly after it. Hard because of the foundary/factory they are in, and as Captain Marvel takes off, its clear he is much faster. In fact, the green guy zipped around, but Captain Marvel gains on him. He's slippery fast that green thing. It tries to knock over metal cans or beams nearby. Not that it could stop Captain Marvel, it hopes to by time. "Run run, fast as you can, you'll never catch ..." It has no ending to that, it is no man. It still tries to taunt. Running, zipping around corners, but each moment Captain Marvel slips closer. He can catch it, and just about the time he is ready to do that, if he catches up, it says, "No fair, you cheat." Despite all its metal and destruction, of course it was only worried about being caught and others being cheaters.

Shazam has posed:
The world's mightiest mortal is not quite so agile as the little gremlin, and he accidentally slams against a wall, a silo, a stockpile--each of which groans and crumbles or breaks apart from the force of the collision.

"Aw, no!" Captain Marvel says, eyes wide, as he looks back at the damage he's caused...which gives the critter more time to evade him.

Eventually, the hero races to catch up--and gets it lined up so that the creature is running directly toward Steel.

"Now! Quick--restrain it! You've got it!" the champion of Shazam shouts, arms outstretched to prevent the goblin's escape.

John Henry Irons (279) has posed:
    Too focused on Captain Marvel, it doesn't realize it was led back, on purpose or accident, towards the other man that was coming for it. "Ha ha ha," it looks back and laughs, at the mayhem being caused. As if it did that alone.
    That is when Steel lowers himself down and scoops up the green guy, "No no, double no fair." True, two on one, the team work seemed to work.
    This leaves Steel there holding it and looking at the other man now. Not so much the damage, plenty before they both arrived, plenty after, but more a raised brow. Again, not knowing the full situation he holds it up by the scruff of the neck, "This belongs to you?" As if its some failed expirement or Shazam helped bring it here somehow. Not accusing so much, just curious, he doesn't know what needs to be done with a gremlin once caught like this, hoping the other man does.

Shazam has posed:
Shaking his head, Captain Marvel can only laugh quietly. "I wish it were!" he says. "Seems harmless enough..." he continues, but then follows Steel's gaze to assess the damage.

"...but, clearly, it's not. I /do/ know someone who might know--but, I think, we need to deal with all of this first. Can you hang on to it for a minute?"

As he asks the question, the man begins picking up speed, attempting to rebuild the damaged foundry--or at least to minimize the amount of wreckage that the brawl and chase caused. He quickly mortars up pieces of the wall and straightens out bent and twisted metal.

"A clean workplace is a safe workplace, after all," he shouts mid-labor.

John Henry Irons (279) has posed:
    "I say we let him go," side whispers the gremlin, which Steel ignores at least.
    "Yeah, mostly harmless enough, once he's in hand." He picks up on some of the talk, stating the obvious, or making the pun. "I can, but I'm not sure if we need to," worry about clean up. Then he is off, super fast and taking care of some of that. A relief to Steel, he could of helped repair some damage, he has the background for it, but it would of taken him much much longer. A then Shazam is done. Steel still holding the culprit.
    "I couldn't agree more," Safe and clean workplaces. The workers are finally coming back in. The foreman steps up for the group, "Thank you, thank you both. I got a wife and kids back home, I owe you." Grateful to both, more directed at Captain Marvel for the personal save too.
    "You know some one?" Steel leaves it as a prompt, waving to the workers nearby, to wave off gratitude, but a welcome for the thanks too.

Shazam has posed:
As he finishes what he can, Captain Marvel exhales deeply and grins. "Alright!" he proclaims in an ever-cheerful voice. "That's about the extent of my abilities--I don't want to screw anything up that would make life harder for everyone working here."

He brushes his palms off on one another and reaches for the creature. "Yes, I've got an old friend who should know what to do. I'll happily take him now. I promise not to hurt him--just to keep him out of harm...for himself /and/ anyone else."

"By the way," the man says, "I don't think we've met, but I'm called Captain Marvel." He grins again. "I know it's a common name--please don't hold it against me."

As the workers return, Captain Marvel nods in response. "Of course, of course. Any time. I hope we've helped more than we've hindered. I'm proud to work with..." he pauses to listen for Steel's name.

Afterward, he begins to slowly fly up into the sky. "I hope we meet up again soon! I think I could learn a lot from you! Now," he adds, looking to the critter, "say bye-bye!"

John Henry Irons (279) has posed:
    "Good to work with you Captain Marvel," intones Steel as he hands over the creature, accepting he does have a friend. Steel can believe it with the man's chosen work (super) suit. "I'm Steel, new to the area, but I'm glad to meet you. I wouldn't hold a name against you, you wear the name well. I think we stopped that thing from rampaging, more than our fair share of work." As the other flies up, he wavs, "I hope so too, take care Catpain." A slightly two-fingered wave, until he is out of site probably, then he turns to the workers. To see if he can help from an engineering standpoint, most likely not in a short time, professionals will come in later.

Shazam has posed:
As Captain Marvel and his impish passenger pick up speed, the hero smiles warmly to the creature. "I /will/ keep my promise. We're going to visit a friend who knows a lot about pretty much everything. I think you might like him--or at least the decor!"

They race off up into the sky, and Captain Marvel asks one more question of the small figure in his hands: "Tell me...have you ever been to the Rock of Eternity?"